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We investigated the influence of agricultural management and various plant covers related to the period of abandonment on soil properties, erosion and nutrient depletion in a typical Mediterranean area with sandy loam shallow soils. Cultivated soils (CS) with insufficient management, 5 year abandoned soils covered with meadow (A5), 25 year abandoned soils covered with dense scrubs (A25), 50 year abandoned soils covered with cork trees (A50) and soils in a 50 year pine reforested area (P50) were studied over a period of 6 months (May-October 1999). The soils were classified as Lithic Xerorthents. Both the differences in soil properties and response to rainfall events were mainly attributed to the different vegetation types and stages in land management. Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on the results, by running the overall data determined after five rainfall events. The factors extracted by PCA of the samples by variables matrix represented the response of the environments to different rainfall intensities as a function of management or natural evolution after abandonment. CS environments showed the highest runoff and sediment yield as well as the highest amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen in runoff water. The sequence of abandonment (A5, A25 and A50) showed approximately the same runoff production, whereas eroded sediments (ES) and DOC were inversely correlated. Organic carbon in the ES and DOC in runoff water always increased with the period of abandonment, which accounted for consistent nutrient depletion. Nevertheless, the A50 environment (dominated by Quercus suber) showed the best soil properties, whilst the A25 environment with dense cover of Cistus monspeliensis and Calicotome espinosa seemed to cause a worsening effect on the soil's physical and chemical properties. This is probably because these environments are more severely damaged by wild fire occurrence. In terms of sediment yield, the P50 environment followed CS environment, indicating that reforestation followed by insufficient forest management may negatively affect both soil properties and response to the erosive action of rainfall. 相似文献
Soil erosion is one of the most important factors in land degradation and influences desertification worldwide. In 2001, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment launched the ‘National Inventory of Soil Erosion (INES) 2002-2012’ to study the process of soil erosion in Spain. The aim of the current article is to assess the usefulness of this National Inventory as an instrument of control, measurement and monitoring of soil erosion in Spain. The methodology and main features of this National Inventory are described in detail. The results achieved as of the end of May 2010 are presented, together with an explanation of the utility of the Inventory as a tool for planning forest hydrologic restoration, soil protection, erosion control, and protection against desertification. Finally, the authors make a comparative analysis of similar initiatives for assessing soil erosion in other countries at the national and European levels. 相似文献
The generation of an easily adaptable method for erosion risk assessment is important for management and conservation of the available resources in developing countries. The study aims to assess the risk of soil erosion by using an integrated, easy to apply, time‐ and money‐conserving revised universal soil loss equation‐geographic information systems (RUSLE‐GIS)‐based model in the Eastern part of the Mediterranean. Although the model showed a good efficiency in predicting the annual soil loss ( R2=0.68), the limited runoff–erosion data warrant the need for long‐term data to test and calibrate the model. The model showed that 24% of the watershed area has an annual soil loss exceeding the soil loss tolerance (SLT) of the area (5 Mg/ha). When all the RUSLE factors were kept constant, except the C factor, the model showed the highest soil loss potential under olive groves (20–30 Mg/ha), and the lowest under wheat and barley (5 Mg/ha). The application of proper conservation practices to these areas is thus important, i.e. reducing the number of tillage and/or time of tillage practices. 相似文献
分析了盐渍土路基的溶蚀机理与危害,对盐渍土路基溶蚀的主要影响因素进行了探讨,详细阐述了盐渍土溶蚀的防治措施,以提高公路路基的施工质量,从而延长公路的使用寿命。 相似文献
