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为明确小型堆非居住区和规划限制区的计算方法,选择合适的计算模型,减少审评过程中存在的问题,本研究首先介绍了小型堆的定义,并比较了我国和国际上对小型堆定义的差别。同时说明了我国对小型堆非居住区和规划限制区设置的剂量准则和计算要求。并基于美国NRC发布的RG4.28草案,对比分析了其推荐的现实模型ARCON96与保守模型PAVAN之间的差别。ARCON96模型相比于PAVAN模型能够很好地考虑静风和尾流的影响,更真实地模拟了设施近距离的扩散情景,可有效的缩小非居住区和规划限制区的范围,进而提升小型堆的经济性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国核管理委员会(NRC)关于反应堆选址过程中与人口因素相关的审管要求和评估准则,详细分析了NRC针对小型模块堆对涉及厂址人口要求法规的4种修订方案,提出我国在制定小型堆厂址人口要求过程中需要关注的问题:(1)考虑到总体社会风险并从厂址比选的角度出发,建立一个恰当的反应堆距人口集中居住区(或人口中心)边界的距离是必要的。此外,从纵深防御考虑,小型堆厂址仍然需要与人口集中居住区保持一个适当的距离;(2)基于小型堆选址事故后果及影响范围,建立与大型商用核动力厂相同社会风险水平的评价指标(如事故工况下厂址周围的集体有效剂量)是有益的;(3)公众可接受性和选址政策也是小型堆能否靠近人口集中居住区的重要因素。  相似文献   

介绍了ACP100发生选址假想事故后,对非居住区边界剂量环境影响的评估方法。基于RG1.183建立了ACP100选址假想事故后释放到环境的源项计算模型,并结合厂址的气象条件采用PAVAN程序得到非居住区边界剂量,研究了裂变产物释放方式、照射时间、自然去除、厂址气象条件和源项对非居住区边界剂量的影响。结果表明:上述因素对剂量均有较大的影响,确定ACP100非居住区的边界应考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

介绍了美国核审管部门对核动力厂选址假想事故源项确定的历史演变以及相关研究进展。推荐了一套核动力厂选址假想事故源项,以及确定非居住区边界的评价分析方法和假设条件。计算了M310和AP1000核动力厂厂址的非居住区的最大径向距离。计算结果表明:(1)对于M310和AP1000核动力厂,采用确定论方法估算大气扩散因子,安全壳泄漏率(体积分数)取0.3%/d,非居住区最大径向距离分别不超过1.4 km和1.9 km;(2)在厂址选址阶段,考虑核动力厂的技术路线尚未明确或采用新技术路线,采用"不考虑安全壳喷淋系统等能动安全设施对核素的去除作用"的选址假想事故源项来确定厂址非居住区的边界基本上是可行的。  相似文献   

核电滨河厂址与滨海厂址有着很大的差异,本文仅从规划的角度,从非居住区边界、厂坪标高、取排水方案、规划用地和大件运输等方面来论述其不同之处。  相似文献   

[英国《化学、生物、辐射和原子事件军事记录》1986年第2期报道]美国新生产堆设计和选址咨询委员会对新生产堆(NPR)未来充分供应战略核材料(氚和钚)作了评价,并审查了生产堆的7种候选堆概念设计和四个候选厂址。该报告就一些按照许可证要求提出的候选堆和候选厂址的排列顺序提供了该委员会的评价。该委员会  相似文献   

中国发展小型堆核能系统的可行性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小型堆核能系统具有厂址要求低、应用灵活、核安全风险低、操控简单、建造周期短、一次性投资小等优点。从我国社会经济发展的角度,分析小型堆核能系统在节能减排、海洋开发、出口海外等方面的市场需求,并结合我国小型堆核能系统发展现状,分析了其在技术和经济性上的可行性。  相似文献   

张露  熊小伟  汪萍  魏国良 《辐射防护》2019,39(2):105-110
本文简要概述了我国核电厂规划限制区的立法和管理文件情况,分析了现有核电厂规划限制区设置情况,提出了重视规划限制区的双面属性、推动规划限制区的管理条例建立、做好核电厂应急及事故环境影响评价分析和规划限制区整体区域规划等建议。  相似文献   

