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This study compared radiologic and ultrasonographic methods of evaluation of patella position. The radiologic examination was based on the evaluation of Insall and Salvati's index (I-S index), whereas the ultrasonographic examination was based on the determination of analogous coefficient called the patellar tendon-patellar coefficient (T-P coefficient). The total number of examined knee joints was 55 in 30 patients (13 children, aged 7-16 years and 17 adults aged 17-39 years) with knee pain. Considerable differences of the evaluated parameters were observed in the group of examined children: I-S index, 1.50; T-P coefficient, 1.20; and small differences in the group of adults: 1.17 and 1.32, respectively. Those differences resulted from difficulties with interpretation of the apparent radiologic picture of the knee joint with the patella incompletely ossified. The ultrasonographic picture in both children and adults is a real picture, and the possibilities of its interpretation are independent of the degree of patellar ossification.  相似文献   

Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I), a 7.65 kD protein which has a variety of metabolic functions, is being evaluated for its therapeutic benefit in several disease states. To sustain therapeutic blood levels in a number of these instances, IGF-I needs to be administered repeatedly. The objective of these studies was the development of a sustained-release depot delivery system for this protein which would replace repeated administration. Using a multivesicular liposome drug delivery system (DepoFoam), sustained delivery kinetics have been observed for IGF-I. IGF-I was successfully encapsulated in this system with good efficiency. The integrity of the encapsulated protein was maintained, as characterized by physiochemical (HPLC, SDS-PAGE), and by biological methods (mitogenic activity). The DepoIGF-I particles were also characterized by their morphology (particles were smooth, multivesicular, and there was no debris), particle size (ranged from 18 to 20 microm), and in vitro and in vivo release kinetics of IGF-I. The DepoIGF-I particles released the protein drug in a sustained manner both in vitro and in vivo without a rapid initial release, and the released protein maintained its structural integrity and biological activity. The in vitro studies in human plasma at 37 degreesC showed that the DepoIGF-I particles released IGF-I slowly over several days; 70-80% of the protein was released in 6-7 days. In a pharmacokinetic in vivo study, after subcutaneous injections in rats, IGF-I levels were sustained for 5-7 days with DepoIGF-I formulation, whereas IGF-I in the free form was cleared in 1 day. DepoFoam technology provides a pharmaceutically useful system of sustained delivery for proteins, which can be extended to other therapeutic macromolecules.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Accelerated arteriosclerosis limits the survival of transplanted hearts. We hypothesized that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is crucial in accelerating transplant arteriosclerosis. Recently, we reported that exposure to IGF-I prior to transplantation accelerates transplant arteriosclerosis in the rat aorta allograft model. Here, we studied the mechanism whereby IGF-I exposure accelerates transplant arteriosclerosis. METHODS: The abdominal aorta was harvested from male Brown Norway rats and exposed to 0, 200, or 500 ng/ml of IGF-I at 37 degrees C for 30 min prior to transplantation to the abdominal position of male Lewis rats. The allografts were harvested 14 days later and processed for immunohistochemical staining for alpha-actin, growth factors (IGF-I, IGF-I receptor, platelet-derived growth factor-BB, and basic fibroblast growth factor), and immunological markers (major histocompatibility complex class II antigen, macrophage, and CD4- and CD8-positive T cells). RESULTS: By 14 days, the ex vivo IGF-I donor aorta treatment with IGF-I increased in a concentration-dependent manner the expression of IGF-I and IGF-I receptor in both the intima and the adventitia. In contrast, the expression of platelet-derived growth factor-BB was decreased in a concentration-dependent manner in the intima while basic fibroblast growth factor remained unchanged. The cell-mediated immune response was not affected by IGF-I at 14 days after transplantation, which suggests that the immune events associated with acceleration of transplant arteriosclerosis may occur at an earlier time. CONCLUSION: Acceleration of transplant arteriosclerosis by exposure to IGF-I is associated with increased IGF-I ligand and receptor expression in the allograft vascular wall. These data further suggest that IGF-I may be a major factor in mediating graft arteriosclerosis.