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Two, 8-week experiments, each using 30 lactating Holstein cows, were conducted to examine performance of animals offered combinations of total mixed ration (TMR) and high-quality pasture. Experiment 1 was initiated in mid October 2004 and Experiment 2 was initiated in late March 2005. Cows were assigned to either a 100% TMR diet (100:00, no access to pasture) or one of the following three formulated partial mixed rations (PMR) targeted at (1) 85% TMR and 15% pasture, (2) 70% TMR and 30% pasture and (3) 55% TMR and 45% pasture. Based on actual TMR and pasture intake, the dietary TMR and pasture proportions of the three PMR in Experiment 1 were 79% TMR and 21% pasture (79:21), 68% TMR and 32% pasture (68:32), and 59% TMR and 41% pasture (59:41), respectively. Corresponding proportions in Experiment 2 were 89% TMR and 11% pasture (89:11), 79% TMR and 21% pasture (79:21) and 65% TMR and 35% pasture (65:35), respectively. Reducing the proportion of TMR in the diets increased pasture consumption of cows on all PMR, but reduced total dry matter intake compared with cows on 100:00. An increase in forage from pasture increased the concentration of conjugated linoleic acids and decreased the concentration of saturated fatty acids in milk. Although milk and milk protein yields from cows grazing spring pastures (Experiment 2) increased with increasing intakes of TMR, a partial mixed ration that was composed of 41% pasture grazed in the fall (Experiment 1) resulted in a similar overall lactation performance with increased feed efficiency compared to an all-TMR ration.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10669-10677
Cobalt lactate is a highly soluble ruminal Co source. Prior research evaluating higher Co feeding rates demonstrated increased ruminal fiber digestion. Feeding high-forage (>70%) rations to late-lactation dairy cows to enhance income over feed cost could potentially benefit from higher ruminal-soluble Co inclusion rates to enhance ruminal fiber and nutrient digestibility. Twenty-four late-lactation [238 ± 68.8 d in milk (DIM) and 36.4 ± 5.4 kg/d milk] Holstein dairy cows (10 primiparous and 14 multiparous) were blocked by milk yield, DIM, and parity, and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments. Treatments were (1) control, CoCO3 total mixed ration (TMR) containing 12.5 mg/cow per day of cobalt (cobalt carbonate), and (2) cobalt lactate (Co-LAC), same CoCO3 TMR but containing an additional 50 mg/cow per day of Co, via a 1% cobalt lactate product (CoMax, Ralco Inc.). The basal TMR was 70% forage [60% alfalfa baleage and 40% corn silage on a dry matter (DM) basis] and 30% of the respective experimental grain mix on a DM basis. Cows were fed the CoCO3 TMR during the 7-d covariate period, followed by 4 wk of data collection when CoCO3 and Co-LAC TMR were fed. Milk production (26.2 and 25.8 kg/d for CoCO3 and Co-LAC, respectively) and dry matter intake (DMI; 22.9 and 23.1 kg/d) were similar for cows fed both Co treatments. Production of milk fat (1.02 and 1.09 kg/d), milk protein (0.87 and 0.91 kg/d), and lactose (1.17 and 1.26 kg/d) were similar for cows fed both treatments. Body weights (684 and 674 kg) were similar for cows fed both treatments. Rumen ammonia concentrations (15.8 and 12.3 mg/dL) were lower for cows fed Co-LAC compared with cows fed CoCO3 (15.8 mg/dL). Ruminal molar acetate concentrations (59.5 and 61.1%) were greater for cows fed Co-LAC compared with cows fed CoCO3. Feeding additional Co as cobalt lactate in the TMR did not enhance lactational performance (milk production, composition, DMI, or body weight changes) when fed a high-forage TMR but altered ruminal fermentation with decreased ruminal ammonia and increased ruminal acetate concentrations.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted with 36 Jersey cows each to compare intake, production response, and relative economics of four concentrate management systems. Cows were assigned for 25 wk to concentrate fed: 1) for ad libitum consumption twice daily for 10 min, 2) twice daily according to production, 3) via computer feeder according to production, or 4) as part of a total mixed ration. Concentrate was fed at the rate of 1 kg/3.5 kg 4% FCM for treatments 2 and 3 and at the same rate, but to group average FCM, for treatment 4. Concentrate allotments were updated weekly. Cows were individually fed blended corn silage and whole cotton-seed (84:16, DM basis) plus 2.2 kg alfalfa hay/d (Trial 2 only). Concentrate DM intake was 2.3 kg lower and forage DM intake 2.3 kg higher when cows were fed to production (treatments 2, 3, and 4). Milk production was highest in both trials for treatment 2. Fat test was lowest for twice daily ad libitum feeding with no differences found between other methods. Body weight change was similar across treatments and trials. Milk income was similar, fed costs higher, and income over feed cost lower for treatment 1 than for other methods in both trials. Three methods of feeding concentrate according to production were equally effective in maximizing profit.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(11):9611-9621
