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The sensitivity to surrounding refractive index (SRI) of a long-period fiber grating (LPFG) can be effectively improved by decreasing the cladding radius. When the cladding is reduced, a three-layer model is necessary to evaluate the effective refractive index (ERI) of the core mode. A variation of SRI can induce a greater resonant wavelength shift when the core mode is coupled to a higher-order cladding mode. However, as the cladding is reduced further, the highest-order cladding mode would be cut off, i.e. the number of cladding modes that a given fiber structure can support would be less; thus, the higher-order cladding modes that can be used for higher sensitivity are limited. Hence, the implementation of high sensitivity for SRI sensing with cladding-reduced LPFGs is dependent on the proper combination of cladding radius and cladding mode order. Based on the vector coupled-mode theory, the transmission spectrum and sensitivity are numerically analyzed with respect to the cladding radius, which shows that the SRI sensitivity of the HE12 mode with cladding radius a 2?=?20?µm is 32 times as high as that with a 2?=?62.5?µm and the SRI resolution is available to the order of 10?7.  相似文献   

Fan YE  Zhu T  Shi L  Rao YJ 《Applied optics》2011,50(23):4604-4610
We present a refractive index (RI) sensor based on a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) formed by two cascaded special long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs) with rotary refractive index modulation (RLPFGs), in which the coupling occurred between the guided mode and the high-order asymmetric cladding mode. The experimental results show that the RI sensitivity of a refractometer with an interaction length of 40?mm is up to 58.8?nm/RI in the range of 1.3344 to 1.3637, which is 3.5 times higher than that of an MZI formed by two normal LPFGs. The temperature sensitivity for the same parameters of an RLPFG-MZI is about 0.03?nm/°C. Such a kind of high-sensitivity, easy-to-fabricate and simple-structure interferometer may find applications in the chemical or biochemical sensing fields.  相似文献   

Prototype devices capable of variable attenuation at a fixed wavelength, wavelength tuning at a constant attenuation, and combinations of these spectral characteristics are demonstrated in CO2 laser-induced long-period fiber gratings (LPFGs). These devices are based on controlled flexure by means of a piezoceramic platform. CO2 laser-induced LPFG characteristics along with the fabrication and testing processes of these gratings are discussed. Devices with a optical attenuation of 13 dB and a wavelength tuning of 7 nm are reported.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the fabrication of long-period gratings (LPG) in special optical fibers with an inverted parabolic-index profile of the cladding by periodically exposing the fibers to radiation of a high-power CO2 laser. Details on the fiber fabrication and preparation of LPGs with a period of about 1 mm in the fibers are presented. The fabricated LPGs were evaluated on the basis of their transmission spectra determined by measuring the output spectral density of the fiber with the LPGs. It is shown that the position of the band and its strength depend on the laser beam velocity, beam power and the interaction time of radiation with the fiber.  相似文献   

We have developed a wideband tunable optical filter that uses a long-period fiber grating (LPFG) in which both resonance wavelength and its signal attenuation can be adjusted. We create the grating mechanically by pressing a spring coil to an optical fiber. We achieve continuous fine tuning of wavelength and attenuation by varying the temperature of the LPFG. The adjustable ranges of the LPFG are more than 200 nm in resonance wavelength and more than 10 dB in signal attenuation.  相似文献   

Wang YP  Wang DN  Jin W 《Applied optics》2006,45(31):7966-7970
A long period fiber grating (LPFG) temperature sensor system based on intensity modulation is developed. The LPFG employed is fabricated by the use of a focused CO2 laser beam to carve periodic grooves on the fiber. The temperature measurement resolution of up to 0.1 degrees C has been obtained within the temperature range between 20 degrees C and 100 degrees C. The system uses a simple intensity measurement method and exhibits the advantages of convenient intensity measurement, double temperature sensitivity, high resolution, simple configuration, and low cost.  相似文献   

