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Improving the stability of proteins is a major aim in basic and applied protein science. Querol and coworkers calculated changes in the quasi-electric dipole moment of a protein and used it as a simple criterion to predict stabilizing charge mutations. They employed this method to propose for the bacterial cold shock protein Bc-Csp a number of charge mutations that should have a strong influence on stability. We produced eight variants of Bc-Csp with such mutations and measured their stabilities experimentally. However, we could not find a correlation between the stability and the quasi dipole moment of these variants. Possibly, the quasi dipole moment reflects only a secondary aspect of the changes that are caused by charge mutations in a protein.  相似文献   

Hybrid MalE–GVP is a bifunctional protein in vitro sinceit binds maltose as protein MalE of Escherichia coli and sinceit is dimeric and specifically binds single-stranded DNA asprotein GVP of phage M13. The oxidation rate of a unique cysteineresidue was used to compare the stabilities of GVP in its freeand hybrid forms, under conditions where MalE was either foldedor unfolded by a denaturing agent. The results showed that boththe covalent link and tertiary non-covalent interactions betweenMalE and GVP destabilized GVP in MalE–GVP. To test whetherGVP had identical structures in its free and hybrid forms, mutationswere used as local conformational probes. The effects of thesemutations on the capabilities of MalE–GVP to dimerizeand to bind single-stranded DNA were assayed in vitro. Theywere compatible with the effects of the same mutations on theglobal activity of free GVP in vivo and with the effects thatcould be predicted from the known data on free GVP, in particularits crystal structure. Thus, one partner of a hybrid proteincan be destabilized by the other partner while maintaining itsstructural and functional characteristics.  相似文献   

A structure-function analysis of the icosahedral RNA bacteriophagefr coat protein (CP) assembly was undertaken using linker-insertion,deletion and substitution mutagenesis. Mutations were specificallyintroduced into either pre-existing or artificially createdrestriction enzyme sites within fr CP gene expressed in Escherichiacoli from a recombinant plasmid. This directs synthesis of wildtype protein that undergoes self-assembly and forms capsid-likeparticles indistinguishable morphologically and immunologicallyfrom native phage particles. A series of fr CP variants containingsequence alterations in the regions which are (i) exposed onthe external surface of capsid or (ii) located on the contactingareas between CP subunits were obtained and their assembly propertiesinvestigated. The majority of mutants demonstrated reductionof assembly ability and formed either CP dimers (mutations atresidues 2, 10, 63 or 129) or both dimer and capsid structures(residue 2 or 69). The exceptions were variants demonstratingnormal assembly and containing insertions at residues 2, 50or 129 of thefr CP. A third type of assembled structure wasformed by a variant with a single amino acid substitution I104T.The aA-helix region (residues 97-111) is particularly sensitiveto mutation and any alteration in this region decreases accumulationof mutant protein in E.coli. The relative contributions of particularfr CP domains in maintenance of capsid structural integrityas well as the possible capsid assembly mechanism are discussed.  相似文献   

The average hydrophobicity of a polypeptide segment is consideredto be the most important factor in the formation of transmembranehelices, and the partitioning of the most hydrophobic (MH) segmentinto the alternative nonpolar environment, a membrane or hydrophobiccore of a globular protein may determine the type of proteinproduced. In order to elucidate the importance of the MH segmentin determining which of the two types of protein results froma given amino acid sequence, we statistically studied the characteristicsof MH helices, longer than 19 residues in length, in 97 membraneproteins whose three-dimensional structure or topology is known,as well as 397 soluble proteins selected from the Protein DataBank. The average hydrophobicity of MH helices in membrane proteinshad a characteristic relationship with the length of the protein.All MH helices in membrane proteins that were longer than 500residues had a hydrophobicity greater than 1.75 (Kyte and Doolittlescale), while the MH helices in membrane proteins smaller than100 residues could be as hydrophilic as 0.1. The possibilityof developing a method to discriminate membrane proteins fromsoluble ones, based on the effect of size on the type of proteinproduced, is discussed.  相似文献   

