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作为一个覆盖全球的太阳中子望远镜观测网网点.与羊八井现有的28支NM-64组成的中子监测器联合,在第23太阳活动周对一个伴随X3.3级太阳耀斑可能的中子事件进行了观测。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于中国散裂中子源GEM中子束监测器的光纤传输PCIe卡的设计,简要介绍了项目背景,重点描述了高速光纤模块和PCIe模块的结构和实现方式,测试结果表明该设计能稳定运行5Gb/s光纤传输,PCIe单通道传输速率接近2.5 Gb/s.  相似文献   

反应堆中子活化分析数据自动处理系统   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了一个在微机上建立的反应堆中子活化分析数据自动处理系统。它具有放射性核素的自动识别、反应堆参数f和α值的计算、实验测定K0值、元素含量的定量计算、核素数据管理、参数选取建议等功能。元素分析方法包括绝对法、相对法和K0值法。利用该系统进行了金、锆和岩石标准物质(GBW07107)的活化分析,计算了中国原子能科学研究院微型反应堆的f和α值参数,分析了岩石样品中的元素含量,取得了较满意的结果。  相似文献   

简要介绍了一种基于GEM(Gas Electron Multiplier气体电子倍增器)的、用于对中子束进行实时监测的中子束线监测器GEM Monitor,重点介绍了其中电子学部分的设计,包括电路工作原理、系统结构、子板设计及Monitor母板FPGA逻辑及其算法的实现。最后给出了相关测试结果。  相似文献   

重离子治癌加速器高速实时数据传输系统研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了重离子治癌专用加速器对部分同步数据和过程数据的传输要求,提出并实现了一种高速率、可纠错、远距离的实时数据传输系统,以提高加速器同步和控制的效率和可靠性。系统优化了传统系统的硬件配置和布局。采用PXI、FPGA、SDRAM与远距离千兆光纤模块相结合的系统构架,替代了原数据传输过程中低速、近距离、抗干扰性不强的数据通路和处理器件。软件上,通过对两片FPGA的编程,在系统后端实现了PXI接口和DMA相结合的方式与加速器服务器进行数据交互;在系统前端实现了800 MHz载波100 MHz基带信号的实时、远程、高速串行帧传输。通过该数据传输系统,保证新加速器系统的同步事例、电源波形等实时数据在服务器和远端控制器之间的高效传输。  相似文献   

传统γ能谱仪采用小体积探测器和串口传输数据,不能满足车载谱仪大体积多探测器快速巡测的大数据量传输的要求,且存在多探测器时间协同问题。论文采用两个4 L大体积Na I(Tl)闪烁体晶体提高探测速率,使用GPS秒脉冲时钟同步独立数字多道进行谱线测量,谱线数据通过CAN总线传输到能谱仪主机并与GPS信息进行打包,再通过无线Wi-Fi高速传输到电脑进行谱线和核素分析,从而保证了时间精度和传输速度的要求,最后将分析结果传输到远程服务器用于实时评估环境辐射情况。  相似文献   

嫦娥工程是我国重大空间项目之一,是我国开展深空科学探测的标志性工程.空间X射线成像谱仪系统是嫦娥一号卫星的重要科学载荷之一.它包括太阳X射线监测器、X射线成像谱仪和电子学电路系统三部分.本文介绍空间X射线成像谱仪的工作原理、软件结构、主要性能和测量结果.  相似文献   

BESⅢ MUON气体监测器数据获取系统   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
为系统研究BESⅢ MUON气体监测器在55Fe 5.9keV X射线辐照时的性能,基于CAMAC总线技术以LabVIEW搭建并编译坪曲线数据获取系统和全能光电峰幅度谱数据获取系统.为减少运行时测试系统电子学开支,优化系统,基于研华PCI-1716L采集卡搭建了数据采集系统,结合LabVIEW和ROOT编译了性能稳定、数据分析精确的取数软件.  相似文献   

本文叙述了基于SEED-80微型计算机的实时数据获取与处理统软件的设计及其功能。该软件系统灵活、方便。其主要功能监视与控制各实时数据获取通道,管理计算机各外围设备并按用户的要求进行数据处理。在程序设计上,由于采用了类似于模块程序方法和复盖技术,因而对计算机内存进行了有效的分配与管理并实现了前后台操作。  相似文献   

针对核事故应急监测的特殊应用,设计了移动实时数据监测系统,完成实时数据采集和传输.其具体功能包括:多串口数据实时采集、应急监测车的GPS定位与路线记录、基于CDMA 1X网络的无线数据通信、数据库等.通过现场多次测试证明,系统满足核应急监测实时数据采集和传输的要求.  相似文献   

