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The detection and measurement of somatic cell mutation in vivo is an important subject of research for the assessment of human cancer risk induced by various environmental genotoxic factors. The possible mechanisms which influence the persistence of mutant cells of the hematoimmune system in the peripheral blood are presented. The erythroid system is a system which accumulates mutational lesions and so stably generates red blood cells with various phenotypic changes.  相似文献   

The fully trained psychiatrist must be able to integrate vast amounts of phenomenological data as well as to empathically share feeling states in patients. Beginning psychiatric residents often lean either towards intellectuality or towards emotionality, tendencies which potentially reinforce splitting within the profession. Cognitive styles may correlate with neurophysiological indicators, such as hemispheric dominance and the augmenting-reducing dimension. There may also be sex differences in cognition; if so, they would have to be taken into account as more women enter psychiatric training. A theoretical understanding of individual differences in students provides a basis for the pedagogical correction of biases. Overly intellectual residents may be organically or psychodynamically oriented. In either case they favour theory over concrete experience, and there are difficulties in mobilizing their empathic capacities. Identification with empathic teachers and a focus in supervision on the perception and integration of more stimuli, especially nonverbal cues, are important correctives. Overly emotional residents identify excessively with their patients and tend to have problems with boundaries. An augmenting tendency, leading to stimulus overload, can be controlled by teaching residents how to structure and set limits. Identification with the supervisor is sided by clear boundaries in the supervisory relationship. In both cases the resident's strengths must not be denigrated while correcting his weaknesses. Examples of learning problems in both kinds of residents are given, with discussion of supervisory pitfalls.  相似文献   

Discusses how the development of health psychology will facilitate the trend for psychologists' continued involvement in medical settings, principally in departments of psychiatry. With the shortage of psychiatrists, it is anticipated that today's residents will assume major administrative roles in departments of psychiatry relatively early in their careers. The attitudes of 201 psychiatric residents with regard to organizational issues involving psychologists and the role of psychology in assessment, treatment, research, and training were assessed via a questionnaire. The majority of Ss felt that psychologists should not hold senior administrative roles in departments of psychiatry, and 47% felt that the medical model should be basic to both research and practice. There was substantial support for maintaining divisions of psychology within (rather than separate from) departments of psychiatry. (10 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Teratomas are embryonal neoplasms consisting of tissues from at least two of the three germ layers. Teratomas can occur in almost any region of the body and in any organ, but they are most commonly observed in the paraxial and midline locations. Excluding teratomas of the testes, 75% to 80% of teratomas occur in females. Approximately 80% are benign and 20% are malignant. The presenting location of teratomas correlates with patient age. Teratomas occurring in infancy and early childhood are usually extragonadal, whereas older children predominantly present with gonadal teratomas. The most common site of occurrence in neonates is in the sacrococcygeal and presacral region. Prognosis depends on patient's age, the resectability of the tumor, and the presence of metastases or metastatic potential.  相似文献   

Psychologists can help alleviate the disenchantment with testing by participating in the training of psychiatric residents. Such training should familiarize residents with the basic principles of testing to help them become sophisticated consumers of the psychologist's consultative service rather than test practitioners themselves. This introduction of testing to residents must take into account their specific educational needs, especially the difficulties they have in learning psychological constructs early in their career, due to the physicalistic orientation of their former training. Of equal importance to teaching the principles of assessment is the elucidation of the collaborative diagnostic effort as an interpersonal process with opportunities for cooperation or interdisciplinary friction. The landmarks and pitfalls encountered during the collaborative diagnostic process involving psychologist and psychiatrist are outlined as crucial issues to be covered in training to help foster improved teamwork between the 2 disciplines. The sources of political friction that can arise when psychologists train psychiatrists are discussed. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

NB Hershfield 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,155(8):1042; author reply 1042-1042; author reply 1043

In an unstandardized interview 25 nurse pupil were tested with regard to their opinion of ageing people and their expectation to their own ageing process. The results show that the characteristics of psychic ageing are widely known adequate to the results of the psychogerontological research. In detail influences of the deficit model and the disengagement theory are significant. Expectations to the own ageing process are characterized by role patterns being typical for our society. The teaching of internal medicine is accentuated as the suitable place to influence the behavior of these prospective contact persons of geriatric patients.  相似文献   

