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A nondestructive optical method was studied for estimating the sensory quality of Golden Delicious and York Imperial apples. The coefficients of determination were significant for estimating sweetness of York Imperial, acidity of Golden Delicious and York Imperial, and crispness, hardness, toughness, and juiciness of Golden Delicious apples using optical measurements. The coefficients of determination were weakest with optical data at a single wavelength, intermediate with optical data compensated for fruit size and drift of instrument current, and strongest with multiple wavelength data. These analyses indicate that 30 to 50% of the variation in sensory attributes can be accounted for by factors affecting optical density of the fruit at specific wavelengths.  相似文献   

The instrumental and sensory analysis of the texture and color of commercial potato chips were compared. The instrumental measurement was a puncture test with an Intron Universal Testing Machine, and the parameters used were fracture force, deformation and stiffness. The instrumental color quantification was a computerized video image analysis technique, and the color was expressed as L*a*b* values. Sensory evaluation of texture and color was performed by a sensory panel especially trained in evaluating potato chips. The sensory attributes were "hardness", "chewiness", "crunchiness", and "tenderness" for texture analysis, and "yellow color", "burnt aspect", "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency" for color analysis. The factor analysis of the sensory attributes indicated that texture can be divided into two principal components, one represented by "hardness", "crunchiness" and "chewiness", and the other by "tenderness" alone. The factor analysis of the color can be divided into two principal components, one including "yellow color" and "burnt aspect", and the other "sugar colored aspect" and "transparency". Discriminant analysis showed that "tenderness" and "crunchiness" could predict correctly over 90% of the data. Fracture force correlated well with all of the sensory attributes (R2 > 0.76), and L* with the sensory color attributes (R2 > 0.79). The "Tenderness" was the individual sensory attribute which had the highest correlation (R2= 0.95) with fracture force.  相似文献   

This study compared two instrumental methods, namely uniaxial compression and texture profile analysis (TPA), with sensory evaluation in describing the textural properties of cooked sweetpotatoes. The steamed cooked samples (1.35 × 2.2 cm cylinder) of four cultivars and six selections were subjected to a trained texture profile panel for sensory ratings and the two instrumental methods for determination of the mechanical properties. Factor analysis indicated that the 15 sensory variables were grouped into 3 main factors, namely moistness-firmness (factor 1), particles (factor 2), and fiber (factor 3). Among the instrumental parameters, shear stress of compression and fracturability, hardness, and gumminess of TPA correlated highly (R = 0.73–0.95) with both the mouthfeel and mechanical-type sensory notes. These parameters of the two instrumental methods were linearly related (R2≥ 0.95) and could be converted from one to another with a high degree of reliability. Regression equations based on shear stress significantly explained (R2= 0.71–0.91) eight of the sensory notes. These instrumental parameters can be good predictors of cooked sweetpotato texture.  相似文献   



The sensory texture of 49 market samples of pear and apple purees were examined by Flash profile and results were treated by Generalized Procustes Analysis. The product set encompassed grocery products, baby foods and drinking snacks. Four main sensory notions were used to describe the texture of this type of products: graininess, viscosity, moisture and grittiness. Pear and apple purees were discriminated by the gritty perception, carried out on the third component. The other three main characteristics were carried out on the first two axes, where six main groups of products were identified. Pear purees were close to baby foods. Thickened baby foods and pear and apple mixtures constituted additional groups. Finally, apple purees were close sensorially, but three groups could be discriminated by grainy and viscous perceptions. The number of products was not an obstacle and the panel managed the task as required.


Flash profile seems to be a powerful tool to provide a statement of the sensory diversity of a specific market very quickly even when the number of products is quite large.

Two pea cultivars (Citrina and Warindo) at four commercial sizes (superfine, very-fine, fine and middle) were selected for a study of their physical-chemical parameters of raw and sensory attributes after canning. To determine the relationships between the physical-chemical parameters and the sensory attributes, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied. About 65% of the total variation in the physical-chemical parameters and sensory attributes was expressed by two PCA Factors. Mealiness was an important sensory attribute in determining the sensory quality of pea, and was related to tenderometric value, alcohol insoluble solids and starch content of raw seeds. General acceptance of canned peas by panelists was based on titratable acidity, green color and juiciness. Raw peas should be selected according to their dry matter, starch and titratable acidity, if they are to reach the consumer in an appetizing state when canned. This quality is mainly determined by general appearance, juiciness and flavor.  相似文献   

