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The results of experimental studies of interphase interactions in TiBx-n-GaAs (GaP, InP, 6H-SiC) contacts stimulated by external effects are described. These effects are rapid thermal annealing at temperatures as high as 1000°C, microwave treatment at f=2.5 GHz, and 60Co γ radiation in the range of doses 105–107 rad. Possible thermal and athermal relaxation mechanisms of internal stresses are considered. It is shown that thermally stable TiBx-n-GaAs (GaP, InP, 6H-SiC) interfaces can be formed.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric Sb x Te y films were potentiostatically electrodeposited in aqueous nitric acid electrolyte solutions containing different concentrations of TeO2. Stoichiometric Sb x Te y films were obtained by applying a voltage of −0.15 V versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE) using a solution consisting of 2.4 mM TeO2, 0.8 mM Sb2O3, 33 mM tartaric acid, and 1 M HNO3. The nearly stoichiometric Sb2Te3 films had a rhombohedral structure, R[`3]m R\bar{3}m , with a preferred orientation along the (015) direction. The films had hole concentration of 5.8 × 1018/cm3 and exhibited mobility of 54.8 cm2/Vs. A more negative potential resulted in higher Sb content in the deposited Sb x Te y films. Furthermore, it was observed that the hole concentration and mobility decreased with increasingly negative deposition potential, and eventually showed insulating properties, possibly due to increased defect formation. The absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient of the as-deposited Sb2Te3 thin film at room temperature was 118 μV/K.  相似文献   

The Mg x Zn1-x O thin films with a Mg content corresponding to x = 0–0.45 are grown by pulsed laser deposition on ablation of ceramic targets. The conditions for epitaxial growth of the films on the single-crystal Al2O3 (00.1) substrates are established. The record limit of solubility of Mg in hexagonal ZnO, x = 35 is attained. In this case, the lattice mismatch for the parameter a of the ZnO and Mg0.35Zn0.65O films does not exceed 1%, whereas the band gaps of the films differ by 0.78 eV. The surface roughness of the films corresponds to 0.8–1.5 nm in the range of x = 0–0.27.  相似文献   

The electrical characteristics and chemical reactant sensitivity of layers of heterogeneous nanocomposites based on porous silicon and nonstoichiometric tin oxide por-Si/SnO x , fabricated by the magnetron sputtering of tin with subsequent oxidation, are studied. It is shown that, in the nanocomposite layers, a system of distributed heterojunctions (Si/SnO x nanocrystals) forms, which determine the electrical characteristics of such structures. The sensitivity of test sensor structures based on por-Si/SnO x nanocomposites to NO2 is determined. A mechanism for the effect of the adsorption of NO2 molecules on the current-voltage characteristics of the por-Si(p)/SnO x (n) heterojunctions is suggested.  相似文献   

It is researched temperature dependences of forward branch of Shottkey diodes TiB x -n-6HSiC. It is detected that forward branch of voltage-current characteristic is described by exponential dependence for voltage interval of 0.05-0.4 V and temperature interval of 100-500 K. At that saturation current and characteristic energy are weakly dependent on temperature. It is shown that redundant component of silicon carbide Shottkey diodes has tunnel behavior, in spite of spatial charge region width into researched diodes is essentially greater than characteristic tunnel length.  相似文献   

With a view to creating Si LEDs, the structural and luminescent properties of SiO x N y films containing Si nanocrystals in the SiO x N y matrix are studied experimentally. It is found that the film structure (nanocrystal size and concentration, the presence of an amorphous phase, etc.) and the spectrum and intensity of photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) are strongly dependent on the Si stoichiometric excess δ and annealing conditions. At δ≈ 10%, unannealed films are amorphous and contain Si clusters of size < 2 nm, as deduced from the TEM and microdiffraction data obtained. Annealing at 800–1000°C for 10–60 min produces Si crystals 3–5 nm in size with a concentration of ≈1018 cm?3. The annealed films exhibit room-temperature PL and EL over the wavelength range 400–850 nm with intensity peaks located at 50–60 and 60–70 nm, respectively. The PL and EL spectra are found to be qualitatively similar. This suggests that both the PL and the EL should be associated with the formation of luminescent centers at nanocrystal–matrix interfaces and in boundary regions. However, the two phenomena should differ in the mechanism by which the centers are excited. With the EL, excitation should occur by impact processes due to carrier heating in high electric fields. It is found that as δ increases, so does the proportion of large amorphous Si clusters with a high density of dangling bonds. This enhances nonradiative recombination and suppresses luminescence.  相似文献   