This study examined the effect of dietary factors on compositional and functional properties of whole milk powder (WMP) produced from bovine milk. Raw milk samples were obtained from 3 groups of 18 Holstein Friesian spring-calving cows randomly assigned to diets based on perennial ryegrass (GRS), perennial ryegrass/white clover sward (CLV), and total mixed ration (TMR). Raw milks obtained in late lactation were subsequently standardized for fat, heat-treated (90°C for 30 s), evaporated, and homogenized before spray drying. The WMP produced from each diet were analyzed to determine differences in color, particle size distribution, heat coagulation time, yogurt gelation, texture profile, and protein profile due to each diet. Significant differences in heat coagulation time were observed between the CLV and TMR samples, whereas color values were significantly different between GRS and TMR samples. No significant differences in gross composition, protein profile, or whey protein nitrogen index were found between the 3 WMP samples. Average D90 values (the particle size at which 90% of the particles were smaller than the specified size) for fat globules were significantly lower in the TMR sample compared with the GRS and CLV samples. Yogurts produced from GRS- and CLV-derived WMP had significantly higher elastic moduli (G′) than those produced from TMR-derived WMP. Similarly, texture profile analysis revealed significantly higher firmness values in yogurt samples derived from CLV compared with TMR samples. Our data characterize the effect of these diets on the composition and functional properties of fat-standardized WMP, suggesting better yogurt functionality and thermal stability in WMP derived from pasture-based bovine diets.  相似文献   

Fifteen Holstein cows, 35 to 70 d postpartum, were assigned to five 3 x 3 Latin squares. Treatments were: control (60% concentrate, 40% corn silage, DM basis) or control supplemented with either .71% sodium bicarbonate or .65% sodium sesquicarbonate, DM basis. Orthogonal contrasts compared the effect of both buffered diets versus the control diet, and the effect of sodium bicarbonate supplementation vs. sodium sesquicarbonate supplementation. There were no differences among treatments for milk yield (34.9 kg/d), milk fat yield (.99 kg/d), 3.5% FCM (31.1 kg/d), or milk protein concentration (3.15%). There were no treatment effects on total chewing time. Milk fat concentration tended to be greater for cows fed sodium bicarbonate (2.92%) and sodium sesquicarbonate (2.89%) relative to control (2.82%). Relative to control, sodium bicarbonate and sodium sesquicarbonate supplementation increased DM intake (22.0 and 22.7 vs. 21.4 kg/d), digestible DM intake (16.7 and 16.2 vs. 14.8 kg/d), digestible organic matter intake (16.0 and 15.5 vs. 14.3 kg/d); and apparent digestibility of DM (77.3 and 74.8 vs. 73.3%) and NDF (62.6 and 56.5 vs. 54.7%). Relative to sesquicarbonate, bicarbonate supplementation increased apparent digestibilities of CP (82.3 vs. 78.8%) and NDF, and decreased milk protein yield (1.06 vs. 1.11 kg/d). Sesquicarbonate was as effective as bicarbonate in alleviating milk fat depression and increasing intake of digestible organic matter.  相似文献   

Thirty-one Holstein cows (six ruminally cannulated) were used to evaluate milk fatty acids (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content on three dietary treatments: 1) total mixed rations (TMR), 2) pasture (Avena sativa L.) plus 6.7 kg DM/d of corn-based concentrate (PCorn), and 3) pasture plus PCorn with 0.8 kg DM/d of Ca salts of unsaturated FA replacing 1.9 kg DM/d of corn (PFat). No differences were found in total (22.4 kg/d) or pasture (18.5 kg/d) dry matter intake, ruminal pH, or total volatile fatty acids concentrations. Fat supplementation did not affect pasture neutral detergent fiber digestion. Milk production did not differ among treatments (19.9 kg/d) but 4% fat-corrected milk was lower for cows