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太阳能烟囱发电系统的CFD模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能烟囱发电技术是一项综合应用温室效应技术、烟囱技术及风力涡轮发电技术于一体的太阳能发电新技术,是实现大规模开发和利用太阳能的一种新途径.采用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法对太阳能烟囱发电系统的速度场、压力场和温度场进行了数值模拟.结果表明:在其它条件不变的情况下,集热棚周边高度对系统的发电功率没有影响;太阳能烟囱直径存在一最佳值,使发电系统输出的发电功率最大.  相似文献   

The reliability of solar concentrator is investigated using finite element (FE) modelling. An FE model of the receiver absorber is built and simulated using latin hypercube sampling. A transient thermal structural simulation is conducted, and the maximum thermal stress affecting the absorber is determined. Based on the failure criterion, the most effective parameters are determined and assigned as random variables. A stochastic simulation is performed resulting in a probability density function (PDF) of the thermal stress-life. The PDF is used to estimate the reliability of the absorber. Different designs and materials of the absorber tubes are investigated. Consequently, methods to improve the reliability of the absorber are identified.  相似文献   

介绍了一种应用于塔式太阳能热发电站的腔式高温空气吸热器,建立了吸热器内部空气流动及传热过程模拟数学模型,并通过数值方法,模拟了吸热器内部的空气流场和温度场。结果得知:空气进入吸热器后,沿内壁面轴向高速流动,随着深度的增加,速度越来越小,到达底部时速度最小;在压差的作用下,进入吸热器内部的空气会不断流向和冲刷针肋及壁面,而主流方向的流量不断减少;空气通过冲刷高温针肋及壁面不断吸收热量,温度不断升高;由于吸热器底部空气速度较小,对流换热系数较小和热流密度较大,因此该处温度较高,是整个吸热器的最脆弱部位;在高辐照强度情况下,虽然加大空气流量可降低吸热器壁面的温度,但由于其对流换热系数与空气流速不成正比例,壁面温度一般还会有所升高。  相似文献   

Solar thermal propulsion system includes solar thermal propulsion and nuclear thermal propulsion, and it is a sig- nificant issue to improve the heat transfer efficiency of the solar thermal thruster. This paper proposes a platelet configuration to be used in the heat exchanger core, which is the most important component of solar thermal sys- tem. The platelet passage can enhance the heat transfer between the propellant and the hot core heated by the concentrated sunlight. Based on fluid-solid coupled heat transfer, the paper utilized the platelet heat transfer characteristic to simulate the heat transfer and flow field of the platelet passage. A coupled system includes the coupled flow and heat transfer between the fluid region and solid region. The simulation result shows that the propellant can be heated to the design temperature of 2300K in platelet passage of the thermal propulsion system, and the fluid-solid coupled method can solve the heat transfer in the platelet structure more precisely.  相似文献   

In this paper, a solid desiccant cooling system with a backup vapour compression system is simulated using TRNSYS and the performance of the system is evaluated in four cities in the United States with different climates. Economic analysis is performed in order to assess the feasibility of these systems and to determine the relevant economic parameters such as life cycle costs, life cycle savings and payback periods. Results show that the system has higher COP values for the locations with more latent loads. The air conditioner was able to meet the cooling demand in all four regions, but it needed more auxiliary energy in the Eastern and Mountain regions than in the Central region, because of the higher solar fraction in the Central region. The simulation also showed that the desiccant cooling system by itself was capable of meeting the cooling demand and hence the requirement of a backup system may be eliminated. Thermal and economic parameters were analysed for varying solar subsystem sizes which proved helpful in optimizing the design of the solar system. Recommendations to minimize the auxiliary energy costs using different methods for supplying the thermal energy for desiccant regeneration are described. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据顺流五效蒸馏/闪蒸太阳能海水淡化装置,参照广东地区春分日和冬至日太阳能辐射量情况,通过数值模拟对这套太阳能海水淡化系统运行参数进行分析,得出一年内不同季节系统最佳运行参数;同时得到了春秋季和冬季不同运行条件下相邻两效间的最大压力差,为系统全年能否正常工作的判定提供依据,从而为太阳能海水淡化系统运行奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

