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油气田开发动态规律的分析方法研究与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于油气田开发动态分析研究的调研,以梁家楼油田纯56断块为实例,通过编制的计算机软件进行了动态分析及开发效果的评价。结果表明:水驱曲线的预测结果误差较小,但不同的水驱曲线结果仍存在一定的误差,实例中丙型水驱曲线法预测误差最小;预测模型法预测结果误差较大,仅Logistic模型预测结果具有参考价值;经验公式法中陈元千公式法、美国GG经验公式和美国API公式预测结果误差较小。本文的研究思路和分析结果对油田高效开发与开采具有较重要的指导作用。 相似文献
为克服利用传统最小二乘法估计GM(1,1)模型参数的缺陷,改善该模型在中长期负荷预测中的精度,提出了基于最小一乘法的GM(1,1)模型,对离散后的GM(1,1)模型以误差的绝对值之和达到最小确定参数。由于该GM(1,1)模型中的目标函数非连续,不可导,用传统的优化无法求解,本文针对模型的特性设计了求解该优化模型的遗传算法,对模型的参数进行估计。将所提出的模型应用于负荷预测,通过与传统预测效果的对比分析,验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性。 相似文献
为克服利用传统最小二乘法估计GM(1,1)模型参数的缺陷,改善该模型在中长期负荷预测中的精度,提出了基于最小一乘法的GM(1,1)模型,对离散后的GM(1,1)模型以误差的绝对值之和达到最小确定参数.由于该GM(1,1)模型中的目标函数非连续,不可导,用传统的优化无法求解,本文针对模型的特性设计了求解该优化模型的遗传算法,对模型的参数进行估计.将所提出的模型应用于负荷预测,通过与传统预测效果的对比分析,验证了本文方法的有效性和优越性. 相似文献
将可预测元分析(Fore CA)与偏最小二乘法(PLS)结合用于故障检测,在选取合适的可预测元的基础上,运用偏最小二乘回归,进一步提高模型对系统的预测能力,克服了偏最小二乘回归方法无法反映系统动态时序特性的缺陷,并构造CUSUM统计量和SPE统计量以检测故障是否发生。最后通过TE模型上的仿真实验结果表明:Fore PLS方法能有效检测慢漂移等故障。 相似文献
针对某大型甲醇精馏装置预精馏塔系统,采用Dynsim软件模拟事故工况下预精馏塔系统的超压排放过程,得到排放流量—时间曲线。分析结果表明,最大排放工况为停电工况,最大排放量相比传统方法所得最大排放量降低约24%;最大排放量受塔釜再沸器热负荷影响显著。动态模拟为装置安全设计提供了合理的保证,为安全阀、自动控制联锁减排等超压保护系统设计优化提供了可靠的参考依据。 相似文献
SAS系统不但具有强大的数据处理和分析功能,而且用于预测的效果也较好。本文结合石油行业产量的特点,运用SAS系统中时间序列建模方法及回归分析方法对原油月产量作了预测分析,预测结果精度较高。实证表明SAS系统用于石油及其他行业的预测不仅是可行的,而且是有效的。 相似文献
示差法在高浓度含磷废水监测中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
废水中含磷浓度高时,需取少量水样稀释处理后,再比色分析,示差江经一次处理后则可以直接进行比色分析测定其含量,避免了重复的消解处理。 相似文献
针对储运中的长输管道分段铺设的问题,运用最优化原理,提出了一种基于动态规划法的最优模型。该模型将长输管道铺设问题分为若干个阶段,在确定设计方案的基础上,方便快捷全面的从若干设计落线的方案中找到最优铺设路径,而达到节约的目的,并在实例中进行科学有效的应用。 相似文献
In this paper, several competitive spatial discretization methods recently developed for the convection term are reviewed and analyzed in terms of accuracy, temporal performance, and stability. This analysis was performed using a prediction–correction DAE integrator within the framework of the MOL (Method Of Lines). The discretization methods are classified by Fixed Stencil (FS), Adaptive Stencil (AS) and Weighted Stencil (WS) approaches and their main characteristics are demonstrated via a number of bench marking tests. Of the 14 discretization methods tested, four have been shown to be the most reliable, when we consider the accuracy of the calculation and the computational time required. Application of commonly-used FS methods to convection-dominated problems containing a moving shock results in a relatively short calculation time. However, almost of the FS methods, except for the first-order upwind FS method, are unstable, providing spurious oscillatory profiles (termed the Gibbs phenomena) near the shock. Employing AS methods such as ENO (Essentially Non-Oscillatory) schemes, this Gibbs phenomena disappears. Therefore, AS methods enhance stability and accuracy but are somewhat prohibitive. WS methods (i.e. Weighted ENO schemes), which use a convex combination of candidate stencils weighted by the ENO idea, can reduce the calculation time, and are inheriting of the non-oscillation nature inherent in the AS methods. The ENO and WENO methods are efficient to track a shock and steep moving front and these methods are essential for numerical schemes which use relatively small number of mesh points. 相似文献
致密砂岩储层物性下限的确定是非常规储层研究中的一个难点问题。储层特征、原油密度和粘度、地层温度和地层压力等多种因素都对有效储层的物性下限有控制作用,在这种特别复杂情况下,动态资料更能真实客观地反映储层的性质,研究过程中要充分利用动态资料,动静态资料有机结合,综合利用试油法、含油产状法和排驱压力法等分别求取不同埋深下有效储层的物性下限。致密砂岩储层不同埋深下有效储层的物性下限与深度存在函数关系,总体随深度的增加而减小。特别要注意随着采油工艺的提高,有效储层的物性下限会降低,因此,地质工作者要不断地对有效储层的物性下限进行研究。 相似文献
Real‐time models of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stacks with high accuracy are required, e.g. for the design of controllers or online diagnosis tools. By using physical and chemical laws representing the processes in a PEMFC stack, very detailed, but computationally complex models can be retrieved. In this paper, a nonlinear dynamic model obtained by system identification is proposed for PEMFC stacks. The model structure in this contribution is based on a modular concept and is divided into a static and a dynamic part. The static part represents the stationary points and the dynamic part describes the deviation from these stationary points due to changes in the input signals. Both parts can be modelled by different methods. A characteristic map and a neural network (NN) are proposed for the static part. For the dynamic part, transfer functions and a linear state‐space model retrieved by canonical variate analysis (CVA) are investigated. 相似文献