Correlations were determined between Texture Profile Analysis parameters of brittleness, hardness or total work of compression obtained with the Instron testing machine and sensory responses of firmness or crispness in evaluating texture of fresh-pack processed whole cucumbers (1-in. diam) of three ‘firm’ pickling cultivars (Explorer, Chipper, GY 3), two ‘soft’ pickling cultivars (Green F, Mincu) and a parthenocarpic slicer (MSU 6902 G). Further, correlations were determined between the TPA parameters and Magness-Taylor fruit pressure test (FPT) firmness. TPA hardness and total work correlated well with sensory responses; FPT firmness correlated satisfactorily with sensory firmness. Mean textural values from the various methods were compared with those obtained in the same manner for raw cucumbers. TPA brittleness tended to disappear in the processed fruit. Processing reduced mean TPA values across the six varieties to 35-58% of raw fruit values; it decreased mean FPT firmness to only 88%.  相似文献   

The most popular instrumental imitative test is the Texture Profile Analysis (T.P.A.). It was originated in the General Foods Laboratories (Szczesniak et al. 1963) and adapted to the Instron by Bourne (1978). T.P.A. involves a double compression test that uses flat plates attached to an Instron Universal Testing Machine (I.U.T.M.). Several instrumental parameters can be extracted from the force/deformation curve generated by the test (e.g. hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness). Recently developed in our laboratory, the Bi-cyclical Instrument for Texture Evaluation (B.I.T.E. master) uses the I.U.T.M. to generate its motion and features a set of artificial dentures as well as a tri-dimensional movement simulating a chewing motion. Five parameters were extracted from the force/deformation curve to evaluate their potential use for the prediction of cohesiveness.  相似文献   

Three samples of raw-milled rice, and 4 differently parboiled rices were used to study and to relate sensory perception to instrumental measurements. Variance analysis showed that some physico-chemical characteristics indicated great differences among rice samples: thickness of cooked grain, length/width ratio, water uptake, elastic recovery, white core rate and amylose and protein contents. The most discerning sensory attributes were: elasticity, stickiness, pastiness, mealiness, length of grain, firmness, crunchiness, time in mouth, brittle texture and juiciness. The correlation circle of the principal component analysis (PCA) showed high correlation between some sensory characteristics and instrumental measurements. Melting texture, surface moistness, juiciness, were positively correlated with water uptake (r = 0.70, 0.61, 0.71). Granular texture, crunchiness, brittleness and mealiness were significantly affected by white core presence (r = 0.81, 0.74, 0.86, 0.83). Elasticity was dependent upon elastic recovery and firmness measured by the Viscoelastograph, but not linearly. Length of cooked grain was correlated with the length/width ratio of raw grain (r = 0.83). Pastiness, compactness, stickiness were slightly influenced by the thickness of raw grain (r = 0.81, 0.67, 0.72). To a weaker extent, the sensory firmness was associated with the firmness measured by extrusion force using an Ottawa cell (r = 0.58). PCA showed greatdifferences in texture between rices. Two of the parboiled rices were very elastic, another was firm, granular, crunchy and mealy. The remaining two, cooked longer, were moister and more melting. Among the 3 samples of raw-milled rices, differences in grain length feeling and melting-granular-brittle characteristics. were distinguished.  相似文献   

Correlations were determined between Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) parameters of brittleness, hardness or total work of compression obtained with the Instron testing machine and sensory responses of firmness or crispness in evaluating texture of fermented salt stock whole cucumbers (1-in. diam) of three ‘firm’ pickling cultivars (Explorer, Chipper, GY 3), two ‘soft’ pickling cultivars (Green F, Mincu) and a partheonocarpic slicer (MSU 6902 G). Correlations were also determined between the TPA parameters and Magness-Taylor fruit pressure test (FPT) firmness. Correlations were good between TPA parameters and FPT firmness. Correlations were poorer between instrumental and sensory methods due largely to inordinately high sensory scores assigned to salt stock of the slicer by all panelists. Mean textural values from the various methods were compared with those obtained in the same manner for raw cucumbers. TPA brittleness tended to disappear in salt stock. Processing reduced mean TPA values across the six varieties to 39-86% of raw fruit values. Mean FPT firmness was relatively unchanged at 99% that of raw fruit. Desalting from 16% down to 8 % or 4% NaCl reduced TPA values but increased FPT firmness.  相似文献   

The relationship between texture and pectin constituents and some related compounds of the Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina Render var. culta 'Housui') during fruit enlargement and ripening was studied. The modulus of elasticity, deformation ratio, and relaxation value from the flat plate compression test, and all the properties from the puncture test were affected by the pectin constituents, alcohol insoluble solids, and soluble solids. The hardness and deformation of the fruit obtained from the plate compression test might depend on the combination of the alcohol insoluble solids in fresh weight and weight of the fruit. The oxalate soluble pectin both in alcohol insoluble solids and in fresh weight affected the fruit texture more than the water soluble pectin. The solubitization of nonsoluble pectin to water soluble pectin appeared to influence the textural properties more than that of the nonsoluble pectin to oxalate soluble pectin. The puncture test was superior in analyzing the textural properties of the Japanese pear fruits with regard to changes in the pectin constituents.  相似文献   