The paper describes the development of a simple and handy microcomputer theoretical simulation model, suitable for investigation of the performance of a low cost solar heating system which is believed to be suitable for use under the local meteorological conditions. Hour by hour simulations have shown that substantial solar fractions can be achieved even in existing buildings, and the introduction of easily accessible daily mean meteorological data allows the investigation of the thermal performance and energy conservation in buildings for any location in Greece.  相似文献   

平板式太阳能空气集热器流道改进的试验研究和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁刚  左然  张旭鹏  王坤 《可再生能源》2011,29(2):12-15,21
对传统平板式太阳能空气集热器的流道进行了改进,把对角型进出口流道改为多进出口式流道。对改进的集热器的性能进行了试验测试。新的进出口流道消除了吸热板和空气换热不均的现象,出口温度提升明显。在相同条件下,集热器的瞬时效率增加约20%。用CFD方法对集热器内部的流场结构和传热进行的数值模拟对比表明,传统集热器内部存在流动死区,中心截面温度分布不均匀,吸热板上有局部的高温区域,改进后的集热器流场和温度场分布得较均匀。  相似文献   

结合多孔太阳墙建筑,运用数值模拟方法分析了不同太阳墙结构对室内送风参数的影响,比较了太阳能房间与普通房间在工作区范围内的热舒适性,并对太阳能房间的窗墙面积比进行了优化改进。研究表明:对太阳墙的设计优化,增大了太阳墙面积,提高了室内热舒适性;改进后房间窗墙比为0.303,窗地比为0.2,符合节能建筑要求。  相似文献   

Process heat produced by solar collectors can contribute significantly in the conservation of conventional energy resources, reducing CO2 emission, and delaying global warming. One of the major problems associated with solar process heat application is fluctuation in system temperature during unsteady state radiation conditions which may cause significant thermal and operation problems. In this paper a transient simulation model is developed for analysing the performance of industrial water heating systems using parabolic trough solar collectors. The results showed that to prevent dramatic change and instability in process heat during transient radiation periods thermal storage tank size should not be lower than 14.5 l m?2 of collector area. Small periods of radiation instability lower than 30 min do not have significant effect on system operation. During these periods when water flow rate of collector loop is doubled the time required to restore system normal operating condition increased by a ratio of 1.5. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed analysis of the solar radiation on horizontal and tilted surfaces for six locations in Oman is presented. The locations are (from North to South): Majis/Sohar, Sur, Fahud, Masira, Marmul, and Salalah. These locations spread over Oman and cover different types of landscape. The method is validated through the use of measured data. The effect of tilt angle and orientation on the incident solar radiation is presented along with optimum surface tilt angles and directions for maximum solar radiation collection in these six locations. The solar radiation models used in this paper show good agreement with measured data. The results presented in this paper are extremely useful for quick estimation of solar radiation for calculations of buildings’ cooling load and solar collector system performance. This can be easily extended for other locations with similar landscapes and geographical conditions.  相似文献   

Vapour absorption cooling systems, powered by solar thermal energy, are now commercially manufactured in sizes ranging from 1.5 to over 20 RT (one refrigeration ton = 3.51 kW of cooling). The needed thermal energy at appropriate temperature potential can either be provided by solar thermal collectors or else from a solar pond. The paper gives the assessment criteria and results for technical and economic evaluation of the performance of absorption chiller using a solar pond. These results, based on Kuwait's environmental data and costs, have been compared with three alternate cooling systems, namely:
  • 1 Solar thermal collector absorption cooling system.
  • 2 Solar photovoltaic cooling system.
  • 3 Standard vapour compression cooling system.
The criteria, used for performance evaluation of the solar cooling systems on a technical basis, consists of assessing the extent to which such systems can make a positive contribution in a conserving fossil fuel. This is done by first estimating the total electrical energy needed by the standard system (defined in para. 3 above) to produce one unit of cooling output. Solar cooling systems are then analysed and compared with a standard system to establish their electrical energy saving or generation capability, after accounting for the parasitic electrical energy used in pump/fan motors and equivalent energy needed for the production of soft water (used-up in the cooling tower) from seawater desalination. The economic analysis considers the cost and life of subsystems and that of the electrical and water desalination plants to arrive at the unit cooling cost. The unit cooling is defined as the ratio of amortized capital investments plus operation and maintenance costs over the year and the total yearly cooling production by the system. The results show that the solar pond absorption cooling system is the closest competitor to the conventional cooling system.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid on the application potential of solar cooling for buildings. Due to the fact that the efficiency of solar collectors is generally low at the time being, the effectiveness of solar cooling would be closely related to the availability of solar irradiation, climatic conditions and geographical location of a place. In this paper, five types of solar cooling systems were involved in a comparative study for subtropical city, which is commonly featured with long hot and humid summer. The solar cooling systems included the solar electric compression refrigeration, solar mechanical compression refrigeration, solar absorption refrigeration, solar adsorption refrigeration and solar solid desiccant cooling. Component-based simulation models of these systems were developed, and their performances were evaluated throughout a year. The key performance indicators are solar fraction, coefficient of performance, solar thermal gain, and primary energy consumption. In addition, different installation strategies and types of solar collectors were compared for each kind of solar cooling system. Through this comparative study, it was found that solar electric compression refrigeration and solar absorption refrigeration had the highest energy saving potential in the subtropical Hong Kong. The former is to make use of the solar electric gain, while the latter is to adopt the solar thermal gain. These two solar cooling systems would have even better performances through the continual advancement of the solar collectors. It will provide a promising application potential of solar cooling for buildings in the subtropical region.  相似文献   