陈超  陈春燕  张良 《同位素》2023,(3):329-337
为保障池式低温供热堆的顺利开展,对其选址阶段正常运行和事故工况可能造成的辐射影响进行评价,并对推进池式低温供热堆示范工程落地提出建议。根据现行的法规标准,结合池式低温供热堆的特点,选取适宜的评价准则。通过反应堆特性、工程设计方案、文献数据和运行经验,分析正常运行的排放源项。在池式低温供热堆的固有安全性、小型堆技术安全目标的基础上,确定事故源项。讨论评价中遇到的法规标准、核素筛选、参数取值等问题。正常运行工况下,放射性气载流出物的大气扩散及对公众的剂量采用高架连续点源模式估算。事故工况下,以全堆芯燃料包壳破损事故作为选址假想事故,采用USNRC RG1.194提供的ARCON96程序估算各时段的大气弥散因子。结果表明,正常运行工况下,气载流出物排放对公众的最大个人有效剂量为7.3×10-7 Sv/a,小于剂量约束值0.1 mSv/a。事故工况下,厂址边界处公众个人(成人)的最大有效剂量为1.43 mSv,甲状腺当量剂量为4.3 mSv,均小于场址边界上公众个人的有效剂量控制值10 mSv和甲状腺当量剂量控制值100 mSv。池式低温供热堆在正常运行和事故工况下对公众...  相似文献   

多堆厂址一级概率安全评价(PSA)研究中,机组数目的增加使得建模工作量剧增,给整个核电厂的风险评估带来困难。结合已有基础,本文研究了多堆厂址始发事件分析的筛选方法,提出利用堆芯损伤频率(CDF)上下限值评估方法,分析厂址内不同机组数对厂址CDF的影响。结果表明,双机组厂址适合优先进行具体分析。针对双机组核电站,对多堆厂址内各始发事件进行筛选。结果表明,丧失厂外电、丧失热阱等事件适合建模分析,并对其他筛选结果给出后续分析建议,为多堆厂址一级PSA后续事故序列建模工作提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

South Africa is planning to expand its nuclear power generating capacity by deploying a number of pressurized-water reactors and pebble-bed modular reactors. It can be expected that this program will impact on the current and planned spent fuel and radioactive waste management systems in South Africa. This paper proposes an approach to develop a strategy for the management of PBMR spent fuel that would form an integral part of the overall national radwaste management system. The approach is expected to provide a conceptual spent fuel management strategy and will also highlight areas that need to be further developed, thus providing guidance for basic technology development.  相似文献   

快堆一般采用以碳化硼(B4C)为吸收剂的控制棒进行反应性控制。小型模块化快堆中子泄漏率较大,增殖能力偏弱,单位燃耗反应性损失较大。模块化反应堆运行周期较长,且需要紧凑型堆芯设计,控制棒数量有限。因此,小型模块化快堆需要高10B富集度的B4C进行反应性控制。由于吸收剂燃耗深、功率密度高且导热能力受辐照削弱严重,B4C的安全使用寿命有限。本文通过对比硼化铪(HfB2)、氢化铪(HfH162)和传统B4C为吸收剂的控制棒的反应性价值、堆芯功率分布、堆芯反应性反馈系数、控制棒温度裕度与吸收剂燃耗深度,发现HfB2有更高的安全裕度和更长的安全使用寿命。HfH162控制棒略微改善了功率分布,但其高温氢气解离问题有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

日本小型核动力反应堆及其技术特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈炳德 《核动力工程》2004,25(3):193-197,202
日本原子能研究所研制了包括一体化船用堆(MRX)在内的几种小型核反应堆.MRX采用容器内置式控制棒驱动机构、水淹式安全壳、非能动余热排出系统;MR-100G和MR-1G是专门为区域供热和冷却系统提供能源,一回路系统自加压的全自然循环一体化压水堆.其排放物活性较低,小型化、模块式结构.可直接建于城市,甚至办公大楼的地下.,水下探测器用小型潜水反应堆(SCR)的设计思路与MRX基本相同.但一回路为全自然循环,日本小型核反应堆发展的技术思路清晰,注重用途的拓展,具有战略发展远见.在将我国大型核动力反应堆研制经验及其相应技术的推广方面,日本小型反应堆的发展思路值得借鉴。  相似文献   

主要介绍了我国在建、在运核电机组的基本状况和最新进展,以及我国在提升核设施安全水平方面的相关措施。在国家能源局印发的《能源技术创新“十三五”规划》要求之下,我国推出一系列先进核能和小型堆的发展计划,开展了“海洋核动力平台示范工程建设”并建立相关标准。最后总结了中国核电目前面临的挑战和未来的展望。   相似文献   

