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Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we propose a reversible data hiding scheme using (5, 3) Hamming code. A cover image is partitioned into blocks of five pixels. An adjusted (5, 3)...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Recently, a reversible data hiding (RDH) scheme based on code division multiplexing (CDM) has been reported, in which secret information and pseudo bits are...  相似文献   


In the digital world, watermarking technology is a solution for data hiding and completely essential for management and secure communications of digital data propagated over the internet-based platforms. Reversible watermarking is a quality-aware type of watermarking which has been applied in managing digital contents such as digital images, texts, audios and videos. Reversible watermarking is also known as lossless watermarking due to its preservation of all details of host and hidden data. One of the important uses of this kind of watermarking is to manage medical data regarding DICOM images. In the recent years, a new type of reversible watermarking technology entitled interpolation-based reversible watermarking has been introduced, and we are going to enhance it for DICOM images by using a hybrid approach based on computing error histogram and by applying an image interpolation with greedy weights (adaptive weighting). In practice, simulation results clearly show better performance of the proposed scheme compared to the previous techniques using interpolation-based reversible watermarking on different DICOM images.


Nowadays, the transmission of digitized medical information has become very convenient due to the generality of Internet. Regardless of the prevention of medical fault, the real-time detection of abnormal event, the support of clinical decision, even the model developing of medical service based on patient, Internet has created the biggest benefit to achieve the goals of promoting patient safety and medicine quality. However, it is easier that the hackers can grab or duplicate the digitized information on the Internet. This will cause following problems of medical security and copyright protection. Therefore, the information hiding techniques are developed for protection of medical information and copyright. This paper proposes a multiple-layer data hiding technique in spatial domain. It utilizes a reduced difference expansion method to embed the bitstream in the least significant bits (LSBs) of the expanded differences. By using the reduced difference expansion method, we can embed a large amount of data in a medical image whose quality can also be maintained. Moreover, the original image can be restored after extracting the hidden data from the stego-image. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme provides higher embedding capacity at the same level image quality compared with Tian's difference expansion method.  相似文献   

Data hiding in images has evolved as one of the trusted methods of secure data communication and numerous approaches have been introduced over the years using gray scale images as the cover media. Most of the methods are based on data hiding in least significant bit planes of cover images. Many such methods purely depend on data substitution algorithms by defining a pattern in which data is embedded. One can gain access to the secret data in a few attempts, if the algorithm is known. Keeping this in view several approaches based on secret keys have also been proposed by researchers. This paper proposes an efficient data embedding scheme using a key and an embedding pattern generated through midpoint circle generation algorithm. The pattern can be applied to a carrier that is mapped onto a grid/image. The cryptosystem uses the concept of steganography and is computationally light and secure. The secret-key is generated in such a way that Avalanche effect is ensured except in very rare cases. The proposed data embedding method is shown to be robust and highly secure while maintaining good hiding capacity and imperceptibility. It is applicable for data hiding in a generic grid that could be of pixels or bits.  相似文献   


In this paper we have proposed an LSB based data hiding method. Here, first cover image is encoded by LBP based method (call as ELBP). In ELBP method, a 3 × 3 block is encoded by k bits (1 ≤ k ≤ 9) respect to the central pixel. For data hiding purpose, the cover image is encoded by ELBP then r (1 ≤ r < k) bits are embedded into each neighbor pixel by replacing least r bits of the encoded stream and then modified pixel is processed by OPAP method to improve the quality of the stego image. Proposed method gives high quality stego images with higher embedding rate compare to the state-of-the-art methods. The security of the proposed data hiding method is tested against the attacks like RS steganalysis and Chi-square attack and these methods fail to detect hidden data.


Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we propose a new dual-image based reversible data hiding scheme through (7,4) Hamming code (RDHHC) using shared secret key. A block of seven...  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, an improved reversible data hiding (RDH) scheme, best neighboring coding (BNC), is proposed for vector quantization (VQ) compressed color images....  相似文献   

Yang  Yang  Zhang  Weiming  Liang  Dong  Yu  Nenghai 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(14):18043-18065
Multimedia Tools and Applications - In this paper, we attempt to investigate the secure archiving of medical images which are stored on semi-trusted cloud servers, and focus on addressing the...  相似文献   

才雪  杨杨  肖星星 《计算机应用》2018,38(8):2293-2300
针对目前具有对比度增强效果的可逆信息隐藏(RDH)算法大多受到嵌入率的影响,未能实现较好的对比度增强效果的问题,提出一种基于纹理度划分的医学图像可逆信息隐藏方法。首先,通过对比度拉伸的方法实现医学图像对比度增强;然后,再利用医学图像纹理度的自身特点,将医学图像划分为高、低两类纹理度等级,其中高纹理度等级构成医学图像的关键部分;最后,为了进一步增强高纹理度等级的对比度并保证信息嵌入率,对不同的纹理度等级像素采用不同的嵌入方法。为了与其他具有对比度增强效果的医学图像可逆信息隐藏算法比较载密图像的对比度增强效果,采用了针对对比度失真的无参考图像质量评价标准(NR-CDIQA)作为实验客观依据。实验结果表明,在不同嵌入率下,使用所提方法的载密图像的NR-CDIQA值更高,对比度增强效果更好。  相似文献   

