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Because of the rarity and insidious onset of primary adenocarcinoma of the fallopian tube, early diagnosis is very difficult. Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is also rarely diagnosed preoperatively. This report reviews the value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in aiding the detection of early-stage primary fallopian tube carcinoma in a 48-year-old female. The diagnosis was based on clinical suspicion, elevated CA-125 and MRI. MRI demonstrated the tumor as an area of solid masses with marked enhancement after gadolinium-diethylenetetraaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) administration. Primary fallopian tube carcinoma was confirmed by pathologic examination. We hope that, with improvements in imaging, early diagnosis of such a malignant disease could become routinely possible in the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer has received increasing attention during the past decades. Staging of tumors before treatment is imperative for planning appropriate therapy. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of endorectal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in local staging of prostate cancer. METHODS: Endorectal MRI was performed in 31 patients with histologically-proven prostate cancer. MRI was done three to 100 days (mean, 32.1 days) after either transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) with biopsy or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Radical prostatectomies were performed within two weeks after MRI. The diagnostic accuracy of endorectal MRI for local tumor staging, specifically for extracapsular extension (ECE) and seminal vesicle invasion (SVI), was evaluated by correlating MRI results with histopathologic findings of whole-mount specimens. RESULTS: The accuracy of endorectal MRI for the detection of tumor presence and estimation of tumor volume was 48%. Sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for evaluation of ECE were 88%, 69% and 80%, respectively, and for SVI, were 66%, 84% and 50%, respectively. The overall accuracy of MRI in local tumor staging (using the TMN system) was 61%. Accuracy in differentiating localized from invasive cancer was 84%. CONCLUSION: Endorectal MRI is not accurate enough to detect tumor presence or estimate tumor volume. Diagnostic accuracy for local tumor staging is unsatisfactory. However, endorectal MRI is highly accurate in differentiating localized (stage B) from invasive (stage C) cancer.  相似文献   

Patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) have elevations of fasting plasma insulin that are hypothesized to be associated with disrupted brain insulin metabolism. We examined paired fasted plasma and CSF insulin levels in 25 patients with AD and 14 healthy age-matched adults and determined whether insulin levels were related to severity of dementia and apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 homozygosity, a known genetic risk factor for AD. The AD patients had lower CSF insulin, higher plasma insulin, and a reduced CSF-to-plasma insulin ratio when compared with healthy adults. The differences were greater for patients with more advanced AD. Patients who were not apolipoprotein E-epsilon4 homozygotes had higher plasma insulin levels and reduced CSF-to-plasma ratios, whereas epsilon4 homozygotes with AD had normal values. Both plasma and CSF insulin levels are abnormal in AD, and there are metabolic differences among apolipoprotein E genotypes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An accurate pretherapeutic staging of laryngeal carcinoma is required for most treatment planning as well as for evaluation and comparison of the results of different treatment modalities. Neoplastic invasion of the laryngeal cartilage may have important therapeutic implications. To our knowledge, no data are available comparing the impact of endoscopic examination, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging on pretherapeutic staging accuracy. The purpose of our study was to determine which imaging should be used as an adjunct to other clinical examinations in the pretherapeutic staging of laryngeal carcinoma. METHODS: In this study, 40 consecutive patients with neoplasms of the larynx, who were treated surgically, were included in a prospective pretherapeutic staging protocol that included indirect laryngoscopy, direct microlaryngoscopy, contrast-enhanced CT, and gadolinium-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-enhanced MR imaging at 1.5 Tesla. The surgical specimens were cut in whole-organ slices parallel to the plane of the axial CT and MR images. The histologic findings were compared with the clinical findings including the CT and MR images. The impact of each diagnostic method on pretherapeutic staging was analyzed. RESULTS: Clinical/endoscopic evaluation failed to correctly stage 17 tumors due to invasion of the paraglottic space (1 tumor), preepiglottic space (2 tumors), and extralaryngeal soft tissues (14 tumors), resulting in a pretherapeutic staging accuracy of 57.5%. Neoplastic invasion of cartilage was present in 28 patients and absent in 12 patients. Although MR imaging was more sensitive in detecting neoplastic invasion of cartilage than CT (94% vs. 67%; P = 0.001), MR imaging was less specific than CT (74% vs. 87%; P = 0.007). There was no difference between the overall accuracy of CT and MR imaging in detecting neoplastic invasion of cartilage (80% vs. 82%). The accuracy of combined clinical/endoscopic examination and CT staging was 80% and the accuracy of combined clinical/endoscopic examination and MR imaging staging was 87.5%; the difference was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical/endoscopic examination alone failed to identify tumor invasion of the laryngeal cartilages and of the extralaryngeal soft tissues, resulting in a low staging accuracy (57.5%). Many pT4 (according to the International Union against Cancer TNM Staging System) tumors were clinically unrecognized. The combination of clinical/endoscopic evaluation and an additional radiologic examination, either CT or MR imaging, resulted in significantly improved staging accuracy (80% vs. 87.5%). MR imaging is significantly more sensitive but less specific than CT in detecting neoplastic cartilage invasion. Therefore, MR imaging tends to overestimate neoplastic cartilage invasion and may result in overtreatment, whereas CT tends to underestimate neoplastic cartilage invasion and may lead to inadequate therapy.  相似文献   