fed the PFat compared to cows fed the TMR (16.1 vs. 19.5 kg/d) primarily because of the lower milk fat percentage (2.56 vs. 3.91%). Milk protein concentration was higher for cows fed the TMR than those on both pasture treatments (3.70 vs. 3.45%). Milk from the cows fed the PCorn had a lower content of short- (11.9 vs. 10.4 g/100 g) and medium-chain (56.5 vs. 47.6 g/100 g) FA, and a higher C18:3 percentage (0.07 vs. 0.57 g/100 g) compared with TMR-fed. Cows fed the PFat had the lowest content of short- (8.85 g/100 g) and medium-chain (41.0 g/100 g) FA, and the highest of long-chain FA (51.4 g/100 g). The CLA content was higher for cows in PCorn treatment (1.12 g/100 g FA) compared with cows fed the TMR (0.41 g/100 g FA), whereas the cows fed the PFat had the highest content (1.91 g/100 g FA). Pasture-based diets increased the concentrations of long-chain unsaturated FA and CLA in milk fat. The partial replacement of corn grain by Ca salts of unsaturated FA in grazing cows accentuated these changes. However, those changes in milk FA composition were related to a depression in milk fat.  相似文献   

Forty-eight lactating Holstein cows were fed a total mixed ration of 57% concentrate and 43% forage (dry basis) for 12 wk postpartum. Treatments consisted of 1) no added buffers, 2) .4% MgO, 3) .8% NaHCO3, and 4) .8% NaHCO3 plus .4% MgO of the total ration DM. Body weight, DM intake, and milk yield and composition were unaffected by treatment. Gross efficiency of milk production was decreased by the addition of NaHCO3 or MgO. Buffer supplementation had no effect on ruminal volatile fatty acid concentration or blood chemistries.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether addition of water to a high-moisture total mixed ration reduces feed sorting by dairy cattle. Twelve lactating Holstein cows, individually fed once per day, were tested on 2 diets in a crossover design with 21-d periods. Diets had the same dietary composition and differed only in dry matter content, which was reduced by the addition of water. Treatment diets were 1) dry (57.6% DM) and 2) wet (47.9% DM). Dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production were monitored for each animal for the last 7 d of both treatment periods. For the final 3 d of each period, milk samples were taken for composition analysis and fresh feed and orts were sampled for particle size analysis. The particle size separator had 3 screens (19, 8, and 1.18 mm) and a bottom pan, resulting in 4 fractions (long, medium, short, fine). Sorting was calculated as the actual intake of each particle size fraction expressed as a percentage of the predicted intake of that fraction. Contrary to the hypothesis, cows sorted the wet diet more extensively than the dry diet. Sorting of the dry diet was limited to a tendency to refuse short particles, whereas the wet diet was sorted against long particles and for short and fine particles. Water addition reduced DMI, neutral detergent fiber intake, and starch intake of cows on the wet diet. Increased sorting on the wet diet resulted in a tendency for decreased concentration of dietary neutral detergent fiber consumed and also resulted in increased starch concentration of the diet consumed. Milk production and components were unaffected by treatment. Our results suggest that water addition to high-moisture total mixed rations, containing primarily haylage and silage forage sources, may not be an effective method to reduce sorting. Furthermore, water addition may negatively affect DMI and encourage sorting, resulting in the consumption of a ration with different nutrient composition than intended.  相似文献   

Partial budgeting was used to compare net incomes of high-yielding Holstein cows fed either a total mixed ration (TMR), a pasture-based diet, or a combination of both. Variables included in the analysis were milk income, feed, feeding, manure handling, fencing, and water system expenses (revenues and costs based on 2000 values). Base data were from 45 Holstein cows (109 days in milk), assigned to one of three dietary treatments: TMR (nongrazing with TMR ad libitum), pasture plus TMR (pTMR, with pasture in the day and TMR at night), or pasture plus concentrate (PC, pasture twice daily plus 1 kg of concentrate/4 kg milk). Data from those groups were projected to a case-study herd of 70 cows and subjected to sensitivity analysis at varying milk prices and feed and pasture costs. Although costs per kilogram of milk produced were lowest for PC cows, cows on TMR had the highest net income per cow per day (5.61 dollars) because