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Silicon nitride corrugated diaphragms of 2 mm×2 mm×1 μm have been fabricated with 8 circular corrugations, having depths of 4, 10, or 14 μm. The diaphragms with 4-μm-deep corrugations show a measured mechanical sensitivity (increase in the deflection over the increase in the applied pressure) which is 25 times larger than the mechanical sensitivity of flat diaphragms of equal size and thickness. Since this gain in sensitivity is due to reduction of the initial stress, the sensitivity can only increase in the case of diaphragms with initial stress. A simple analytical model has been proposed that takes the influence of initial tensile stress into account. The model predicts that the presence of corrugations increases the sensitivity of the diaphragms, because the initial diaphragm stress is reduced. The model also predicts that for corrugations with a larger depth the sensitivity decreases, because the bending stiffness of the corrugations then becomes dominant. These predictions have been confirmed by experiments. The application of corrugated diaphragms offers the possibility to control the sensitivity of thin diaphragms by geometrical parameters, thus eliminating the effect of variations in the initial stress, due to variations in the diaphragm deposition process and/or the influence of temperature changes and packaging stress  相似文献   

This paper presents design, fabrication and testing of a quad beam silicon piezoresistive Z-axis accelerometer with very low cross-axis sensitivity. The accelerometer device proposed in the present work consists of a thick proof mass supported by four thin beams (also called as flexures) that are connected to an outer supporting rim. Cross-axis sensitivity in piezoresistive accelerometers is an important issue particularly for high performance applications. In the present study, low cross-axis sensitivity is achieved by improving the device stability by placing the four flexures in line with the proof mass edges. Various modules of a finite element method based software called CoventorWare was used for design optimization. Based on the simulation results, a flexure thickness of 30 μm and a diffused resistor doping concentration of 5 × 1018 atoms/cm3 were fixed to achieve a high prime-axis sensitivity of 122 μV/Vg, low cross-axis sensitivity of 27 ppm and a relatively higher bandwidth of 2.89 kHz. The designed accelerometer was realized by a complementary metal oxide semiconductor compatible bulk micromachining process using a dual doped tetra methyl ammonium hydroxide etching solution. The fabricated accelerometer devices were tested up to 13 g static acceleration using a rate table. Test results of fabricated devices with 30 μm flexure thickness show an average prime axis sensitivity of 111 μV/Vg with very low cross-axis sensitivities of 0.652 and 0.688 μV/Vg along X-axis and Y-axis, respectively.  相似文献   

A planar coupled inductor having sandwich coil structure is fabricated using MEMS microfabrication techniques. The structure of the inductor coil is designed to achieve high coupling and high winding number with a relatively small coil area. In this work, the structure is fabricated by bonding two planar on-chip coil fabricated on two different substrates. This method can replace the conventional via connections that cause various problems in output pads interconnection. The functionality of the fabricated device was tested, while the basic characteristics of the fabricated coil were measured at wide range of operating frequency using cascade GSG probe and compared with the simulation. For measurements up to 1?GHz, three resonance frequencies, inductance of 35?nH and resistance of as low as 25?Ω were observed. The results show that the proposed technique is a promising alternative method for fabricating a simple and cost effective 3-D coupled inductors.  相似文献   

Angular electrostatic microactuators suitable for use in a two-stage servo system for magnetic disk drives have been fabricated from molded chemical-vapor-deposited (CVD) polysilicon using the HexSil process. A 2.6-mm-diameter device has been shown to be capable of positioning the read/write elements of a 30% picoslider over a ±1-μm range, with a predicted bandwidth of 2 kHz. The structures are formed by depositing polysilicon via CVD into deep trenches etched into a silicon mold wafer. Upon release, the actuators are assembled onto a target wafer using a solder bond. The solder-bonding process will provide easy integration of mechanical structures with integrated circuits, allowing separate optimization of the circuit and structure fabrication processes. An advantage of HexSil is that once the mold wafer has undergone the initial plasma etching, it may be reused for subsequent polysilicon depositions, amortizing the cost of the deep-trench etching over many structural runs and thereby significantly reducing the cost of finished actuators. Furthermore, 100-μm-high structures may be made from a 3-μm deposition of polysilicon, increasing overall fabrication speed  相似文献   