The specimens of 59 rectal cancers that had been scanned by preoperative endorectal ultrasound (EUS) were analysed by the pathologist in order to draw a map of the pararectal lymph nodes that should be detected by preoperative staging. 389 lymph nodes (LNs) were detected in the mesorectum, close to the tumour. Malignant LNs were larger than the non invaded: 17% of the LNs less than 6 mm in diameter were invaded whereas 23% of the LNs 6 mm or more in diameter were free of metastatic invasion. The non invaded LNs displayed three main patterns: follicle, sinusoidal and mixed types. Metastatic LNs were partially (n = 25) or totally (n = 76) invaded by tumoural cells. Diffuse involvement includes 4 different patterns: cellular proliferation, fibrosis, necrosis and cyst formation. Accuracy of EUS evaluated by a "patient by patient" comparison was 61%, with a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 39%. However, a comparison "lymph node by lymph node" showed a detection rate of 21% of the lymph nodes of 3 mm and more. It is concluded that a low percentage of LNs are detected by EUS in our experience. Metastatic and non metastatic LNs exhibit a great variety of morphological features and it seems difficult to reliably correlate metastatic invasion with a specific endosonic appearance. LN size remains the most reliable parameter.  相似文献   

Results of treatment for 104 forearm shaft fractures in 70 patients have been presented. In all cases included in this study an open reduction of the fracture was followed by AO plate stabilization. Functional and radiological assessment was carried out according to the criteria of Anderson et al. Excellent and good functional results were achieved in 48 cases, fair in 10 and poor in 12 cases. The ulna united in 75%, the radius in 78% (delayed union included). Cross- union occurred in three patients, one case of destabilization at fracture site was observed, no infection has been noted. AO plate osteosynthesis proved to be still valuable mode of treatment for forearm shaft fracture.  相似文献   

In a study, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of 69 women were analyzed to define the typical MRI appearance of the pelvic floor musculature in healthy subjects (n = 20) and women with urinary incontinence (UI) and/or genitourinary prolapse (GP) (n = 49). The following parameters were determined: thickness and signal intensity of the levator muscles on each side, distance between the urethra and symphysis, diameter of the proximal urethra, and thickness and configuration of the anterior vaginal wall. These parameters were correlated with the patients' age and parity, urodynamic parameters, and the clinical assessment of the pelvic floor. In contrast to healthy subjects, the frequent findings in women with UI and/or GP are higher signal intensity of the levator muscles (p < 0.05) and loss of the hammock-like configuration of the vagina (p < 0.01). On static MRI, the morphometry of the levator musculature identified no findings typical of either UI or GP. Analysis of MRI combined with patients' parity suggests that the severity of damage to the pelvic floor at delivery is determined by the traumatic event as such and not by the number of deliveries. Urethral diameter, distance of the symphysis to the urethra, and vaginal wall thickness cannot distinguish between controls and women with UI and/or GP. Urodynamic and functional clinical parameters do not correlate with the changes in the pelvic floor musculature demonstrated by static MRI. Although morphological changes in UI and/or GP can be demonstrated by MRI, they can be assigned a pathogenic role only if clinical symptoms are present.  相似文献   

