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The Gene Expression Database (GXD) is a community resource that stores and integrates expression information for the laboratory mouse, with a particular emphasis on mouse development, and makes these data freely available in formats appropriate for comprehensive analysis. GXD is implemented as a relational database and integrated with the Mouse Genome Database (MGD) to enable global analysis of genotype, expression and phenotype information. Interconnections with sequence databases and with databases from other species further extend GXD's utility for the analysis of gene expression data. GXD is available through the Mouse Genome Informatics Web Site at http://www.informatics.jax.org/  相似文献   

CC chemokines are cytokines that attract and activate leukocytes. The human genes for the CC chemokines are clustered on chromosome 17. To elucidate the genomic organization of the CC chemokine genes, we constructed a YAC contig comprising 34 clones. The contig was shown to contain all 10 CC chemokine genes reported so far, except for one gene whose nucleotide sequence is not available. The contig also contains 4 CC chemokine-like genes, which were deposited in GenBank as ESTs and are here referred to as NCC-1, NCC-2, NCC-3, and NCC-4. Within the contig, the CC chemokine genes were localized in two regions. In addition, the CC chemokine genes were more precisely mapped on chromosome 17q11.2 using a somatic cell hybrid cell DNA panel containing various portions of human chromosome 17. Interestingly, a reciprocal translocation t(Y;17) breakpoint, contained in the hybrid cell line Y1741, lay between the two chromosome 17 chemokine gene regions covered by our YAC contig. From these results, the order and the orientation of CC chemokine genes on chromosome 17 were determined as follows: centromere-neurofibromatosis 1-(MCP-3, MCP-1, NCC-1, I-309)-Y1741 breakpoint-RANTES-(LD78gamma, AT744.2, LD78beta)-(NCC-3, NCC-2, AT744.1, LD78alpha)-NCC-4-retinoic acid receptor alpha- telomere.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with evaporative light-scattering detection was developed for the analysis of intact lipid classes in nervous tissue. The method had the ability to resolve plasmalogen-phosphatidyl-ethanolamine and diacyl-phosphatidylethanolamine along with other major phospholipid classes in a single run. This technique was employed for the investigation of the effects of chronic alcohol consumption on the membrane lipid class composition of human brains (alcoholics, n = 13; controls, n = 11). Measurements were performed on cholesterol, cerebrosides, sulfatides, phospholipids and sphingolipids in total lipid extracts of white matter, gray matter and cerebellar regions of human brains. No significant differences in the lipid class composition between the groups were observed.  相似文献   

Previous reports concerning the location of D18S44 with respect to the centromere have been ambiguous. Also, it has not been possible, based on formerly reported markers, to show that contigs WC18.0 and WC18.1 overlap. However, the data presented here definitively show, using FISH technology, that D18S44 (located on WC18.0) maps to proximal 18q. Furthermore, inter-Alu fingerprinting shows a clear overlap between WC18.0 and WC18.1, thereby establishing a complete contig between D18S44 and markers from WC18.1.  相似文献   

We present a comparative map of genes on human chromosome 22q and homologous loci in the mouse genome. Gene order in humans was established using a panel of somatic cell hybrids. Genetic maps spanning homologous segments on three mouse chromosomes were generated using an interspecific backcross. The conserved linkage between human chromosome 22 and mouse chromosome 16 includes two closely linked loci, Comt and IgI-1. The second conserved linkage involves human chromosome 22 and mouse chromosome 11 and contains two genetically and physically linked loci, Lif and Nfh. Finally, conserved synteny involving mouse chromosome 15 and human chromosome 22 spans 30 cM and contains five loci (Acr, Bzrp, Dia-1, Il2rb and Pdgfb). Loci within this conserved synteny have been sublocalized to different portions of human chromosome 22. The order of genes on mouse chromosome 15 and human chromosome 22 provides further evidence for chromosomal rearrangements within the conserved synteny that have occurred since the divergence of lineages leading to mice and humans.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma with IgG kappa monoclonal gammopathy and oliguric renal failure requiring hemodialysis was diagnosed in a 49-year-old man. Conventional therapy with VAD (vincristin, adriamycin, dexamethasone) failed to induce a complete response (CR) but this was subsequently obtained following two cycles of high-dose intravenous melphalan (70 mg/m2). A relapse occurred 8 months after CR which was treated by intensive myeloablative therapy combining total body irradiation (6 Gy over 2 days) and high-dose intravenous melphalan (140 mg/m2) followed by supportive PBSC transplantation. Hemodialysis was performed every other day during the myeloablative therapy and subsequent aplasia. Fluid subtraction allowed 1500 Cal/day intravenous alimentation and the only adverse event observed was a severe mucositis. A second CR was obtained which lasted 14 months. This observation indicates that multiple myeloma patients with end-stage renal failure can receive intensive myeloablative therapy without major toxicity.  相似文献   

