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多模式下电子枪脉冲发生器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪亦凡  裴元吉 《核技术》2000,23(3):176-180
介绍了合肥同步辐射光源的栅控电子枪触发系统的改进,使其在运行时无需更换脉冲形成线路板,而实现了微秒和毫微秒级脉冲两种工作模式的切换运行。此脉冲形成线路板已投入试运行,并在储存环中得到多束团和单束团的储存束流。  相似文献   

王贵诚  方志高 《核技术》1996,19(7):427-431
用等效电路法探讨了电子枪栅控脉冲板的短脉冲输出波形及幅度,并给出与关晶体管数量间的关系。依此研制成功的脉冲板满足了中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室200MeV电子直线加速器的要求,该设备几年来一直稳定工作。  相似文献   

赵镪  赵小风 《核技术》1995,18(10):593-598
上海宽波段自由激光用户装置正在中国科学院上海原子核研究所FEL实验室设计建造。这里介绍了两个典型偏转系统的设计考虑,并讨论了设计结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种应用于多能量档电子直线加速器栅控电子枪的专用电源。根据栅控电子枪的工作需求,电子枪的阴极处于-50 kV高压上,电源的3路输出,包括灯丝电源、偏压电源和栅控脉冲电源,均通过高压隔离变压器,将信号输送到高压端的灯丝、阴极和栅极上。利用主控计算机精确调节了电子枪发射束流的大小和脉冲宽度,以满足加速器多能量输出的需求。高压端均为无源器件,以降低故障率。此电源结构简单、调节方便、工作稳定,已在多能量档电子直线加速器上连续工作近4 a,运行状态良好。  相似文献   

高增益自由电子激光对电子束团提出了高品质要求 ,只有光阴极微波电子枪能够达到这一目标。光阴极微波电子枪的驱动激光器是这一系统的关键之一。北京大学重离子物理研究所设计的驱动激光系统的指标是提供 2 6 0nm、6~ 8ps宽、5 0 0 μJ的激光脉冲。系统主要由半导体泵浦的钛蓝宝石振荡器、Nd∶YAG调Q泵浦源、再生式放大器、倍频器等组成。系统中采用了腔长调整锁模技术以及相位稳定反馈装置 ,目的是使激光脉冲的时间抖动小于 1 0 ps。  相似文献   

“空间环境地面模拟装置”是“十二五”国家重大科技基础设施项目,针对其子项目“低能电子加速器及束线”中辐照加速器的要求,在原有二极电子枪基础上增加了控制栅极。使用CST Particle Studio仿真研究了电子枪部分结构参数变化对引出束流强度的影响,设计出产生50 mA高品质束流的电子枪,并用PBGUNS(Particle Beam GUN Simulation)软件对设计结果进行验证。最后在电子枪实验平台上检验了电子枪结构参数变化对引出束流强度的影响规律,并对电子枪结构进行了优化。结果表明优化后的电子枪能够以阴极初级加热电压作粗调、栅极电压作细调的方式引出1μA~50 mA高品质电子束。  相似文献   

红外波段自由电子激光的小信号增益大小以及饱和功率对束流的能散非常敏感。为满足远红外自由电子激光对能散的要求,在合肥光源栅控直流高压电子枪的基础上,模拟了一种热阴极微波栅控直流高压电子枪。微波栅控直流高压电子枪采用微波栅控的方法,控制和压缩阴极引出电子束团的长度。再通过直流高压对电子加速后,在电子枪的出口可以得到量级为几十皮秒的束团。本文使用SUPERFISH、POISSON分别进行栅控微波场与高压电场优化计算,PARMELA(Phase And Radial Motion in Electron Linear Accelerators)进行束流跟踪与分析,得到一组能满足红外自由电子激光需求的电子枪参数。  相似文献   

核技术所62室研制的脉冲调制器是9 MeV无损探伤电子直线加速器的重要组成部件之一,它的负载是MG5193型磁控管和电子枪。 其设计指标为:脉冲峰值电压,48 kV;脉冲峰值电流,110 A;电子枪脉冲峰值电压,10.6 kV(1档),11.3 kV(2档);电子枪脉冲峰值电流,500 mA;脉冲半宽度(71%) ,4.2 m  相似文献   

The longitudinal modulation to the electron beam by a coherent seed laser pulse is widely used for generating fully coherent, short wavelength radiation in various harmonic generation free electron laser (FEL)schemes. After introducing the density modulation, mierostruetures down to attosecond scale are produced over the distance of one seed laser wavelength. In order to take into account the mierostructures in the theoretical and numerical analysis, in the frame of undulator period averaged approach, a modified model for harmonic generation FEL is developed in this paper. With the modified model, three harmonic generation FEL examples are investigated by employing Shanghai soft X-ray FEL (SXFEL) parameters. In FEL schemes with ultra-high harmonic generation and ultra-short pulse, the modified model presents some interesting aspects which are helpful for understanding of radiation pulse evolution, bunching efficiency and noise propagation issues.  相似文献   

