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As a preliminary step in an analysis of Hox gene expression and radial body plan specification in sea urchin development, we amplified partial homeobox sequences in H. purpurescens by PCR using degenerate primers. The primers, HoxE and HoxF (Pendleton et al., 1993), spanned a highly conserved region of 82 nucleotides encompassing amino acids 21-47 of the homeodomain. Seven Hox-type homeobox sequences and two non-Hox homeobox sequences were identified. The seven Hox-type sequences were placed provisionally in Hox paralogous groups, one in paralogous group 3, three in paralogous groups 6-8 and three in paralogous groups 9 13. The non-Hox sequences had similarities with Xlox and Gbx homeobox genes.  相似文献   

We show that the synthesis of actin is regulated developmentally during early sea urchin embryogenesis and that the level of synthesis of this protein parallels the steady-state amounts of the actin messenger ribonucleic acids (RNA). An in vitro translation and RNA blotting analysis of embryo RNA from several stages of early development indicated that during the first 8 h after fertilization there was a low and relatively constant level of actin messenger RNA in the embryo. Between 8 and 13 h of development, the amount of actin messenger RNA began to increase both in the cytoplasm and on polysomes, and by 18 h the amounts of actin message per embryo had risen between approximately 10- and 25-fold in the cytoplasm and between 15- and 40-fold on polysomes. Two size classes of actin messenger RNA (2.2 and 1.8 kilobases) were identified in unfertilized eggs and in all of the developmental stages examined. The amount of each actin message class increased over a similar time interval during early development. However, the amounts of these size classes in the cytoplasm relative to each other shifted between the earliest stages examined (2 to 5 h) and the hatching blastula stage (18 h), with the ratio of the 1.8-kilobase actin messenger RNA to the 2.2-kilobase actin messenger RNA increasing almost threefold during this period.  相似文献   

We have applied the particle gun method, which was developed to introduce DNA into plant cells, to sea urchin eggs and have obtained excellent expression of the introduced DNA in the embryos. The expression can be normalized by concomitantly-introducing a reference construct. The method provides a new approach to quantitative analysis of cis-regulatory elements in sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

This paper examines the assumption that male homosexuality has a natural affinity with femininity and that male heterosexuality has a natural affinity with masculinity. An analysis of the relationship between people's disclosure or concealment of their homosexual practice or identity, particularly as it relates to notions of hegemonic masculinity and femininity provides the focus of this paper. It is argued that everyday understandings of homosexuality tend to be resolved in such as way as to press homosexuality into the service of privileging a male, masculine, and heterosexual subjectivity. This privileging is achieved, in part, as a result of the everyday social practices of homosexually active men's witting and unwitting deference to the hegemonic presumption that masculine men are naturally heterosexual, and its inverse, that feminine men are homosexual and are a perturbation of the natural order. We argue that this correlation is manufactured in everyday life in the world of appearances, but that the appearance of things is not reflected at a level of practice, which is to say, male homosexual practice is not necessarily feminine, just as male heterosexual practice is not necessarily masculine. Realities that conflict with the hegemonic realities are masked in the public world, for a variety of reasons. What we have called closet dynamics are the various discourses through which homosexuality is concealed and disclosed, and the various subject positions people take up in relation to those discourses.  相似文献   

Fertilization in the sea urchin is mediated by the membrane-associated acrosomal protein bindin, which plays a key role in the adhesion and fusion between sperm and egg. We have investigated the structure/function relationship of an 18-amino acid peptide fragment "B18," which represents the minimal membrane binding motif of the protein and resembles a putative fusion peptide. The peptide was found to mimic the behavior of its parent protein bindin with respect to (a) its high affinity for lipid bilayers, (b) the ability to aggregate and fuse vesicles, (c) the binding of Zn2+ by a histidine-rich motif, (d) the tendency to self-assemble, and (e), as indicated earlier, the adhesion to cell surface polysaccharides. Fluorescence and light scattering assays were used here to monitor peptide-induced lipid mixing, leakage, and aggregation of large unilamellar sphingomyelin/cholesterol vesicles. For these activities, B18 requires the presence of Zn2+ ions, with which it forms oligomeric complexes and assumes a partially alpha-helical conformation, as observed by circular dichroism. We conclude that aggregation and fusion involves a "trans-complex" between peptides on apposing vesicles that are connected by Zn2+ bridges.  相似文献   

