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一个小批量多品种的生产计划模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用线性目标规划方法构造了一个小批量多品种企业产生管理系统的年度生产计划模型,结合工厂实际提出了在物料需求计划中计算提前期的经验公式,最后则用AHP方法确定了作业计划中的零件优先加工系数。  相似文献   

在单一周期库存模型的基础上,建立了多周期的通用件库存模型,对无通用件和有通用件的库存模型进行了比较研究,在模型中重点考虑提前期对通用件库存系统的影响,并以风神汽车有限公司有关数据进行了数据分析,揭示出基于提前期的单一周期模型中得出的结论并不能直接套用到多周期模型中,也就是说采用通用件并不总是能够降低库存水平和成本的,这个结论纠正了理论界认为单一周期库存模型的结论普遍适用的观点;研究基于提前期的通用件库存库存模型也是对通用件库存模型没有考虑提前期影响的一个扩展研究。  相似文献   

以南京某制泵有限公司为例,浅析我国现阶段企业“多品种,小批量”管理中所存在的问题。主要从劳动定额、生产管理、激励制度等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

生产管理的宗旨,是为了达到客户所要求的质量,以低廉的成本在预定的期限内提供所要数量、成品面对工厂的生产进行合理化的控制。其基本职能概括了从业务部门接入订单开始到成品进库为止的所有的事务管理。  相似文献   

面向多品种小批量生产的工序能力指数计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在概述一般的工序能力指数计算方法的基础上,提出应用成组技术把工艺过程相似、结构相同而公差要求不同的零件归类,通过数据变换转化为服从同一分布的数据,由此计算工序能力指数,旨在解决多品种小批量生产方式下计算工序能力指数中数据不足和工序能力指数繁杂的问题。  相似文献   

多品种小批量订单型企业生产调度优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究多品种小批量订单型企业的生产调度优化问题,方法针对S公司的生产现状,应用遗传算法思想设计调度优化方案,采用不等长矩阵的编码方式实现订单的批量生产及车间排产的方案。结果通过仿真分析和S公司生产调度的实际应用,验证了该算法的可行性及有效性。结论基于遗传算法的调度优化算法实现了多品种小批量流程型生产企业生产调度优化,达到了缩短生产周期、有效利用生产资源的目的。  相似文献   

“基于价值流的多品种制造业生产流程优化”是万向钱潮从精益生产角度,通过多年的摸索,为适应激烈的市场竞争.提高效率,降低成本,缩短生产周期而产生的。  相似文献   

多供应商、多销售商的两级供应链库存模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张强  刘西林 《工业工程》2006,9(4):101-104
研究多个供应商、多个销售商组成的两级供应链的库存系统,在具有价格弹性的市场需求、允许供应商和销售商产生缺货的条件下,针对有无价格折扣的两种情况,分别建立了供应商、销售商各自的库存模型;结合满足供应商和销售商Pareto有效性,建立了含价格折扣的供应链系统整体盈利最大的库存模型.  相似文献   

当今世界里,我们经常能听到“多品种小批量”这种说法。这种小批量到底指怎样的程度呢?分析一下厂方的订货情况,人们就会发觉货物的每一花色品种中不满一百箱的就占了百分之七十。  相似文献   

多品种小批量生产的SPC应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛占文  陈天骏  刘笑男 《工业工程》2010,13(4):100-103,123
综述了多品种小批量生产方式的特点以及该生产方式下SPC(统计过程控制)的应用现状,指出常规控制图不适用于多品种小批量生产的问题,提出结合通用控制图、累积和(Cumulative-Sum,CUSUM)控制图和指数加权移动平均(Exponentially Weighted Moving-Averages,EWMA)控制图的解决方法,并总结出该SPC方法用于处理多品种小批量生产中微小偏差的步骤。  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research has been done on the rapidly evolving technological alternatives for information systems and data base design. Enthusiasm for the feasibility of such systems may have overridden consideration of their value to management. In this paper information is treated as a commodity to be inventoried. Models similar to traditional inventory models are developed to include a novel aspect of information—-that depletion does not accompany demand. The concept of shortage cost is extended to provide a management tool reflecting the value of various levels of information content in the determination of optimal strategies for additions to and deletions from information systems.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on modelling dynamic, deterministic, multiproduct, multistage production planning problems as single commodity network flow problems. The advantages of such formulations are discussed relative to computation of good integer solutions and continuous solutions with additional constraints. Special results for a single period problem are developed.  相似文献   