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factors (IGF) I and II regulate metabolism, mitogenesis, differentiation, and apoptosis. The therapeutic uses of IGF-I have been discussed extensively; however, excessive activity of the IGF ligands and IGF-I receptor has been suggested as a factor in tumorigenesis. The inhibition of apoptosis by IGF-I is believed to be particularly important for the stimulation of tumor growth. This study examined whether systemic recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) therapy affects the growth of fibrosarcomas derived from fibroblasts expressing the IGF-I receptor at high or naturally occurring densities (1.9 x 10(5) compared with 1.6 x 10(4) IGF-I receptors/cell) in athymic nude mice. Treatment with 4 or 10 mg/kg rhIGF-I resulted in a marked reduction in the tumor latency and stimulated the growth of fibrosarcomas that overexpressed the IGF-I receptor. The latency and growth of fibrosarcomas expressing parental levels of the IGF-I receptor were not affected by rhIGF-I therapy. Analysis of mitosis by histone H3 mRNA in situ hybridization and of apoptosis by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling assay indicated that rhIGF-I-stimulated tumor growth was associated with a marked increase in mitogenesis; however, there was no evidence for any significant effect on apoptosis. These data imply that: (a) systemic rhIGF-I can stimulate the growth of tumors directly by stimulating mitosis; and (b) a reasonable level of IGF-I receptor expression is required for stimulation of tumor growth by systemic rhIGF-I.  相似文献   

The goal of our study was to compare the clinical usefulness of plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (with and without binding protein extraction) and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) measurements in the diagnosis of growth hormone (GH) disorders in adults. IGF-I and IGFBP-3 concentrations were measured in 25 acromegalic and 25 GH-deficient adult (GHDA) subjects (20-76 years) by comparison to a control population (n = 81) after age and sex stratification. In untreated acromegaly, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were clearly increased (10 times the mean of controls for unextracted IGF-I, 4 times for extracted IGF-I and 2 times for IGFBP-3). Using the mean + 2SD of the control population as the cut-off point, the sensitivity of IGF-I for the diagnosis of acromegaly was higher than that of IGFBP-3 (unextracted IGF-I: 96% and extracted IGF-I: 100% vs IGFBP-3: 76%). In GHDAs, IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were decreased (34% of the mean of controls for unextracted IGF-I, 37% for extracted IGF-I and 70% for IGFBP-3). Using the mean - 2SD of the control population as the cut-off point, the sensitivity of IGF-I measurement for the diagnosis of GHDA was relatively low, but better for unextracted (68%) than for extracted IGF-I (52%). The sensitivity of IGFBP-3 was much lower (36%), thus invalidating this parameter for the diagnosis of GHDA. Our observations demonstrate that IGF-I measurement is a more powerful tool than IGFBP-3 measurement for the diagnosis of GH disorders in adults. Both IGF-I and IGFBP-3 are very useful for the diagnosis of acromegaly, but they are less reliable for diagnosing GHDA, as normal IGF-I or IGFBP-3 values do not rule out GH deficiency.