Numerous data hiding schemes have been recently proposed based on section-wise strategy. The purpose of these approaches is to enhance security by using a unique key to generate a table. But these approaches are not matched between the embedding secret data length for binary bits and the length of the notation system in the section-wise strategy. In order to enhance the security of secret data and increase embedding capacity, we will propose a secure multi-group data hiding scheme based on General Exploiting Modification Direction (GEMD) map in this paper. Three major advantages exist in our scheme. First is flexibility for the number and combination of elements. Second is the removal of spatial redundancy in our method while maintaining embedding capacity above 1 bpp. Lastly, this method avoids the overflow/underflow problem. Experimental results show that our method enhances embedding capacity and maintains good visual stego image quality. In terms of security, the proposed scheme is more secure than LSB replacement method in terms of resisting visual attack and RS testing.  相似文献   

基于分存的多幅图像信息隐藏方案*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在秘密图像分存的基础上,提出一种多幅图像进行信息隐藏的算法。首先把秘密图像分存到指定的两个毫无关系的图像中,然后在公开图像的奇数行(列)嵌入第一幅图像,在偶数行(列)嵌入第二幅图像,从而实现多幅图像在一幅公开图像中的隐藏。给出了两幅图像嵌入一幅图像的实验,并对隐藏性能作了分析与比较。该算法原理简单有效,编程容易,信息的嵌入与提取速度快,并且这种多幅图像进行信息隐藏的方法可以嵌套于目前的大多数算法,有很强的推广性。  相似文献   


In this work, an active forgery detection scheme is proposed to locate the tampered region from a forged digital image. In this regard, an authentication code is formed and subsequently, the same is concealed into each pixel for the realization of a fragile watermarked image. In an active forgery detection procedure, the extracted authentication code from the fragile watermarked image is considered to detect the tampered region properly. The main goal of this work is to generate a secure authentication code for preventing the attackers from purposely altering the embedded code to match the tampered image contents as well as to cause less visual distortion after the construction of the fragile watermarked image. Initially, the authentication code for each pixel is computed using Hamming code from the first four most significant bits (MSBs) and subsequently, the same is considered to conceal into some least significant bits (LSBs) of that particular pixel. Generally, the LSB components are found visually insignificant so, the suggested pixel-level authentication code embedding procedure retains the high visual quality of the watermarked image. The proposed fragile watermarking is secured since the authentication code embedding procedure is realized using the logistic-map based generated secret parameters. The proposed scheme has been implemented and the results based on the input of several grayscale images are found satisfactory. In addition, several tampered images are considered to validate the proficiency of tampering detection of the proposed work. The obtained results demonstrate that the presented work is effectively capable to detect the tampered region even in pixel-level from the forged digital image content and also the results are found comparable to some related works.


This paper proposes a high capacity data hiding scheme for binary images based on block patterns, which can facilitate the authentication and annotation of scanned images. The scheme proposes block patterns for a 2 × 2 block to enforce specific block-based relationship in order to embed a significant amount of data without causing noticeable artifacts. In addition, two kinds of matching pair (MP) methods, internal adjustment MP and external adjustment MP, are designed to decrease the embedding changes. Shuffling is applied before embedding to reduce the distortion and improve the security. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme gives a significantly improved embedding capacity than previous approaches in the same level of embedding distortion. We also analyze the perceptual impact and discuss the robustness and security issues.  相似文献   

Liu  Li  Wang  Lifang  Chang  Chin-Chen 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(20):20833-20846
Multimedia Tools and Applications - A novel semantic compression based on vector quantization (VQ) and data hiding is proposed. A compact version of the original image is generated, and then, VQ...  相似文献   

In this paper, a new reversible data hiding method based on sorting and prediction in digital images is proposed. The proposed method can embed two bits in the 3 × 1 sub-block at maximum by dividing into two groups - min and max groups. The pixel pairs of the min group and max group are firstly predicted and then are modified to embed the secret bits. The reversibility is guaranteed since the order of pixel pairs of the sub-block is not changed after embedding a secret bit into two groups. The experimental results show that the proposed method provides high embedding capacity than the previous works.  相似文献   

Since the difference expansion (DE) technique was proposed, many researchers tried to, improve its performance in terms of hiding capacity and visual quality. In this paper, a new scheme, based on DE is proposed in order to increase the hiding capacity for medical images. One of the characteristics of medical images, among the other types of images, is the large smooth regions. Taking advantage of this characteristic, our scheme divides the image into two regions; smooth region and non-smooth region. For the smooth region, a high embedding capacity scheme is applied, while the original DE method is applied to the non-smooth region. Sixteen DICOM images of different modalities were used for testing the proposed schemes. The results showed that the proposed scheme has higher hiding capacity compared to the original schemes.  相似文献   

郑洪英  任雯  程惠惠 《计算机应用》2016,36(11):3088-3092
针对目前医学图像可逆信息隐藏算法嵌入容量小、需要对图像进行感兴趣区域(ROI)划分、接收方操作不灵活等缺点,结合医学图像特点,提出了一种基于位平面压缩的可分离式密文域信息隐藏算法。首先,将256级灰度医学图像分解成8个位平面,压缩高4个位平面,用峰值点像素值填充压缩后的空间,重构图像;然后,对重构的图像头部、中部、尾部分别加密;最后,在尾部根据嵌入密钥选取位置,通过直方图平移算法嵌入信息,接收方可根据密钥持有情况实现信息提取与图像恢复的可分离操作。实验结果表明,通过压缩图像预留空间来存放信息避免了辅助信息的传输,能有效提高嵌入容量,同时具有较高的安全性。  相似文献   

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