of higher yields of milk (38.1 kg/d) and milk components (1.24 kg/d of fat, 1.13 kg/d of true protein), although expenses were highest among all systems (4.12 dollars). Cows on the PC had lower daily net income (5.31 dollars) due to lower yields of milk (28.5 kg/d) and milk components (0.89 kg/d of fat, 0.79 kg/d of true protein) even though expenses were also lowest (2.57 dollars). Cows fed the pTMR were intermediate in production (32.0 kg/d of milk, 1.06 kg/d of fat, 0.93 kg/d of true protein) but had similar daily net income per cow (5.28 dollars) to the PC cows but were lower than the TMR cows. Sensitivity analysis showed that the TMR system was more profitable than the pTMR and PC systems, with expenses considered, except at combinations of lower milk prices and higher feed costs. Differences between the pTMR and PC systems were less, with PC being more profitable in half of the scenarios, particularly at lower milk prices and higher feed costs.  相似文献   

Barley silage, cut at the early dough stage, was chopped long (19 mm) or short (10 mm), ensiled, and incorporated into total mixed rations (TMR). The TMR contained (dry matter [DM] basis) either 58.0 or 41.4% concentrate and either short- or long-chopped barley silage. Reducing chop length of barley silage decreased the proportion (asis basis) of TMR particles retained by the 8- and 19-mm screens of the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS) from 66.9 to 52.7% in the high concentrate TMR and from 74.8 to 60.9% in the low concentrate TMR. Chop length reduction decreased dietary physically effective fiber, calculated as the NDF retained by the 8- and 19-mm screens of the PSPS, from 29.2 to 25.2% DM in the high concentrate TMR and from 34.9 to 30.6% DM in the low concentrate TMR. Reduction in chop length did not affect rumen pH, total rumen volatile fatty acids, milk yield, and milk composition, but increased DM intake from 19.4 to 20.1 kg/d at the high level of concentrate and from 16.9 to 17.7 kg/d at the low level of concentrate and increased rumen propionate. Increasing the concentrate inclusion rate reduced rumen pH from 6.52 to 6.35, did not affect total volatile fatty acids, reduced the acetate-to-propionate ratio from 3.1 to 2.7, increased milk yield from 28.7 to 31.3 kg/d, reduced milk fat content from 3.48 to 2.94%, and increased milk protein content from 3.11 to 3.27% across chop lengths.  相似文献   

The effect of monensin on milk production was evaluated in 58 lactating Holstein cows (48 multiparous; 10 primiparous) grazing a mixed-alfalfa pasture and supplemented with a partial mixed ration in a completely randomized design with repeated measurements. Cows were paired by calving date, lactation number, previous lactation milk production, body weight, and body condition score and were assigned to one of 2 treatments: control or monensin. Cows on the monensin treatment received 2 monensin controlled-release capsules (335 mg/d for 90 d), one 30 d before the expecting calving date and the other 60 d after calving. Short-term (0 to 150 d in milk) and long-term (305-d adjusted lactation) effects of monensin were evaluated. Pasture (measured by difference between pre- and postgrazing pasture mass), supplements, and total dry matter intake did not differ between treatments and averaged 8.7, 14.1, and 22.9 kg/d, respectively. In the short-term, monensin increased milk production (27.7 vs. 26.6 kg/d) and milk protein yield (0.890 vs. 0.860 kg/d); milk fat yield was not affected (0.959 kg/d). Monensin decreased milk fat content (3.51 vs. 3.60%) with no changes in milk protein content (3.25%). In the long term, milk production and milk protein yield were also increased by monensin: 214 and 7 kg, respectively. Monensin reduced the loss of body condition score and increased percentage of pregnancy at first service (44.8 vs. 20.7%). Monensin improves production and reproduction performance of dairy cows grazing a mixed-alfalfa pasture and supplemented with a partial mixed ration.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of five Holstein steers fed a complete mixed ration was studied by use of individual, electronically controlled feeding behavior units. Both individual meal and daily behavioral parameters were measured. Number of meals, size of each individual meal, time spent eating, and intervals between meals were measured. Eating rates were then calculated. Diurnal feeding patterns were observed with 60.9% of the meals occurring between 0600 and 1800 h. For individual meals, body weight accounted for less than 30% of the variation in meal size. Average meal size was 414.5 g. Respective means for overall meal duration, actual meal duration, overall eating rate, and actual eating rate were 20.3 min, 13.7 min, 23.1 g/min, and 30.0 g/min. Meal size per body weight (g/kg or g/kg.75) was relatively constant during observation. Both increased eating rate and increased meal length were associated with larger meals. However, eating rate tended to plateau while meal length continued to increase with larger meals. Steers consumed 10.01 meals per day while total daily overall meal duration and actual meal duration were 220.9 and 156.4 min.  相似文献   

