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Fibrinogen is a 340-kDa multi-subunit glycoprotein present in plasma and tissues of all classes of vertebrates. Fibrinogen exerts a variety of physiologically important functions, and most of them, if not all, are assigned to certain structures of fibrin including double-stranded fibrin protofibrils and highly crosslinked fibrin networks. Fibrin formation is indeed a series of highly ordered molecular interactions. The mechanisms underlying these molecular interactions have been extensively studied in the last 40 years, but there still remain many enigmas. In this mini-review, the structure-function relationships of hereditary dysfibrinogens are discussed.  相似文献   

Multinucleated cells of the giant cell tumor and the genuine osteoclasts exhibit a number of common morphological characteristics and may or may not originate from similar progenitor cells. Judging from the present preliminary results, it is obvious that the differentiation of the plasma membrane into a specialized area, the ruffled border, is not as conspicuous in the giant cell as in the osteoclast. A series of interrelated investigations including histochemical methods at the ultrastructural level applied both in giant cell tissue and cultured giant tumor cells are in progress. These studies may further elucidate the possible relationship between the osteoclast and the multinucleated giant cell tumor as well as the possible relationships between giant cells and other cell types of tumors.  相似文献   

Within the BRIDGE T-project on lipases we investigate the structure-function relationships of the lipases from Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Construction of an overproducing Bacillus strain allowed the purification of > 100 mg lipase from 30 l culture supernatant. After testing a large variety of crystallization conditions, the Bacillus lipase gave crystals of reasonable quality in PEG-4000 (38-45%), Na2SO4 and octyl-beta-glucoside at 22 degrees C, pH 9.0. A 2.5 A dataset has been obtained which is complete from 15 to 2.5 A resolution. P.aeruginosa wild-type strain PAC1R was fermented using conditions of maximum lipase production. More than 90% of the lipase was cell bound and could be solubilized by treatment of the cells with Triton X-100. This permitted the purification of approximately 50 mg lipase. So far, no crystals of sufficient quality were obtained. Comparison of the model we built for the Pseudomonas lipase, on the basis of sequences and structures of various hydrolases which were found to possess a common folding pattern (alpha/beta hydrolase fold), with the X-ray structure of the P.glumae lipase revealed that it is possible to correctly build the structure of the core of a protein even in the absence of obvious sequence homology with a protein of known 3-D structure.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a potent phospholipid mediator that produces a wide range of biological responses. The PAF receptor is a member of the seven-transmembrane GTP-binding regulatory protein-coupled receptor superfamily. This receptor binds PAF with high affinity and couples to multiple signaling pathways, leading to physiological responses that can be inhibited by various structurally distinct PAF antagonists. We have used site-directed mutagenesis and functional expression studies to examine the role of the Phe97 and Phe98 residues located in the third transmembrane helix and Asn285 and Asp289 of the seventh transmembrane helix in ligand binding and activation of the human PAF receptor in transiently transfected COS-7 cells. The double mutant FFGG (Phe97 and Phe98 mutated into Gly residues) showed a 3-4-fold decrease in affinity for PAF, but not for the specific antagonist WEB2086, when compared with the wild-type (WT) receptor. The FFGG mutant receptor, however, displayed normal agonist activation, suggesting that these two adjacent Phe residues maintain the native PAF receptor conformation rather than interacting with the ligand. On the other hand, substitution of Ala for Asp289 increased the receptor affinity for PAF but abolished PAF-dependent inositol phosphate accumulation; it did not affect WEB2086 binding. Substitution of Asn for Asp289, however, resulted in a mutant receptor with normal binding and activation characteristics. When Asn285 was mutated to Ala, the resulting receptor was undistinguishable from the WT receptor. Surprisingly, substitution of Ile for Asn285 led to a loss of ligand binding despite normal cell surface expression levels of this mutant, as verified by flow cytometric analysis. Our data suggest that residues 285 and 289 are determinant in the structure and activation of the PAF receptor but not in direct ligand binding, as had been recently proposed in a PAF receptor molecular model.  相似文献   