The pyrrolidine ring of the amino acid proline reduces the conformational freedom of the protein backbone in its unfolded form and thus enhances protein stability. The strategy of inserting proline into regions of the protein where it does not perturb the structure has been utilized to stabilize many different proteins including enzymes. However, most of these efforts have been based on trial and error, rather than rational design. Here, we try to understand proline's effect on protein stability by introducing proline mutations into various regions of the B1 domain of Streptococcal protein G. We also applied the Optimization of Rotamers By Iterative Techniques computational protein design program, using two different solvation models, to determine the extent to which it could predict the stabilizing and destabilizing effects of prolines. Use of a surface area dependent solvation model resulted in a modest correlation between the experimental free energy of folding and computed energies; on the other hand, use of a Gaussian solvent exclusion model led to significant positive correlation. Including a backbone conformational entropy term to the computational energies increases the statistical significance of the correlation between the experimental stabilities and both solvation models.  相似文献   

A computer model of the ß-chain of C4b-binding protein(C4BP) was constructed, using the backbone fold of the NMR structuresof the sixteenth CP module of factor H (H16) and of a pair ofmodules consisting of the fifteenth and sixteenth CPs of factorH (H15-16). The characteristic hydrophobic core responsiblefor dictating the three-dimensional structure of the CP familyis conserved in the amino acid sequence of C4BP ßl, ß2and ß3. The distribution of the electrostatic potentialshows that the model is mainly covered by a negative contour.Interestingly, a positive area is observed in the C-terminalregion of the first CP module, enclosing peptide 31-45, knownto be a binding site for protein S. This observation suggeststhat electrostatic interactions can be of importance for theinteraction of C4BP to protein S. A solvent-accessible hydrophobicpatch, located nearby and involving the peptide 31-45, was alsofound in the model, further confirming that this area is involvedin the interaction with protein S. The contribution of ß-chainresidues 31-45 to the affinity for protein S was studied furtherby means of synthetic mutant peptides. The results suggest thatboth electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are importantfor the binding to protein S.  相似文献   

The structures of the interfaces of nine dimeric and nine tetramericproteins have been analyzed and have been seen to follow generalprinciples. These interfaces are combinations of four structuralmotifs, which resemble features of monomeric proteins. Theseare: (i) extended beta sheet; (ii) helix–helix packing;(iii) sheet–sheet packing; and (iv) loop interactions.Other common structural features in the interfaces studied aretwo-fold symmetry, charged hydrogen bonds and channel formation(found only in tetramers). Monomer–monomer interfacesare intermediate in hydrophobicity and charge between the interfacesbetween secondary structures of monomeric proteins and the exteriorsof monomeric proteins. A typical interface has one of the firstthree of the structural motifs at its centre and loop interactionsaround the outside, where most of the charge resides.  相似文献   

The parameters used in the computer program ECEPP (EmpiricalConformational Energy Program for Peptides) have been expandedto cover some key elements in retinal-containing proteins. Theseelements are ‘all-trans retinal lysine with unprotonatedimine’, ‘all-trans retinal lysine with protonatedimine’, ‘13-cis retinal lysine with unprotonatedimine’ and ‘13-cis retinal lysine with protonatedimine’ respectively. The geometric parameters of thesefour new ‘amino acid residues’ were derived by optimizingtheir molecular structures with the AMI Hamiltonian includedin MOPAC (Molecular Orbital PACkage), and their partial atomiccharges were determined with a CNDO/2 (Complete Neglect of DifferentialOverlap) calculation. The parameters for nonbonded interactionsand torsional potentials were obtained from the existing ECEPPparameters through a logical extension. The augmented ECEPPsystem thus obtained can be employed to investigate the conformationof bacteriorhodopsin and its proton-pumping mechanism from anenergetic point of view. The computer modeling study on bacteriorhodopsinand other seven-helix membrane proteins, e.g. serotonin receptorand dopamine receptor, is under way in the Upjohn Laboratories.  相似文献   