To investigate structure-function relationships of erythropoietin (Epo), we have obtained cDNA sequences that encode the mature Epo protein of a variety of mammals. A first set of primers, corresponding to conserved nucleotide sequences between mouse and human DNAs, allowed us to amplify by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) intron 1/exon 2 fragments from genomic DNA of the hamster, cat, lion, dog, horse, sheep, dolphin, and pig. Sequencing of these fragments permitted the design of a second generation of species-specific primers. RNA was prepared from anemic kidneys and reverse-transcribed. Using our battery of species-specific 5' primers, we were able to successfully PCR-amplify Epo cDNA from Rhesus monkey, rat, sheep, dog, cat, and pig. Deduced amino acid sequences of mature Epo proteins from these animals, in combination with known sequences for human, Cynomolgus monkey, and mouse, showed a high degree of homology, which explains the biologic and immunological cross-reactivity that has been observed in a number of species. Human Epo is 91% identical to monkey Epo, 85% to cat and dog Epo, and 80% to 82% to pig, sheep, mouse, and rat Epos. There was full conservation of (1) the disulfide bridge linking the NH2 and COOH termini; (2) N-glycosylation sites; and (3) predicted amphipathic alpha-helices. In contrast, the short disulfide bridge (C29/C33 in humans) is not invariant. Cys33 was replaced by a Pro in rodents. Most of the amino acid replacements were conservative. The C-terminal part of the loop between the C and D helices showed the most variation, with several amino acid substitutions, deletions, and/or insertions. Calculations of maximum parsimony for intron 1/exon 2 sequences as well as coding sequences enabled the construction of cladograms that are in good agreement with known phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Two proteins, HifD and HifE, have been identified as structural components of Haemophilus influenzae pili. Both are localized at the pilus tip, and HifE appears to mediate pilus adherence to host cells. In this study we examined the immunologic and structural diversity of these pilus subunits among type b H. influenzae (Hib) and nontypeable H. influenzae (NTHI) strains. Western immunoblot analysis revealed that antibodies directed against the C terminus of HifD and HifE from Hib strain Eagan bound to HifD and HifE proteins, respectively, of all piliated Hib and NTHI strains tested. Whole-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays showed that antibodies specific for native HifD or HifE of strain Eagan also bound to all piliated Hib strains but did not bind to the piliated NTHI strains. Antibodies against HifE of strain Eagan inhibited the binding of Hib to human erythrocytes but did not inhibit the binding of NTHI strains. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to determine strain-to-strain structural differences within hifD and hifE genes, either by PCR or by nucleotide sequence analysis. DNA and derived amino acid sequence analyses of HifD and HifE confirmed the uniqueness of the RFLP types. The hifD and hifE genes of all type b strains showed identical restriction patterns. Analysis of hifD and hifE genes from the NTHI strains, however, revealed seven unique RFLP patterns, suggesting that these genes encode proteins with diverse primary structures. These results indicate that HifD and HifE are immunologically and structurally similar among the Hib strains but vary among the NTHI strains.  相似文献   

The sequence of the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA was determined for the following strongyloid nematodes: Cylicocyclus insignis, Chabertia ovina, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Cloacina communis, Cloacina hydriformis, Labiostrongylus labiostrongylus, Parazoniolaimus collaris, Macropostrongylus macropostrongylus, Macropostrongylus yorkei, Rugopharynx australis, Rugopharynx rosemariae, Macropostrongyloides baylisi, Oesophagostomoides longispicularis and Paramacropostrongylus toraliformis, and compared with published sequences for species of Strongylus and for Hypodontus macropi. The resultant phylogenetic trees supported current hypotheses based on morphological evidence for the separation of the families Strongylidae and Chabertiidae, but did not support the separation of the endemic Australian genera as a distinctive clade within the Chabertiidae. The implications of this finding for the phylogenetic origins of the Australian strongyloids are discussed.  相似文献   