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate whether there are cell-specific distributions of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the endometrium, and to determine whether or not the expression of these factors varies with the stage of the estrous cycle. Fifty-four endometrial biopsy specimens were collected from normal cycle Holstein-Friesian heifers. The endometrial specimens were divided into nine groups (at least five different animals per group) corresponding to the following days of the cycle: days 20-0, 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-17, and 18-19 (day 0 = estrus). IGF-I and EGF were localized by immunohistochemistry in the intact heifer endometrium throughout the estrous cycle. Throughout the estrous cycle, IGF-I was localized in the luminal epithelium and stroma with a little staining in the glandular epithelium (P < 0.01). In the luminal epithelium, the number of IGF-I-positive cells increased on days 1-3, 6-7, 11-13, and 16-17. In the stroma, the number of IGF-I-positive cells increased on days 8-10 and 20-3. The number of positively stained cells in the glandular epithelium increased around the estrous period. EGF stained intensely in the stroma but very little in the luminal and glandular epithelia (P < 0.01). In the stroma, three peaks in the number of EGF-positive cells were observed: on days 1-3, 6-7, and 11-13. These results demonstrate cyclical changes in the endometrial cell types localization of IGF-I and EGF.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I (rhIGF-I) was investigated after iv administration (0.32, 1.0, and 3. 2 mg/kg) to normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. rhIGF-I was eliminated from plasma biexponentially in both normal and diabetic rats. Plasma concentrations of rhIGF-I were lower at almost all the time points examined in diabetic rats than in normal rats. The pharmacokinetic parameters of total body clearance (CLtotal), mean residence time (MRT), and elimination rate constant (kel) indicated that rhIGF-I disappeared more rapidly in diabetic rats than in normal rats at any dosage. The amounts of IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) in plasma were assessed by determining the endogenous IGF-I and. Levels of the 150 kDa complex, a ternary complex of IGF-I with IGFPB-3 and an acid-labile subunit, the 50 kDa complex, a complex of IGF-I with IGFBP-2, were found to be lower in diabetic rats than in normal rats. Fractions of rhIGF-I free and bound to the binding proteins were estimated by gel chromatographic separation of rhIGF-I in plasma after iv administration, and the pharmacokinetics of free and bound rhIGF-I was analyzed independently. Plasma concentrations of free and bound rhIGF-I were lower in diabetic rats than in normal rats, especially the concentrations of the 150 kDa complex were much lower. The reduced IGFBP-3 would be responsible for the faster elimination of rhIGF-I in diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Alcohol is one of the few nongenetic factors that lower Lp(a) levels, but the metabolic mechanisms of this action are unknown. Alcohol inhibits the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) axis. Alcohol might also affect IGF-binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), which is an acute inhibitor of IGF-I. We studied how alcohol withdrawal affects Lp(a) levels and the GH/IGF-I/IGFBP-1 axis. Male alcohol abusers (n=27; 20 to 64 years old) were monitored immediately after alcohol withdrawal for 4 days. Twenty-six healthy men, mainly moderate drinkers, served as control subjects. Fasting blood samples were drawn to determine Lp(a), IGF-I, and IGFBP-1 (by ELISA, RIA, and immunoenzymometric assay, respectively). Nocturnal (12 hours) urine collection was performed in 9 alcoholics and 11 control subjects for GH analyses (RIA). The groups were similar in age and body mass index. Lp(a), GH, and IGF-I tended to be lower and IGFBP-1 higher in the alcoholics immediately after alcohol withdrawal than in the control subjects. During the 4-day observation in alcoholics, Lp(a) levels increased by 64% and IGF-I levels by 41%, whereas IGFBP-1 levels decreased by 59% (P<.001 after ANOVA for all comparisons). Urinary GH levels tended to decline. The increase in Lp(a) correlated inversely with the changes in IGFBP-1 (r= -.63, P<.001, n=27) and GH (r=-.70, P<.05, n=9), but not with IGF-I. In multiple regression analysis, the main predictors for the increase in Lp(a) were IGFBP-1 and urinary GH. In conclusion, alcohol withdrawal induces interrelated and potentially atherogenic changes in Lp(a) and IGFBP-1 levels.  相似文献   

