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This article offers a research update on a 3-year programme initiated by the Kamloops Art Gallery and the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, British Columbia. The programme is supported by a ‘Community–University Research Alliance’ grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the collaboration focuses on the cultural future of small cities – on how cultural and arts organisations work together (or fail to work together) in a small city setting. If not by definition, then certainly by default, ‘culture’ is associated with big city life: big cities are equated commonly with ‘big culture’; small cities with something less. The Cultural Future of Small Cities research group seeks to provide a more nuanced view of what constitutes culture in a small Canadian city. In particular, the researchers are exploring notions of social capital and community asset building: in this context, ‘visual and verbal representation’, ‘home’, ‘community’ and the need to define a local ‘sense of place’ have emerged as important themes. As the Small Cities programme begins its second year, a unique but key aspect has become the artist-as-researcher. Correspondence and offprint requests to: L. Dubinsky, Kamloops Art Gallery, 101–465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC V2C 2A9 Canada. Tel.: 250-828-3543; Email: ldubinsky@museums.ca  相似文献   

In this paper, we present some of the results from our ongoing research work in the area of ‘agent support’ for electronic commerce, particularly at the user interface level. Our goal is to provide intelligent agents to assist both the consumers and the vendors in an electronic shopping environment. Users with a wide variety of different needs are expected to use the electronic shopping application and their expectations about the interface could vary a lot. Traditional studies of user interface technology have shown the existence of a ‘gap’ between what the user interface actually lets the users do and the users’ expectations. Agent technology, in the form of personalized user interface agents, can help to narrow this gap. Such agents can be used to give a personalized service to the user by knowing the user’s preferences. By doing so, they can assist in the various stages of the users’ shopping process, provide tailored product recommendations by filtering information on behalf of their users and reduce the information overload. From a vendor’s perspective, a software sales agent could be used for price negotiation with the consumer. Such agents would give the flexibility offered by negotiation without the burden of having to provide human presence to an online store to handle such negotiations. Published online: 25 July 2001  相似文献   

Document image processing is a crucial process in office automation and begins at the ‘OCR’ phase with difficulties in document ‘analysis’ and ‘understanding’. This paper presents a hybrid and comprehensive approach to document structure analysis. Hybrid in the sense that it makes use of layout (geometrical) as well as textual features of a given document. These features are the base for potential conditions which in turn are used to express fuzzy matched rules of an underlying rule base. Rules can be formulated based on features which might be observed within one specific layout object. However, rules can also express dependencies between different layout objects. In addition to its rule driven analysis, which allows an easy adaptation to specific domains with their specific logical objects, the system contains domain-independent markup algorithms for common objects (e.g., lists). Received June 19, 2000 / Revised November 8, 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the question of how flesh and blood decision makers manage the combinatorial explosion in scenario development for decision making under uncertainty. The first assumption is that the decision makers try to undertake ‘robust’ actions. For the decision maker a robust action is an action that has sufficiently good results whatever the events are. We examine the psychological as well as the theoretical problems raised by the notion of robustness. Finally, we address the false feeling of decision makers who talk of ‘risk control’. We argue that ‘risk control’ results from the thinking that one can postpone action after nature moves. This ‘action postponement’ amounts to changing look-ahead reasoning into diagnosis. We illustrate these ideas in the framework of software development and examine some possible implications for requirements analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that substitution-based function allocation methods (such as MABA-MABA, or Men-Are-Better-At/Machines-Are-Better-At lists) cannot provide progress on human–automation co-ordination. Quantitative ‘who does what’ allocation does not work because the real effects of automation are qualitative: it transforms human practice and forces people to adapt their skills and routines. Rather than re-inventing or refining substitution-based methods, we propose that the more pressing question on human–automation co-ordination is ‘How do we make them get along together?’ Correspondence and offprint requests to: S. W. A. Dekker, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IKP, Link?ping Institute of Technology, SE - 581 83 Link?ping, Sweden. Tel.: +46 13 281646; fax +4613282579; email: sidde@ikp.liu.se  相似文献   

