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经济模式的转变和技术结构的快速变化,更加凸显了互联网在时代前进中的核心作用和中间力量。关键信息基础设施与其他设施运行的紧密耦合导致其突破了信息安全原初的可用性、保密性和完整性,可信和可控的重要性被广泛认可。作为信息技术发展的传统大国,俄罗斯不断调整立法以适应信息技术的发展需求,降低关键信息基础设施的安全风险。在明确概念的基础上,分析俄罗斯相关立法,为我国关键信息基础设施保护立法构建提出若干建议是至关重要的。  相似文献   

在大力推动民航数字化转型升级、全面推进智慧机场建设任务背景下,基于机场关键信息基础设施面临的现实突出网络安全问题及迫切保障需求分析,对其进行了安全保障框架体系及建设要点的研究。研究可以帮助机场建立网络安全综合保障体系,提升关键信息基础设施网络安全监测预警和主动防御能力,有效应对机场信息化高速发展态势下的各类网络、数据、供应链等安全风险,落实国家相关法律法规和关键信息基础设施安全保护要求,实现机场安全总体发展目标,推动机场数字化变革与发展。  相似文献   

关键基础设施网络安全技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对关键基础设施的网络安全现状进行总结,对关键基础设施的安全威胁进行了分类,着重对信息物理融合系统在受到网络攻击时采用的数据词典、证据理论、博弈论等方法进行网络安全防护深入分析,着重分析了基于信任理论的信息物理融合系统的防御方案,阐述了关键基础设施的相关性与脆弱性之间的关系,总结了现有主要的关键基础设施网络安全的模拟技术,对比分析了现有的仿真技术的特点.最后提出了关键基础设施网络安全技术值得深入研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

对关键信息基础设施网络资产重要度的评估是目前国家重点关注方向。针对当前网络资产重要性评估忽略业务链进而影响结果准确性和有效性的问题,本文基于网络业务供需关系构建“信息-物理-用户”3层耦合网络,提出一种基于网络渗流理论的资产重要性评估方法:在构建的耦合模型上应用改进的网络渗流理论,并结合节点渗流概率及节点的资源输送能力损失描述失效在网络中的传播,然后综合节点失效前后网络最大业务交付负载变化率与用户影响等级双重指标来区分节点的不同影响力。最后以电力行业为背景进行仿真实验,结果表明,本文方法具有较高的准确性,为网络资产的重要性评估提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本文较为全面地介绍了加拿大信息安全保障建设的情况。  相似文献   

关键信息基础设施作为承载国家重要领域信息传递的载体,其安全关乎国计民生、公共利益和国家安全。近年随着《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》(以下简称“关保”)等政策制度相继出台,关键信息基础设施网络安全已上升成为国家战略,引起社会广泛关注。因此,认清关键信息基础设施现实风险,设计基于态势感知的技术体系、建立合规的制度体系、构建权责分明的组织体系,实现人、技术、制度的有机结合,提升网络安全运营能力,对确保关键信息基础设施安全具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

2020年,面对严重威胁生命安全的疫情冲击,我国26个省、市、自治区启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应,国家应急管理基础能力和治理能力接受检验。世界卫生组织专家在2020年2月24日世卫组织-中国冠状病毒病联合专家考察组新闻发布会上坦诚,我们需要审视现有体系,坦率地说,没有任何一个体系能做到及时响应。根据《网络安全法》第57条的规定,网络安全事件在符合突发事件的构成要件后,将转化或升级为突发事件.  相似文献   

<正>关键信息基础设施事件报告是有效应对网络安全事件、及时化解网络安全风险,保障关键信息基础设施安全稳定运行的重要环节,已成为各国强化关键信息基础设施保护制度的共同关注点。当前,我国《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》(以下简称《条例》)已施行两年,关键信息基础设施安全保护领域的第一项国家标准《信息安全技术关键信息基础设施安全保护要求》(GB/T 39204-2022)也于2023年5月正式施行。作为《条例》确立的一项重要制度,  相似文献   

保障关键基础设施安全对于现代社会的正常运转至关重要。美国较早意识到关键基础设施的重要性,围绕关键基础设施界定、机构设置、职能授权、政府与私营企业的合作、信息共享机制等方面,已逐步形成一套相对完善和成熟的关键基础设施保护政策体系。相比之下,我国的关键基础设施保护工作起步较晚、发展较慢。未来可考虑以战略或立法文件的方式,明确我国关键基础设施的内涵,加强集中领导和统筹协调,建立信息安全信息共享机制,推动关键基础设施保障工作迈向新的台阶。  相似文献   

随着互联网应用的飞速发展,网络安全威胁持续增长。关键基础设施的建设与安全防护关乎国家安全,必须高度重视。文章阐述了美国和欧洲的措施,分析了中国应当如何应对,并从技术层面论述了基础软件与硬件、云计算基础设施、可信计算技术、身份鉴别机制等面临的技术挑战,分析了技术走势与最新进展。  相似文献   

The same advantage that technologically advanced businesses have over their competitors-their advanced information technology infrastructure-has become a major new vulnerability. As businesses adopt increasingly sophisticated information infrastructures, the complexity of protecting those infrastructures becomes enormous. And the problem isn't helped by the misunderstandings between business and government over what protecting the infrastructure means. So what should you do about hackers? There are three types of problems to be solved: technological, legal, and financial. An overall solution requires effective solutions in each of these three areas  相似文献   

