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Hydrogenation of Soya Bean Oil Hydrogenation of soya bean oil by a new group of catalysts is reported, whereby especially the melting behaviour and the fatty acid composition with respect to various application conditions is delt.  相似文献   

Physical Characterization of a Binary Mixture of Soybean Oil/Epoxidized Soybean Oil Properties of substance are of main importance in technical process. The temperature dependence of the properties of density and viscosity as well as the temperature dependence of the flow behavior of soy bean oil and epoxidised soy bean oil are the subject of this publication. The influence of composition on these properties in binary mixtures is a point of interest, too.  相似文献   

Characterization of Soybean Oil/Epoxidised Soybean Oil Mixtures by FTIR/h-ATR-Spectroscopy Controlling of technical production process requires a rapid method of analysis. This article describes a Fourier transform-infrared/horizontal attentuated total reflectance (FTIR/h-ATR) method to determine the iodine value and the degree of epoxidation in binary mixtures of soybean oil and epoxidised soybean oil. This analytical method will also be tested regarding the chemical reaction of epoxidation of soybean oil.  相似文献   

Thin-layer Chromatographic Detection of Soybean Oil in Sunflower Oil Small amounts of soybean oil in sunflower oil can be detected on the basis of δ-tocopherol. A thin-layer chromatographic method in which the negligible δ-tocopherol content of sunflower oil (approx. 5 ppm.) does not interfere is described. The addition of 3 and 5% respectively of soybean oil to sunflower oil can be detected in a reproducible manner.  相似文献   

Problems of Physical Refining of Soya Bean Oil The importance of physical refining - above all of palm oil - has permanently increased in the last years. Other oils and fats like for example soya bean oil are more and more refined by this alternative method, too. The report demonstrates the development up to now and the situation of today. The problems of the procedure are explained and a critical estimation is attempted.  相似文献   

Turkish Teaseed Oil and Tea Saponin The annual production of black tea in Turkey is about 50 000 t. It is estimated, that Turkey can produce annually 14 000 t tea seed and 3000 t teaseed oil. The seed consists of 70% kernel and 30% hull. The oil content of the kernel is 33%. The Turkish teaseed oil has following characteristics: Specific weight at 25° C: 0.9180; refractive index at 25° C: 1.4692; saponification value: 192.8; iodine value (Hanus): 90.9; RM-value: 1.0; hydroxyl value: 5.25; unsaponifiable: 1.05%. Gas chromatographic determination of fatty acids gave following average values: myristic acid traces, palmitic acid 16.0%, stearic acid 1.67%, oleic acid 59.4%, linoleic acid 21.8% and arachidic acid 1.23%. The oilcake contains 14% saponin, therefore, has a bitter taste. Tea saponin is a triterpenic saponin of the type of amyrin. The aglycone consists of five different sapogenins. The carbohydrate part of the tea saponin contains following sugars: xylose, galactose, glucose and galacturonic acid.  相似文献   

Feeding Experiments with Dimeric Triglycerides Isolated from Refined Soya Bean Oil At pilot plant scale a fraction containing 20% of dimeric triglycerides was isolated from refined soya bean oil by chromatography on silica gel. Additional fractionation by preparative gel permeation chromatography yielded a product containing 92% of dimeric triglycerides. By this for the first time genuine dimeric triglycerides have been available for animal feeding experiments at a very high concentration which otherwise occur in refined soya bean oils only in very low amounts. The acute toxicity test with mice, in which the 92% concentrate was fed, did not show any symptoms of toxicity with all doses applied. The acute LD50 (24 hours and 7 days) was higher than 20 ml/kg. To test the chronical toxicity and metabolism the product with 20% dimeric triglycerides was added at 15% (w/w) to the diet and fed to mice over 12 months. A control group of test animals received a diet with 15% (w/w) refined soya bean oil. During the experiment a. o. clinical symptoms, behavioural disorders, gain in weight, uptake of feed and water, feed efficiency and mortality have been evaluated. Histological investigations as well as a reproduction study were performed. In all these investigations no differences between the animals of the control and test groups could be found. Fat analytical investigations revealed that the dimeric triglycerides are saponified in the gastro-intestinal tract and that a high percentage of dimeric fatty acids is excreted with the faeces. Liquids isolated from the adipose tissue, the kidneys and brain did not show any difference between the animals of the control and test group.  相似文献   

Fatty Acid Composition of Rapeseed, Soybean, Sunflower and Peanut Oils Alterations in the mode of cultivation of oilseeds have brought forth considerable fluctuations in the composition of vegetable oils in the past decade. It is therefore desirable to report occasionally the new analytical figures on vegetable oils, whose source and past history are exactly known.  相似文献   

The Possibilities of Refining Sunflower Oil with Molecular Distillation The experiment on the deacidification of sunflower oil with molecular distillation was extended to the total refining of the oil. The elimination curve of cold pressed oil is determined, the region of deacidification found out, the distillates and the residues, obtained after distillation, analysed and also the vitamine-E contents of the same are examined. The possibility of refining the cold pressed oil by repeated distillations in a small laboratory apparatus as well as in a semi-industrial plant was studied. The sunflower oil can be refined by molecular distillation in a one step process even at 40° to 50° C. At this temperature, the acid value of the oil remains under 1 and the peroxide value under 10.  相似文献   

