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Currently within the military there is a need for a universal light-weight bridge deck system capable of supporting extreme loads over a wide temperature range. This research presents the development, testing, and analysis of five different fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) webbed core deck panels. The performance of the FRP webbed decks are compared with an existing aluminum deck and with a baseline balsa core system, which has previously been tested as part of the development of the composite army bridge for the US Army. The study shows that for one-way bending, the FRP webbed core can exceed the shear strength of the baseline balsa core by a factor of 3.2 at a core’s density, which is 28% lighter than the balsa baseline. In addition, weight savings in excess of 30% are shown for using FRP decking in place of conventional aluminum decking. Based on test results and finite-element analysis, the failure modes of the different FRP webbed cores are discussed and design recommendations for FRP webbed core decks are provided.  相似文献   

Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) materials possess inherently high strength-to-weight ratios, but their effective elastic moduli are low relative to civil engineering (CE) construction materials. While elastic modulus may be comparable to that of some CE materials, the lower shear modulus adversely affects stiffness. As a result, serviceability issues are what govern GFRP deck design in the CE bridge industry. An innovative solution to increase the stiffness of a commercial GFRP reinforced-sinusoidal honeycomb sandwich panel was proposed; this solution would completely replace the GFRP honeycomb core with a hexagonal honeycomb core constructed from commercial steel roof decking. The purpose of this study was to perform small-scale tests to characterize the steel hexagonal honeycomb core equivalent elastic moduli in an effort to simplify the modeling of the core. The steel core equivalent moduli experimental results were compared with theoretical hexagonal honeycomb elastic modulus equations from the literature, demonstrating the applicability of the theoretical equations to the steel honeycomb core. Core equivalent elastic modulus equations were then proposed to model and characterize the steel hexagonal honeycomb as applicable to sandwich panel design. The equivalent honeycomb core will enable an efficient sandwich panel stiffness design technique, both for structural analysis methods (i.e., hand calculations) and finite-element analysis procedures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the evaluation of the static performance of a glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge deck that was installed in O’Fallon Park over Bear Creek west of the City of Denver. The bridge deck has a sandwich panel configuration, consisting of two stiff faces separated by a light-weight honeycomb core. The deck was manufactured using a hand lay-up technique. To assist the preliminary design of the deck, the stiffness and load-carrying capacities of four approximately 330 mm (13 in.) wide GFRP beam specimens were evaluated. The crushing capacity of the panel was also examined by subjecting four 330×305×190?mm?(13×12×7.5?in.) specimens to compression tests. The experimental data were analyzed and compared to results obtained from analytical and finite element models, which have been used to enhance the understanding of the experimental observations. The failure of all four beams was caused by the delamination of the top faces. In spite of the scatter of the tests results, the beams showed good shear strengths at the face-to-core interface as compared to similar panels evaluated in prior studies.  相似文献   

Innovative fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite highway bridge deck systems are gradually gaining acceptance in replacing damaged/deteriorated concrete and timber decks. FRP bridge decks can be designed to meet the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) HS-25 load requirements. Because a rather complex sub- and superstructure system is used to support the FRP deck, it is important to include the entire system in analyzing the deck behavior and performance. In this paper, we will present a finite-element analysis (FEA) that is able to consider the structural complexity of the entire bridge system and the material complexity of an FRP sandwich deck. The FEA is constructed using a two-step analysis approach. The first step is to analyze the global behavior of the entire bridge under the AASHTO HS-25 loading. The next step is to analyze the local behavior of the FRP deck with appropriate load and boundary conditions determined from the first step. For the latter, a layered FEA module is proposed to compute the internal stresses and deformations of the FRP sandwich deck. This approach produces predictions that are in good agreement with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

In an effort to assess the constructability and performance of bridges with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite decks, the short-term and long-term responses of a 207 m, five-span bridge retrofitted with four different FRP panel systems were monitored. The overall aspects of the panel systems, connection details, and construction techniques are presented prior to presentation of the observed and measured responses. Key design parameters (impact factors, girder distribution factors, and level of composite action) for FRP and reinforced concrete decks are evaluated. This paper demonstrates that FRP replacement decks are a viable alternative to reinforced concrete decks and identifies the differences in performances of various FRP deck systems. Two of the FRP panel systems were found to perform considerably better than the other deck systems. Issues that may reduce the service life of FRP deck systems are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the monitoring and repair of a pilot field deployment of a glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) deck on a small steel girder bridge in the Washington State. Deck deflections were monitored periodically over a 10-month period and were found to increase significantly over that time. The GFRP deck is an adhesively bonded assembly of GFRP tubes and top and bottom plates. After 9 months of service, wearing surface cracking was observed, and upon closer inspection, the top GFRP plate was found to be delaminated from the tubes over a fairly large area. Deck deflections in the area of delamination were found to be considerably larger than those observed during previous monitoring in undamaged locations. A retrofit solution was employed where the top plate was reconnected to the tubes using screws coated with a two-part epoxy that mixed when they were driven. At the time of writing the retrofit was successful in reattaching the delaminated top plate.  相似文献   