Technologies for fabricating silicone rubber membranes and integrating them with other processes on silicon wafers have been developed. Silicone rubber has been found to have exceptional mechanical properties including low modulus, high elongation, and good sealing. Thermopneumatically actuated, normally open, silicone rubber membrane valves with optimized components have been designed, fabricated, and tested. Suspended silicon nitride membrane heaters have been developed for low-power thermopneumatic actuation. Composite silicone rubber on Parylene valve membranes have been shown to have low permeability and modulus. Also, novel valve seats were designed to improve sealing in the presence of particles. The valves have been extensively characterized with respect to power consumption versus flow rate and transient response. Low power consumption, high flow rate, and high pressure have been demonstrated. For example, less than 40 mW is required to switch a 1-slpm nitrogen flow at 33 psi. Water requires dose to 100 mW due to the cooling effect of the liquid  相似文献   

The design, fabrication and testing of a novel prototype micro-thermophotovoltaic (micro-TPV) system is first described in this paper. The system is made of a SiC emitter, a simple nine-layer dielectric filter and a GaSb photovoltaic cell array. When the flow rate of hydrogen is 4.20 g/h and the H/sub 2//air ratio is 0.9, the micro-TPV system is able to deliver an electrical power output of 1.02 W in a microcombustor of 0.113 cm/sup 3/ in volume. The open-circuit electrical voltage and short-circuit current are 2.28 V and 0.59 A, respectively. This paper makes it possible for us to replace batteries with micro-TPV systems as the power of micro mechanical devices in near future.  相似文献   

A bistable electromagnetically actuated microvalve was designed, processed, and tested. The valve was designed to control a water flow of 0.05-0.5 μs from a reservoir at a pressure of 1-2000 Pa. The two valve components were fabricated in silicon, the upper piece comprises an electroplated gold coil, and the lower piece is an Ni/Fe alloy beam. The bistable capability was achieved by balancing the elastic forces on the beam with the magnetic forces due to a 46-μm-thick rolled magnetic foil. The design includes the flow through the orifice, squeeze film damping due to beam motion, beam elasticity, and electromagnetics. The microvalve was tested for power consumption, flow rate, time response, Ni/Fe alloy composition, and magnetic foil properties. The valve operates at 1-2 V in both air and water  相似文献   

In this paper, a four-terminal piezoresistive sensor commonly known as a van der Pauw (VDP) structure is presented for its application to MEMS pressure sensing. In a recent study, our team has determined the relation between the biaxial stress state and the piezoresistive response of a VDP structure by combining the VDP resistance equations with the equations governing silicon piezoresistivity and has proposed a new piezoresistive pressure sensor. It was observed that the sensitivity of the VDP sensor is over three times higher than the conventional filament type Wheatstone bridge resistor. To check our theoretical findings, we fabricated several (100) silicon diaphragms with both the VDP sensors and filament resistor sensors on the same wafer so both the sensor elements have same doping concentration. Several diaphragms had VDP sensors of different sizes and orientations to find out their geometric effects on pressure sensitivity. The diaphragms were subjected to known pressures, and the pressure sensitivities of both types of sensors were measured using an in-house built calibration setup. It was found that the VDP devices had a linear response to pressure as expected, and were more sensitive than the resistor sensors. Also, the VDP sensors provided a number of additional advantages, such as its size independent sensitivity and simple fabrication steps due to its simple geometry.  相似文献   

This article presents the design, fabrication and characterization of a micromachined energy harvester utilizing aluminium nitride (AlN) as a piezoelectric thin film material for energy conversion of random vibrational excitations. The harvester was designed and fabricated using silicon micromachining technology where AlN is sandwiched between two electrodes on top of a silicon cantilever beam which is terminated by a silicon seismic mass. The harvester generates electric power when subjected to mechanical vibrations. The generated electrical response of the device was experimentally evaluated at various acceleration levels. A maximum power of 34.78 μW was obtained for the device with a seismic mass of 5.6 × 5.6 mm2 at an acceleration value of 2 g. Various fabricated devices were tested and evaluated in terms of the generated electrical power as well as the resonant frequency.  相似文献   