A microsatellite genetic linkage map of human chromosome 13   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have characterized 21 polymorphic (CA)n microsatellites for the development of a genetic map of chromosome 13. Fifteen markers were isolated from a flow-sorted chromosome 13 library, four CA repeats were derived from NotI-containing cosmid clones, and two polymorphic markers were described previously (J. L. Weber, A. E. Kwitek, and P. E. May, 1990, Nucleic Acids Res. 18: 4638; L. Warnich, I. Groenwald, L. Laubscher, and A. E. Retief, 1991, Am. J. Hum. Genet. 49(Suppl.): 372 (Abstract)). Regional localization for all of the markers was performed by amplification of DNA from five somatic cell hybrids containing different deletions of chromosome 13. Genetic markers were shown to be distributed throughout 6 of the 11 resolvable chromosomal subregions. Using data from nine families provided by the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), a framework map of 12 of these 21 markers was developed. Six of the 12 markers form three pairs, with each two members of a pair being tightly linked, such that nine systems of markers can be distinguished. The average heterozygosity of these 12 markers is 0.75. The total length of the sex-averaged map is 65.4 cM (Kosambi), with an average distance of 8.2 cM between systems of markers (eight intervals). Seven remaining markers were placed provisionally into the framework map.  相似文献   

We have constructed a chromosome 13 somatic cell hybrid map using seven cell lines: PGMEA6, a hybrid containing the entire chromosome 13, and six hybrids containing various deletions of chromosome 13 (BARF7, PPF22, KBF11, KSF39, CF25, and CF27). We have mapped 80 markers that define 10 regions of chromosome 13 with respect to 10 breakpoints in the mapping panel; these regions range in size from 4 to 24 Mb, with an average size of 8 Mb. The 80 markers sublocalized on our mapping panel include 10 Alu-PCR clones, 6 of which were converted to sequence-tagged sites; 40 (CA)n repeat-containing clones, 27 of which are microsatellite PCR markers; 8 (AAAG)n repeat-containing PCR markers, 1 two-allele PCR marker, 4 genes or expressed sequences, and 17 anonymous DNA probes. This low-resolution physical map can be used as a backbone map for more refined physical mapping using radiation hybrids or yeast artificial chromosomes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine concentrations of chondroitin sulphate (CS) and keratan sulphate (KS) epitopes, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronan (HA) in knee synovial fluid (SF) from normal subjects and patients with osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA), to test whether these variables may be used as markers of the OA process. METHODS: OA was subdivided into large joint OA (LJOA), nodal generalised OA (NGOA), and OA with calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition (CPA). Clinical assessment of inflammation (0-6) was undertaken on OA and RA knees. Knee SF was examined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for: CS epitopes, using monoclonal antibodies 3-B-3 and 7-D-4; KS epitope using monoclonal antibody 5-D-4; and HA, using biotinylated HA binding region of cartilage proteoglycan. Total sulphated GAGs were measured by dye binding with 1:9 dimethylmethylene blue. RESULTS: Increased SF 3-B-3 concentrations and 3-B-3/GAG ratio were found in OA, compared with RA or normal knees, with higher 3-B-3 and 3-B-3/GAG in LJOA and NGOA than in CPA. SF 7-D-4 and 7-D-4/GAG were reduced in RA, compared with normal and OA; SF 5-D-4 was reduced in OA compared with normal. GAG and HA concentrations were decreased in both OA and RA. No correlations with radiographic scores were observed, but SF 7-D-4 was lower in 'inflamed' compared with 'non-inflamed' RA and OA knees. In patients with bilateral samples there were strong correlations between right and left knees for all SF variables. CONCLUSIONS: Changed concentrations of SF CS and KS can be detected in OA with a profile that differs from that seen in RA. Clinical subgrouping and local joint inflammation may influence these measures, supporting different pathogenesis within OA subgroups and requirement for careful patient characterisation in SF studies.  相似文献   