To satisfy high-precision, wide-range, and real-time neutron flux measurement requirements by the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor(ITER), a data acquisition and control system based on fission chamber detectors and fast controller technology, has been developed for neutron flux monitor in ITER Equatorial Port #7. The signal processing units which are based on a field programmable gate array and the PXI Express platform are designed to realize the neutron flux measurement with 1 ms time resolution and a fast response less than 0.2 ms,together with real-time timestamps provided by a timing board. The application of the widerange algorithm allows the system to measure up to 10~(10) cps with a relative error of less than 5%.Furthermore, the system is managed and controlled by a software based on the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System, compliant with COntrol, Data Access and Communication architecture.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of the physics of interaction, particle production and transport is necessary to estimate the radiation damage to equipment used on spacecraft and the biological effects of space radiation. For long duration astronaut missions, both on the International Space Station and the planned manned missions to Moon and Mars, the shielding strategy must include a comprehensive knowledge of the secondary radiation environment. The distribution of absorbed dose and dose equivalent is a function of the type, energy and population of these secondary products. Galactic cosmic rays (GCR) comprised of protons and heavier nuclei have energies from a few MeV per nucleon to the ZeV region, with the spectra reaching flux maxima in the hundreds of MeV range. Therefore, the MeV-GeV region is most important for space radiation. Coincidentally, the pion production energy threshold is about 280 MeV. The question naturally arises as to how important these particles are with respect to space radiation problems. The space radiation transport code, HZETRN (High charge (Z) and Energy TRaNsport), currently used by NASA, performs neutron, proton and heavy ion transport explicitly, but it does not take into account the production and transport of mesons, photons and leptons. In this paper, we present results from the Monte Carlo code MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended), showing the effect of leptons and mesons when they are produced and transported in a GCR environment.  相似文献   

Neutron resonance densitometry (NRD) has been proposed to quantify nuclear materials in particle-like debris of melted spent nuclear fuel formed in severe nuclear reactor accidents. The NRD is a hybrid technique of the neutron resonance transmission analysis and the neutron resonance capture analysis. We have studied the statistical uncertainties of the neutron resonance transmission analysis by using the linear absorption model. Particularly, the effects of impurities and sample thickness on the uncertainties were examined.  相似文献   

A modified area function in time scale has been constructed with the phosphorescent decay of the detector (long-optical modes) and the background fraction included. A coefficient in the modified area function called self-shielding parameter is established to indicate the self-shielding effect in the experiment. The modified area function is independent from the equipment resolution. For the thick sample (0  10), the self-shielding effect would greatly improve the sensitivity of the modified area function to the temperature. Theoretically, we discuss the properties of the modified area function and estimate the least temperature deviation for this area method in the temperature measurement. Procedure of temperature measurement from isolated or multiple resonances by using the modified area method is also suggested.  相似文献   

介绍了把蓝牙技术嵌入到核测量仪器的方法,利用蓝牙的无线技术和便携式掌上电脑实现了远程监控和测量数据的快速分析.给出了总体设计、器件选择连通、软件编程和实际调试的情况.  相似文献   

Absolutely calibrated measurements of the neutron yields which need to cover both D-D and D-T phase of the international thermal-nuclear experimental reactor (ITER) are important for the evaluation of fusion power and fusion gain Q in D-D and D-T operations. This paper describes the in-situ calibration techniques and methods, the neutron sources including ^252Cf and neutron generator for calibration, the preliminary accuracy assessment and the error analyses. In addition, some difficult problems regarding the in situ calibration for the neutron flux monitor (NFM) on ITER are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A commercially available grade of polymer was investigated for its suitability as a solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD) to look for rare events in cosmic rays at very high mountain altitudes. It was identified to be polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and found to have a higher detection threshold compared to many other widely used SSNTDs. Hence it is particularly suited for rare event search in cosmic rays by eliminating the dominant low Z background. Systematic studies were carried out to determine the ideal etching condition. Also the charge response of PET was studied using various ion beams from accelerators. The results of such studies were combined to obtain the calibration curve for PET as SSNTD, by which one can identify and characterize charged particles.  相似文献   

孙洛瑞  孙韶丛 《核技术》2000,23(7):463-466
对γ,p和Fe所产生的宇宙线大气簇射契仑柯夫光的强度分布特性进行了计算机模拟。结果表明,在初级宇宙线的能量处于能谱的“膝”区附近时,Fe簇射产生的契仑柯夫光强分布的变化率总是比γ和p簇射的要小。同时还发现,存在一个到簇射中心的特殊距离,在这里3种初级宇宙线所产生的契仑柯夫光的强度相同。这些特点可以被用来估计初级宇宙线的能量或区分初级宇宙线中的轻粒子和重粒子。  相似文献   

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