There is some evidence that the somatotrophic system in depression, as assessed by basal growth hormone (GH) concentrations and by GH releasing hormone (GHRH) challenge, might be dysfunctional. However, the rather limited data have been inconclusive so far and plasma concentrations of both insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) and binding proteins (IGFBP 1 to IGFBP-6) have not been measured simultaneously in depressed patients. We studied 24 severely depressed patients and 33 healthy controls and estimated 24-hour mean plasma cortisol, six-hour evening mean plasma growth hormone (GH), morning plasma IGF-I, IGFBP 2 and 3 and GH-binding protein (GH-BP). Twenty-four-hour mean cortisol (306 +/- 69 vs. 196 +/- 30 nmol/l, p < .001) and IGF-I (157 +/- 40 vs. 120 +/- 33 micrograms/l, p < .01) plasma concentrations were found to be significantly increased in depressed patients, while there was no difference in GH or binding proteins between both groups. MANOVA analysis revealed age and diagnosis to have main effects upon plasma IGF-I. Especially young age and a diagnosis of major depression are associated with higher plasma IGF-I. After treatment only patients in remission had attenuated IGF-I plasma concentrations. We conclude that plasma IGF-I is increased in acutely depressed patients similar to other states of hypercortisolemia.  相似文献   

Impaired growth involving both height and weight accompanying sickle cell disease (SCD) poses diagnostic and therapeutic problems. We undertook this study to test the hypothesis that this impaired growth is associated with abnormalities of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)/IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) axis in 21 children with SCD and that SCD is associated with GH resistance. Nine of 21 children with SCD had a defective GH response to both clonidine and glucagon provocation (peak < 10 micrograms/L); these children differed from the 12 others in having slower linear growth velocity (GV and GVSDS), lower circulating concentrations of IGF-I and IGFBP-3, and either partial or complete empty sellae in computed tomographic scans of the hypothalamic-pituitary area. In this group of patients with SCD, it appears that defective GH secretion and consequent low IGF-I production are the major etiological factors causing the slow growth. The two groups with SCD did not differ significantly in dietary intake, body mass index (BMI), midarm circumferences, skinfold thickness, serum albumin concentration, or intestinal absorption of D-xylose. A single injection of GH produced a smaller increase in circulating IGF-I in children with SCD with or without defective GH secretion versus 10 age-matched children with idiopathic short stature (ISS) and 11 children with isolated GH deficiency (GHD), suggesting partial GH resistance in the SCD group. The presence of defective GH secretion, decreased IGF-I synthesis, and partial resistance to GH in short children with SCD suggests that treatment with IGF-I may be superior to GH therapy for improving growth.  相似文献   

The role of insulin (INS), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in the regulation of human erythropoiesis is not completely understood. To address this issue we employed several complementary strategies including: serum free cloning of CD34+ cells, RT-PCR, FACS analysis, and mRNA perturbation with oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN). In a serum-free culture model, both INS and IGF-I enhanced survival of CD34+ cells, but neither of these growth factors stimulated their proliferation. The influence of INS and IGF-I on erythroid colony development was dependent on a combination of growth factors used for stimulating BFU-E growth. When BFU-E growth was optimally stimulated with erythropoietin (EpO) + kit ligand (KL) the large erythroid colonies developed normally even in the absence of INS or IGF-I. However, the addition of both of these growth factors slightly enhanced colony size. On the other hand, if erythroid colonies were stimulated suboptimally with EpO + IL-3 only, INS or IGF-I increased the number of small erythroid bursts by approximately 30%. Both INS and IGF-I activated signal transduction in maturing human erythropoietic cells as determined by phosphorylation of the insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2) protein. We also found by RT-PCR that mRNA coding for INS-R is expressed in FACS sorted CD34+, c-kit-R+ marrow cells, and in cells isolated from BFU-E and CFU-GM colonies. Expression of INS-R protein on these cells was subsequently confirmed by cytofluorometry. In contrast, the receptor for insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-IR) was not detected on CD34+ cells, and was first easily detectable on more differentiated cells derived from day 6 BFU-E and CFU-GM colonies. We conclude that INS and IGF-I may be survival factors for human CD34+ cells, but are not required during early erythropoiesis. In contrast, both growth factors may play some role at the final stages of erythroid maturation.  相似文献   

