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This paper presents an approach for the automated debugging of reactive and concurrent Java programs, combining model checking and runtime monitoring. Runtime monitoring is used to transform the Java execution traces into the input for the model checker, the purpose of which is twofold. First, it checks these execution traces against properties written in linear temporal logic (LTL), which represent desirable or undesirable behaviors. Second, it produces several execution traces for a single Java program by generating test inputs and exploring different schedulings in multithreaded programs. As state explosion is the main drawback to model checking, we propose two abstraction approaches to reduce the memory requirements when storing Java states. We also present the formal framework to clarify which kinds of LTL safety and liveness formulas can be correctly analysed with each abstraction for both finite and infinite program executions. A major advantage of our approach comes from the model checker, which stores the trace of each failed execution, allowing the programmer to replay these executions to locate the bugs. Our current implementation, the tool TJT, uses Spin as the model checker and the Java Debug Interface (JDI) for runtime monitoring. TJT is presented as an Eclipse plug-in and it has been successfully applied to debug complex public Java programs.  相似文献   

One approach to testing concurrent programs, called reachability testing, generates synchronization sequences automatically and on-the-fly, without constructing any static models. In this paper, we present a general execution model for concurrent programs that allows reachability testing to be applied to several commonly used synchronization constructs. We also present a new method for performing reachability testing. This new method guarantees that every partially ordered synchronization sequence will be exercised exactly once without having to save any sequences that have already been exercised. We describe a prototype reachability testing tool called RichTest and report some empirical results, including a comparison between RichTest and a partial order reduction-based tool called VeriSoft. RichTest performed significantly better for the programs in our study.  相似文献   

We study the realizability problem for concurrent recursive programs: given a distributed system architecture and a sequential specification over words, find a distributed automata implementation that is equivalent to the specification. This problem is well-studied as far as finite-state processes are concerned, and it has a solution in terms of Zielonka’s Theorem. We lift Zielonka’s Theorem to the case where processes are recursive and modeled as visibly pushdown (or, equivalently, nested-word) automata. However, contrarily to the finite-state case, it is undecidable whether a specification is realizable or not. Therefore, we also consider suitable underapproximation techniques from the literature developed for multi-pushdown systems, and we show that they lead to a realizability framework with effective algorithms.  相似文献   

Structural testing of concurrent programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although structural testing techniques are among the weakest available with regard to developing confidence in sequential programs, they are not without merit. The authors extend the notion of structural testing criteria to concurrent programs and propose a hierarchy of supporting structural testing techniques. Coverage criteria described include concurrency state coverage, state transition coverage and synchronization coverage. Requisite support tools include a static concurrency analyzer and either a program transformation system or a powerful run-time monitor. Also helpful is a controllable run-time scheduler. The techniques proposed are suitable for Ada or CSP-like languages. Best results are obtained for programs having only static naming of tasking objects  相似文献   

While there exist efficient algorithms to slice sequential programs precisely, there are only two algorithms for precise slicing of concurrent interprocedural programs with recursive procedures (Krinke in Proc. ESEC/FSE’03, pp. 178–187, 2003; Nanda and Ramesh in ACM Toplas. 28(6):1088–1144, 2006). We present an empirical evaluation of both algorithms for Java. We demonstrate that both algorithms provide the same precision up to the model of concurrency in use and show that the concurrency model has strong impact on slice precision and computation costs. Furthermore, we extend both algorithms to support dynamic thread creation both in loops and recursion—a feature that the original algorithms could not fully handle. The worst case complexity of the algorithms being exponential, we developed several optimizations and compared these with each other and with algorithms that trade precision for speed. Finally, we show that one algorithm may produce incorrect slices and present a remedy.  相似文献   

随着多核处理器的发展,多线程并发程序成为现代程序设计的趋势.但并发线程的执行存在不确定性,传统的测试方法很难发现这类错误.针时这个问题,提出了一种直接分析Java源代码,从中提取并发程序模型的方法;并以此方法为基础开发了工具JTS(Java to SPIN),实现了对Java并发程序的自动化分析和模型检测.实验表明JTS能够成功地检测出Java并发程序中存在的错误并给出相应的错误路径.这项工作给Java并发程序的测试与验证提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

