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The identification of moving objects is a basic step in computer vision. The identification begins with the segmentation and is followed by a denoising phase. This paper proposes the FPGA hardware implementation of segmentation and denoising unit. The segmentation is conducted using the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), a probabilistic method for the segmentation of the background. The denoising is conducted implementing the morphological operators of erosion, dilation, opening and closing. The proposed circuit is optimized to perform real time processing of HD video sequences (1,920 × 1,080 @ 20 fps) when implemented on FPGA devices. The circuit uses an optimized fixed width representation of the data and implements high performance arithmetic circuits. The circuit is implemented on Xilinx and Altera FPGA. Implemented on xc5vlx50 Virtex5 FPGA, it can process 24 fps of an HD video using 1,179 Slice LUTs and 291 Slice Registers; the dynamic power dissipation is 0.46 mW/MHz. Implemented on EP2S15F484C3 StratixII, it provides a maximum working frequency of 44.03 MHz employing 5038 Logic Elements and 7,957 flip flop with a dynamic power dissipation of 4.03 mW/MHz. 相似文献
《Journal of Microcomputer Applications》1994,17(3):273-286
This paper describes a special-purpose embedded multiprocessor architecture developed for performing real-time multi-line optical character recognition (MLOCR). MLOCR is a computationally intensive real-time application involving pattern recognition, character image extraction, gray-scale thresholding, rotation and scaling of individual characters, and character identification. The computational complexity of the MLOCR application dictated the development of custom hardware in a parallel processing environment in order to meet the real-time system requirements. The overall system organization is described, along with the functional partitioning of algorithms onto processors, development of specific custom hardware to implement the algorithms in real time, interprocess communications, and system control. 相似文献
This paper briefly describes the implementation of the odd-even merge algorithm on a parallel MIMD computer and discusses its computational complexity. 相似文献
Robust segmentation and analysis of DNA microarray spots using an adaptative split and merge algorithm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Barra V 《Computer methods and programs in biomedicine》2006,81(2):174-180
Microarray images push to their limits classical analysis methods, since gene spots are often poorly contrasted, ill defined and of irregular shapes. These characteristics hinder a robust quantification of corresponding values for red and green intensities as well as their R/G ratio. New approaches are thus needed to ensure accurate data extraction from these images. Herein we present an automatic non-supervised algorithm for a fast and accurate spot data extraction from DNA microarrays. The method is based on a split and merge algorithm, relying on a Delaunay triangulation process, allowing an incremental partition of the image into homogeneous polygons. Geometric properties of triangles as well as homogeneity criteria are defined according to the specificities of microarray image signals. The method is first assessed on simulated data, and then compared with GenePix and Jaguar Softwares. Results in segmentation and quantification are superior to those obtained from a number of standard techniques for spot extraction. 相似文献
A parallel algorithm for syntactic image segmentation is introduced. Stochastic tree grammar is used as a context-generating model. It is shown that when this context-generating process is in the equilibrium state, a matched filter can be designed and applied in parallel to the image. This process can be used for image segmentation in a syntactic pattern recognition system to enhance the performance of the succeeding recognition process. 相似文献
A parallel sort-merge-join algorithm which uses a divide-and-conquer approach to address the data skew problem is proposed. The proposed algorithm adds an extra, low-cost scheduling phase to the usual sort, transfer, and join phases. During the scheduling phase, a parallelizable optimization algorithm, using the output of the sort phase, attempts to balance the load across the multiple processors in the subsequent join phase. The algorithm naturally identifies the largest skew elements, and assigns each of them to an optimal number of processors. Assuming a Zipf-like distribution of data skew, the algorithm is demonstrated to achieve very good load balancing for the join phase, and is shown to be very robust relative, among other things, to the degree of data skew and the total number of processors 相似文献