The MD 24 Bridge over Deer Creek in Harford County, Md., was one of the projects chosen by the Federal Highway Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program for bridge deck replacement by fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. A thorough discussion is presented on Maryland State Highway Administration’s first bridge rehabilitation project utilizing a FRP deck. The discussion includes design details, installation procedure, construction methods and in situ load testing with a wireless monitoring system. The research team installed a monitoring system to record the effects of live loads on the bridge system, including truss members, steel stringers, and plate action of the FRP deck. Finite-element models were also used in this phase. Dynamic effects of the FRP system, composite action between steel stringers and the FRP deck as well as the effective width and distribution factors of stringers were obtained and compared with the AASHTO specifications. Recommendations are also offered on improving the design details based on this experience.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the laboratory and field performance of multicellular fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite bridge deck systems produced from adhesively bonded pultrusions. Two methods of deck contact loading were examined: a steel patch dimensioned according to the AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications, and a simulated tire patch constructed from an actual truck tire reinforced with silicon rubber. Under these conditions, deck stiffness, strength, and failure characteristics of the cellular FRP decks were examined. The simulated tire loading was shown to develop greater global deflections given the same static load. The failure mode is localized and dominated by transverse bending failure of the composites under the simulated tire loading as opposed to punching shear for the AASHTO recommended patch load. A field testing facility was designed and constructed in which FRP decks were installed, tested, and monitored to study the decks’ in-service field performance. No significant loss of deck capacity was observed after more than one year of field service. However, it was shown that unsupported edges (or free edges) are undesirable due to transitional stiffness from approach to the unsupported deck edge.  相似文献   

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials are increasingly making their way into civil engineering applications. To reduce the self-weight and also achieve the necessary stiffness, sandwich panels are commonly used for FRP bridge decks. However, due to the geometric complexity of the FRP sandwich deck, convenient analysis and design methods for FRP bridge deck have not been developed. The present study aims at developing equivalent properties for a complicated sandwich panel configuration using finite-element modeling techniques. With equivalent properties, the hollowed sandwich panel can be transformed into an equivalent solid orthotropic plate, based on which deflection limits can be evaluated and designed. A procedure for the in-plane axial properties of the sandwich core has first been developed, followed by developing the out-of-plane panel properties for bending behavior of the panel. An application is made in the investigation of the stiffness contribution of wearing surface to the total stiffness of bridges with FRP panels. The wearing surface contribution is not usually accounted for in a typical design of bridges with traditional deck systems.  相似文献   

A hybrid concept of composite sandwich panel with hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)—steel core was proposed for bridge decks in order to not only improve stiffness and buckling response but also be cost efficient compared to all glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) decks. The composite sandwich bridge deck system is comprised of wrapped hybrid core of GFRP grid and multiple steel box cells with upper and lower GFRP facings. Its structural performance under static loading was evaluated and compared with the ANSYS finite element predictions. It was found that the presented composite sandwich panel with hybrid FRP-steel core was very efficient for use in bridges. The thickness of the hybrid deck may be decreased by 19% when compared with the all GFRP deck. The failure mode of the proposed hybrid deck was more favorable because of the yielding of the steel tube when compared with that of all GFRP decks.  相似文献   

Moveable bridges in Florida typically use open steel grid decks due to weight limitations. However, these decks present rideability, environmental, and maintenance problems, as they are typically less skid resistant than a solid riding surface, create loud noises, and allow debris to fall through the grids. Replacing open steel grid decks with a lightweight fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) deck can improve rideability and reduce maintenance costs, simultaneously satisfying the strict weight requirement for such bridges. In this investigation, a new low-profile, pultruded FRP deck system successfully passed the preliminary strength and fatigue tests per AASHTO requirements. Two two-span deck specimens were tested, one with the strong direction of the deck placed perpendicular to the supporting girders, whereas the other had a deck placed with 30° skew. This paper also describes a simplified finite-element approach that simulates the load–deformation behavior of the deck system. The results from the finite-element model showed a good correlation with the deflection and strain values measured from the tests.  相似文献   

