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用玉米替代大米作啤酒的辅料,关键要解决脂肪含量和粒度分级问题,玉米经脱皮脱胚后,在保证脂肪含量不超过1%的前提下,完全可以应用于啤酒酿造,脱胚玉米糁的粒度应控制在350~1500μm之间,作为辅料使用时用量可达到30%,挤压膨化处理玉米糁可缩短糊化时间,酿制的啤酒也能达到国家标准规定的质量要求。  相似文献   

通过实验室试验 ,研究了作啤酒辅料的脱胚玉米挤压膨化系统诸参数 (模孔孔径、套筒温度、物料含水率、螺杆转速 ) ,对各考察指标 (麦汁醪液的总还原糖、α 氨基氮、过滤速度 )的影响规律 ,指出挤压膨化脱胚玉米作啤酒辅料的可行性。  相似文献   

以脱胚玉米为辅料酿制淡爽型啤酒,要求玉米贮存期以6个月为限,玉米糁脂肪含量以0.5%以下为优。玉米淀粉起始糊化温度为64-67℃,终了温度为85-87℃,可添加α-淀粉酶6-8u/g加速玉米淀粉糊化。试验结果表明,用脱胚玉米可代替大米酿制出优质啤酒,产品口味纯正,风味独特,清爽,有淡淡酒花香气。  相似文献   

从水分、粒度、浸出物、脂肪等几方面,对啤酒用辅料玉米糁的工艺检测指标进行研究。结果表明。要使以玉米糁为辅料酿制的啤酒符合国家标准。技术关键是将脂肪含量控制在1%以下,且根据玉米淀粉、蛋白、脂肪的性质适当调整啤酒生产工艺。玉米糁粒度应保持在14~30日之间。采用玉米糁取代大米做辅料酿制啤酒,原料成本可减少14元/t,具有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

王志坚 《啤酒科技》2003,(12):43-43
用脱胚玉米替代大米是降低生产成本的一种手段。1 玉米辅料的选择应选用淀粉含量高,蛋白质含量适中,脂肪含量低的粉质马齿型玉米,选用新收获或新加工的玉米产品。玉米贮存期以六个月为限,因玉米中的脂肪80%存在于胚芽中,贮存过程中会逐渐向胚乳部渗透。酿制啤酒用玉米必须脱胚去脂。玉米粉脂肪含量0.5%以下为优,0.5%~1.0%为较好,1.0%~1.5%为一般,超过1.5%则不宜使用。2 玉米淀粉糊化温度的选择玉米淀粉和大米淀粉的组成结构不尽相同。玉  相似文献   

玉米糁就是将玉米籽粒按照用途轧成大小及等级不同的碎粒。在制糁前先将种皮脱去 ,碎糁时再将脱落的胚分离。玉米糁主要用于制造玉米米、玉米片、玉米粉、玉米饴糖、玉米细曲和玉米啤酒等。玉米胚用于提取油脂和蛋白质等。玉米制糁与提胚的工艺流程 :玉米→清理→水汽调节→脱皮→破糁、脱胚→糁、胚分离→糁屑磨粉。1 清理玉米进仓前用筛孔直径 2 0~ 2 5mm的振动筛清除大杂质 ,出仓时采用筛理→去石→磁选 ,对玉米作进一步清理。经清理后的玉米含尘芥杂质不超过0 .3 % ,其中砂石不超过 0 .0 2 %。提胚制粉时 ,有的粉厂不设脱皮工序 ,但…  相似文献   

对玉米提胚制糁的工艺路线及在啤酒生产中的应用前景作了研究和探讨。并对麦汁成分作了对比研究,经专家品评认为酒质与大米辅料酒质一致,不增加生产设备,可进一步提高企业经济效益。(一平)  相似文献   

玉米淀粉在啤酒酿造中的使用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米淀粉对于酿造师来说是一种最纯的淀粉原料 ,它没有得到广泛使用的原因主要是其价格比玉米粉或酿造大米昂贵 ,不过近几年来玉米淀粉的价格已接近大米的价格 ,为酿造师提供了良好的选择余地。玉米淀粉的蛋白质、脂肪、多酚含量很低 ,使用玉米淀粉作为辅料能延长啤酒的保质期、提高啤酒的风味稳定性、降低啤酒的色度。玉米淀粉可全部转化为可溶性物质 ,所以不会引起过滤问题。玉米淀粉应用的市场前景在很大程度上取决于其相对价格  相似文献   

本文介绍了玉米清理—水汽调节—脱皮—脱胚—分离等主要工序组成的玉米干法提胚制糁生产工艺及提胚制粉的生产工艺。阐述了玉米干法提胚制糁制粉的技术关键、主要设备及技术参数。  相似文献   

[Objective] To accurately determine the components and content of fermentable sugars in wort. [Method] The components and content of fermentable sugars in wort ...  相似文献   

该文通过试验研究,确定了75%高辅料的糖化工艺、麦汁16°P高浓度的发酵工艺、高浓稀释工艺。采用上述工艺不仅生产的产品质量达到GB4927标准,而且感官指标和风味都比较稳定。从而提高了现有设备的利用率,增加了产量,降低了成本,提高了企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