The way in which humans perceive and react to visual complexity is an important issue in many areas of research and application, particularly because simplification of complex matter can lead to better understanding of both human behaviour in visual control tasks as well as the visual environment itself. One area of interest is how people perceive their world in terms of complexity and how this can be modelled mathematically and/or computationally. A prototype model of complexity has been derived using subcomponents called ‘SymGeons’ (Symmetrical Geometric Icons) based on Biederman’s original Geon Model for human perception. The SymGeons are primitive shapes which constitute foreground objects. This paper outlines the derivation and ongoing development of the ‘SymGeon’ model and how it compares to human perception of visual complexity. The application of the model to understanding complex human-in-the-loop problems associated with visual remote control operations, e.g. control of remotely operated vehicles, is discussed.  相似文献   

Display Design of Process Systems Based on Functional Modelling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevalent way to present information in industrial computer displays is by using piping and instrumentation diagrams. Such interfaces have sometimes resulted in difficulties for operators because they are not sufficient to fulfil their needs. A systematic way that supports interface design therefore has to be considered. In the new design framework, two questions must be answered. Firstly, a modelling method is required to describe a process system. Such a modelling method can define the information content that must be displayed in interfaces. Secondly, how to communicate this information to operators efficiently must be considered. This will provide a basis for determining the visual forms that the information should take. This study discusses interface design of human–machine systems from these two points of view. Based on other scholars’ work, a comprehensive set of functional primitives is summarised as a basis to build a functional model of process systems. A library of geometrical presentations for these primitives is then developed. To support effective interface design, the concept of ‘functional macro’ is introduced and a way to map functional model to interface display is illustrated by applying several principles. To make our ideas clear, a central heating system is taken as an example and its functional model is constructed. Based on the functional model, the information to be displayed is determined. Several functional macros are then found in the model and their corresponding displays are constructed. Finally, by using the library of geometrical presentations for functional primitives and functional macros, the display hierarchy of the central heating system is developed. Reusability of functional primitives makes it possible to use the methodology to support interface design of different process systems.  相似文献   

Standard methods for sub-pixel matching are iterative and nonlinear; they are also sensitive to false initialization and window deformation. In this paper, we present a linear method that incorporates information from neighboring pixels. Two algorithms are presented: one ‘fast’ and one ‘robust’. They both start from an initial rough estimate of the matching. The fast one is suitable for pairs of images requiring negligible window deformation. The robust method is slower but more general and more precise. It eliminates false matches in the initialization by using robust estimation of the local affine deformation. The first algorithm attains an accuracy of 0.05 pixels for interest points and 0.06 for random points in the translational case. For the general case, if the deformation is small, the second method gives an accuracy of 0.05 pixels; while for large deformation, it gives an accuracy of about 0.06 pixels for points of interest and 0.10 pixels for random points. They are very few false matches in all cases, even if there are many in the initialization. Received: 24 July 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

The preservation of QoS for multimedia traffic through a data network is a difficult problem. We focus our attention on video frame rate and study its influence on speech perception. When sound and picture are discrepant (e.g., acoustic ‘ba’ combined with visual ‘ga’), subjects perceive a different sound (such as ‘da’). This phenomenon is known as the McGurk effect. In this paper, the influence of degraded video frame rate on speech perception is studied. It is shown that, when frame rate decreases, correct hearing is improved for discrepant stimuli and is degraded for congruent (voice and picture are the same) stimuli. Furthermore, we studied the case where lip closure was always captured by the synchronization of sampling time and lip position. In this case, frame rate has little effect on mishearing for congruent stimuli. For discrepant stimuli, mishearing is decreased with degraded frame rate. These results indicate that the stiff motion of lips resulting from low frame rate cannot give enough labial information for speech perception. In addition, the effect of delaying the picture to correct for low frame rate was studied. The results, however, were not as definitive as expected, because of compound effects related to the synchronization of sound and picture. Finally, we inspected the still pictures of normal Japanese speech and determined a lower limit of frame rate from the view point of assisting hearing.  相似文献   