Seventy multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows were fed different amounts of pasture and concentrates, or a total mixed ration (TMR), for 42 d in mid-lactation to test the hypothesis that the concentration of Se in milk would depend on the amount of Se consumed, when the Se is primarily organic in nature, regardless of the diet of the cows. Of the 70 cows, 60 grazed irrigated perennial pasture at daily allowances of either 20 or 40 kg of dry matter (DM)/cow. These cows received 1 of 3 amounts of concentrates, either 1, 3, or 6 kg of DM/cow per day of pellets, and at each level of concentrate feeding, the pellets were formulated to provide 1 of 2 quantities of Se from Se yeast, either about 16 or 32 mg of Se/d. The other 10 cows were included in 2 additional treatments where a TMR diet was supplemented with 1 kg of DM/d of pellets formulated to include 1 of the 2 quantities of supplemental Se. Total Se intakes ranged from 14.5 to 35.9 mg/d, and of this, the Se-enriched pellets provided 93, 91, and 72% of the Se for cows allocated 20 and 40 kg of pasture DM/d or the TMR, respectively. No effects of the amount of Se consumed on any milk production variable, or on somatic cell count, body weight, and body condition score, for either the pasture-fed or TMR-fed cows were found. Milk Se concentrations responded quickly to the commencement of Se supplementation, reaching 89% of steady state levels at d 5. When milk Se concentrations were at steady state (d 12 to 40), each 1 mg of Se eaten increased the Se concentration of milk by 5.0 μg/kg (R2 = 0.97), and this response did not seem to be affected by the diet of the cows or their milk production. The concentration of Se in whole blood was more variable than that in milk, and took much longer to respond to change in Se status, but it was not affected by diet at any time either. For the on-farm production of Se-enriched milk, it is important to be able to predict milk Se concentration from Se input. In our study, type of diet did not affect this relationship.  相似文献   

Forty multiparous cows beyond peak production were fed forage ad libitum behind Calan doors and grain at 1 kg/2.5 kg milk through a computer controlled feeder, and 40 similar cows were fed a total mixed ration balanced for 32 kg milk behind Calan doors ad libitum. Based on mean milk production from d 16 through 21 of a preliminary period, cows were balanced into two groups within each group of 40 cows. Both groups received the originally assigned ration during d 22 through 49. During d 50 through 77, 20 cows were switched abruptly to the other ration and 20 remained on the original. Cows fed forage and grain separately had milk yields similar to those fed total mixed ration. Dry matter intake was lower for cows fed forage and grain separately from d 22 through 49 due to reduced forage intake and was also lower from d 50 through 77 due to decreased grain intake. Four percent fat-corrected milk production efficiency was higher for cows fed forage and grain separately. Abruptly changing cows from one feeding system to another did not influence milk yield, milk composition, or body weight gain. The computer controlled feeder system is an effective method to allot grain according to milk production requirements in freestall housing.