Synthesis and turnover of polysomal mRNAs in sea urchin embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The synthesis and turnover kinetics of polysomal mRNA have been measured in sea urchin embryos. Polysomes were isolated from stages ranging between mesenchyme blastula and late gastrula Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos which had been exposed to exogenous 3H-guanosine. The amount of radioactivity incorporated into messenger and ribosomal RNAs was determined separately as a function of time, and the precursor pool specific activity was measured in the same embryos. Synthesis and decay rate constants were extracted from the data by a least-squares procedure. Per embryo, the rate of mRNA synthesis was calculated to be about 0.13 pg min-1, while the rate of rRNA synthesis is about 0.022 pg min-1. The newly synthesized mRNA turns over with a half-time of 5.7 hr. The data support only a single decay rate for the mRNA, but small fractions of mRNA decaying at different rates cannot be excluded. Previous studies have shown that a minor fraction of the mRNA includes the least abundant, most highly diverse set of messages ("complex class" mRNAs). To determine whether mRNAs of the complex class are synthesized and degraded at similar rates, labeled mRNA was measured in hybrids formed in mRNA excess reactions with single copy DNA. These experiments showed that complex class mRNAs represent an approximately proportional amount of the new mRNA symthesis, and turn over at the same average rate as does the bulk of the mRNA. Most of the mRNAs in the embryo polysomes are newly synthesized, rather than maternal. This statement refers both to complex class mRNAs and to prevalent mRNAs. Considering the sequence homology between embryo and oocyte mRNAs shown earlier, these results indicate that many of the same structural genes active during oogenesis are being transcribed in embryos at these stages.  相似文献   

The hatching enzyme (HE) gene is the earliest zygotic gene expressed in the sea urchin embryo. To investigate the regulation of the HE gene activity, 5' flanking DNA and the 5' untranslated leader were inserted upstream of reporter genes whose expression was monitored in vivo during development after transfer into eggs. By deletion analysis we showed that no more than 3 kb of flanking sequence are required for correct expression of transgenes. The proximal region of 0.5 kb does not precisely control spatial restriction but drives expression at a nearly maximal level. The proximal promoter was searched extensively for sites of protein-DNA interactions by DNAse protection and gel-shift methods. The 12 sites identified form 3 groups: core promoter; central region; and distal region. The central region bears three sites that contain a direct or inverted CCAAT box. Mutation and deletion analysis showed that, in addition to the core-promoter elements, the two most-distal CCAAT-containing sites are indispensable for promoter activity. These sites bind the same set of proteins, which are abundant in the nuclei of cleavage embryos.  相似文献   

Camarodont sea urchins possess a rapidly evolving actin gene family whose members are expressed in distinct cell lineages in a developmentally regulated fashion. Evolutionary changes in the actin gene family of echinoids include alterations in number of family members, site of expression, and gene linkage, and a dichotomy between rapidly and slowly evolving isoform-specific 3' untranslated regions. We present sequence comparisons and an analysis of the actin gene family in two congeneric sea urchins that develop in radically different modes, Heliocidaris erythrogramma and H. tuberculata. The sequences of several actin genes from the related species Lytechinus variegatus are also presented. We compare the features of the Heliocidaris and Lytechinus actin genes to those of the the actin gene families of other closely related sea urchins and discuss the nature of the evolutionary changes among sea urchin actins and their relationship to developmental mode.  相似文献   

To understand what processes affect the cell-cycle timing of mitotic events in early cleavage cycles of sea urchin embryos, a study was made on the effects of (a) reducing protein synthesis with emetine and (b) DNA replication with aphidicolin, on the timing of nuclear envelope breakdown, anaphase onset and cytokinesis. When protein synthesis was slightly inhibited by administration of emetine, the delay in the mitotic events increased, with an increase in the delay in accumulation of proteins up to the levels to which cells must synthesize the proteins to execute the cleavage. This indicated that protein synthesis affects the timing of mitotic events. The delay in cleavage cycles caused by a slight inhibition of DNA replication with aphidicolin was in proportion to the concentration of aphidicolin administered, suggesting that DNA replication also affects the timing of mitotic events. Furthermore, it was confirmed that accumulation of the proteins to the levels required for execution of the first cleavage precedes completion of DNA replication as a requirement for execution of the first cleavage. These results imply the existence of process(es) affected by protein synthesis that are included in a feedback control system which prevents the initiation of mitosis until after the completion of DNA replication; it is the characteristic of a cell-cycle control system that has been predicted theoretically.  相似文献   