The antiestrogen tamoxifen [(Z)-1(p-beta-dimethylamino-ethoxyphenyl)-1,2- diphenylbut-1-ene] is an effective anticancer agent for the treatment of hormone responsive breast cancer. Previous studies have demonstrated that a point mutation in the estrogen receptor (ER) resulted in an alteration of the pharmacology of 4-hydroxytamoxifen, the active metabolite of tamoxifen (Jiang et al, Mol Endocrinol 6:2167-2174, 1992). We have extended our studies to evaluate the effect of a point mutation, a Val substitution for Gly at amino acid 400 in the ligand binding domain of ER, on the pharmacology of other antiestrogens in ER stable transfectants derived from the ER-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 CL10A. The compounds were tested with or without estradiol-17 beta (E2) for their effects on cell growth in cells expressing the wild type ER (S30) or the mutant ER (ML alpha 2H) or in control antisense ER transfectant AS23 which does not express ER protein. MCF-7 cells, which express the wild type ER, were also used as a control. The growth of AS23 cells was not affected by any of the compounds at a concentration of 1 microM. E2 stimulated the growth of MCF-7 cells but inhibited the growth of ER transfectants S30 and ML alpha 2H. The ML alpha 2H cells were about 10 to 100-fold less sensitive to E2 and antiestrogens than S30 and MCF-7 cells. Keoxifene, an antiestrogen with a high affinity for the ER, maintained antiestrogenic activities in both ER transfectants and MCF-7 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A new association of congenital familial short stature with facial dysmorphism and osteochondrodysplastic lesions is described in two siblings. Clinical abnormalities include severe prenatal and postnatal growth failure and facial dysmorphism. Radiographs show osteochondrodysplastic lesions with a narrow thorax, short ribs, epiphyseal maturation delay and slightly deformed metaphyses. Microscopic analysis of the skeleton shows pathological features.  相似文献   

Neurotactin (Nrt), a Drosophila transmembrane glycoprotein which is expressed in neuronal and epithelial tissues during embryonic and larval stages, exhibits heterophilic adhesive properties. The extracellular domain is composed of a catalytically inactive cholinesterase-like domain. A three-dimensional model deduced from the crystal structure of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been constructed for Nrt and suggests that its extracellular domain is composed of two sub-domains organized around a gorge: an N-terminal region, whose three-dimensional structure is almost identical to that of Torpedo AChE, and a less conserved C-terminal region. By using truncated Nrt molecules and a homotypic cell aggregation assay which involves a soluble ligand activity, it has been possible to show that the adhesive function is localized in the N-terminal region of the extracellular domain comprised between His347 and His482. The C-terminal region of the protein can be removed without impairing Nrt adhesive properties, suggesting that the two sub-domains are structurally independent. Chimeric molecules in which the Nrt cholinesterase-like domain has been replaced by homologous domains from Drosophila AChE, Torpedo AChE or Drosophila glutactin (Glt), share similar adhesive properties. These properties may require the presence of Nrt cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains since authentic Drosophila AChE does not behave as an adhesive molecule when transfected in S2 cells.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP1 and VIP2) receptors belong to the new class II subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. We investigated here human VIP1 and VIP2 receptors by mutating in their extracellular domains all amino acid residues that are conserved in VIP receptors but are different in other members of their subfamily. They are present in 1) the N-terminal domain, i.e., E36, I43, S64, D132 and F138 in the VIP1 receptor and E24, I31, S53, D116 and F122 in the VIP2 receptor; 2) the second extracellular loop, i.e., T288 and S292 in the VIP1 receptor and T274 and S278 in the VIP2 receptor. These residues were changed to alanine (A), and cDNAs were transfected into Cos cells. For the VIP1 receptor, no specific 125I-VIP binding could be detected in cells transfected with the E36A mutant, whereas other mutants exhibited Kd values similar to that of the wild-type receptor, with the exception of S64A, for which a 3-fold increase of Kd was observed. For the VIP2 receptor, no specific 125I-VIP binding could be observed with the E24A mutant, whereas other mutants exhibited dissociation constants similar to that of the wild-type receptor, with the exception of I31A and T274A mutants, for which a 11- and 5-fold increase of Kd was observed, respectively. cAMP production experiments provided evidence that the E36A VIP1 receptor and the E24A VIP2 receptor mutants mediated almost no response upon VIP exposure. For the I31A and T274A mutants of the VIP2 receptor and the S64A mutant of the VIP1 receptor, the EC50 values of VIP for stimulating cAMP production were increased 35, 8 and 3 times as compared with that observed for the wild-type receptor, respectively. Immunofluorescence studies indicated that all mutants were normally expressed by Cos cells. These data provide the first evidence for differences in the structure-function relationship of VIP1 and VIP2 receptors.  相似文献   