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of adding a molasses-based liquid feed (LF) supplement to a total mixed ration (TMR) on the feed sorting behavior and production of dairy cows. Twelve lactating Holstein cows (88.2±19.5 DIM) were exposed, in a crossover design with 21-d periods, to each of 2 treatment diets: 1) control TMR and 2) control TMR with 4.1% dietary dry matter LF added. Dry matter intake (DMI), sorting, and milk yield were recorded for the last 7 d of each treatment period. Milk samples were collected for composition analysis for the last 3 d of each treatment period; these data were used to calculate 4% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk yield. Sorting was determined by subjecting fresh feed and orts samples to particle separation and expressing the actual intake of each particle fraction as a percentage of the predicted intake of that fraction. Addition of LF did not noticeably change the nutrient composition of the ration, with the exception of an expected increase in dietary sugar concentration (from 4.0 to 5.4%). Liquid feed supplementation affected the particle size distribution of the ration, resulting in a lesser amount of short and a greater amount of fine particles. Cows sorted against the longest ration particles on both treatment diets; the extent of this sorting was greater on the control diet (55.0 vs. 68.8%). Dry matter intake was 1.4 kg/d higher when cows were fed the LF diet as compared with the control diet, resulting in higher acid-detergent fiber, neutral-detergent fiber, and sugar intakes. As a result of the increased DMI, cows tended to produce 1.9 kg/d more milk and produced 3.1 and 3.2 kg/d more 4% fat-corrected milk and energy-corrected milk, respectively, on the LF diet. As a result, cows tended to produce more milk fat (0.13 kg/d) and produced more milk protein (0.09 kg/d) on the LF diet. No difference between treatments was observed in the efficiency of milk production. Overall, adding a molasses-based LF to TMR can be used to decrease feed sorting, enhance DMI, and improve milk yield.  相似文献   

Holstein (n = 19) and Jersey (n = 18) cows were used to study effects of two feeding systems on fatty acid composition of milk. Confinement cows were fed a total mixed ration with corn silage and alfalfa silage and pastured cows grazed a crabgrass (90%) and clover (10%) pasture and were allowed 5.5 kg of grain per head daily. Two milk samples were collected from each cow at morning and afternoon milkings 1 d each week for four consecutive weeks in June and July 1998. One set of milk samples was analyzed to determine fatty acid composition, and the second set was used for crude protein and total fat analyses. Data were analyzed by the general linear models procedure of SAS, using a split-plot model with breed, treatment, and breed x treatment as main effects and time of sampling and week as subplot effects along with appropriate interactions. Milk from pastured cows was higher than milk from confinement cows for the cis-9, trans-11 octadecadienoic acid isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Also, milk from Holsteins was higher than milk from Jerseys for C16:1, C18:1, and CLA and lower than Jerseys for C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, and C14:0. Several treatment x week interactions existed, but main effects were still important; for example, proportions of CLA in milk of grazed cows were relatively constant across weeks (0.66, 0.64, 0.64, and 0.69% +/- 0.02%, respectively), but the CLA in milk of confinement cows increased in wk 4 (0.35, 0.31, 0.31, and 0.48% +/- 0.02% for wk 1 to 4, respectively). There are potentially important differences in fatty acid composition of milk from cows consuming a warm season pasture species compared with milk from cows consuming a total mixed ration, as well as differences between Holstein and Jersey breeds.  相似文献   

Effects of full-fat crushed rapeseed (0, 1, or 2 kg/d) on rumen and total digestion, rumen biohydrogenation, and rumen microbial protein synthesis were studied in lactating cows. Rumen digestibilities (%) of DM, NDF, and cellulose were 52.1, 46.1, and 51.8, respectively, for control. Rapeseed decreased rumen and total DM digestibilities and proportion of DM digested in the rumen. Rumen digestibility of cellulose was decreased by rapeseed, but this was apparently compensated by hindgut fermentation. Dry matter, NDF, and hemicellulose digestibilities were compensated at 1 kg but not at 2 kg/d. Biohydrogenation of 18:1 fatty acids increased with increasing dietary fat, whereas that of 18:2 and 18:3 was 85% on all diets. Fatty acid digestibility was not different among diets. Microbial nitrogen in the duodenum increased from 142 g/d for control to 191 g/d for 1 and 2 kg/d. Efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (grams of microbial nitrogen per kilogram organic matter apparently digested in the rumen) was 17.3, 24.8, and 26.6 for 0, 1, and 2 kg/d. Slow release of fat from crushed rapeseed minimized negative effects on rumen metabolism; 1 to 2 kg/d of full-fat crushed rapeseed may be fed to lactating cows without detrimental metabolic effects.