The present paper shows the results of a literature survey aimed at exploring how the indoor environment in buildings affects human comfort. The survey was made to gather data that can be useful when new concepts of controlling the indoor environment are developed. The following indoor environmental conditions influencing comfort in the built environment were surveyed: thermal, visual and acoustic, as well as air quality. The literature was surveyed to determine which of these conditions were ranked by building users as being the most important determinants of comfort. The survey also examined the extent to which other factors unrelated to the indoor environment, such as individual characteristics of building occupants, building-related factors and outdoor climate including seasonal changes, influence whether the indoor environment is evaluated as comfortable or not. The results suggest that when developing systems for controlling the indoor environment, the type of building and outdoor climate, including season, should be taken into account. Providing occupants with the possibility to control the indoor environment improves thermal and visual comfort as well as satisfaction with the air quality. Thermal comfort is ranked by building occupants to be of greater importance compared with visual and acoustic comfort and good air quality. It also seems to influence to a higher degree the overall satisfaction with indoor environmental quality compared with the impact of other indoor environmental conditions. 相似文献
以清水、质量分数为5%的硫酸钠溶液、5%硫酸钠+3%氯化钠的混合溶液为侵蚀介质,采用慢冻法及干湿交替环境,对强度为54.71 MPa、水胶比为0.4的高强混凝土进行0、100、200、300次冻融循环,观察各组试件表面剥蚀情况,测定质量损失和抗压强度。试验结果表明:随着冻融循环及侵蚀次数增加,混凝土试块表面剥蚀趋于严重,质量损失率增加,抗压强度减小。侵蚀介质为5%硫酸钠+3%氯化钠溶液的混凝土试件,各参数的变化幅度最大。 相似文献
Road embankments erosion is a serious problem in Spain. By means of simulated rainfall experiments (45 mm h(-1) during one hour on 0.41 m(2) plots) soil and water losses were measured on five road embankments located on the SW of the Valencia province, Spain. The bare road embankments, still under construction, contributed with 30 times more soil erosion than the vegetated ones. The measurements here presented demonstrate that road embankments are an important source of sediments, especially during the construction works, and it is recommended that restoration works should be undertaken after the road construction to reduce sediment removal, protect the road and avoid traffic accidents. 相似文献
Wildfires produce polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs), among which polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of environmental concern. After a fire affecting a Mediterranean creek, we studied the distribution and short-term permanence of PACs and of 16 priority PAH pollutants in the aquatic environment. PACs were traced through absorbance and fluorescence emissions and organic carbon concentrations. PAHs were analysed by gas chromatography. High TOC/DOC concentrations and fluorescence/absorbance values reflected abnormal inputs of fire-induced aromatic compounds. Their concentrations decreased gradually but showed sporadic peaks after precipitation. Fifteen months later, values still surpassed background levels. Initially concentrations of individual and total PAH species of the dissolved, particulate and sediment phases were increased. Then they fluctuated with new PAH inputs related with runoff, leaching and soil erosion following precipitation events. All PAH concentrations approached background levels 15 months after the fire, and never reached values of toxicological concern. However, some bioaccumulation may have occurred. 相似文献
The physico-mechanical properties of rocks play an important role in planning and designing of civil constructional works. These properties are adversely affected by acidic and alkaline environments, where they are exposed for a longer time. The natural forces and agents of weathering have degrading effect on the appearance and structural soundness of Kota stone. These agents include rain, temperature, wind and atmospheric pollutants. Weathering agents almost never work individually or in isolation, they always act in combination with one another or with other agents of deterioration. The durability of building stones is primarily judged by its reactivity with acidic and basic water of different pH values. The conditions are very obvious in any of the large scale construction and use of building stone like sandstones and Kota stones. During the mining of carbonate hosted mineral deposits, the interaction of ground water with ore minerals affect the surrounding environment and rock types. This may cause problem in exploitation of minerals and may cause failure of slope or pillars. To avoid such problems, the prior study of effect of ground water charged with ions released from ore minerals on carbonate rock is important. In this paper, an attempt has been made to see the variation in the physico-mechanical properties of Kota stone under different watery environment. In the present study, the NX size cylindrical cores were prepared with the help of diamond core drilling machine as per ISRM standard. For each mechanical property, eight samples were prepared and tested. The