The study of the respective roles of the polypeptide and oligosaccharide parts of gonadotropins in their biological activities has been undertaken for many years through chemical and enzymatic modifications of natural hormones, expression of wild-type and mutated recombinant hormones and synthesis of active peptides. The present paper proposes a short summary of the future application prospects of these studies as undertaken in our laboratory.  相似文献   

The activity of rat liver phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH; phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase, EC is regulated by interaction with its substrate, phenylalanine, and its coenzyme, BH4 [tetrahydrobiopterin (6R-dihydroxypropyl-L-erythro-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin)]. The structural changes accompanying these interactions have been studied by radiation target analysis. PAH purified from rat liver was incubated with 2 mM phenylalanine to achieve complete activation of the enzyme. Frozen samples were irradiated with various doses of high energy electrons; samples were subsequently thawed, and several surviving properties of the enzyme were determined. Each parameter decreased as a single exponential function of radiation dose. Radiation target analysis of enzymatic activity yielded a dimeric target size. Similar radiation effects on subunit monomers and on tetrameric structure were observed. Together with results from unactivated enzyme, these data show that phenylalanine increases the interactions between the subunits in a dimer and weakens the interactions between dimers in a tetramer. These alterations prevent the natural cofactor, a tetrahydrobiopterin, from exerting a negative effect on activity.  相似文献   

The pH and temperature dependence of the allosteric properties of phosphofructokinase (PFK) from Bacillus stearothermophilus have been studied from 5 to 9 and 6 to 40 degrees C, respectively. Throughout this pH and temperature range the allosteric ligands MgADP and phospho(enol)pyruvate (PEP) have no effect on kcat. The dissociation constants of the substrate, fructose 6-phosphate, and the allosteric ligands, as well as the absolute value of the coupling free energies between these ligands, all increase when the pH is raised, indicating that the inhibition by PEP and the activation by MgADP increase despite each ligand's somewhat lower affinity. However, the constituent coupling enthalpies and entropies substantially diminish in absolute value as pH is increased, suggesting that the magnitudes of molecular perturbations engendered by the binding of allosteric ligands do not correlate with the magnitudes of the functional consequences of those perturbations. Temperature and pH exert their influence on the observed allosteric behavior by changing the relative contributions made by the largely compensating DeltaH and TDeltaS terms to the coupling free energy.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that gastrin induces a rapid and transient tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C gamma 1 (PLC gamma 1) in association with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) formation in rat colonic epithelial cells (34). In this study, we demonstrate that gastrin regulates IP3 formation mainly through PLC gamma 1 isozyme. Immunoblotting analysis revealed the expression of PLC beta 3 and -gamma 1, but not PLC beta 1, -beta 2, or -beta 4 in the rat colonic epitheliums. To explore what PLC isozyme(s) modulates gastrin effect on IP3, immunoneutralizing antibody to PLC beta 1, -beta 3, or -gamma 1 was introduced into the colonic cells using a lipid carrier. The gastrin-stimulated increase in IP3 concentration was specifically prevented by anti-PLC gamma 1 but not by anti-PLC beta 1 or -beta 3 antibody. Immunoprecipitation assays have also revealed that gastrin promoted an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation and co-precipitation of a 60 kDa src kinase with PLC gamma 1. Administration of antibody specific to pp60c-src into the colonic cells prevented the gastrin-stimulated increases in IP3. Tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC gamma 1 may be a major mechanism through which gastrin regulates IP3 level in the colonic cells. Pretreatment of cells with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein abrogated gastrin's effect on IP3, while extended pretreatment with pertussis toxin, a G-protein inhibitor, did not affect the ability of gastrin to stimulate IP3 formation. Colonic cells expressed the G alpha i subunits1-3; however, immunoblotting analysis did not reveal any difference in G alpha i proteins' expression between control and gastrin treated cells. The results provide direct evidence that gastrin regulates IP3 level by a signaling mechanism that involves PLC gamma 1 and pp60c-src kinase.  相似文献   

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