隧道式硅微加速度计的设计和制作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对隧道效应对位移具有极高灵敏度的特点,设计了一种隧道式硅微加速度计。在介绍其结构和工作原理的基础上,提出了一种新的加工工艺,由该工艺制作的第一批器件成功地观测到隧道效应。  相似文献   

设计与制造了一种高灵敏度的硅微机械陀螺。陀螺用静电来驱动,用连接成惠斯顿电桥的压阻式力敏电阻应变计来检测。主梁、微梁 质量块结构实现了高灵敏度。比较硬的主梁提供了一定的机械强度,并且提供了高共振频率。微梁很细,检测时微梁沿轴向直拉直压。力敏电阻应变计就扩散在微梁上,质量块很小的挠动就能在微梁上产生很大的应力,输出很大的信号。5V条件下,陀螺检测部分的理论灵敏度达到27.45mV/gn。压阻式四端器件用来监测驱动振幅,可以反馈补偿压阻的温度系数。检测模态的Q值达260使陀螺能在大气下工作。陀螺利用普通的n型硅片制造,为了刻蚀高深宽比的结构,使用了深反应离子刻蚀(DRIE)工艺。  相似文献   

A novel silicon condenser microphone with a corrugated diaphragm has been proposed, designed, fabricated and tested. The microphone is fabricated on a single wafer by use of silicon anisotropic etching and sacrificial layer etching techniques, so that no bonding techniques are required. The introduction of corrugations has greatly increased the mechanical sensitivities of the microphone diaphragms due to the reduction of the initial stress in the thin films, For the purpose of further decreasing the thin film stress, composite diaphragms consisting of multilayer (polySi/SixNy/polySi) materials have been fabricated, reducing the initial stress to a much lower level of about 70 MPa in tension. Three types of corrugation placements and several corrugation depths in a diaphragm area of 1 mm2 have been designed and fabricated. Microphones with flat frequency response between 100 Hz and 8~16 kHz and open-circuit sensitivities as high as 8.1~14.2 mV/Pa under the bias voltages of 10~25 V have been fabricated in a reproducible way. The experimental results proved that the corrugation technique is promising for silicon condenser microphone  相似文献   

A micromachining probe for surface profilers is reported in this paper. This probe employs single crystal silicon double-ended tuning forks (DETFs) as the sensitive unit to achieve high resolution and frequency read-out. The frequency shift of the DETFs caused by the induced axial stress is directly proportional to the undulation of the measured surface. Moreover, one-stage and two-stage microleverage amplification mechanisms are respectively implemented to improve the probe performance. The silicon on glass (SOG) process which can provide high aspect ratio single crystal silicon structures has been adopted to enhance the performance of the probes. The testing results indicate that the probe with two-stage mechanical amplifiers has a frequency-displacement sensitivity of 257.1 Hz/μm with a nominal frequency 27.3 kHz at room temperature in atmosphere, which is in close agreement with the simulation results.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel HARM (high aspect ratio micromachining) micromanipulator fabricated on (1 1 1) silicon wafer is reported. The micromanipulator consists of a positioning stage, a robot arm, supporting platforms, conducting wires, and bonding pads. These components are monolithically integrated on a chip through the presented processes. The three-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) positioning of the micromanipulator is realized by using the integration of two linear comb actuators and a vertical comb actuator. The robot arm is used to manipulate samples with dimension in the order of several microns to several hundred microns, for instance, optical fibers and biological samples. The robot arm could be a gripper, a needle, a probe, or even a pipette. Since the micromanipulator is made of single crystal silicon, it has superior mechanical properties. A micro gripper has also been successfully designed and fabricated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种应用于轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS)的传感器芯片的设计与制作.该传感器芯片集成了压阻式压力传感器和单电阻结构的温度传感器,根据量程需要,硅杯膜的厚度与面积比比较大,所以高应力区向膜外扩展,通过改变桥臂电阻的摆放位置和形状,提高了传感器的灵敏度,并且通过采取高浓度注入电阻拐角区域,得到了较好的零点输出.  相似文献   