Formation of Cocoa Aroma from Its Precursors Isolation and chemical composition of a highly purified mixture of aroma-precursors from raw cocoa were extensively studied and the alterations due to heating at roasting temperatures were followed quantitatively. Cocoa aroma is formed in the course of a Maillard reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars. Participation of oligopeptides in the alterations that are specific for the process of roasting could be detected for the first time. From the high-boiling components present in the reaction product, a fraction having the typical cocoa flavour could be isolated and resolved by gas chromatography. The consequences of these observations on the technology of roasting of cocoa are discussed.  相似文献   

Composition of the Seed Oil of Clustered Elder (Sambucus racemosa L.) The seeds of clustered elder (Sambucus racemosa L.) contain 28% of an oil. Its separation to groups of components was carried out by adsorption chromatography. Single groups of substances were further analysed by TLC and GLC in combination with physico-chemical methods (IR and MS). Thus the following substances were found and identified: n-alkanes (C17–C33), 2-methyl- and 3-methylalkanes, squalene, a mixture of esters, triglycerides, β-sitosterol, campesterol and a mixture of diglycerides. The conditions for the separation of esters by silica gel column chromatography were also found. The mixture of esters was thus separated into a group of aliphatic wax esters (C34–C44) and four groups of esters of steroidal alcohols (mainly β-sitosterol and campesterol) with aliphatic unsaturated acids (predominantly C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3). In the triglycerides representing the main fraction of the oil (93%), the acids C16:0, C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 are present. The same acids were also found in diglycerides.  相似文献   

Base‐catalyzed transesterification of fats and oils with primary alcohols in discontinuous operation is an established batch process for the biodiesel production. However, the application of microreaction technology and continuous flow process lead to an increase of process intensification. The ethanol/soy bean oil ratio at low flow rates as well as the reactor geometry have the most evident effects on the fatty acid ethyl ester yield of KOH‐catalyzed ethanolysis of soy bean oil in microreactors. The influence of the catalyst concentration is of a lower importance.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Hydrocarbon Mixtures with the Help of Selective Extraction Methods × — Analysis of Crude Waxes from a Paraffin Based Crude Oil The analysis of three crude waxes from different fractions of paraffin based crude oil, with the help of solid-liquid extraction and finally by urea-adduct formation, is reported. On the basis of selected physical data and suitable diagrams, the structural composition of the hydrocarbon components of these three crude waxes is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on the Wax of Fennel Seed Oil Wax isolated from fennel seed oil was analyzed. It contains 2.8% unsaturated fatty acids (C15–C18) and 97.2% saturated fatty acids (C13–C22). In this investigation chemical, ion-exchange, adsorption and gas-liquid chromatographic methods were employed.  相似文献   

Post Deodorization Condensates from Soya and Rape Oils as a Source of Tocopherols For refining of different kinds of plant oils the same industrial installations are used. The qualitative and quantitative composition of tocochromanols obtained from post deodorization condensates depends on the refined oil. The influence of the quantity of refined oils in the process on quantitative changes of tocopherols in the condensates was investigated. We found, that for the eventual obtaining of tocopherol concentrates from them, it is better to use soya post deodorization condensate. The maximum concentration of tocopherols in soya condensate was found after deodorization of approximately 26 tons of the oils at an installation yield of about 3.5 tons per hour.  相似文献   

Saturated and unsaturated oligomers are formed by a side reaction during the thermal polymerization of styrene. MAYO has suggested that these oligomers are closely associated with the initiation step. Recently the structures of the dimer fraction were published by BROWN . By independent synthesis of the dimers we could confirm his results. The main components of the dimer fraction are trans- and cis-1.2-diphenylcyclobutane in a ratio of 3:1 ; also smaller amounts of 1.3-diphenylbutene-(3) and I-phenyltetralin were found. The aim of this work was to clarify the structures of the trimers. The trimer fraction contains about 30% of 1.3.5-triphenylhexene-(5), the structure of which was confirmed by independent synthesis. Furthermore we were able to show, that about 65% of the trimer fraction consists of the 4 optical inactive isomers of 1-phenyl-4-[1′-phenyläthyl-(1′)]- Their structures were confirmed by dehydrogenation to 1-phenyl-4-[1′-phenyläthyl-(1′)]-naphthalene, which was identical to an independently synthesized sample.  相似文献   

The Nitrile Carboxamide Rearrangement and the Formation of Heterocycles via Cyano-cyclohexenyl-urea Anthranilic amide and cyanogen bromide form Cyano-phenyl-urea ( 7 ) via Nitrile Carboxamide Rearrangement. Cyclisation of cyano-cyclohexenyl-urea ( 4 ) yields 4-amino-2,3,5,6,7,8-hexahydroquinazolin-2-one ( 10 ). 4 and amines form N-cyano-cyclohexenyl-N'-alkyl-ureas ( 11a–e ) or 3-alkyl-4-amino-hexahydroquinazolin-2-ones ( 12a–g ). 4 and α-aminoacids yield octahydro-imidazolo-quinazolindiones ( 14a–b ). Oxo-cyclohexane-2-carboxamide ( 1 ) and amino benzimidazole form hexahydrobenzimidazo-quinazolinone 17 .  相似文献   

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