对多品种零备件库存采用(R,S)周期检查库存策略,当总安全库存金额确定时,以年期望缺货次数最少为优化目标建立规划模型,计算各零件的安全系数和库存水平,以合理分配安全库存金额,优化库存结构.以单位库存持有成本和单位缺货成本的比值M为拉格朗日系数,应用拉格朗日乘数法求解该模型,并应用边际理论说明了M的实际意义.对不同总安全库存金额求解该模型,得到的"总安全库存服务水平曲线"说明了安全库存与服务水平之间的交换关系.  相似文献   

We consider stochastic finite-horizon inventory models with discrete distributions that are incompletely specified by selected moments, percentiles, or a combination of moments and percentiles. The objective is to determine an inventory policy that minimizes the maximum expected cost over the class of demand distributions satisfying the specifications described above. We show that many inventory models of this form can be solved by a sequence of linear programs.  相似文献   

刘华玲 《工业工程》2008,11(3):101-103
以经济采购批量为出发点通过对几种采购存贮模型的分析,建立了以获利效率为比例系数的采购模型和综合分类采购模型,使模型具有一定的通用性和指导作用,并给出其适用范围,再通过具体计算示例,说明该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the effects of alternative forms of surplus and shortage cost functions and also with the effects of alternative forms of probability density function of demand in an inventory control situation.  相似文献   

We consider continuous review perishable inventory models with renewal batch demands. Assuming zero lead time, we construct an embedded Markov chain. With a probabilistic approach, we derive a closed-form long run average cost function under the (s, S) replenishment policy. Numerical analysis is then used to identify the properties of the cost function and to demonstrate the impacts of changing batch sizes and other system parameters. Based on these results, a heuristic approach to handle problems with positive lead times is proposed. The performance of the heuristics against simulation results demonstrates its effectiveness and accuracy  相似文献   

杨静  卢岚 《工业工程》2006,9(4):24-26
在协同预测的库存补充策略和基于协同补给期的一个供应商与一个订货商之间的库存协调策略的研究基础之上,主要研究一个供应商与多个订货商库存协调策略,并与协调之前的库存成本相比,用数值实验的方法证明了合作能够降低供应商与订货商的库存成本,增加效益,给供应链带来了整体效益.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic version of the classical multi-item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem (CLSP). Demand uncertainty is explicitly modeled through a scenario tree, resulting in a multi-stage mixed-integer stochastic programming model with recourse. We propose a plant-location-based model formulation and a heuristic solution approach based on a fix-and-relax strategy. We report computational experiments to assess not only the viability of the heuristic, but also the advantage (if any) of the stochastic programming model with respect to the considerably simpler deterministic model based on expected value of demand. To this aim we use a simulation architecture, whereby the production plan obtained from the optimization models is applied in a realistic rolling horizon framework, allowing for out-of-sample scenarios and errors in the model of demand uncertainty. We also experiment with different approaches to generate the scenario tree. The results suggest that there is an interplay between different managerial levers to hedge demand uncertainty, i.e. reactive capacity buffers and safety stocks. When there is enough reactive capacity, the ability of the stochastic model to build safety stocks is of little value. When capacity is tightly constrained and the impact of setup times is large, remarkable advantages are obtained by modeling uncertainty explicitly.  相似文献   

Refrigerators based on the transverse effect of Peltier or Ettingshausen that operate under adiabatic conditions and also a refrigerator based on the Thomson effect are suggested.  相似文献   

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