Proteins with similar structures may have different functions. Here, using a non-redundant two-chain protein-protein interface dataset containing 103 clusters, we show that this paradigm extends to interfaces. Whereas usually similar interfaces are obtained from globally similar chains, this is not always the case. Remarkably, in some interface clusters, although the interfaces are similar, the overall structures and functions of the chains are different. Hence, our work suggests that different folds may combinatorially assemble to yield similar local interface motifs. The preference of different folds to associate in similar ways illustrates that the paradigm is universal, whether for single chains in folding or for protein-protein association in binding. We analyze and compare the two types of clusters. Type I, with similar interfaces, similar global structures and similar functions, is better packed, less planar, has larger total and non-polar buried surface areas, better complementarity and more backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds than Type II (similar interfaces, different global structures and different functions). The dataset clusters may provide rich data for protein-protein recognition, cellular networks and drug design. In particular, they should be useful in addressing the difficult question of what the favorable ways for proteins to interact are.  相似文献   

Recombinant human prothrombin (r-prothrombin) and recombinantmutant prothrombin with active site Asp419 substituted by Asn(D419N-prothrombin) were expressed in recombinant CHO cells,isolated and purified from the fermentation supernatant. Ther-Prothrombin and D419N-prothrombm were digested by both Echiscarinatus venom and Oxyuranus scutellatus venom. Prior to, duringand after activation, generation of thrombin activity and theproteolytic degradation of the prothrombin polypeptide chainwere analysed. Owing to the recombinant preparation and inactivityof D419N-prothrombin and its activation products, the proteolyticaction of E.carinatus and O.scutellatus venoms could be studiedwithout addition of thrombin inhibitor, without interferencefrom autocatalytic digestion of prothrombin and in the absenceof any other blood coagulation protease. The comparison betweenthe activation of r-prothrombin and D419N-prothrombin by snakevenoms permitted differentiation between proteolytic activationand autocatalytic conversion of prothrombin. Incubation of D419N-prothrombinwith E.carinatus venom resulted in the generation of stableD419N-meizothrombin by hydrolysis of the peptide bond Arg320-Ile321.By contrast, O.scutellatus venom exhibited activity towardspeptide bonds Arg320-Ile321 and Arg271-Thr272 and lower activitytowards peptide bond Arg155-Ser156, thus converting D419-prothrombininto D419N-thrombin and also liberating Fragment-1, Fragment-2and Fragment-1/2 activation peptide. Activation of r-prothrombinby E.carintitus and O.scutellatus venoms demonstrated the autocatalyticpotential of prothrombin-derived molecules and indicated thatmeizothrombin hydrolysed the cleavage between Fragment-2 andthrombin A-chain in the meizothrombin molecule, but not in prothrombin,preferentially at position Arg284-Thr285. By contrast, bothmeizothrombin and thrombin exhibited no detectable activitytowards peptide bond Arg320-Ile321 between thrombin A- and B-chain,although this site exhibits the optimum sequence for thrombincleavage.  相似文献   