A refractive index sensor based on the thinned and microstructure fiber Bragg grating (ThMs-FBG) was proposed and realized as a chemical sensing. The numerical simulation for the reflectance spectrum of the ThMs-FBG was calculated and the phase shift down-peak could be observed from the reflectance spectrum. Many factors influencing the reflectance spectrum were considered in detail for simulation, including the etched depth, length, and position. The sandwich-solution etching method was utilized to realize the microstructure of the ThMs-FBG, and the photographs of the microstructure were obtained. Experimental results demonstrated that the reflectance spectrum, phase shift down-peak wavelength, and reflected optical intensity of the ThMs-FBG all depended on the surrounding refractive index. However, only the down-peak wavelength of the ThMs-FBG changed with the surrounding temperature. Under the condition that the length and cladding diameter of the ThMs-FBG microstructure were 800 and 14 mum, respectively, and the position of the microstructure of the ThMs-FBG is in the middle of grating region, the refractive index sensitivity of the ThMs-FBG was 0.79 nm/refractive index unit with the wide range of 1.33-1.457 and a high resolution of 1.2 x 10(-3). The temperature sensitivity was 0.0103 nm/ degrees C, which was approximately equal to that of common FBG.  相似文献   

Lee BH  Nishii J 《Applied optics》1999,38(16):3450-3459
The spectral spacing of the interference fringes formed by a pair of long-period fiber gratings was investigated. The variation of the fringe spacing was measured while the separation between the gratings was changed from 22 to 500 mm. When the grating separation was much longer than the length of the individual grating, the inverse of the fringe spacing became linearly proportional to the grating separation and to the differential effective group index of the fiber. In the third stop band of the grating pair, made along a dispersion-shifted fiber centered at 1.55 mum, the differential effective group index was calculated to be ~6.4 x 10(-3), which is approximately twice the differential effective index of the fiber. The discrepancy between the two indices was observed to decrease with the band order, a phenomenon that is explained by the first-order dispersion of the fiber. The measured interference fringes were not regularly spaced in the frequency domain, but regular spacing is required in wavelength-division multiplexing communication systems. Analysis of the second-order dispersion of the fiber and the grating-induced nonlinear phase shift within grating regions as the factors that induce chirping on the fringe spacing is presented.  相似文献   

Abdi AM  Suzuki S  Schülzgen A  Kost AR 《Applied optics》2007,46(14):2563-2574
The modeling, design, simulation, fabrication, calibration, and testing of a three-element, 15.3 cm fiber Bragg grating strain sensor array with the coherent optical frequency domain reflectometry (C-OFDR) interrogation technique are demonstrated. The fiber Bragg grating array (FBGA) is initially simulated using in-house software that incorporates transfer matrices. Compared to the previous techniques used, the transfer matrix method allows a systemwide approach to modeling the FBGA-C-OFDR system. Once designed and simulated, the FBGA system design is then imprinted into the core of a boron-germanium codoped photosensitive fiber using the phase mask technique. A fiber optic Fabry-Perot interferometric (FPI) strain gauge calibrator is then used to determine the strain gauge factor of a single fiber Bragg grating (FBG), and the results are used on the FBGA. The FPI strain gauge calibrator offers nondestructive testing of the FBG. To test the system, the FBGA is then attached to a 75 cm cantilever beam and interrogated using an incremental tunable laser. Electric strain gauges (ESGs) are then used to independently verify the strain measurements with the FBGA at various displacements of the cantilever beam. The results show that the peak strain error is 18% with respect to ESG results. In addition, good agreement is shown between the simulation and the experimental results.  相似文献   

Three approaches that allow the tailoring of long period gratings based refractometric sensors for concentration measurement in fuel blends are employed to assess the fuel quality in biodiesel and biodiesel-petrodiesel blend. To allow the analysis of fuel samples with refractive index higher than fiber cladding one, the samples refractive indices were changed by thermo-optic effect and by dilution in a standard substance with low refractive index. The obtained results show the sensor can detect oil concentration in biodiesel samples with resolution as better as 0.07% and biodiesel concentration in biodiesel-petrodiesel samples with average resolution of 0.09%.  相似文献   

We use a planar linear grating with varied line-space grooves to introduce a tailored one-dimensional phase variation profile that results in an aberrated point-spread function at the focal plane. A design procedure for the period chirp map for such gratings is developed. As an example, we present theoretical and experimental results on a mechanically ruled, varied line-space echelle grating in single-mode fiber-coupled optical multiplexers in the wavelength region of 1545 nm. The varied line-space grating changes the multiplexer's Gaussian spectral response function to a flat-top dependence with reduced sensitivity to source laser wavelength drift.  相似文献   

The interference pattern of light waves creates a refractive index modulation in photorefractive media. This process is relatively well described by the theory (Kukhtarev equations) but deviations are found. Therefore, experimental methods are used in order to characterise the processes. The influence of the absolute intensity as well as the intensity ratio of the interfering waves on the refractive index modulation are studied in a two-wave mixing arrangement. Especially for the dependence on the absolute intensity the interesting relation Δn=f(Iabs)Iabs was found that is not predicted by the theory. Nevertheless, this experimental approximation can be used in calculations in order to minimise the error.  相似文献   