Dielectric wall accelerator(DWA), towards high gradient acceleration field(30 MeV/m–100 MeV/m), is under development at Institute of Modern Physics. A prototype was designed and constructed to prove the principle. This needs a short pulse high current electron source to match the acceleration field generated by the Blumlein-type pulse forming lines(PFLs). In this paper, we report the design and test of a new type short pulse high current electron gun based on principle of vacuum arc discharge. Electron beams of 100 mA with pulse width of 10 ns were obtained.  相似文献   

低发射度L波段光阴极微波电子枪物理设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太赫兹(THz)光源对电子束的能量、能散及发射度有极高要求,研发高性能电子源是基于自由电子激光(Free Electron Laser,FEL)的THz光源的重要挑战。对电子腔中束团发射度增长机制的研究,有助于设计针对有效的发射度补偿方案。本文首先描述了L波段光阴极微波电子枪腔的设计,利用POISSON Superfish软件给出了腔内电磁场分布,详细分析了束流发射度增长的因素,讨论发射度补偿原理。由此提出基于主副螺线管线圈抑制发射度增长的补偿方案,并用ASTRA程序对补偿效果进行模拟计算。结果表明,采用该补偿方案后,电子腔输出束团的能散和发射度有显著改善,达到THz光源对于电子源的要求。  相似文献   


The electron gun, as the equipment to generate and control nuclear reactions, has been widely used in nuclear power plants of the traveling wave reactor. To avoid the damage of radiation to maintenance personnel and improve the safety and security of nuclear reaction, it was necessary to realize the automatic transportation of electron gun. However, the working conditions of the automotic devices in a nuclear radiation environment were harsh and complex, which required the high operational reliability. Combining with the features and working environment, an innovative engineering design process based on quality function deployment (QFD) and function-behavior-structure (FBS) model was proposed for designing the transport device in the nuclear industry. With the guidance of this process, firstly, the problems and technical characteristics of the transport device were analyzed by the QFD method to obtain basic functions. Then, the FBS model was used to assist the designer to express knowledge and expand the search space of the schemes of control, structure, and material. Finally, the overall design scheme of the automatic transport device was obtained by adjusting these preliminary schemes. The design provided a solution to the possible interference phenomenon in automatic transportation and achieved the maximum reliability and safety.  相似文献   

A compact electron accelerator based on photo-cathode RF electron gun is under development for applied research at the Waseda University. Higher charge and higher energy are key issues for applications such as pulse radiolysis experiment and laser-Compton X-ray generation. The new RF-gun cavity with cesium telluride (Cs-Te) photo-cathode which has higher quantum efficiency (Q.E.) compared with metal cathodes has been installed. The evaluation of Q.E. of the photo-cathode has been performed and the value obtained is more than 5% at the preparation stage. For understanding the Cs-Te cathode properties and the higher Q.E. operation, fundamental studies by single bunch beam operation have been performed resulting in more than 6 nC bunch charge with a high Q.E. of 2.9%. Additionally, the new RF-gun cavity was improved for obtaining a higher Q value. Higher beam energy, i.e. shunt impedance compared with old type cavity, was observed. The shunt impedance increased by about 20%. These successful results will considerably contribute to the applied research.  相似文献   

电子枪束流截面测量系统采用单片机控制步进电机驱动测试丝在束流下快速扫描,同时完成束流的数据采集,通过Matlab实现立体图的输出,从而判断电子枪的工作情况。用此系统在5mA束流下进行了测试,得到了束斑直径(13-14mm)和截面束流密度矩阵。  相似文献   

辐照食品直线加速器电子枪设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了中国科技大学国家同步辐射实验室研发的一台食品辐照保鲜用直线加速器中电子枪的设计.通过枪体内电磁场模拟计算、优化电子枪形状、并且在考虑空间电荷效应情况下对电子束发射过程进行模拟,得到了满足设计要求的束斑尺寸.另外对电子枪的加工和调试过程也进行了介绍,通过电子枪高压老炼及出束实验表明,其各项参数性能均达到设计要求.另外对直线加速器螺线管聚焦线圈漏场对束流的影响也作了讨论,采用相应措施可增加磁屏蔽,减小漏场影响,保证束流品质.  相似文献   

Electron gun for SSRF   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 100 kV triode-electron-gun has been designed and manufactured for the Linac of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). In this paper the performance of the gun and some key components are described.  相似文献   

冯文荃 《核技术》1997,20(7):438-442
在小型电子直线加速器中使用各种脉冲调制器输出电路拓扑结构以适应不同的调制器负载要求。对不同的拓扑所遇到的一些共同性问题进行了详尽的叙述与讨论。  相似文献   

研制了一台电子能量损失谱仪用的中高能电子枪。其产生的电子与原子、分子发生碰撞,通过谱仪收集、分析散射电子的动量和能量,可以获得靶的电子结构和碰撞动力学信息。该电子枪结构简单,由热阴极、栅极、阳极、聚焦极和偏转板组成;电子能量可调范围大(1-3 keV),操作简单。为了获得最优的束流条件,利用SIMION电子光学软件模拟了电子发射源大小和初始发散角对靶点处的束斑大小和束流发散角的影响。在电子能量为1.5 keV条件下,实验检验给出在离电子枪出口27 mm处可获得束径约为0.95 mm、束流发散角约0.93°和束流强度6.27mA的电子束,满足电子能量损失谱仪的使用要求。  相似文献   

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