Modular reactors with improved safety features have been developed after the Three-Mile Island accident. Economics of small modular reactors compared to large light water reactors whose power output is 10 times higher is the major issue for these kind of reactors to be introduced into the market. Based on the Chinese high temperature gas-cooled reactor pebble-bed module (HTR-PM) project, this paper analyzes economical potentials of modular reactor nuclear power plants. The reactor plant equipments are divided into 6 categories such as RPV and reactor internals, other NSSS components and so on. The economic impact of these equipments is analyzed. It is found that the major difference between an HTR-PM plant and a PWR is the capital costs of the RPV and the reactor internals. The fact, however, that RPV and reactor internals costs account for only 2% of the total plant costs in PWR plants demonstrates the limited influence of this difference. On the premise of multiple NSSS modules forming a nuclear power plant with a plant capacity equivalent to a typical PWR plant, an upper value and a target value of the total plant capital costs are estimated. A comparison is made for two design proposals of the Chinese HTR-PM project. It is estimated that the specific costs of a ready-to-build 2 × 250 MWth modular plant will be only 5% higher than the specific costs of one 458 MWth plant. When considering the technical uncertainties of the latter, a 2 × 250 MWth modular plant seems to be more attractive. Finally, four main points are listed for MHTGRs to achieve economic viability.  相似文献   

Small modular thorium-based graphite-moderated molten salt reactors(sm TMSRs), which combine the advantages of small modular reactors and molten salt reactors, are regarded as a wise development path to speed deployment time. In a sm TMSR, low enriched uranium and thorium fuels are used in once-through mode, which makes a marked difference in their neutronic properties compared with the case when a conventional molten salt breeder reactor is used. This study investigated the temperature reactivity coefficient(TRC) in a sm TMSR, which is mainly affected by the molten salt volume fraction(VF) and the heavy nuclei concentration in the fuel salt(HN). The fourfactor formula method and the reaction rate method were used to indicate the reasons for the TRC change, including the fuel density effect, the fuel Doppler effect, and the graphite thermal scattering effect. The results indicate that only the fuel density has a positive effect on the TRC in the undermoderated region. Thermal scattering from both salt and graphite has a significant negative influence on the TRC in the overmoderated region. The maximal effective multiplication factor, which shows the highest fuel utilization, is located at 10% VF and 12 mol% HN and is still located in the negative TRC region. In addition, on increasing the heavy nuclei amount from 2 mol% HN to12 mol% HN(VF = 10%), the total TRC undergoes an obvious change from-11 to-3 pcm/K, which implies that the change in the HN caused by the fuel feed online should be small to avoid potential trouble in the reactivity control scheme.  相似文献   

本文总结分析了应急计划区划分中应用的NUREG-0396推荐的方法、概率准则法和风险指引法在小型堆应急计划区划分中的适用性,推荐风险指引法作为较合理的小型堆应急计划区划分方法。讨论了在实际应用中需要关注的应急计划区划分和反应堆设计的相互作用、合理的事故假设和公众心理因素等问题。  相似文献   

未能紧急停堆的预期瞬态(ATWS)典型初因事件的选取在大型压水堆核电厂已形成一套完整的方法。由于模块式小型压水堆的结构和设计特点与大型压水堆核电厂差异较大,其ATWS典型事故选取也有所差异,需结合模块式小型压水堆的特点对其ATWS的典型初因事件进行筛选研究。本文从压水堆标准规范出发,结合核电厂ATWS事故的一般要求,采用RELAP5/MOD3.2程序为分析工具,对模块式小型压水堆Ⅱ类瞬态进行了典型ATWS事故的分析,限制准则为,维持反应堆冷却剂系统压力边界的完整性。结果表明,模块式小型压水堆后果最为严重的ATWS初因事件为失电和控制棒失控抽出两个事故,从而最终确定了此类堆ATWS的典型初因事件,为安全分析报告的编制提供了支持。  相似文献   

The preliminary results are presented concerning a study launched by the Commission of the European Communities to assess the potential market of small and medium-size nuclear reactors through EC Member countries. The study was aimed at identifying those factors that may have a role in shaping the eventual deployment and diffusion of this class of nuclear reactors. In a first phase, attention focused on modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactors that would be installed to produce low-temperature heat and power. Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and France are the countries for which the investigation has been completed. The time span of interest is up to the year 2020. Referring to this horizon, an appraisal has been made of the number of nuclear units which could come on line to cope with energy demand and their timing. Through the study a distinction is made between technical potential, economic potential, and effective market potential. It is understood indeed that both economic competitiveness towards other energy sources and also institutional or organizational factors may restrict the market which could become accessible and would be covered by the new nuclear plants.  相似文献   

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