The contributors to this special issue focus on socio-technical and soft approaches to information requirements elicitation and systems development. They represent a growing body of research and practice in this field. This review presents an overview and analysis of the salient themes within the papers encompassing their common underlying framework, the methodologies and tools and techniques presented, the organisational situations in which they are deployed and the issues they seek to address. It will be argued in the review that the contributions to this special edition exemplify the ‘post-methodological era’ and the ‘contingency approaches’ from which it is formed.  相似文献   

Managing dynamic environments often requires decision making under uncertainty and risk. Two types of uncertainty are involved: uncertainty about the state and the evolution of the situation, and ‘openness’ of the possible actions to face possible consequences. In an experimental study on risk management in dynamic situations, two contrasted ‘ecological’ scenarios – transposed from effective situations of emergency management – were compared in order to identify the impact of their ‘openness’ in the subjects’ strategies for decision making. The ‘Lost Child’ scenario presented qualitative and irreversible consequences (child’s death) and high uncertainty; it exerted high demands both in risk assessment (risk representation) and action elaboration and choice. A less open situation (‘Hydrocarbon Fire’) required a main choice between two contrasted actions, with quantitative computable consequences. The strategies of ‘experimental subjects’ (university students) and ‘operative subjects’ (professional fire-fighter officers) were compared in order to evaluate the ecological validity of experimental research in this field, from the point of view of the subjects themselves. The two scenarios appeared to be independent, so that quite different models of decision making have to be hypothesised, differing by the importance of assessing risk and defining possible actions on the one hand, and by the process of choice on the other. ‘Experimental’ subjects dramatically differed from ‘operative’ subjects when confronted with the same scenario, particularly for the less technical but more demanding scenario. It is hypothesised that three components might account for the effect of the situations and for the differences between and within groups of subjects: importance of situation assessment, spatial abilities, and global orientation of activity in managing dynamic risk.  相似文献   

This paper develops a semantics with control over scope relations using Vermeulen’s stack valued assignments as information states. This makes available a limited form of scope reuse and name switching. The goal is to have a general system that fixes available scoping effects to those that are characteristic of natural language. The resulting system is called Scope Control Theory, since it provides a theory about what scope has to be like in natural language. The theory is shown to replicate a wide range of grammatical dependencies, including options for, and constraints on, ‘donkey’, ‘binding’, ‘movement’, ‘Control’ and ‘scope marking’ dependencies.  相似文献   

This paper is centred on evaluating some significant features of decision-making in process control tasks. The study was carried out in a petrol refinery, specifically, with distillation console operators. Operator verbalisations were recorded during the completion of two specific tasks and later categorised by raters using a list of cognitive categories. The inter-rater reliability was calculated together with qualitative evaluations of the main overlaps among the categories. From the raters’ evaluations, flow diagrams were drawn that represented the plans and tactics developed by operators and the implied cognitive processes (evaluation, prediction, action, etc.). We found that the operators began the tasks with a primary global situation assessment that determined the choice of whether to cope with the task ‘step by step’ or ‘globally’. The results showed two patterns of decision sequences made in normal adjustment performance or in problem situations. Other findings are related to the importance of characteristics such as prediction, anticipation, feedback and the role of the alarms selected by a situation assessment and individual characteristics.  相似文献   

Cognitive engineering has developed enormously over the last fifteen years. Yet, despite many excellent research projects and publications, its full potential has not been embraced into mainstream system design. This paper will examine the reasons for this failure and argue that the problem is not simply inertia or lack of education. There are strong organisational influences that cause resistance to this particular approach. The discipline itself has characteristics that make it fragile in the modern corporate structure. In addition, the cognitive engineers themselves are not blameless in the equation. They appear to have done exactly what they criticise the engineering community for doing: they have packaged their product in a manner that is not ‘user friendly’ to its target population, not structured to suit its application, and not output in the format required. Suggestions will be made to rectify the situation: a list of actions is proposed for practising cognitive engineers to make their product more likely to enjoy widespread uptake.  相似文献   