The use of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge decks is appealing for applications where minimizing dead load is critical. This paper describes fatigue and strength testing of two types of GFRP decks being considered for use in the retrofit of an aging steel arch bridge in Snohomish County, Washington, where a roadway expansion is necessary and it is desirable to minimize the improvements to the arch superstructure. Each test used a setup designed to be as close as practicable to what will be the in situ conditions for the deck, which included a 2% cross slope for drainage. The fatigue testing consisted of a single 116 kN (26 kip) load applied for 2 million cycles, which corresponds to an AASHTO HS-25 truck with a 30% impact factor, and the strength testing consisted of multiple runs of a monotonically applied minimum load of 347 kN (78 kips). Results from the fatigue testing indicated a degradation of the stiffness of both deck types; however, the degradation was limited to less than 12% over the duration of loading. Further, the results showed both deck types accumulated permanent deck displacement during fatigue loading and one deck type used a detail with poor fatigue performance. That detail detrimentally impacted the overall deck performance and caused large permanent deck deformations. It was also found that degradation of composite behavior between the deck and girders occurs during fatigue loading and should be included in design.  相似文献   

We examine here the replacement of a deteriorated concrete deck in the historic Hawthorne Street Bridge in Covington, Va. with a lightweight fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) deck system (adhesively bonded pultruded tube and plate assembly) to increase the load rating of the bridge. To explore construction feasibility, serviceability, and durability of the proposed deck system, a two-bay section (9.45 by 6.7?m) of the bridge has been constructed and tested under different probable loading scenarios. Experimental results show that the response of the deck is linear elastic with no evidence of deterioration at service load level (HS-20). From global behavior of the bridge superstructure (experimental data and finite- element analysis), degree of composite action, and load distribution factors are determined. The lowest failure load (93.6?kips or 418.1?kN) is about 4.5 times the design load (21.3?kips or 94?kN), including dynamic allowance at HS-20. The failure mode is consistent in all loading conditions and observed to be localized under the loading patch at the top plate and top flange of the tube. In addition to global performance, local deformation behavior is also investigated using finite-element simulation. Local analysis suggests that local effects are significant and should be incorporated in design criteria. Based on parametric studies on geometric (thickness of deck components) and material variables (the degree of orthotropy in pultruded tube), a proposed framework for the sizing and material selection of cellular FRP decks is presented for future development of design guidelines for composite deck structures.  相似文献   

The Tom’s Creek Bridge is a small-scale demonstration project involving the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite girders as the main load-carrying members. The project is intended to serve two purposes. First, by calculating bridge design parameters such as the dynamic load allowance, transverse wheel load distribution, and deflections under service loading, the Tom’s Creek Bridge aids in modifying current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials bridge design standards for use with FRP composite materials. Second, by evaluating the FRP girders after exposure to service conditions, the project begins to answer questions about the long-term performance of these advanced composite material beams when used in bridge design. This paper details the in-service analysis of the Tom’s Creek Bridge. Five load tests, at 6-month intervals, were conducted on the bridge. Using midspan strain and deflection data gathered from the FRP composite girders during these tests, the aforementioned bridge design parameters have been determined. The Tom’s Creek Bridge was determined to have a maximum dynamic load allowance, IM, of 0.90, a transverse wheel load distribution factor, g, of 0.101, and a maximum deflection of L/490. Two bridge girders were removed from the Tom’s Creek Bridge after 15 months of service loading. These FRP composite girders were tested at the Structures and Materials Research Laboratory at Virginia Tech for stiffness and ultimate strength and compared to preservice values for the same beams. These measurements indicate that, after 15 months of service, the FRP composite girders have not significantly changed in stiffness or ultimate moment capacity.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation of the monotonic and fatigue behavior of one-way and two-way reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) materials. The five one-way slab specimens were removed from a decommissioned bridge in South Carolina. Three of the slabs were retrofitted with CFRP strips bonded to their soffits and the other two served as unretrofit, control specimens. Of the five one-way slab specimens, one unretrofit and two retrofit slabs were tested monotonically until failure. The remaining two specimens, one unretrofit and one retrofit, were tested under cyclic (fatigue) loading until failure. In addition, six half-scale, two-way slab specimens were constructed to represent a full-scale prototype of a highway bridge deck designed using the empirical requirements of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Manual. Of the six square slabs, two were unretrofitted and served as the control specimens, two were retrofitted using CFRP strips bonded to their soffits making a grid pattern, and two were retrofitted with a preformed CFRP grid material bonded to their soffit. Three slabs, one unretrofit, one CFRP strip, and one CFRP grid retrofitted, were tested monotonically until failure and the remaining three slabs were tested under cyclic (fatigue) loading until failure.  相似文献   