对太阳能热气流电站中的涡轮机进行了设计和数值模拟.建立了涡轮机区域流体流动的物理数学模型,并对其进行数值模拟;研究了涡轮机的转速与压降对涡轮机的流量、输出功率和能量转换效率的影响.通过与相近实验模型的试验结果对比,证明了设计方案和数值模拟方法是有效的.  相似文献   

Comfort criteria for passively cooled buildings a pascool task   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of passive cooling techniques to buildings in warm climates creates the need for appropriate comfort criteria. Conventional comfort criteria, usually based upon laboratory experiments, seem to be unnecessarily severe. The paper describes preliminary findings of the PASCOOL Thermal Comfort task which, responding to renewed interest in behavioural aspets of thermal comfort, sets out to establish appropriate limits by field studies and theoretical considerations.  相似文献   

This work classifies and describes the main fields of solar energy exploitation in buildings in Greece, a country with high solar energy capacities. The study focuses on systems and technologies that apply to residential and commercial buildings following the prevailing design and construction practices (conventional buildings) and investigates the effects of the architectural and constructional characteristics of these buildings on the respective applications. In addition, it examines relevant applications in other building categories and in buildings with increased ecological sensitivity in their design and construction (green buildings). Through its findings, the study seeks to improve the efficiency and broaden the scope of solar energy applications in buildings in Greece to the benefit of their energy and environmental performance.  相似文献   

A computer simulation model of salt pan is presented. The transient behavior and the effects of various parameters of the salt pans, such as the depth of the brine layer, the absorptance of the soil surface, the thermal properties of the soil beneath the brine layer and the depth of the underground water table, on the evaporation process of salt pans are discussed. The effects of extra insulation layer and the intensity of solar radiation are also examined.  相似文献   

粮食的干燥过程实质上是多孔介质热湿耦合传递的过程。基于多孔介质热质传递理论,通过数值模拟的方法,针对利用太阳能辅助热泵干燥粮食时热风随时间变化的情况,采用综合温度和空气绝对湿度作为瞬态边界条件来对干燥过程中粮食内部温度和水分的变化进行模拟研究。模拟结果显示小麦水分在干燥150h后达到安全水分13.6%(干基),而实验结果显示小麦水分在干燥135h后达到安全水分13.6%(干基),二者对比相差不大,并且模拟温度与试验温度吻合较好。  相似文献   

表冷器热工性能数值模拟的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
表冷器是空调机组的核心部件,通常的热性能计算都以试验为基础。提出一种数值模拟方法,从最基本的结构参数来计算表冷器的热性能。按此方法所编制的计算程序经过试验验证,已经取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   

CFD方法与间接蒸发冷却换热器的三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任承钦  张龙爱 《节能》2005,(6):14-17,2
采用计算流体力学(CFD)和数值传热学方法,对间接蒸发冷却器内流体流动与热质交换过程进行简化和假设,建立了换热器内三维层流流动与传热的数学物理模型。采用交错网格离散化非线性控制方程组,编制了三维simple算法程序。对间接蒸发冷却器内的流场、温度场及浓度场进行数值模拟研究,得到换热器内的流体流动状态和热流分布,并分析了通道宽度变化对换热器内流体流动与换热的影响。  相似文献   

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