Thyroid cancer is associated with abnormal thyroid peroxidase (TPO) expression as shown by abolition of immunodetection by monoclonal antibody 47 (Mab 47). The purpose of this study was to determine the relation of this abnormality with differentiation and proliferative potential of follicular tumors evaluated by analyzing thyroglobulin (TG) expression and proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) index. TPO, TG, and PCNA immunostaining were performed in a series of 30 thyroid follicular tumors ranging from adenoma to invasive carcinoma. Our findings confirmed that TPO abnormalities and PCNA index were correlated with malignancy, and that PCNA as well as TPO could be used to determine the growth potential of follicular proliferations in fine-needle aspirates. The most discriminant parameter was the ratio between the percentage of Mab-47 and PCNA positive cells. Ratios under 0.6 were correlated with malignancy in 90% of the cases, with only 3 cases of atypical adenomas being misdiagnosed as carcinomas. An inverse correlation was found between TPO and PCNA expression, but TG, which persisted at high levels in several actively growing follicular carcinomas, did not appear directly linked to cellular proliferation. These findings confirm that, unlike a decrease in TG synthesis that merely reflects the progressive loss of differentiation occurring in high-grade proliferations, alteration of TPO is an early marker of thyroid follicular tumors, closely related to acceleration of tumor growth in the first stages of malignant transformation.  相似文献   

We report on 2 cases of an adrenocortical carcinoma with vena caval involvement. Preoperative evaluation included a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan confirming the presence of vena caval involvement. Extremely precise detail of the vena caval tumor thrombus was very helpful in preparing for the surgical extirpation. MRI detail far outweighed what was seen on the computed tomography scan and venacavogram. The MRI scan correlated exactly with what was found surgically. Although MRI scanning has been used to evaluate renal tumors with vena caval extension, few cases have been reported with similar adrenal tumors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The chemical and thermal stability of five species of mammalian serum albumins (human, bovine, dog, rabbit, and rat) were investigated, and conformational stabilities were compared to obtain structural information about the different albumins. METHODS: The chemical stability was estimated by using guanidine hydrochloride (GdnCl), and monitored by fluorometry and circular dichroism (CD). Thermal stability was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). RESULTS: In human, bovine, and rat albumin, two transitions were observed when GdnCl-induced denaturation was monitored fluorometrically, indicating at least one stable intermediate, although, in dog and rabbit albumin, only one transition was observed. However, GdnCl denaturation, as monitored by the ellipticity, showed a two-state transition in all species used in this study. Since these proteins, showing two transitions, contained a conserved tryptophan residue within domain II, these structural changes might have occurred in domain II during intermediate formation. DSC measurements showed that human, bovine, and rat albumin exhibited single sharp endotherms and these were clearly consistent with a two-state transition, while the deconvolution analysis of broad thermograms observed for dog and rabbit albumin showed that the absorption peaks could be approximated by a two-component composition, and were consistent with independent transitions of two different cooperative blocks. CONCLUSIONS: These experimental results demonstrate that species differences exist with respect to the conformational stability and the mechanism of the unfolding pathway for mammalian albumin.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of T2-weighted fast spin-echo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with a 512 x 256 matrix for assessment of the preoperative stage of endometrial carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-eight women with histopathologically proved endometrial carcinoma underwent preoperative T2-weighted fast spin-echo, dynamic T1-weighted fast spin-echo, and postcontrast T1-weighted spin-echo MR imaging with a phased-array surface coil. The uterine long-axis planes in each sequence were reviewed at separate sessions by three radiologists blinded to the histopathologic data. RESULTS: For the diagnosis of myometrial invasion, no statistically significant differences were found among T2-weighted imaging, dynamic imaging, and postcontrast T1-weighted imaging. For the diagnosis of deep myometrial invasion, T2-weighted and dynamic images showed higher specificity than postcontrast T1-weighted images (T2-weighted, 89%; dynamic, 88%; and postcontrast T1-weighted, 80%). For cervical invasion, T2-weighted and dynamic images showed larger areas under receiver operating characteristic curves than did postcontrast T1-weighted images (T2-weighted, 0.78; dynamic, 0.71; and postcontrast T1-weighted, 0.67). CONCLUSION: T2-weighted imaging is useful for identifying the stage of endometrial carcinoma.  相似文献   