A statistical model-based video segmentation algorithm is presented for head-and-shoulder type video. This algorithm uses domain knowledge by abstracting the head-and-shoulder object with a blob-based statistical region model and a shape model. The object segmentation problem is then converted into a model detection and tracking problem. At the system level, a hierarchical structure is designed and spatial and temporal filters are used to improve segmentation quality. This algorithm runs in real time over a QCIF size video, and segments it into background, head and shoulder three video objects on average Pentium PC platforms. Due to its real time feature, this algorithm is appropriate for real time multimedia services such as videophone and web chat. Simulation results are offered to compare MPEG-4 performance with H.263 on segmented video objects with respects to compression efficiency, bit rate adaptation and functionality. 相似文献
Gu J Wang W Henderson TC 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1987,(6):816-831
Discrete relaxation techniques have proven useful in solving a wide range of problems in digital signal and digital image processing, artificial intelligence, operations research, and machine vision. Much work has been devoted to finding efficient hardware architectures. This paper shows that a conventional hardware design for a Discrete Relaxation Algorithm (DRA) suffers from O(n2m3) time complexity and O(n2m2) space complexity. By reformulating DRA into a parallel computational tree and using a multiple tree-root pipelining scheme, time complexity is reduced to O(nm), while the space complexity is reduced by a factor of 2. For certain relaxation processing, the space complexity can even be decreased to O(nm). Furthermore, a technique for dynamic configuring an architectural wavefront is used which leads to an O(n) time highly concurrent DRA3 architecture. 相似文献
Chen M.-H. Pavlidis T. 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1990,12(6):588-594
Some basic problems encountered when assembling the results of image analysis on architectures with coarse parallelism are discussed. The emphasis is on strategies that minimize the distortion in the final result caused by processing image tiles independently. Methods are presented that can be used to reduce the disparity between the results of processing each title independently and processing each as part of a whole image. A seaming algorithm has been constructed to seam the tiles with the results of region segmentation using the gray-level mean difference or maximum-minimum criteria. Experimental results, obtained on a Sequent machine and a Sun 3/160 workstation, are given to illustrate the performance of the algorithm 相似文献
KLT算法已在多个领域得到成功的应用,其中特征点的排序是用来选择好的特征点跟踪的关键。针对传统排序算法计算耗时、实时性差的缺点,提出一种可并行的多层次归并排序算法并在FPGA中实现了其并行计算,同时分析了其周期精确的计算时间。结果表明该归并排序算法可以[O(N)]的时间复杂度完成特征点的排序,能够满足高清分辨率的图像/视频数据中KLT特征点排序的实时性要求。 相似文献
提出了一种融合聚类的分级区域合并彩色图像分割方法。为平滑图像且保持良好边缘,首先用均值偏移算法进行滤波,在此基础上运用改进的k均值聚类方法在颜色空间对图像进行聚类,形成图像的初始分割区域。融合颜色、空间和邻域信息度量区域的距离,对初始分割区域进行分级合并,直至满足停止区域合并的准则。利用形态学腐蚀与膨胀算法对区域边缘进行平滑。仿真结果表明,算法的分割结果符合人类主观视觉感知,具有良好的一致性。 相似文献
提出了一种基于背景提取的视频对象分割算法,其主要是通过对多帧视频序列的比较,提取出视频帧的背景,以后的视频帧序列减去该背景,就得到了运动对象.实验结果表明,该算法可以很好地应用在视频会议等背景变化不大的场合,效果较好且运算量不大. 相似文献
提高视频图像的传输质量是网络拥塞控制方面的重要研究课题,在阐述了码率控制技术和实时视频传输的构架后,分析了基于丢包率和双丢包率阈值门限的拥塞控制机制以及VM8码率控制算法,指出了VM8码率控制算法的不足,所在并进行了相应的改进.根据当前丢包率,对未来的发送速率的变化做出预测,从而动态地决定缓冲区目标水位参数,使得改进后的算法对发送速率具有一定的预测性.实验证明,改进后的算法有效地提高了编码后的图像质量. 相似文献
实时视频传输系统的设计与实现 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
介绍了RTP协议及其视频信息的传输控制方法.设计和实现了一个基于实际网络的实时视频传输系统.并且重点讨论与研究了视频实时传输的控制方法,以及基于H.26X的自适应编码方法的初步研究.同时使用Visual C 6.0具体实现传输系统的主要功能,最后给出了部分实验结果. 相似文献
《Expert systems with applications》2014,41(14):6098-6105
Streaming time series segmentation is one of the major problems in streaming time series mining, which can create the high-level representation of streaming time series, and thus can provide important supports for many time series mining tasks, such as indexing, clustering, classification, and discord discovery. However, the data elements in streaming time series, which usually arrive online, are fast-changing and unbounded in size, consequently, leading to a higher requirement for the computing efficiency of time series segmentation. Thus, it is a challenging task how to segment streaming time series accurately under the constraint of computing efficiency. In this paper, we propose exponential smoothing prediction-based segmentation algorithm (ESPSA). The proposed algorithm is developed based on a sliding window model, and uses the typical exponential smoothing method to calculate the smoothing value of arrived data element of streaming time series as the prediction value of the future data. Besides, to determine whether a data element is a segmenting key point, we study the statistical characteristics of the prediction error and then deduce the relationship between the prediction error and the compression rate. The extensive experiments on both synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can segment streaming time series effectively and efficiently. More importantly, compared with candidate algorithms, the proposed algorithm can reduce the computing time by orders of magnitude. 相似文献
Multimedia Tools and Applications - We introduce a new parallelization method for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC), which resolves the shortcomings of the existing tile-based parallel processing... 相似文献