Jason Gait 《Software》1985,15(6):539-554
This paper reports on an experimental debugger for concurrent programs. Design objectives include a showing of greatest usefulness when dealing with multiprocess interactions, creation of a simplified more approachable interface for programmers, allowance for the systematic organization (and limitation) of debugging information by programmers, reflection of a natural view of concurrency, and portability. The design responds to a perceived need for debugging techniques applicable in systems of concurrent, communicating, asynchronous processes. During debugging sessions, a user is able to dynamically explore interprocess synchronization points, parallel actions and deadlock situations. The programmer interface is based on a transparent window multiplexer providing a set of windows for each concurrent process. The window manager interactively maps interesting windows to programmer-specified viewscreen locations, while relegating temporarily uninteresting windows to the background. In implementing a debugger for concurrent programs, a principal concern is the probe effect, or the possibility that the debugger itself masks synchronization errors in the program being debugged. For the examples explored, the probe effect was not observed to limit the localization of implanted synchronization errors.  相似文献   

A proof system suitable for the mechanical verification of concurrent programs is described. This proof system is based on Unity, and may be used to specify and verify both safety and liveness properties. However, it is defined with respect to an operational semantics of the transition system model of concurrency. Proof rules are simply theorems of this operational semantics. This methodology makes a clear distinction between the theorems in the proof system and the logical inference rules and syntax which define the underlying logic. Since this proof system essentially encodes Unity in another sound logic, and this encoding has been mechanically verified, this encoding proves the soundness of this formalization of Unity. This proof system has been mechanically verified by the Boyer-Moore prover. This proof system has been used to mechanically verify the correctness of a distributed algorithm that computes the minimum node value in a tree  相似文献   

We propose a general analysis method for recursive, concurrent programs that track effectively procedure calls and return in a concurrent context, even in the presence of unbounded recursion and infinite-state variables like integers. This method generalizes the relational interprocedural analysis of sequential programs to the concurrent case, and extends it to backward or coreachability analysis. We implemented it for programs with scalar variables and experimented with several classical synchronization protocols in order to illustrate the precision of our technique and also to analyze the approximations it performs.  相似文献   

Reachability testing is an approach to verifying concurrent programs. During reachability testing, every partially ordered synchronization sequence of a program with a given input is exercised exactly once. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a distributed reachability testing algorithm for a cluster of workstations. This algorithm allows different test sequences to be exercised concurrently by different workstations without any synchronization, and without any duplication of sequences among workstations. Dynamic load balancing is performed using a work‐stealing scheme. A novel aspect of this scheme is that work‐stealing requests progress in rounds. This round‐based structure identifies overloaded workstations to target for work stealing. Empirical studies show good speedup for four benchmark Java programs and one Lotos specification. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a method for selecting test sequences for concurrent programs from labeled transitions systems (LTS). A common approach to selecting test sequences from a set of LTSs is to derive a global LTS, called the reachability graph, and then force deterministic program executions according to paths selected from the graph. However, using a reachability graph for test path selection introduces a state explosion problem. To overcome this problem, a reduced graph can be generated using incremental reachability analysis, which consists of repeatedly generating a reachability graph for a subset of LTSs, reducing this graph, and using the reduced graph in place of the original LTSs. Unfortunately, existing incremental reachability analysis techniques generate reduced graphs with insufficient information for deterministic testing. We present an incremental approach to testing concurrent programs. Incremental testing consists of incremental reachability analysis for test path selection and deterministic testing for test execution. We define a new type of reachability graph for incremental analysis, called an annotated labeled transition system (ALTS). An ALTS is an LTS annotated with information necessary for deterministic testing. We propose practical coverage criteria for selecting tests paths from an ALTS and present an ALTS reduction algorithm. The results of several case studies are reported  相似文献   

Program slicing is an effective technique for analyzing concurrent programs. However, when a conventional closure-based slicing algorithmfor sequential programs is applied to a concurrent interprocedural program, the slice is usually imprecise owing to the intransitivity of interference dependence. Interference dependence arises when a statement uses a variable defined in another statement executed concurrently. In this study, we propose a global dependence analysis approach based on a program reachability graph, and construct a novel dependence graph calledmarking-statement dependence graph (MSDG), in which each vertex is a 2-tuple of program state and statement. In contrast to the conventional program dependence graph where the vertex is a statement, the dependence relation in MSDG is transitive. When traversing MSDG, a precise slice will be obtained. To enhance the slicing efficiency without loss of precision, our slicing algorithm adopts a hybrid strategy. The procedures containing interaction statements between threads are inlined and sliced by the slicing algorithm based on program reachability graphs while allowing other procedures to be sliced as sequential programs. We have implemented our algorithm and three other representative slicing algorithms, and conducted an empirical study on concurrent Java programs. The experimental results show that our algorithm computes more precise slices than the other algorithms. Using partial-order reduction techniques, which are effective for reducing the size of a program reachability graph without loss of precision, our algorithm is optimized, thereby improving its performance to some extent.  相似文献   