Extruded corn starch (ECS) was used as an adjunct during beer fermentation and the fermentable sugars in the wort made with ECS and cooked corn starch (CCS) were determined using high‐performance liquid chromatography. The flavour compounds of beer made using ECS and CCS were determined using headspace solid‐phase micro‐extraction gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and eight volatile compounds in ECS and CCS beer were quantified using gas chromatography (GC). Five fermentable sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, maltotriose) were detected in both samples, and their content in ECS wort was higher than in CCS wort, except for maltose. Seventy‐three flavour compounds were identified and quantified in ECS beer, while 58 compounds were determined in CCS beer. Both ECS and CCS can be used to produce beer; however, the concentration of characteristic beer flavour compounds in ECS beer was higher than in CCS beer. Copyright © 2018 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

酵母在添加马铃薯辅料的麦汁中的发酵特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了酵母在添加马铃薯辅料的麦汁中的发酵特性,结果表明,与在添加大米辅料的麦汁中的发酵特性相比,其完成主发酵所需时间、在主发酵阶段可发酵浸出物含量的变化、酵母利用还原糖和α-氨基氮的情况,以及酒精生成量的变化等方面均无明显区别;双乙酰的生成情况略有不同。所得啤酒的各项理化指标均符合国家标准GB4927。  相似文献   

In the brewing industry, barley malt is often partially replaced with adjuncts (unmalted barley, wheat, rice, sorghum and corn in different forms). It is crucial, however, to preserve constant quality in the beer to meet the expectations of consumers. In this work, how the addition of corn grist (10 and 20%) influences the quality of wort and beer was examined. The following parameters were analysed: wort colour, dimethyl sulphide (DMS) and protein content, non‐fermentable extract, extract drop during fermentation, alcohol content and the attenuation level of the beer, together with filtration performance. The samples (all‐malt, and adjunct at 10 and 20% corn grist) were industrial worts and the beers produced in a commercial brewery (3000 hL fermentation tanks). The application of 10 and 20% corn grist had an effect on the wort colour, making it slightly lighter (11.1 and 10.5°EBC, respectively) than the reference barley malt wort (12.2°EBC). The free amino nitrogen level, DMS and non‐fermentable extract were significantly lower in the worts produced with the adjunct; the alcohol content and attenuation levels were higher in the beers produced with adjunct. The use of corn grist, at the level of up to 20% of total load, appears to affect some of the technological aspects of wort and beer production, but it does not significantly influence the final product characteristics. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

挤压膨化技术在啤酒工业中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨勇  肖志刚  毛兴疆 《酿酒》2005,32(5):78-79
介绍了挤压膨化技术的特点、机理及该技术在啤酒工业中的应用,为该技术在啤酒工业中的进一步应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

解洪博  李红  王异静 《啤酒科技》2011,(2):29-32,34
介绍了氧、氧自由基在啤酒酿造中的作用,从自由基的角度对啤酒氧化的本质进行了诠释,并探讨了啤酒抗氧化物质及其作用机制,总结了国内外关于啤酒风味老化的各种评价指标及方法。  相似文献   

在100L规模上,通过五因素五水平二次旋转正交组合实验设计,探讨了膨化大米辅料酿造啤酒的外加酶糖化工艺参数对麦汁还原糖含量的影响规律,得出最佳的糖化工艺参数。  相似文献   

韩龙 《中国酿造》2007,(10):39-42
目前许多啤酒生产企业为了降低生产成本,采用国产麦芽替代进口麦芽来酿造啤酒,但国产麦芽的品质会给啤酒产品质量带来一些影响。文中指出了国产麦芽的质量缺陷和酿造性能,并提出了应用国产麦芽生产啤酒的工艺改进办法和优化措施。  相似文献   

To produce a beer with a high ethanol content, preliminary research on fed‐batch fermentation profiles with glucose syrup as an adjunct during the primary fermentation period was conducted. The ethanol concentration of the beer was elevated by feeding a glucose syrup into the fermentors at a later stage of primary fermentation. Fermentation trials were carried out using a typical lager strain, SC‐9, with a pitching rate at 7.0 × 106 cells/mL. An all‐malt wort (12.5°P) was employed and the primary fermentation temperature was 14 °C. Glucose syrup was supplemented when the concentration of residual reducing sugars was decreased to ~10 g/L. Results showed that the supplemented glucose was consumed rapidly and that the ethanol concentration in the final beer was raised to 67.9 g/L. Additional growth of yeast was observed after feeding accompanied by a low yield of ethanol (~0.46 g/g). Formation of diacetyl was enhanced by yeast growth and two additional peaks were obtained after feeding. The peak value of the diacetyl concentration was 1.90 mg/L. The fed‐batch fermentation resulted in a beer with an overproduction of higher alcohols and esters, indicating that brewing under these experimental conditions led to an unbalanced flavour profile. Results of optimization demonstrated that the optimal conditions were found to be 15°P for initial wort extract, 10 °C for fermentation temperature and 20 × 106 cells/mL for yeast pitching rate, leading to total higher alcohols of 173.8 mg/L, total esters of 22.8 mg/L and an acetaldehyde concentration of 40.5 mg/L. A 12 day maturation and fermentation temperature of 8 °C was needed to reduce the acetaldehyde to 14.3 mg/L. Copyright © 2014 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

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