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite bridge deck panels are high-strength, corrosion resistant, weather resistant, etc., making them attractive for use in new construction or retrofit of existing bridges. This study evaluated the force-deformation responses of FRP composite bridge deck panels under AASHTO MS 22.5 (HS25) truck wheel load and up to failure. Tests were conducted on 16 FRP composite deck panels and four reinforced concrete conventional deck panels. The test results of FRP composite deck panels were compared with the flexural, shear, and deflection performance criteria per Ohio Department of Transportation specifications, and with the test results of reinforced concrete deck panels. The flexural and shear rigidities of FRP composite deck panels were calculated. The response of all panels under service load, factored load, cyclic loading, and the mode of failure were reported. The tested bridge deck panels satisfied the performance criteria. The safety factor against failure varies from 3 to 8.  相似文献   

A concise state-of-the-art survey of fiber-reinforced polymer (also known as fiber-reinforced plastic) composites for construction applications in civil engineering is presented. The paper is organized into separate sections on structural shapes, bridge decks, internal reinforcements, externally bonded reinforcements, and standards and codes. Each section includes a historical review, the current state of the art, and future challenges.  相似文献   

Filament-Wound Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Bridge Deck Modules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The demand for the development of efficient and durable bridge decks is a priority for most of the highway authorities worldwide. This paper summarizes the results of an experimental program designed to study the behavior of an innovative glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bridge deck recently patented in Canada. The deck consisted of a number of triangular filament wound tubes bonded with epoxy resin. GFRP plates were adhered to the top and bottom of the tubes to create one modular unit. The experimental program, described in this paper, discusses the evolution of two generations of the bridge deck. In the first generation, three prototype specimens were tested to failure, and their performance was analyzed. Based on the behavior observed, a second generation of bridge decks was fabricated and tested. The performance was evaluated based on load capacity, mode of failure, deflection at service load level, and strain behavior. All decks tested exceeded the requirements to support HS30 design truck loads specified by AASHTO with a margin of safety. This paper also presents an analytical model, based on Classical Laminate Theory to predict the load-deflection behavior of the FRP decks up to service load level. In all cases the model predicted the deck behavior very well.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an evaluation of the fatigue performance of a novel steel-free fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)–concrete modular bridge deck system consisting of wet layup FRP–concrete deck panels which serve as both formwork and flexural reinforcement for the steel-free concrete slab cast on top. A two-span continuous deck specimen was subjected to a total of 2.36 million cycles of load simulating an AASHTO HS20 design truck with impact at low and high magnitudes. Quasistatic load tests were conducted both before initiation of fatigue cycling and after predetermined numbers of cycles to evaluate the system response. No significant stiffness degradation was observed during the first 2 million cycles of fatigue service load. A level of degradation was observed during subsequent testing at higher magnitudes of fatigue load. A fairly elastic and stable response was obtained from the system under fatigue service load with little residual displacement. The system satisfied both strength and serviceability limit states with respect to the code requirements for crack width and deflection.  相似文献   

The structural characterization of hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)–glued laminated (glulam) panels for bridge deck construction is examined using a combined analytical and experimental approach. The structural system is based on the concept of sandwich construction with strong and stiff FRP composite skins bonded to an inner glulam panel. The FRP composite material was made of E-glass reinforcing fabrics embedded in a vinyl ester resin matrix. The glulam panels were fabricated with bonded eastern hemlock vertical laminations. The FRP reinforcement was applied on the top and bottom faces of the glulam panel by wet layup and compacted using vacuum bagging. An experimental protocol based on a two-span continuous bending test configuration is proposed to characterize the stiffness, ductility, and strength response of FRP-glulam panels under simulated loads. Half-scale FRP-glulam panel prototypes with two different fiber orientations, unidirectional (0°) and angle-ply (±45°), were studied and the structural response correlated with control glulam panels. A simple beam linear model based on laminate analysis and first-order shear deformation theory was proposed to compute stiffness properties and to predict service load deflections. In addition, a beam nonlinear model based on layered moment-curvature numerical analysis was proposed to predict ultimate load and deflections. Correlations between experimental results and the two proposed beam models emphasize the need for complementing both analytical tools to characterize the hybrid panel structural response with a view toward bridge deck design.  相似文献   

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