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) have become an important element of the Information Technology (IT) security architecture by identifying intrusions from both insiders and outsiders. However, security experts questioned the effectiveness of IDSs recently. The criticism known as Base Rate fallacy states that when IDS raises an alarm, the event is more likely to be benign rather than intrusive since the proportion of benign activity is significantly larger than that of intrusive activity in the user population. In response to too many false alarms, system security officers (SSO) either ignore alarm signals or turn off the IDS as the information provided by IDS is very skeptical. To alleviate this problem of IDSs, Ogut et al. (2008) [6] suggest that the firm may choose to wait to get additional signal and to make better decision about user type. One of the limitations of their model is that configuration point at which IDSs operate (the false negative and false positive rates) is exogenously given. However, the firm trying to minimize expected cost should also make a decision regarding the configuration level of IDSs since these probabilities are one of the determinants of future cost. Therefore, we extend Ogut et al. (2008) [6] by considering configuration and waiting time decisions jointly in this paper. We formulate the problem as dynamic programming model and illustrate the solution procedure for waiting time and configuration decision under optimal policy when cost of undetected hacker activity follows step wise function. As it is difficult to obtain waiting time and configuration decision under optimal policy, we illustrate the solution procedures for under myopic policy and focus on the characteristics of configuration decision under myopic policy. Our numerical analysis suggested that configuration decision is as important as waiting time decision to decrease the cost of operating IDS.  相似文献   

网络安全法从立法上明确了国家关键信息基础设施要在等级保护基础上实行重点保护,并要求定期进行安全风险检测评估。文章首先分析了关键信息基础设施的重要特性和安全保障要点,基于当前最新的风险评估标准模型,结合行业最佳实践,提出了基于关键信息基础设施业务特点识别关键属性,并围绕关键属性进行风险评估的方法论,给出了基于二维矩阵的风险分析实施方法、相关内容作为关键信息基础设施检查评估国家标准的重要补充,将为关键信息基础设施安全评估工作的执行提供参考。  相似文献   

Isaak  J. 《Computer》1996,29(1):105-106
Many standards groups and consortia are now addressing global information infrastructure (GII) standardization. Each group is working on issues within its particular GII area, and some are aggressively promoting government activities, commercial mergers, and social concerns. In many cases, essential standards already exist but are unknown to other groups that could benefit from their use  相似文献   

The vitality of a nation or region is based on the effective use of material resources for public and private infrastructure. There are an abundance of technological options and policy choices that can be defined. A value chain approach based on the Reference Material System, using state-of-the-art information systems, can be used to provide an integrated framework for information on material resources and finished materials markets to support planning and analysis of the physical infrastructure that is essential to social and economic development. This framework also provides a model for tracking annual flows and stock levels for the capital account of a region or nation.  相似文献   

The rapid proliferation of Internet of things (IoT) devices, such as smart meters and water valves, into industrial critical infrastructures and control systems has put stringent performance and scalability requirements on modern Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. While cloud computing has enabled modern SCADA systems to cope with the increasing amount of data generated by sensors, actuators, and control devices, there has been a growing interest recently to deploy edge data centers in fog architectures to secure low-latency and enhanced security for mission-critical data. However, fog security and privacy for SCADA-based IoT critical infrastructures remains an under-researched area. To address this challenge, this contribution proposes a novel security “toolbox” to reinforce the integrity, security, and privacy of SCADA-based IoT critical infrastructure at the fog layer. The toolbox incorporates a key feature: a cryptographic-based access approach to the cloud services using identity-based cryptography and signature schemes at the fog layer. We present the implementation details of a prototype for our proposed secure fog-based platform and provide performance evaluation results to demonstrate the appropriateness of the proposed platform in a real-world scenario. These results can pave the way toward the development of a more secure and trusted SCADA-based IoT critical infrastructure, which is essential to counter cyber threats against next-generation critical infrastructure and industrial control systems. The results from the experiments demonstrate a superior performance of the secure fog-based platform, which is around 2.8 seconds when adding five virtual machines (VMs), 3.2 seconds when adding 10 VMs, and 112 seconds when adding 1000 VMs, compared to the multilevel user access control platform.  相似文献   

Wide-area situational awareness for critical infrastructure protection has become a topic of interest in recent years. As part of this interest, we propose in this paper a smart mechanism to: control real states of the observed infrastructure from anywhere and at any time, respond to emergency situations and assess the degree of accuracy of the entire control system. Particularly, the mechanism is based on a hierarchical configuration of sensors for control, the ISA100.11a standard for prioritization and alarm management, and the F-Measure technique to study the level of accuracy of a sensor inside a neighborhood.  相似文献   

Vulnerability to sudden service disruptions due to deliberate sabotage and terrorist attacks is one of the major threats of today. In this paper, we present a bilevel formulation of the r-interdiction median problem with fortification (RIMF). RIMF identifies the most cost-effective way of allocating protective resources among the facilities of an existing but vulnerable system so that the impact of the most disruptive attack to r unprotected facilities is minimized. The model is based upon the classical p-median location model and assumes that the efficiency of the system is measured in terms of accessibility or service provision costs. In the bilevel formulation, the top level problem involves the decisions about which facilities to fortify in order to minimize the worst-case efficiency reduction due to the loss of unprotected facilities. Worst-case scenario losses are modeled in the lower-level interdiction problem. We solve the bilevel problem through an implicit enumeration (IE) algorithm, which relies on the efficient solution of the lower-level interdiction problem. Extensive computational results are reported, including comparisons with earlier results obtained by a single-level approach to the problem.  相似文献   

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