Ashok Jain 《AI & Society》2002,16(1-2):4-20
The paper investigates the structure and functioning of the science and technology (S&T) system in India as it has evolved in the post-independence period (1947 onwards). The networks of entities involved in S&T actions, the paper argues, can be categorised, in terms of adopted approaches to agenda and priority setting and accounting for actions, into two streams. The origins and expansion of the two streams are traced. One, the ‘Elite’ stream (high profile and visibility linked to big industry), adopting what the paper has generically termed the ‘Nehruvian’ model of development, is shown to have emerged as a dominant network. The other socially powerful ‘Subaltern’ stream (less visible, closer to ground realities and linked to village and cottage industry), adopting the ‘Gandhian’ model of development, still remains dispersed and outside the consideration of high-level decision-making bodies. The paper stresses the importance of moving the support and attention from the dominant stream to efforts that attempt a synthesis between the dominant and the subaltern.  相似文献   

Nine Steps to Move Forward from Error   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Following celebrated failures stakeholders begin to ask questions about how to improve the systems and processes they operate, manage or depend on. In this process it is easy to become stuck on the label ‘human error’ as if it were an explanation for what happened and as if such a diagnosis specified steps to improve. To guide stakeholders when celebrated failure or other developments create windows of opportunity for change and investment, this paper draws on generalizations from the research base about how complex systems fail and about how people contribute to safety and risk to provide a set of Nine Steps forward for constructive responses. The Nine Steps forward are described and explained in the form of series of maxims and corollaries that summarize general patterns about error and expertise, complexity and learning.  相似文献   

Linguistic Problems with Requirements and Knowledge Elicitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human and conversational aspects of requirements and knowledge identification are employed to show that requirements ‘engineering’ is not the same as civil engineering or scientific problem solving. Not only can requirements not be made fully explicit at the start of a project, they cannot be made fully explicit at all. A need is identified to enhance computer-based information systems (CBIS) development methods to accommodate: plurality of incommensurable perspectives, languages and agendas; dynamic representations of system features that can be experienced rather than abstracted and forced into an abstract paper-based representation; recognition that CBIS development is in general a continuous process where users changing their minds is a natural and necessary indication or organisational vitality.  It is suggested that prototyping and rapid application development go some way to addressing these requirements but that they require further development in the light of the theoretical light thrown on the nature of the problem.  相似文献   

This study deals with cognitive cooperation in the context of the design of cooperative computer support for sharing aircraft conflict detection and resolution tasks between human and machine in air traffic control. In order to specify some necessary cooperative capabilities of such a system, we have observed an artificial situation on a simulator where two radar controllers (RCs) had to cooperate for the management of a heavy traffic within a single sector. This paper reports the analysis of the verbal communications between the two RCs recorded during the simulation. The results enabled us to describe the elements of a common frame of reference (COFOR), elaborated and updated by the two RCs, as a crucial cooperative activity in this kind of situation. They also show the role of this COFOR in the implicit detection and resolution of interference between the RCs’ individual activities. Their contribution to design, associated with other investigations and the state of the art, is discussed.  相似文献   

Irrespective of the frequency to which it is referred, the concept of ‘knowledge work’ remains surprisingly ill defined and generally not well understood. In this paper we address one of the more insightful contributions by Kidd in 1994 and contrast her characterisation with our experience in a case study of a legal team. In general this shows strong correlation with her definitions of knowledge work but also raises interesting questions about some of her secondary characteristics. These lend support to the hypothesis that knowledge work is not a uniform area. Thus, it is inappropriate to generalise too much on attributes that are governed by the domain of expertise in search of a universal definition. However, there is sufficient common ground to believe that only a few major groups exist distinguished mainly by working practice, team and career structures.  相似文献   

In the light of the developing discourse on the relative merits of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ approaches to information systems development, we present a case study application of a methodology which attempts to dissolve such dualities. Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) offers, as a unity, the construing person who is both biology and culture. PCP argues that both the world and the person’s construct system are phenomenologically real and that the viability of any particular construct system depends only on its usefulness to the construing person. In this study, we used PCP to explore the organisational context of information use and distribution in a large hospital. We used repertory grids, a PCP technique, to elicit from 16 members of staff their personal construals of information from different sources in the hospital. The results highlight the relationship between meaningful information and meaningfully active relationships, a theme which we discuss in terms of the development of the hospital information system and in terms of the value of PCP in dissolving hard–soft dichotomies.  相似文献   

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