Textural characteristics of 10 Cheddar cheeses with a range of moisture contents and pH values were investigated by sensory and instrumental methods, over a 9‐month maturing period. A trained panel of nine assessors described the sensory texture characteristics of the cheeses using 11 texture parameters. Instrumental parameters were derived using texture profile analysis. Relationships between sensory, instrumental, compositional and maturation properties of the cheeses were determined with the aid of principal component analysis and multiple linear regression. Nine sensory parameters significantly correlated with instrumental parameters, e.g., sensory rubbery correlated with instrumental firmness (R = 0.696, P < 0.001), chewiness (R = 0.679, P < 0.001), fracture stress (R = 0.669, P < 0.001) and springiness (R = 0.643, P < 0.001). Sensory firmness corresponded closely with instrumental firmness (R = 0.539, P < 0.001) and fracture stress (R = 0.518, P < 0.001). Sensory and instrumental texture parameters were significantly affected by changes in moisture content, pH and maturation.  相似文献   

Textural properties of extruder cooked soybean and cottonseed flours were evaluated by a tasting panel and ultrastructure study. An attempt was made to correlate the findings of the tasting panel with chemical and physical parameters. The role of NSI in the flours and the size of the texturing machinery (X-5 vs X-25 or laboratory vs plant size) were evaluated as well. Water absorption and integrity tests values of the cottonseed products were lower than those of soybean. The free gossypol values of the cottonseed extruded products are relatively very low. Significant differences were found between the ultrastructure of the soybean and the cottonseed extrudates. Several stages of induced texturization of cottonseed protein were observed by the electron microscope while soy proteins had only one.  相似文献   

Effects of prestorage heat treatment on the texture of three apple cultivars: 'Gloster,'Golden Delicious' and 'Jonagold' (Malus domestica Borkh.) were studied before and after heat treatments at different time-temperature combinations. Changes of apple firmness, extractable juice content, background color, soluble solids concentration (SSC) and pH values were determined after 4 months cold storage (2C, 95% RH). Prestorage heat treatment can inhibit 'Golden Delicious' softening during cold storage but less effective for 'Jonagold' apples. Severe internal browning was found for heat treated 'Gloster' apples after cold storage. Heat treatments had no benefit on apple juiciness maintenance. Heat treated apples showed more physiological disorders compared with the nontreated apples after 4 months cold storage. The effect of prestorage heat treatment seems to be cultivar dependent.  相似文献   

Impact transmission wave measurement technique was applied for nondestructive ripeness evaluation of Golden apples. Three types of texture properties referred to as firmness parameters, viscoelastic parameters and rupture parameter were measured from destructive penetration tests to represent apple ripeness. Curve-fitted model functions of transmission velocity and time span were established to evaluate the texture properties with the correlation coefficients between 0.791 and 0.957. The transmission wave parameters were used to discriminate six groups of the apples for their ripeness. A discrimination accuracy of 86.7% was obtained. It was concluded that the transmission wave may be used as a nondestructive means for reliable estimation and discrimination of apple ripeness.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-four untrained judges ranked O/W creams on consistency, spreadability, and stickiness or tackiness, and the results were correlated with rheological characteristics obtained from flow curves. The ranking order for consistency corresponded, for all practical purposes, to the ranking order for shear stress needed to break down the internal structure of the sample (shear rates of 44 s-1 or less). The ranking for spreadability was related to plastic viscosity at 26–32°C. The judges showed poor agreement on the ranking for stickiness (tackiness) and no clear-cut relationship could be obtained between this property and rheological parameters. Consumer preference favored the sample with the highest consistency.  相似文献   

Eighteen experienced judges evaluated the texture of gels varying in gelatin concentration (22-45 g/L) in terms of firmness by oral and manual shear and compression, cohesiveness, and extent of breakdown in the mouth. Manual compression and biting with the front teeth discriminated well across gel concentrations. All sensory measures except extent of breakdown increased with gelatin concentration. Instron (IUTM) measurements showed that increasing gelatin concentration resulted in an increase in maximum force and force/deformation, but had little effect on deformation at yield and rupture or in elasticity and cohesiveness. Results from mechanical measurements varied with the type of force applied (compression, shear or puncture), the loading rate (50 or 200 mm/min), and the extent of deformation attained (40–90%). The highest discrimination across gel concentrations was achieved with shear force at a rate of 200 mm/min and at greater deformations. Sensory responses correlated most highly with the following IUTM measurements: (1) Compression forces at yield and at deformations of 70 and 85% at the higher crosshead speed; (2) Compression forces below the yield point at the lower crosshead speed; and (3) Shear forces measured at maximum deformation (90%) at 200 mm/min.  相似文献   

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