Mechanism of charge transport in a diode of a silicon carbide’s Schottky barrier formed by a quasi-amorphous interstitial phase TiB x on the surface of n-6H-SiC (0001) single crystals with an uncompensated donor (nitrogen) concentration of ~1018 cm?3 and dislocation density of ~(106–108) cm?2 has been studied. It is demonstrated that, at temperatures T ? 400 K, the charge transport is governed by the tunneling current along dislocations intersecting the space charge region. At T > 400 K, the mechanism of charge transport changes to a thermionic mechanism with a barrier height of ~0.64 eV and ideality factor close to 1.3.  相似文献   

The phase composition and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous films of silicon suboxide (a-SiOx:H) with silicon nanoclusters are studied. Ultrasoft X-ray emission spectroscopy show that silicon- suboxide films with various oxidation states and various amorphous silicon-cluster contents can be grown using dc discharge modulation. In films with an ncl-Si content of ~50%, the optical-absorption edge is observed, whose extrapolation yields an optical band gap estimate of ~3.2–3.3 eV. In the visible region, rather intense photoluminescence bands are observed, whose peak positions indicate the formation of silicon nanoclusters 2.5–4.7 nm in size in these films, depending on the film composition.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric materials are attractive since they can recover waste heat directly in the form of electricity. In this study, the thermoelectric properties of ternary rare-earth sulfides LaGd1+x S3 (x = 0.00 to 0.03) and SmGd1+x S3 (x = 0.00 to 0.06) were investigated over the temperature range of 300 K to 953 K. These sulfides were prepared by CS2 sulfurization, and samples were consolidated by pressure-assisted sintering to obtain dense compacts. The sintered compacts of LaGd1+x S3 were n-type metal-like conductors with a thermal conductivity of less than 1.7 W K−1 m−1. Their thermoelectric figure of merit ZT was improved by tuning the chemical composition (self-doping). The optimized ZT value of 0.4 was obtained in LaGd1.02S3 at 953 K. The sintered compacts of SmGd1+x S3 were n-type hopping conductors with a thermal conductivity of less than 0.8 W K−1 m−1. Their ZT value increased significantly with temperature. In SmGd1+x S3, the ZT value of 0.3 was attained at 953 K.  相似文献   

A new preparation process combining melt spinning and hot pressing has been developed for the (Ag x SbTe x/2+1.5)15(GeTe)85 (TAGS-85) system. Compared with samples prepared by the traditional air-quenching and hot-pressing method, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity are lowered. The thermoelectric performance of the TAGS-85 samples varied with changing Ag content and reached the highest ZT of 1.48 when x was 0.8 for the melt-spun sample, compared with the maximum ZT of 1.36 for the air-quenched sample. The Seebeck coefficient of the melt-spun TAGS-85 alloys was improved, while both the electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity were decreased. The net result of this process is to effectively enlarge the temperature span of ZT > 1, which will benefit industrial application.  相似文献   

In this paper an ultra-low-power CMOS symmetrical operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for low-frequency G m -C applications in weak inversion is presented. Its common mode input range and its linear input range can be made large using DC shifting and bulk-driven differential pair configuration (without using complex approaches). The symmetrical OTA was successfully verified in a standard CMOS 0.35-μm process. The measurements show an open loop gain of 61 dB and a unit gain frequency of 195 Hz with only 800 mV of power supply voltage and just 40 nW of power consumption. The transconductance is 66 nS, which is suitable for low-frequency G m -C applications.  相似文献   

This paper investigates ohmic contacts to n-GaAs layers of the heterobipolar nanoheterostructures obtained through electron-beam evaporation of Ge, Au, Ni, and Au layer-by-layer. The effect of the firing time and temperature on the contact resistance is considered. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the ohmic contacts, a firing installation of a special design and a firing technique are developed. The technique ensures the minimum contact resistance for the minimum size of a transition layer, satisfactory morphology, and even edges of the contacts.  相似文献   

The excitation of main parasitic modes E 11, H 11, and H 21, which have cutoff sections in a sectoral transition between modes H 10 and H 01, is investigated. It is shown that, for magnetic modes, including modes H 11 and H 21, it is unnecessary to use the Airy equation and that this circumstance simplifies the design relationships. The energies of these modes are calculated as functions of the transition parameters.  相似文献   