prepared samples were put into the oven for 24 h at 104 °C to eliminate the moisture present and later submerged in to the water having different pH values ranging from nearly 0.89–12 for 24 h under stirring mode till it gets full saturation at room temperature. The study reveals that there is prominent change in strength properties under acidic and alkaline environments. Rock is considered as a neutral substance so at pH 7, Kota stone shows maximum strength due to non-reactive nature of the solution. Majority of rock mass is not neutral but some of the rock mass shows very minor changes in its strength. The chemical composition of the rock mass dominates the reaction process when it is submerged in varying pH solution. 相似文献
结合国内外的学术研究,介绍了能源桩温度变化对土体热力学性能的影响及温度变化对桩体结构和土体之间关系的影响,并探讨了能源隧道的热力性能,表明温度变化对土体的强度和变形性能、对桩—土的相互作用具有显著影响。 相似文献
In Mediterranean frequently burnt areas, fire and erosion result in the decrease of soil fertility, so afforestation is a major concern. We carried out an in situ experiment of compost amendment to improve survival and growth of planted tree seedlings. One-year-tree seedlings of native species (Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis and Pinus pinea) were planted on a frequently burnt calcareous site. Three rates of fresh co-composted sewage sludge and greenwastes (control without compost, 20 and 40 kg m(-2) of compost) were incorporated into the soil at each seedling stem. Changes of soil properties and tree development were studied during 3 years (2001-2003) and 2 years (2002-2003) respectively. The compost improved survival of Quercus ilex and Pinus pinea seedlings in severe drought conditions, but had no effect on Pinus halepensis. For all species seedling length and radial growth and NPK nutrition were increased for both rates of amendment. Amendment improved soil fertility, but available P concentration increased 13 fold in the neighbouring soil of seedlings amended at the maximal rate compared to control. However, amendment did not significantly increase concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb in soils or tree seedlings. It increased Cu and Zn total and available concentrations in soils, while foliar Cu and Zn concentrations in the seedlings remained similar in all plots. Compost can efficiently help afforestation of dry soils with low organic matter content. However, sewage sludge concentrations in P, and to a lesser extent in Cu and Zn, limit rates of application that can be applied without environmental hazard. 相似文献
During decades, in semiarid rainfed Aragon, intensive soil tillage and low crop residue input have led to the loss of soil structure and soil degradation. Conservation tillage and cropping intensification can improve soil structure in these areas. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of three different tillage systems (traditional tillage, reduced tillage and no-tillage) under two cropping systems (fallow-barley rotation and barley monoculture) on soil aggregation dynamics during a cropping season. A decrease in tillage intensity resulted in a higher mean size of dry aggregates and a greater water aggregate stability in both cropping systems particularly under no-tillage. 相似文献
Conventional chemical data for spring and river waters are presented together with sulphur isotopic data for dissolved sulphate to elucidate the source of water salinisation in the middle section of the Llobregat River. As dilution processes do not affect sulphur isotopic composition, the analysis of delta34S of dissolved sulphate in waters provides an excellent tool for quantifying the environmental impact caused by the mining activity existing in the area. The delta34S of dissolved sulphate from mining effluents and saline springs unrelated to mining activity was analysed. The results obtained range from + 18 per thousand to + 20 per thousand (VCDT) for mining effluents and from + 10 per thousand to + 14 per thousand (VCDT) for natural saline springs. These values are in accordance with the pattern of sulphur isotopic composition of sulphates from the evaporite materials of this area. This distinctive isotopic composition has allowed us to determine the origin of salinity in those cases in which chemical features are not conclusive. In addition, two fertilisers widely used in the studied area are chemically and isotopically characterised and their contribution to groundwater salinisation is assessed. 相似文献
基于水泥土的实际工程应用环境,通过室内对比试验,研究了水泥土在密封养护(基准养护)、室温清水中浸泡、硫酸钠溶液中浸泡等3种条件下强度等力学性能的变化规律,得出相应的试验结论,为进一步明确工程应用中水泥土的强度等力学性能参数的应用条件及水泥土耐久性能的改善提供了技术基础。 相似文献