There is evidence that many clinicians' activities with lower-class patients may be influenced more by attitudes reflecting a middle-class orientation than by objective criteria. Authoritarianism seems especially germane to the problems of social class bias. For the evaluative dimension of the semantic differential, it was predicted that lower-class case histories would be judged more negatively by those Ss who were more authoritarian as measured by the California F Scale. This prediction was confirmed for a group of 24 psychiatric residents and bordered on significance for a group of 16 social work students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

秉承儒家传统文化精神的陶铸,苏轼自小养成了刚直不阿、疾恶如仇的君子人格,对损人利己的小人深恶痛绝.但善于独立思考的苏轼在波谲云诡的宦海浮沉中也体悟到:小人是永远不可能消除的,若不妥善对待小人,自己也绝无安宁之日.因此,为了国家社会的安泰稳定,除了应以渐变的方式把那些罪大恶极的小人铲除外,其他那些有一善可取的小人则应予以教化、引导,争取使之走上正途.苏轼这些真知灼见的哲学依据主要来自<周易>的阴阳哲学.  相似文献   

Reports describing the application of computer technology suggest that mental health professionals have a predominantly hostile attitude toward computerized information systems. This study explored the attitudes of a group of psychologists and psychiatrists toward use of computers in hospital settings. Their perception of a computer-assisted interview procedure was compared with that of a routine manual system of collecting information on children and adolescents attending a mental health service. The study also investigated the impact of the computer-assisted interview procedure on clinicians' attitudes toward the general use of computers in hospital settings. The computer-assisted interview was generally perceived favorably by clinicians, whereas the problem of resistance toward computers by mental health professionals, frequently described in anecdotal reports, was not identified in this study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recorded differences between 19 1st-yr psychiatric residents (novices) and 19 experienced psychotherapists during interviews with a standard film patient. In an initial interview, novices asked more questions/total number of statements than did experienced therapists and their statements contained relatively fewer words. During 2 subsequent interviews, these differences were not present and several lines of evidence suggest that their disappearance was not due to increased patient contact. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The significance and seriousness of physical illness in mentally ill patients are often not appreciated by those responsible for the immediate care of these patients. This study highlights the nature and prevalence of physical illnesses in a large group of psychiatrically ill patients.  相似文献   

The dental care of the psychiatric patient requies careful observatio and history taking. Medications used in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses demand care in treatment planning and prescibing. The nature and sequellae of many psychiatric conditions have a direct bearing on the clinical picture presented by the patient and the success of dental care. Implementation of care must have a significant component of flexibility in terms of treatment outcomes and the time and method of providing treatment. Particular emphasis must be placed uppon the establishment of effective oral hygiene programmes. The psychiatric patient suffers not only from a socially debilitating disease but also from society's opprobrium. With a modicum of effort, the dental profession can rise above that.  相似文献   

Molecular biology has enabled us to identify apparently healthy persons at high risk of genetic disease. The purpose of the present study was to examine attitudes to detection of disease and the present well-being in persons at risk of disease with a modifiable outcome-heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (heFH). A questionnaire collecting information on impact on well-being and on attitudes to screening family members for heFH was mailed to heFH index patients and hypercholesterolaemic relatives. Anxiety was expressed by 44%, fear of ischaemic heart disease by 37% and diminished well-being by 13% of respondents. Six percent regretted that they were aware of their diagnosis, and 84% were in favour of screening their family. We conclude that a substantial proportion of persons with heFH experience anxiety due to heFH. A small minority regret being informed of the diagnosis of heFH, however, and a majority are in favour of family screening.  相似文献   

A new approach to assessment of quality of psychiatric hospital care is proposed. It is based on comparison of goals of hospitalisation and results achieved. The necessary condition for such assessment is formulation of these goals for each patient. Three components should be considered: clinical which coincides with the prognosis; social which includes achievement of the patient adaptation and psychological which assesses patient's satisfaction with the treatment. The preliminary results of practical use of the proposed method are presented.  相似文献   

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