After i.v. injection into adult rats, human insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (hIGFBP-3) forms 150-kDa complexes with excess endogenous rat acid-labile subunit (ALS) within 2 min (Lewitt et al., 1993, Endocrinology 133:1797). Because their previous in vitro studies indicated that hIGFBP-3 only bound to ALS in the presence of IGF-I, and because little free IGF-I is present in plasma, the authors postulated that IGF-I had been mobilized to the circulation to saturate the 150-kDa hIGFBP-3 complexes. We examined this hypothesis by determining whether the hIGFBP-3 that appears in 150-kDa complexes 2 min after i.v. injection is accompanied by an increase in IGF-I. Within 2 min, some of the injected hIGFBP-3 (approximately 30% as much as endogenous intact rat IGFBP-3) is present in complexes that are cleared slowly from the circulation and presumed to be 150-kDa complexes. Gel filtration and immunoprecipitation studies performed on blood collected 2 min after injection confirmed that the injected hIGFBP-3 (46-82% as much as rat IGFBP-3) was associated with ALS in 150-kDa complexes. The formation of 150-kDa complexes containing hIGFBP-3 was not accompanied by a corresponding change in the IGF-I content (determined by RIA) of whole serum or 150-kDa serum fractions, suggesting that the hIGFBP-3 had rapidly associated with rALS in vivo without mobilizing IGF-I. Surprisingly, however, hIGFBP-3 was cleared much more rapidly from 150-kDa complexes formed after injection of hIGFBP-3 than after injection of hIGFBP-3:IGF-I complexes, suggesting that the complexes observed after hIGFBP-3 injection might not have formed in vivo. In fact, 150-kDa complexes formed to a similar extent when hIGFBP-3 was added ex vivo to blood collected from rats that had not received hIGFBP-3. We conclude that hIGFBP-3 can rapidly associate with rALS to form 150-kDa complexes in vivo without the mobilization of IGF-I. Because 150-kDa complexes also are formed ex vivo, however, we are unable to resolve whether the complexes that formed in vivo formed as binary or ternary complexes.  相似文献   

Dietary protein restriction decreases plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and reduces IGF-I mRNA levels in the liver. In addition to the actions of systemic IGF-I, locally produced IGF-I is thought to mediate autocrine and paracrine growth effects in the colon. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the IGF-I pathway in the colon and liver of adult rats under conditions of dietary protein restriction, surgical stress, and dietary protein repletion. Two groups of rats were placed on either a 20% or 2% casein diet for 19 days. Two additional groups of rats underwent gastrostomy after a 2% casein diet for 2 weeks, and then were either kept on the 2% casein diet or changed to a 20% casein diet until day 19. Dietary protein restriction reduced plasma concentrations of IGF-I and IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and hepatic IGF-I mRNA content, while increasing colonic IGF-I receptor mRNA. Gastrostomy in protein-depleted animals had no effect on hepatic IGF-I mRNA, but led to a marked increase in colonic IGF-I mRNA levels. Dietary protein repletion resulted in a decrease in colonic IGF-I receptor mRNA. The distinct effects of dietary protein depletion and operative stress on the IGF pathway in the colon as compared with the liver may serve to maintain the level of IGF-I signaling in the colon by autocrine or paracrine mechanisms under these conditions.  相似文献   