We have mapped 1001 novel sequence-tagged sites on human chromosome 14. The mean spacing between markers is approximately 90 kb, most markers are mapped with a resolution of better than 100 kb, and physical distances are determined. The map was produced using HAPPY mapping, a simple and widely applicable in vitro approach that is analogous to linkage or to radiation hybrid mapping, but that circumvents many of the difficulties and potential artifacts associated with these methods. We show also that the map serves as a robust scaffold for building physical maps using large-insert clones.  相似文献   

RecA-assisted restriction endonuclease (RARE) cleavage is an "Achilles' heel" approach to restriction mapping whereby a RecA-protein-oligodeoxynucleotide complex protects an individual restriction site from methylation, thus limiting subsequent digestion to a single, predetermined site. We have used RARE cleavage to cut yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) at specific EcoRI sites located within or adjacent to sequence-tagged sites (STSs). Each cleavage reaction produces two YAC fragments whose sizes are a direct measure of the position of the STS in the YAC. In this fashion, we have positioned 45 STSs within a contig of 19 independent YACs and constructed a detailed RARE-cleavage map that represents 8.4 Mbp of human chromosome 6p21.3-22. By comparing maps of overlapping YACs, we were able to detect seven internal deletions that ranged from approximately 75 kbp to approximately 1 Mbp in size. Thirteen pairs of EcoRI sites were targeted for double RARE cleavage in uncloned total human DNA. The excised fragments, up to 2 Mbp in size, were resolved by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and were detected by hybridization. In general, the genomic RARE-cleavage results support the YAC-based map. In one case, the distance in uncloned DNA between the two terminal EcoRI sites of a YAC insert was approximately 1 Mbp larger than the YAC itself, indicating a major deletion. The general concept of RARE-cleavage mapping as well as its applications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome 22q11 contains a large number of interesting loci, including genes associated with cancer and developmental defects. The region is also the site of the lambda immunoglobulin variable and constant regions and the BCR, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and GGT-like activity multigene families. Because of the complexities associated with mapping highly related gene families, we have examined the utility of mapping large areas of DNA using a defined approach. A total of 21 complete NotI sites from band q11 were cloned and ordered into six noncontiguous clusters of sites using a combination of somatic cell hybrid panels, NotI jumping and linking libraries, and fluorescence in situ hybridization. The largest cluster spanned an estimated 2 Mb of NotI fragments, the smallest 115 kb. Approximately 3.5 Mb of band q11 could be examined for rearrangements in NotI restriction enzyme fragments. A number of conserved sequences, two genes, and a minimum of two families of related sequences were identified adjacent to NotI sites.  相似文献   

The ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene is responsible for some forms of malignant hyperthermia and has been localized to 19q13.1. Central core disease is a genetic myopathy that is genetically linked to RYR1. We have identified an overlapping set of cosmid and YAC clones that spans more than 800 kb and includes the RYR1 gene (approximately 205 kb). Cosmids from this region were identified by screening three chromosome 19 cosmid libraries (11-fold coverage) with six subclones representing the entire RYR1 cDNA. Genomic sequences from positive cosmids were then used as probes to identify additional cosmids. A minimally overlapping set of 23 cosmids was assembled into two contigs on the basis of restriction fragment analysis and hybridization data. Three YAC clones were isolated by screening a human YAC library with selected cosmid inserts. Overlaps among these YACs and the cosmid contigs were determined by hybridizing YAC Alu-PCR products to cosmid DNAs. The YACs bridged the gap between the cosmid contigs and extended the contig on both sides. Fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments positioned the RYR1 contig between GPI, MAG, and D19S191 on the proximal side and D19S190, CYP2A, CYP2F, SNRPA, BCKDHA, and other markers on the distal side. The 800-kb contig of cloned reagents will facilitate the detailed characterization of the RYR1 gene and other loci that may be closely related to central core disease.  相似文献   