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of spraying different combinations of fibrolytic enzymes onto forages on their nutritive value for lactating cows. Holstein cows were fed a TMR consisting of 30% corn silage, 15% alfalfa hay, and 55% concentrate (dry matter basis). During a 12-wk treatment period, the forages were treated with no enzymes (control), cellulase D and sultanas B, or cellulase D and xylanase C. Enzymes were diluted in water and sprayed onto the forages while mixing. Both combinations of enzymes supplied similar amounts of fibrolytic activity based on classical enzyme assays conducted at 50 degrees C. Cows fed forages treated with cellulase D and xylanase B tended to produce more 3.5% FCM (+2.5 kg/d) than did cows fed the untreated forages. Dry matter intake, milk production, milk fat, and milk protein were unaffected by treatment. In vitro production of gas from forages treated with enzymes was greater than from untreated forage, but 96-h volatile fatty acid production was not different among treatments. With an alternative enzyme assay based on the depolymerization of dyed substrate at 40 degrees C, activity of xylanase C was greatest at a pH of 6.5 but was substantially reduced as the pH of the assay was decreased. In contrast, xylanase B showed highest activity at pH 5 and enzyme activity was twice that of xylanase B at pH 5.5 and 6. Overall, the results of this study provide more evidence that fibrolytic enzymes can be used to improve milk production in lactating cows.  相似文献   

Three Latin-square trials were conducted to determine the effects of supplementing Rumen-Mate, a commercial buffer containing KCl, NaCl, and Mg and Na carbonates, on lactation performance of Holsteins. Cows were fed a basal ration of 40% corn silage and 60% concentrate in Trials 1 and 2, and 40% corn silage, 55% concentrate, and 5% alfalfa hay in Trial 3 (DM basis). In Trial 1, treatments were: basal diet, or basal diet supplemented with either 1% NaHCO3, or 1, 3, or 4.4% Rumen-Mate. Increasing dietary Rumen-Mate resulted in a linear increase in milk fat production and concentration with no difference between 1% Rumen-Mate and 1% bicarbonate. There was a significant linear decrease in milk protein concentration, but not production, with increasing concentrations of Rumen-Mate. In Trial 2 treatments were: basal diet, or basal diet supplemented with either .8% NaHCO3, 2.6% Rumen-Mate, .5% MgO, .8% NaHCO3 plus .5% MgO, or 1.8% Rumen-Mate plus .8% NaHCO3. Organic matter and CP intakes and milk protein yield and concentration were decreased by Rumen-Mate with a nonsignificant increase in milk fat concentration. Data from Trials 1 and 2 were combined with data from Trial 3, which compared basal diet, 1% bicarbonate, and 3% Rumen-Mate. The combined data showed a larger increase over basal diet in milk fat yield and concentration for 2.6 to 3% Rumen-Mate vs. .8 to 1% bicarbonate. Rumen-Mate did not decrease DM intake or protein yield relative to basal diet but did decrease protein yield 34 g/d compared with that of bicarbonate.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12394-12402
The prevalence of “grass-fed” labeled food products on the market has increased in recent years, often commanding a premium price. To date, the majority of methods used for the authentication of grass-fed source products are driven by auditing and inspection of farm records. As such, the ability to verify grass-fed source claims to ensure consumer confidence will be important in the future. Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is widely used in the dairy industry as a rapid method for the routine monitoring of individual herd milk composition and quality. Further harnessing the data from individual spectra offers a promising and readily implementable strategy to authenticate the milk source at both farm and processor levels. Herein, a comprehensive comparison of the robustness, specificity, and accuracy of 11 machine-learning statistical analysis methods were tested for the discrimination of grass-fed versus non-grass-fed milks based on the MIR spectra of 4,320 milk samples collected from cows on pasture or indoor total mixed ration–based feeding systems over a 3-yr period. Linear discriminant analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were demonstrated to offer the greatest level of accuracy for the prediction of cow diet from MIR spectra. Parsimonious strategies for the selection of the most discriminating wavelengths within the spectra are also highlighted.  相似文献   

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