The logic of Owicki and Gries is a well-known logic for verifying safety properties of concurrent programs. Using this logic, Feijen and van Gasteren describe a method for deriving concurrent programs based on safety. In this work, we explore derivation techniques of concurrent programs using progress-based reasoning. We use a framework that combines the safety logic of Owicki and Gries, and the progress logic of UNITY. Our contributions improve the applicability of our earlier techniques by reducing the calculational overhead in the formal proofs and derivations. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques, a derivation of Dekker’s mutual exclusion algorithm is presented. This derivation leads to the discovery of some new and simpler variants of this famous algorithm. Author Mooij performed this research at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, while being supported by the NWO under project 016.023.015: “Improving the Quality of Protocol Standards”. E. C. R. Hehner  相似文献   

Predictive analysis aims at detecting concurrency errors during runtime by monitoring a concrete execution trace of a concurrent program. In recent years, various models based on the happens-before causality relations have been proposed for predictive analysis. However, these models often rely on only the observed runtime events and typically do not utilize the program source code. Furthermore, the enumerative algorithms they use for verifying safety properties in the predicted traces often suffer from the interleaving explosion problem. In this paper, we introduce a precise predictive model based on both the program source code and the observed execution events, and propose a symbolic algorithm to check whether a safety property holds in all feasible permutations of events of the given trace. Rather than explicitly enumerating and checking the interleavings, our method conducts the search using a novel encoding and symbolic reasoning with a satisfiability modulo theory solver. We also propose a technique to bound the number of context switches allowed in the interleavings during the symbolic search, to further improve the scalability of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Carver  R.H. Tai  K.-C. 《Software, IEEE》1991,8(2):66-74
Attention is given to the problems that arise during the testing and debugging cycle of concurrent programs because of their nondeterministic execution behavior, whereby multiple executions of a concurrent program with the same input may exercise different synchronization sequences and even produce different results. These problems are solved by using deterministic execution debugging and testing. The purpose of deterministic execution debugging to to replay executions of a concurrent program so that debugging information can be collected. Examples of semaphores and monitors are used to illustrate the approach and the process of designing replay tubes is described. The use of regression testing to see if earlier debugging and testing introduced new errors, is examined  相似文献   

Jason Gait 《Software》1986,16(3):225-233
This paper reports on an experimental study of the probe effect, defined as an alteration in the frequency of run-time computational errors observed when delays are introduced into concurrent programs. If the concurrent program being studied has no synchronization errors, then there is no probe effect. In the presence of synchronization errors, the frequency of observable output errors for a sample experimental program starts at a high value for small delays, oscillates rapidly as the delay is increased, and apparently settles at zero errors for larger values of delay. Thus, for sufficiently large delays, the probe effect can almost completely mask synchronization errors in concurrent programs. For sufficiently large concurrent process sets, even small values of embedded delay may mask synchronization errors, provided side effects in shared memory are not included in the observation.  相似文献   

原子性保证并行程序中的多线程以正确方式交互,大多主流的编程语言都没有提供确保原子性的内部机制.为了提高测试程序原子性的效率与准确性,提出了一种自动检测并行程序中违反原子性错误的算法.基于状态转换,建立了原子性的形式化定义.在此基础上,利用线程锁设计了具体的算法模型以及实现中需注意的细节,同时给出自动修正错误的设计思路和建议.结合常用的基准数据结构,对模型和算法进行了实验,实验结果表明了该算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

Chip multiprocessors are of increasing importance due to difficulties in achieving higher clock frequencies in uniprocessors, but their success depends on finding useful work for the processor cores. This paper addresses this challenge by presenting a simple compiler approach that extracts non-speculative thread-level parallelism from sequential codes. We present initial results from this technique targeting a validated dual-core processor model, achieving speedups ranging from 9-48% with an average of 25% for important benchmark loops over their single-threaded versions. We also identify important next steps found during our pursuit of higher degrees of automatic threading.  相似文献   

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