Evaluation and improvements in the automatic alignment of protein sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accuracy of protein sequence alignment obtained by applyinga commonly used global sequence comparison algorithm is assessed.Alignments based on the superposition of the three-dimensionalstructures are used as a standard for testing the automatic,sequence-based methods. Alignments obtained from the globalcomparison of five pairs of homologous protein sequences studiedgave 54% agreement overall for residues in secondary structures.The inclusion of information about the secondary structure ofone of the proteins in order to limit the number of gaps insertedin regions of secondary structure, improved this figure to 68%.A similarity score of greater than six standard deviation unitssuggests that an alignment which is greater than 75% correctwithin secondary structural regions can be obtained automaticallyfor the pair of sequences.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the 38 amino acid C-terminal regionof the precursor for the HPLC-6 antifreeze protein from winterflounder has been investigated with molecular dynamics usingthe AMBER software. The simulation for the peptide in aqueoussolution was carried out at a constant temperature of 0°Cand at atmospheric pressure. The simulation covered 120 ps andthe results were analyzed based on data sampled upon reachinga stable equilibrium phase. Information has been obtained onthe quality of constant temperature and pressure simulations,the solution structure and dynamics, the hydrogen bonding network,the helix-stabilizing role of terminal charges and the interactionwith the surrounding water molecules. The Lys18–Glu22interactions and the terminal charged residues are found tostabilize a helical structure with the side chains of Thr2,Thr13, Thr24 and Thr35 equally spaced on one side of the helix.The spacing between oxygen atoms in the hydroxyl group of thethreonine side chains exhibits fluctuations of the order of2–3 Å during the 120 ps of simulation, but valuessimultaneously close to the repeat distance of 16.6 Åbetween oxygen atoms along the [0112] direction in ice are observed.Furthermore, two engineered variants were studied using thesame simulation protocol.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of protein fragments have beenwidely studied as models of the earliest initiation events inprotein folding. While native-like -helices and ß-turnshave been identified, less is known about the factors that underlyß-sheet formation, in particular ß-hairpins,where considerably greater long-range order is required. TheN-terminal 20 residue sequence of native ferredoxin I (fromthe blue-green alga Aphanothece sacrum ) forms a ß-hairpinin the native structure and has been studied in isolation byNMR and CD spectroscopy. Local native-like interactions aloneare unable to stabilize significantly a folded conformationof the 20-residue fragment in purely aqueous solution. However,we show that the addition of low levels of organic co-solventspromotes formation of native-like ß-hairpin structure.The results suggest an intrinsic propensity of the peptide toform a native-like ß-hairpin structure, and that theorganic co-solvent acts in lieu of the stabilizing influenceof tertiary interactions (probably hydrophobic contacts) whichoccur in the folding of the complete ferredoxin sequence. Thestructure of the isolated hairpin, including the native-likeregister of interstrand hydrogen bonding interactions, appearsto be determined entirely by the amino acid sequence. The solventconditions employed have enabled this intrinsic property tobe established.  相似文献   

Sixteen primary sequences from five sub-families of fungal,yeast and bacterial glucoamylases were related to structuralinformation from the model of the catalytic domain of Aspergillusawamori var. X100 glucoamylase obtained by protein crystallography.This domain is composed of thirteen -belices, with five conservedregions defining the active site. Interactions between methyl-maltoside and active site residues were modelled, and the importanceof these residues on the catalytic action of different glucoamylaseswas shown by their presence in each primary sequence. The overallstructure of the starch binding domain of some fungal glucoamylaseswas determined based on homology to the Cterminal domains ofBacillus cyclodextrin glucosyltransferases. Crystallographyindicated that this domain contains 6–8 ß-strandsand homology allowed the attribution of a disulfide bridge inthe glucoamylase starch binding domain. Glucoamylase residuesThr525, Asn530 and Trp560, homologous to Bacillus stearothermophiluscyclodextrin glucosyltransferase residues binding to maltosein the Cterminal domain, could be involved in raw-starch binding.The structure and length of the linker region between the catalyticand starch binding domains in fungal glucoamylases can varysubstantially, a further indication of the functional independenceof the two domains.  相似文献   

The catalytic residues of an enzyme are defined as the aminoacids directly involved in chemical catalysis. They mainly actas a general acid–base, electrophilic or nucleophiliccatalyst or they polarize and stabilize the transition state.An analysis of the structural features of 36 catalytic residuesin 17 enzymes of known structure and with defined mechanismis reported. Residues that bind metal ions (Zn2 and Cu2) areconsidered separately. The features examined are: residue type,location in secondary structure, separation between the residues,accessibility to solvent, intra-protein electrostatic interactions,mobility as evaluated from crystallographic temperature factors,polarity of the environment and the sequence conservation betweenhomologous enzymes of residues that were sequentially or spatiallyclose to the catalytic residue. In general the environment ofcatalytic residues is similar to that of polar side chains thathave low accessibility to solvent. Two algorithms have beendeveloped to identify probable catalytic residues. Scanningan alignment of homologous enzyme sequences for peaks of sequenceconservation identifies 13 out of the 16 catalytic residueswith 50 residues overpredicted. When the conservation of thespatially close residues is used instead, a different set of13 residues are identified with 47 residues overpredicted. Acombination of the two algorithms identifies 11 residues with36 residues overpredicted.  相似文献   