Mammary glands from 3- to 4-week-old mice were incubated in whole organ culture to determine the effects of GH, PRL, and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) on lobulo-alveolar development and milk protein expression. Virgin mice were implanted with pellets of estrogen and progesterone (1:1000). After 9 days, abdominal no. 4 glands were removed and place on siliconized lens paper in Waymouths' medium supplemented with insulin (Ins), aldosterone, hydrocortisone, and epidermal growth factor. Concentrations of bovine GH, ovine GH, rat GH, or ovine PRL added to the medium varied from 0-1 micrograms/ml. IGF-I was added to replace either Ins or PRL up to 1 microgram/ml. When glands were incubated with Ins, aldosterone, hydrocortisone, and 250 ng/ml PRL, they exhibited lobulo-alveolar development and expressed the milk protein beta-casein. When GH was substituted for PRL, little lobulo-alveolar development occurred, although beta-casein mRNA was expressed at low levels. Either PRL or GH at 1 microgram/ml induced lobulo-alveolar development and beta-casein mRNA. Addition of epidermal growth factor to whole organ culture with GH or PRL (1 microgram/ml) was equally effective in stimulating lobulo-alveolar development. IGF-I did not substitute for PRL, GH, or insulin in tissue maintenance. It is clear that GH at high concentrations can act directly on mouse mammary tissue to induce both lobulo-alveolar development and casein expression.  相似文献   

There is a significant systematic difference between the normal range obtained from ethylenediamine tetraacetate plasma samples using the Genentech total insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) RIA and normal ranges for other total IGF-I RIAs. To determine whether the quality of the assay standard was the cause of this systematic difference, we analyzed commercially available preparations of recombinant human IGF-I (rhIGF-I) typical of those used as IGF-I immunoassay standards along with our own well characterized rhIGF-I assay standard. For the commercial standards, high performance liquid chromatography-derived purities were low, and some vendor-assigned protein concentrations were inconsistent with values from quantitative amino acid analysis. The Genentech rhIGF-I assay standard was highly pure and quantitatively correct. However, the poor quality of some commercial rhIGF-I preparations was not the primary reason for the systematic discrepancy between the Genentech total IGF-I RIA normal range and most other normal ranges. Most assays for total IGF-I are calibrated against the WHO International Reference Reagent (IRR) for IGF-I Immunoassays (87/518). The Genentech total IGF-I RIA is not calibrated against WHO IRR 87/518. The protein content assigned to WHO IRR 87/518 was a consensus value from a multicenter collaborative study. Physicochemical analyses showed that WHO IRR 87/518 is Met(-1)-IGF-I of low purity (44%), and that the assigned protein content is higher than the value determined by quantitative amino acid analysis. Thus, assays that are calibrated against WHO IRR 87/518 will report total IGF-I concentrations in excess of actual values. We believe that calibration against WHO IRR 87/518 is the cause of the systematic discrepancy between the Genentech IGF-I assay normal range and most other normal ranges, and that much of the plasma IGF-I concentration data in the literature are of questionable accuracy.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of GH deficiency (GHD) in the elderly is based at present on the peak GH concentration during a stimulation test. We have now evaluated the performance of urinary GH (uGH), urinary insulin-like growth factor I (uIGF-I), and urinary IGF-binding protein-3 (uIGFBP-3) in the diagnosis of GHD in this group. Twenty GHD elderly patients with a history of pituitary disease and a peak GH response to arginine stimulation of less than 3 ng/mL (15 men and 5 women; age, 61.1-83.4 yr) and 19 controls (12 men and 7 women; age, 60.8-87.5 yr) were studied. GH secretion was assessed by 24-h profile and expressed as the area under the curve (AUCGH). Serum (s) IGF-I and sIGFBP-3 were measured in a single morning, fasted sample. Urinary GH, uIGF-I, and uIGFBP-3 were measured in a 24-h urine sample collected over the same interval as the GH profile, and results were expressed as total amount excreted in 24 h (tuGH24, nanograms; tuIGF-I24, nanograms; tuIGFBP-3(24), micrograms). Data are presented as the mean +/- SD, except for AUCGH, tuGH24, and tuIGFBP-3(24), which are presented as the geometric mean (-1, +1 tolerance factor). AUCGH, sIGF-I, and sIGFBP-3 were significantly lower in GHD subjects than in controls. Total uGH24 was lower in GHD subjects, but tuIGF-I24 and tuIGFBP-3(24) excretion were not different in the two groups. AUCGH provided the best separation between GHD and control subjects, whereas there was substantial overlap for sIGF-I, sIGFBP-3, and tuGH24. In both groups sIGF-I was correlated to sIGFBP-3 (GHD, r = 0.75; controls, r = 0.65; both P < 0.01), whereas tuIGF-I24 was not correlated to tuIGFBP-3(24) in either group. Moreover, tuIGF-I24 and tuIGFBP-3(24) were not related to their respective serum concentrations in either group. Total uGH24 was correlated with AUCGH only in controls (r = 0.54; P < 0.05). These data demonstrate that urinary GH and urinary and serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 are not suitable diagnostic markers for GHD in elderly subjects.  相似文献   