The early divisions of sea urchin eggs was used as a model to study the effects of static and of 60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields. Two species were used (Sphaerechinus granularis and Paracentrotus lividus). Eggs were fertilized and exposed in two separate coils to the fields (up to 8 mT). Great care was taken to control the temperature of each sample. No difference was found in the time of the first division that could not be attributed to a temperature difference between samples. Comparison is made with other published data on various species.  相似文献   

Mycobacteria generally have thick cell walls and contain large amounts of lipid, making them resistant to DNA extraction. Five methods, namely, extensive enzymic digestion method (M1), 2-min mechanical glass-bead disruption method (M2), thermal shock method (M3), modified conventional enzymic digestion method (M4), and manual disruption with modified conventional enzymic digestion method (M5), were used to compare their effectiveness and simplicity in extracting DNA from slowly growing mycobacteria (Mycobacterium leprae, M. lepraemurium and M. bovis BCG), and a rapidly growing mycobacterium (M. phlei). The highest DNA yield was obtained by M2 from M. lepraemurium which produced 2.82 micrograms DNA/mg wet weight of cells, representing a theoretical yield of 78%. M3 gave the lowest DNA yield; 0.01 microgram DNA/mg wet weight of cells of M. lepraemurium was obtained. M4, in which proteinase K was used, is more effective than M1, in which subtilisin and pronase were used. M5 yielded a higher amount of DNA, but it required more manipulations to extract DNA as compared to M4. Extraction of DNA of M. leprae from nude mice is more difficult than that of M. leprae from armadillos by all of the methods used. These results suggest that the biosynthetic capabilities of these two forms of M. leprae may vary, depending on their cultural conditions and/or strain differences. Our results have shown that both M2 and M4 are the simplest, most effective and time-saving methods which are suitable for every routine laboratory to extract DNA from slowly and rapidly growing mycobacteria.  相似文献   

At fertilization, sea urchin eggs undergo a series of activation events, including a Ca2+ action potential, Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum, an increase in intracellular pH, sperm pronuclear formation, MAP kinase dephosphorylation, and DNA synthesis. To examine which of these events might be initiated by activation of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma), which produces the second messengers inositol trisphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol, we used recombinant SH2 domains of PLCgamma as specific inhibitors. Sea urchin eggs were co-injected with a GST fusion protein composed of the two tandem SH2 domains of bovine PLCgamma and (1) Ca2+ green dextran to monitor intracellular free Ca2+, (2) BCECF dextran to monitor intracellular pH, (3) Oregon Green dUTP to monitor DNA synthesis, or (4) fluorescein 70-kDa dextran to monitor nuclear envelope formation. Microinjection of the tandem SH2 domains of PLCgamma produced a concentration-dependent inhibition of Ca2+ release and also inhibited cortical granule exocytosis, cytoplasmic alkalinization, MAP kinase dephosphorylation, DNA synthesis, and cleavage after fertilization. However, the Ca2+ action potential, sperm entry, and sperm pronuclear formation were not prevented by injection of the PLCgammaSH2 domain protein. Microinjection of a control protein, the tandem SH2 domains of the phosphatase SHP2, had no effect on Ca2+ release, cortical granule exocytosis, DNA synthesis, or cleavage. Specificity of the inhibitory action of the PLCgammaSH2 domains was further indicated by the finding that microinjection of PLCgammaSH2 domains that had been point mutated at a critical arginine did not inhibit Ca release at fertilization. Additionally, Ca2+ release in response to microinjection of IP3, cholera toxin, cADP ribose, or cGMP was not inhibited by the PLCgammaSH2 fusion protein. These results indicate that PLCgamma plays a key role in several fertilization events in sea urchin eggs, including Ca2+ release and DNA synthesis, but that the action potential, sperm entry, and male pronuclear formation can occur in the absence of PLCgamma activation or Ca2+ increase.  相似文献   

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