A total of 18 patients with clinical suspicion of a pancreatic tumor underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced CT and MRI examinations. A fat-suppressed T1-weighted 2D fast-low-angle-shot (FLASH) sequence and a T2-weighted spin-echo (SE) sequence were applied in a transverse orientation using a circularly polarized (CP) body phased-array coil. The FLASH sequence was repeated after Gd-DTPA administration. The highest spatial resolution was 1.37 x 1.37 x 3.00 mm3. In two cases a half Fourier single-shot turbo-SE sequence (HASTE) was additionally applied. In a comparison between CT and MRI, pancreatic masses could be demonstrated and characterized with excellent image quality. The fat-saturated 2D FLASH sequence yielded the highest contrast-to-noise ratios after Gd-DTPA administration between pancreas and inflammatory or neoplastic lesion. One non-contour deforming carcinoma could be detected only with MRI and was only retrospectively visible on CT with an element of uncertainty. Magnetic resonance imaging using a CP body phased-array coil and fat-suppressed T1- and T2-weighted FLASH, SE, and turbo-SE sequences offers diagnostic possibilities in improved imaging of the pancreas.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was designed to verify how often an anatomic variation caused the radial sensory nerve entrapment at the forearm (Wartenberg's syndrome). This variation, in which the superficial branch of the radial nerve emerges from under the fascia between two slips of a split brachioradialis tendon, was mentioned once in a clinical textbook as a basis for nerve entrapment but was found to occur in 5 of 150 dissected arms in 4 of 75 cadavers (3.3% of the investigated arms) in a recent anatomic study. To evaluate the incidence of this variation, 143 operative reports from patients who had Wartenberg's syndrome were reviewed. The variation was observed in seven patients. We conclude that any operation for Wartenberg's syndrome should include a thorough investigation of the site where the radial sensory nerve emerges from under the fascia and, if the nerve emerges through a split brachioradialis tendon, the anomalous tendon slip should be divided.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in four male asbestos workers in whom the chest radiograph revealed pleural but not pulmonary or pericardial disease. Patients underwent thoracic multislice spin echo imaging, with measurement of left and right ventricular volumes at end-diastole and end-systole, and a study of the flow in the superior vena cava as an indirect measure to the filling of the right ventricle. Patients also underwent respiratory function tests and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT). Magnetic resonance, but not HRCT, showed pericardial thickening in two patients. Magnetic resonance demonstrated reduced diastolic flow in the superior vena cava in one patient, reflecting impaired right ventricular filling. All other magnetic resonance measurements of cardiac function were normal. HRCT demonstrated mild asbestosis in three patients in which neither the chest radiograph nor magnetic resonance showed signs of parenchymal disease, and pericardiac calcification without thickening in one patient. It is concluded that magnetic resonance is superior to HRCT in identifying pericardial thickening, but that HRCT is superior to magnetic resonance in identifying asbestos-related pleural and pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

The usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the detection of a masked duplex kidney system is described. A 9 year old girl was admitted to our hospital for urinary incontinence. She was found to possess an ectopic ureter associated with complete ureteral duplication. She had been evaluated for incontinence at several hospitals, but neither ultrasound sonography nor intravenous pyelography detected any abnormalities. Only cystoscopic examination and MRI detected the anomalies. Partial nephroureterectomy resolved the patient's incontinence. MRI is useful for the detection of ureteral duplication and should be used on cases in which this condition is suspected, prior to performing invasive procedures.  相似文献   

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