The crucial step of folding of recombinant proteins presents serious challenges to obtaining the native structure. This problem is exemplified by insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I which when refolded in vitro produces the native three-disulfide structure, an alternative structure with mispaired disulfide bonds and other isomeric forms. To investigate this phenomenon we have examined the refolding properties of an analog of IGF-I which contains a 13-amino acid N-terminal extension and a charge mutation at position 3 (Long-[Arg3]IGF-I). Unlike IGF-I, which yields 45% of the native structure and 24% of the alternative structure when refolded in vitro, Long-[Arg3]IGF-I yields 85% and 10% of these respective forms. To investigate the interactions that affect the refolding of Long-[Arg3]IGF-I and IGF-I, we acid-trapped folding intermediates and products for inclusion in a kinetic analysis of refolding. In addition to non-native intermediates, three native-like intermediates were identified, that appear to have a major role in the in vitro refolding pathway of Long-[Arg3]IGF-I; a single-disulfide Cys18-Cys61 intermediate, an intermediate with Cys18-Cys61 and Cys6-Cys48 disulfide bonds and another with Cys18-Cys61 and Cys47-Cys52 disulfide bonds. Furthermore, from our kinetic analysis we propose that the Cys18-Cys61, Cys6-Cys48 intermediate forms the native structure, not by the direct formation of the last (Cys47-Cys52) disulfide bond, but by rearrangement via the Cys18-Cys61 intermediate and a productive Cys18-Cys61, Cys47-Cys52 intermediate. In this pathway, the last disulfide bond to form involves Cys6 and Cys48. Finally, we apply this pathway to IGF-I and conclude that the divergence in the in vitro folding pathway of IGF-I is caused by non-native interactions involving Glu3 that stabilize the alternative structure.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) improves growth performance in the pig. Analogues of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) that bind poorly to IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) stimulate growth in the rat but, in contrast, inhibit growth in the pig. This study was designed to determine the effect of IGF peptides alone or in combination with porcine GH (pGH) on growth characteristics and plasma hormone concentrations in finisher pigs. A four-day infusion of Long [R3] IGF-I (LR3IGF-I; 180 micrograms/kg/day) decreased the average daily gain, food intake, and plasma IGFBP-3, IGF-I and insulin concentrations. The mean plasma GH concentration was decreased by 23% and the area under the GH peaks was reduced by 60%. Co-administration of pGH (30 micrograms/kg/day) with LR3IGF-I had no interactive effect on growth performance, and plasma insulin, IGFBP-3 and IGF-I concentrations remained suppressed. The area under the GH peaks was not restored with this combination treatment although mean plasma GH concentrations were elevated in all animals receiving pGH. Infusion of IGF-I (180 micrograms/kg/day) decreased plasma insulin and mean GH concentrations but had no significant effect on IGFBP-3 concentrations. Average daily gain and feed intake were not changed by IGF-I treatment. A combination of IGF-I and pGH injection (30 micrograms/kg/day) increased plasma IGFBP-3 concentrations but plasma insulin levels remained suppressed. Plasma glucose levels were unaffected by any treatment. The study demonstrates that both IGF-I and LR3IGF-I suppress plasma GH concentrations in finisher pigs. This, in turn, may be responsible for the reduction in the plasma concentration of IGF-I, IGFBP-3 and insulin seen in LR3IGF-I-treated animals. The decrease in these parameters may contribute to the inhibitory effect of LR3IGF-I on growth performance in the pig.  相似文献   

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