The childhood spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs) are the most common, serious neuromuscular disorders of childhood second to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A single locus for these disorders has been mapped by recombination events to a region of 0.7 centimorgan (range, 0.1-2.1 centimorgans) between loci D5S435 and MAP1B on chromosome 5q11.2-13.3. By using PCR amplification to screen yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) DNA pools and the PCR-vectorette method to amplify YAC ends, a YAC contig was constructed across the disease gene region. Nine walk steps identified 32 YACs, including a minimum of seven overlapping YAC clones (average size, 460 kb) that span the SMA region. The contig is characterized by a collection of 30 YAC-end sequence tag sites together with seven genetic markers. The entire YAC contig spans a minimum of 3.2 Mb; the SMA locus is confined to roughly half of this region. Microsatellite markers generated along the YAC contig segregate with the SMA locus in all families where the flanking markers (D5S435 and MAP1B) recombine. Construction of a YAC contig across the disease gene region is an essential step in isolation of the SMA-encoding gene.  相似文献   

Seven patients with acute or chronic unilateral hypoglossal nerve lesions were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. In patients with acute to subacute tongue paralysis, the base of the ipsilateral side of the tongue appeared expanded and showed increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. This appearance was suggestive of an infiltrative mass lesion within the tongue. These radiographic findings are due to the pathophysiological process of nerve injury and muscle denervation.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous infusion ports (SIPs) represent a valid method for long-term chemotherapy. The SIPs have several advantages over other methods of venous access: they are easy to implant under local anaesthesia, have less discomfort for the patients, allow low costs, can be implanted in day hospital, and can be managed ambulatorily. However, SIPs have delayed complications, frequently related to clinical conditions of the neoplastic patients, and immediate complications, often due to the placement technique. From March 1992 to March 1997 we placed, under local anaesthesia and under fluoroscopic control, 102 SIPs in 99 general oncology patients for long-term chemotherapy (88% solid, 12% haematological tumours). The percutaneous venous access devices were in the subclavian vein in 96% of the cases and in the internal jugular vein in 4% of them. Immediate complications were: 1 haemopneumothorax, which required thoracic aspirations and two blood transfusions, 1 loop of the tunneled part of the catheter without alterations in SIP function, and 1 left jugular thrombosis in a patient with subclavian veins already thrombosed. The venous access was in the subclavian vein in the first 2 cases, and it was not necessary to suspend the therapeutic program. In the third instance, implanted in jugular vein, it was necessary to remove the SIP. Delayed complications were: 1 necrosis of the skin over the port, 1 infection of subcutaneous pocket, 2 infections of the system, 1 catheter deconnection, and 3 catheter ruptures with embolization of the catheter tip. The SIPs were removed in all cases but 1 in whom infection was successfully treated by appropriate antibiotic therapy. Embolization of the catheter required removal from the pulmonary artery under fluoroscopic guidance in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. In conclusion, infection and thrombosis are the two major complications of SIP in general oncology patients. In these cases it is not necessary to remove systematically the system, but a correct therapy (antibiotic, fibrinolytic agents) can be utilized with good results. The catheter rupture is often due to the wear over the costoclavicular angle. The interventional radiology is the method of choice in the treatment of the catheter embolization by rupture or dislocation. The experience of the surgical and nursing staff is probably the most important factor in decreasing the total rate of complications.  相似文献   

Renal medullary carcinoma is a recently described tumor that occurs exclusively in patients with sickle cell trait. Although extremely rare, the distinctive demographic, clinical, and radiologic findings should suggest the diagnosis of this aggressive neoplasm.  相似文献   

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