Sensing experiments with a long-period grating (LPG) inscribed by a CO2 laser in a single-mode fiber with an inverted-parabolic index profile in the fiber cladding were done. A single LPG with a period of 500 μm was used in experiments and spectral changes of the attenuation band centered at ≈1520 nm were measured. Responses of the LPG to temperature changes and temperature-induced refractive-index changes were investigated. An average shift of 0.56 nm/°C was obtained for the bare LPG and of 0.86 nm/°C for the LPG recoated with a polymeric layer. An overall shift of the central wavelengths was observed in experiments repeated after two weeks that can be attributed to post-curing processes in the polymeric layer.  相似文献   

Zhu T  Rao YJ  Wang JL 《Applied optics》2007,46(3):375-378
A novel dynamic gain equalizer for flattening Er-doped fiber amplifiers based on a twisted long-period fiber grating (LPFG) induced by high-frequency CO(2) laser pulses is reported for the first time to our knowledge. Experimental results show that its transverse-load sensitivity is up to 0.34 dB/(g.mm(-1)), while the twist ratio of the twisted LPFG is approximately 20 rad/m, which is 7 times higher than that of a torsion-free LPFG. In addition, it is found that the strong orientation dependence of the transverse-load sensitivity of the torsion-free LPFG reported previously has been weakened considerably. Therefore such a dynamic gain equalizer based on the unique transverse-load characteristics of the twisted LPFG provides a much larger adjustable range and makes packaging of the gain equalizer much easier. A demonstration has been carried out to flatten an Er-doped fiber amplifier to +/-0.5 dB over a 32 nm bandwidth.  相似文献   

In this letter, a new phase-shifted corrugated long-period fiber grating (PS-CLPFG) manufacture method is proposed based on burning the fiber coating and etching cladding method. We analyze the effect of phase amplitude, locations, and numbers on transmission spectrum. A proof-of-concept experiment is performed, and a good agreement of theoretical analysis and experiment results is obtained. In addition, a relative easier method to control band-pass and band-rejection characteristics is reached. Moreover, the obvious sidelobes in the passband of multiple-π PS-CLPFG can be effectively suppressed.  相似文献   

Thin film optical filters were designed and fabricated on the end-side of the fiber as the end pumping and out coupler devices to replace the fiber Bragg grating in Yb-doped fiber laser system. It was found that the average transmittance of the end pumping device in the laser pumping wavelength (900-985 nm) is around 95.2%, and the average reflectance in the laser irradiation wavelength (1065-1085 nm) is 99.72%. The average reflectance of the out coupler device is 99.7% (900-1035 nm), and the average transmittance is 20% (1065-1085 nm), respectively.  相似文献   

A period-chirped long-period fiber grating (CLPFG), using ordinary multi-mode fiber (MMF), for broadband mode conversion (60 nm bandwidth of coupling efficiency >90%) has been proposed. Through using such a MMF-CLPFG, a broad-spectrum pulse can be converted into LP 02 for femtosecond pulse distortion-free delivery in MMF. The simulation shows that the pulse suffers less nonlinear distortion than that in a single-mode fiber. In addition, the negative pre-chirp introduced by MMF-CLPFG can offset the linear and positive SPM-induced frequency chirp and thus compress the pulse. Using this scheme, an initial 18 kW peak power 75 fs pulse distortion-free delivery in MMF has been numerically demonstrated.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the thermal and strain sensitivities of a long-period grating when the device is immersed in different external media is presented. The range of refractive indices analyzed are within 1.000 to 1.447, corresponding to samples of air, water, ethanol, naphtha, thinner, turpentine, and kerosene. Within the same range of refractive indices, the strain sensitivity is between (-0.24 +/- 0.03) and (-0.94 +/- 0.11) pm/microepsilon. For the grating immersed in these fluids, the refractive index sensitivity ranges from -3 to -1035.6 nm per refractive index units. The coupling thermo-optic coefficients and the strain-optic coefficients are also measured, resulting in the range from (2.45 +/- 0.04)x10(-5) to (15.89 +/- 0.82)x10(-5) deg C(-1) and (-1.15 +/- 0.04) to (-1.61 +/- 0.04) microepsilon(-1), respectively. A noticeable nonlinear behavior of the thermal sensitivity is found for external media with refractive indices higher than 1.430.  相似文献   

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