The protein kinase family can be subdivided into two main groupsbased on their ability to phosphorylate Ser/Thr or Tyr substrates.In order to understand the basis of this functional difference,we have carried out a comparative analysis of sequence conservationwithin and between the Ser/Thr and Tyr protein kinases. A multiplesequence alignment of 86 protein kinase sequences was generated.For each position in the alignment we have computed the conservationof residue type in the Ser/Thr, in the Tyr and in both of thekinase subfamilies. To understand the structural and/or functionalbasis for the conservation, we have mapped these conservationproperties onto the backbone of the recently determined structureof the cAMP–dependent Ser/Thr kinase. The results showthat the kinase structure can be roughly segregated, based uponconservation, into three zones. The inner zone contains residueshighly conserved in all the kinase family and describes thehydrophobic core of the enzyme together with residues essentialfor substrate and ATP binding and catalysis. The outer zonecontains residues highly variable in all kinases and representsthe solvent–exposed surface of the protein. The thirdzone is comprised of residues conserved in either the Ser/Thror Tyr kinases or in both, but which are not conserved betweenthem. These are sandwiched between the hydrophobic core andthe solvent-exposed surface. In addition to analyzing overallconservation hi the kinase family, we have also looked at conservationof its substrate and ATP binding sites. The ATP site is highlyconserved throughout the kinases, whereas the substrate bindingsite is more variable. The active site contains several positionswhich differ between the Ser/Thr and Tyr kinases and may beresponsible for discriminating between hydroxyl bearing sidechains. Using this information we propose a model for Tyr substratebinding to the catalytic domain of the epidermal growth factorreceptor (EGFR).  相似文献   

The possibility to rationally design protein mutants that remain structured and active at high temperatures strongly depends on a better understanding of the mechanisms of protein thermostability. Studies devoted to this issue often rely on the living temperature (T(env)) of the host organism rather than on the melting temperature (T(m)) of the analyzed protein. To investigate the scale of this approximation, we probed the relationship between T(m) and T(env) on a dataset of 127 proteins, and found a much weaker correlation than previously expected: the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.59 and the regression line is T(m) approximately 42.9 degrees C + 0.62T(env). To illustrate the effect of using T(env) rather than T(m) to analyze protein thermoresistance, we derive statistical distance potentials, describing Glu-Arg and Asp-Arg salt bridges, from protein structure sets with high or low T(m) or T(env). The results show that the more favorable nature of salt bridges, relative to other interactions, at high temperatures is more clear-cut when defining thermoresistance in terms of T(m). The T(env)-based sets nevertheless remain informative.  相似文献   

An advantage of exporting a recombinant protein to the periplasmof Escherichia coli is decreased proteolysis in the periplasmcompared with that in the cytoplasm. However, protein degradationin the periplasm also occurs. It has been widely accepted thatthe thermodynamic stability of a protein is an important factorfor protein degradation in the cytoplasm of E.coli. To investigatethe effect of the thermodynamic stability of an exported proteinon the extent of proteolysis in the periplasm, barnase (an extracellularribonuclease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) fused to alkalinephosphatase leader peptide was used as a model protein. A setof singly or doubly mutated barnase variants were constructedfor export to the E.coli periplasm. It was found that the half-lifeof the barnase variants in vivo increased with their thermodynamicstability in vitro. A dominant factor for the final yield ofexported barnase was not exportability but the turnover rateof the barnase variant. The yield of a stabilized mutant wasup to 50% higher than that of the wild type. This suggests thatexporting a protein to the periplasm and using protein engineeringto enhance the stability can be combined as a strategy to optimizethe production of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

A recent article [Coutinho and Reilly (1994) Protein Engng,7, 749–760] presented the alignment of 14 glucoamylasesby hydrophobic cluster analysis. The catalytic bases of twoof these glucoamylases, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomycesdiastaticus, were not conserved, opening the possibility ofa reading-frame shift error in a segment coding for amino acidsnear the apparent C-termini of the mature proteins. Indeed,an addition of one nucleotide restores the catalytic base, extendsthe sequence by 39 residues and greatly improves the amino acidalignment in this region.  相似文献   

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