Urban soils differ from the rural ones by the fact that they are more strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities. This influence is often reflected by a high degree of contamination. To investigate the influence a large city can have on its soils and on the surrounding ones, samples within the city of Torino, Italy were compared with a set of surrounding soils developed from the same alluvial parent material. City-country trends were investigated by spatially managing the samples. Results show that the city plays a key role in concentrating some pollutants, such as Pb, Zn, and Cu within its borders. Lead is the element most enriched in the city, presenting a pollution index of 7.5 calculated comparing the two sets of samples. Ni and Cr appear to have a strong natural contribution. The spatial distributions for Pb, Cu and Zn present an abrupt division between urban and rural samples. Unexpectedly, the transport of pollutants from the city to the surrounding areas seems to be limited as no city-country trends with distance are identified. The pH and the sand fraction result also influenced by the city, showing high values. The investigation of possible city-country distance trends has shown to be effective in evaluating the impact a city can have on its soils and on the transport and deposition of contaminants on the surrounding ones. 相似文献
Conclusions 1. Loading tests of soil with a plate set at different depths, with measurement of the settlement of the plate itself and of the surrounding ground surface, and with determination of the ratio between total and restorable settlement, permits one to obtain very complete information on the mechanical properties of the soil and to find a basis for selecting the most appropriate model of a foundation bed.2. The characteristics of soil compressibility may be determined from the results of impression of a plate in accordance with the method proposed by N. A. Tsytovich and I. I. Cherkasov.3. The compressibility of the investigated sands depends on the external load on the test plate and the depth of the horizon being tested.4. The coefficient of compressibility a
0 of the investigated soils declines with depth and increases with increase in test load on the plate.5. The modulus of general strain E 0 and the modulus of subgrade reaction c Z of shallow sands increase with depth and decrease with increase in load on the test plate.6. The relation of compressibility of the investigated sands to load varies with depth, changing gradually from a nonlinear law to practically a linear law.7. The most suitable design model of a foundation bed for the investigated conditions is linearly deformable half-space with a strain modulus that increases with depth.Scientific-Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 1, pp. 28–31, January–February, 1975. 相似文献
对比直接分散混合和二次分散混合2种不同制各工艺制作的EPS保温砂浆的力学及施工性能,并对其中差异作出解释和分析.结果表明,2种分散混合制备工艺各有优势;二次分散混合工艺中,使用占总量30%的水泥进行EPS颗粒包裹制作母料,所得到的保温砂浆的稠度值为6.5 cm,抗压强度1.20 Mea,抗折强度0.38 MPa,粘结强度0.15 MPa. 相似文献
An overview of nitrification and denitrification in the natural environment is presented and the basic mechanisms of nitrification and denitrification in water/soil environments are described in this paper. Nitrification/denitrification is one of the most important techniques for removing inorganic nitrogenous compounds in water and soil environments. Nitrification and denitrification in aquatic and soil environments can be described by using First‐order kinetic and the methods for parameter estimation are discussed. The study indicated that nitrification and denitrification could take place simultaneously in aerobic and anaerobic zones in soil and water environment. The factors effecting nitrification and denitrification are discussed in this study. External carbon sources are the most important factors for completing denitrification and dissolved oxygen (DO) is very significant for nitrification. 相似文献
The rate of soil erosion in pine forests (Pinus halepensis) located in the Southeast of Madrid has been estimated using dendrochronological analysis based on the change in ring-growth pattern from concentric to eccentric when the root is exposed. Using 49 roots spread across five inclined areas, it has been found that the length and direction of the hillsides, as well as their vegetation cover affect the rate of erosion, while the slope itself does not. The erosion rates found for the different areas studied vary between 3.5 and 8.8 mm year(-1), that is between 40 and 101 t ha(-1) year(-1) respectively. These values are between 2 and 3 times greater than those predicted by USLE, for which this equation underestimates soil loss for Central Spain's Mediterranean conditions. Nonetheless, both methods (using dendrochronology to determine actual soil loss and theoretical prediction with USLE) are able to establish the same significant differences among the areas studied, allowing for the comparative estimate of the severity of the area's erosion problem. 相似文献