For approximating the insignificant deviation of the axes of radiating optical dipoles of VGaTeAs complexes in GaAs from one of the 〈111〉 directions, the shape of the structureless photoluminescence band of these defects at a pressure of 10 kbar along the [111] axis is analyzed. For separating split components of this band, which belong to centers with different orientations, a procedure is developed which uses the laws of the piezospectroscopic behavior of anisotropic centers. According to this procedure, spectral measurements are carried out when the electric vector of the optical wave is either parallel or normal to the pressure axis. The model suggested for analysis is verified. It is determined that the splitting of the energies of the centers with different orientations at a pressure of 10 kbar is approximately equal to 38 meV. In this case, the relative fraction of the rotator that describes the polarization properties of light emitted by an individual complex in a classical dipole approximation is equal to 0.15. This fact is indicative of the comparability of the roles of spin-orbit and Jahn-Teller interactions in the formation of the emitting state of the complex.  相似文献   

Features of formation, the composition, and the mictostructure of the luminescence-active transition region arising in the course of the deposition of the SiO x N y (Si) nanocomposite layer with the use of the reactive ion sputtering of the Si target in the O2 and N2 atmosphere are studied. The composition and the microstructure of the transition regions are analyzed using the methods of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) upon the layer-by-layer etching of the composite layers. it is found that the transition regions contain amorphous clusters and nanocrystals of Si as well as such nanoinclusions as Si-Si chains in the oxynitride matrix. The influence of the microstructure on the characteristics of the electroluminescence of nanocomposite layers is revealed.  相似文献   

The possibility of controlling the effective lifetime of nonequilibrium carriers by varying the lattice mismatch between the interfaced materials of a heterostructure has been studied on the example of InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures. It was found that, at a given composition (thickness) of a lightly doped layer of the InGaAs alloy, the nonequilibrium carrier lifetime depends on its thickness (composition), which enables variation of the nonequilibrium carrier lifetime from several nanoseconds to a microsecond without any significant change in the concentration of mobile carriers. The results obtained were used to fabricate pulse p +-p 0-π-n 0-n + diodes with blocking voltages of up to 500 V, which can switch currents of ≥10 A and have recovery times no longer than 10 ns.  相似文献   

n-Type 4H-SiC bulk samples with a net doping concentration of 2.5 × 1017 cm−3 were irradiated at room temperature with 1-MeV electrons. The high doping concentration plus a reverse bias of up to −13 V ensures high electric field in the depletion region. The dependence of the emission rate on the electric field in the depletion region was measured using deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) and double-correlation deep-level transient spectroscopy (DDLTS). The experimental data are adequately described by the phonon-assisted tunneling model proposed by Karpus and Pere.  相似文献   

Using the method of linear response, vibrational spectra and densities of states of GaP and AlP crystals and monolayer GaP/AlP superlattices are calculated. Phonon modes of (GaP) n (AlP) m superlattices with various numbers of monolayers are calculated for the center of the Brillouin zone. The obtained results are compared with the Raman scattering data and the effect of nonideality of the interface on phonon frequencies is discussed.  相似文献   

Surface passivation by SiN x films is indispensable for high-power operation of AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) since it can effectively suppress collapse in the drain current. So far, the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique has been used for the SiN x deposition; however, possible damage induced by the plasma processing may affect direct-current performance or reliability. In this paper, we present subsequent deposition of SiN x ultrathin films on AlGaN/GaN in the same metalorganic chemical vapor deposition reactor. It is experimentally found that this in situ SiN x passivation doubles the sheet carrier density at the AlGaN/GaN interface from that of the unpassivated sample. High-resolution cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy reveals that in situ SiN x is crystallized on the AlGaN layer as island-like structures via the Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. The lattice constants of in situ SiN x are estimated to be a ≈ 3.2 Å and c ≈ 2.4 Å, which are quite different from those of well-known Si3N4 crystal structures. First-principles calculation predicts that the crystal structure of in situ SiN x is the defect wurtzite structure, which well explains the experimental results. The passivation technique using crystalline SiN x films would be promising for high-power and high-frequency applications of AlGaN/GaN HFETs.  相似文献   

The dual-frequency behavior of stacked high T c superconducting rectangular microstrip patches fabricated on a two-layered substrate is investigated using a full-wave spectral analysis in conjunction with the complex resistive boundary condition. Using a matrix representation of each layer, the dyadic Green’s functions of the problem are efficiently determined in the vector Fourier transform domain. The stationary phase method is used for computing the radiation electric field of the antenna. The proposed approach is validated by comparison of the computed results with previously published data. Variations of the lower and upper resonant frequencies, bandwidth and quality factor with the operating temperature are given. Results showing the effects of the bottom patch thickness as well as the top patch thickness on the dual-frequency behavior of the stacked configuration are also presented and discussed. Finally, for a better comprehension of the dual-frequency operation, a comparison between the characteristics of the lower and upper resonances is given.  相似文献   

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