为实现高粘度液体的雾化,提出一种微机电系统(MEMS)单晶硅快速加热雾化芯片。对单晶硅加热芯片结构进行了设计,芯片为10 mm×10 mm的方形,布置了168个边长为500μm的方形雾化孔。通过ANSYS有限元软件进行了电—热耦合仿真,以评估其温度分布均匀性。衬底采用5×10~(-3)Ω·cm的4 in(l in=2.54 cm)N型(100)硅片,基于各向异性湿法腐蚀工艺完成了微孔阵列和芯片的制造。测试结果表明:室温下芯片电阻约为0.6Ω,且电阻值与温度呈正相关;芯片温度分布均匀,最低温与最高温相差约12.7%;施加3.7 V电压时,芯片在4 s内可升温至300℃,能够实现对甘油的快速雾化。该芯片结构和制作工艺简单,易于实现批量制造。  相似文献   

This paper presents the internal ballistic design, fabrication procedure, and performance evaluation of a micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) solid propellant thruster array chip. The internal ballistic design was carried out to predict the performance of the thruster. Two different ignition models were used. The numerical results gave a maximum thrust of 3840 mN, and a total impulse of 0.42 mNs at the local ignition model. A photosensitive glass wafer only was used as the bare material for the thruster. The stability of the micro-igniter was improved by using a glass membrane with a thickness of tens of microns. The average thickness of the membrane was 35 μm. The proposed micro-igniter had a level of power consumption appropriate to ignite the solid propellant. The thermal, electrical, and mechanical characteristics of the fabricated micro-igniter were measured. The solid propellant was loaded into the propellant chamber without resort to a special technique due to the high structural stability of the glass membrane. An MEMS solid propellant thruster (MSPT) array was fabricated through anisotropic etching of photosensitive glass. An ignition control system was developed to control the ignition sequence. Ignition and combustion tests of the fully assembly MEMS thruster were performed successfully. The minimum ignition delay was 27.5 ms with an ignition energy of 19.3 mJ. The average of the measured maximum thrust and total impulse were 3619 mN and 0.381 mNs, respectively.  相似文献   

A magnetic hard disk drive lubrication dilemma was demonstrated through the touch down, wearability and burnish rate tests. It was found that attempts to improve durability and flyability through changes in lubricant film thicknesses, the addition of additives, changes in lubricant molecular weight and irradiating lubricant with deep UV rays (185 nm) have been futile with loss in either flyability or durability of magnetic hard disk. Three key types of head disk interface testing methods were introduced and the results from each parameter change were shown. The touch down test was used to check the fly height of the magnetic heads. The wearability test was used to check the wear resistance of the magnetic hard disks when in contact with the magnetic heads and the burnish rate test was employed to determine the amount of wear of the magnetic heads when in contact with magnetic hard disks. These three techniques may be used for the feasibility study for any newly designed lubricant or technique to reduce the spacing between the magnetic head and magnetic disk. We demonstrate the capability of the three techniques to discriminate different process treatments. The experiments were conducted in a class 100 cleanroom.  相似文献   

One of the trends on information storage device is focused on the development of micro optical disk with optical flying head (OFH). The OFH in the small form factor ODD consists of optical slider, suspension, swing arm, and so on. In order for a slider with OFH to be successfully implemented in the system, the shock performance of the head-gimbal assembly should be guaranteed for mobile applications. We design development model of suspension and swing arm for improved shock resistance using topology optimization and shape optimization. The objective of the suspension design is to decrease the equivalent mass with increasing first torsional frequency. The objective of the swing arm design is mass reduction for reducing power consumption and fast access time. In this paper, we suggest a design method for the improvement of the dynamic performance of suspension and swing arm for the OFH considering shock characteristics.  相似文献   

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