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The United States is currently developing a national missile defense (NMD) system designed to protect its territory from attack by strategic (long-range) ballistic missiles. In September 2000, President Clinton decided to defer the NMD deployment decision to the next president. President George W. Bush reaffirmed his administration's commitment to deploying a ballistic missile-defense shield by advocating an even larger NMD system in a speech at the National Defense University on May 1, 2001. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, brought both the sense of deployment urgency for protection, and the call to transfer resources, from NMD to more likely terrorist threats. We focus exclusively on identifying and examining key technical challenges, primarily software-related, inherent to NMD  相似文献   

废弃电池的危害及其回收利用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
废弃电池对人类生存环境的危害正在日益加重并日趋明显。废电池中含有许多可以再生利用的材料。强调了废弃电池对环境造成的污染,提出再生利用废电池在环境保护和资源有效利用方面的优势,对已报道的一些废电池回收利用技术进行了简要介绍,提出了回收废电池的一些建议。  相似文献   

许奎  宋磊  徐婷  饶媛媛 《电池》2021,51(1):102-106
将磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)回收料煅烧除杂,再用柠檬酸溶液预处理,补加磷酸铁(FePO4)等原料,引导合成反应,恢复性能.用XRD、SEM和恒流充放电测试,对材料进行分析.将LiFePO4回收料在空气中、450℃下煅烧除杂,得到除碳料;用5 g 1.4%柠檬酸溶液松解500 g除碳料晶粒;再按m(除碳料):m(FePO...  相似文献   

刘媛媛 《宁夏电力》2005,(Z1):251-254
论述了软件复用的特点和现状,分析了软件复用的根本困难,重点论述了OO(面向对象)方法对软件复用的支持以及复用技术对OO方法的支持,另外,探讨了以项目为中心的面向对象复用支持.  相似文献   

针对某电厂高含盐反渗透浓排水进行了处理工艺的试验研究.结果表明,采用压气蒸馏与单效竖管蒸发相结合的工艺技术,在加入固体硫酸钙及TPRI-1-3盐卤稳定剂、pH值维持在5.0~6.0下,可使反渗透浓水在蒸发、结晶过程中形成稳定性及流动性良好的悬浊液,所形成的再结晶混合产物经蒸干后结构疏松,易破碎,可重复循环使用.该工艺可实现废水零排放.  相似文献   

分数频率复用技术已经用在了干扰限制的网络系统中,从而提高蜂窝网络的覆盖能力,其代价是降低了可用网络资源的数量,进而降低了系统的频谱利用率。通过引入归一化的频谱利用率(normalized Spectral Efficiency,nSE)概念,以此作为最优频率复用问题的理论依据,实现最优分数频率复用的系统,从而不仅能像传统分数频率复用方案那样提高小区边缘用户的吞吐量,而且能提高系统的频谱利用率。仿真的结果表明该最优分数频率复用方案的小区边缘用户吞吐量提高了16%,而系统的频谱利用率提高3%。  相似文献   

针对GB 50545-2010对铁塔设计提出的新优化要求,通过对国内最常用的道亨铁塔满应力分析(MYL)软件与东北电力设计院的自立式铁塔内力分析(translation tower analysis,TTA)软件2种铁塔设计软件进行分析,认为MYL软件建模速度和计算速度快可实时动态显示模型,操作直观,能提高铁塔设计效率...  相似文献   

提出了一种适合于分布式天线蜂窝系统的频率复用分割方法,在满足用户需求信干比的情况下极大的提高了系统的频谱效率。该方法与传统的复用分割方案相比,有效的提高的频谱效率,复杂度略有提高。仿真表明在用户最小需求为16kbps时,当系统中有50个用户时,系统容量大约提高了70%。  相似文献   

杨公举 《华东电力》2004,32(11):61-63
对菏泽发电厂生活污水的处理工艺、方式、优化调整及再利用情况进行了介绍、分析和探讨,并取得了一举三得的效果。  相似文献   

USB主机——硬件及软件   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
USB连接支持数据在USB主机与USB设备之间的传输。主要介绍了相关的主机接口,这类接口简化了客户软件与设备应用之间的通信。USB主机可分为3层:客户层、USB系统层、主机控制器层。USB系统层又可划分为3个主要的组成部分;主机控制器驱动HCD(Host Controler Driver)、USB驱动USBD(USB Driver)、主机软件。USBD通过HCD所提供的控制器接口HCDI(HCD Interface),与HCD进行交互。USBD提供面向客户的接口,即USBD接口USBDI(USBD Interface),以供客户提出数据传送或设备配置的请求。USB主机可以提供不同的软件系统实现方法,完成相同的主机行为。  相似文献   

Gradually, but surely, our lives are being entrusted to computers and embedded microprocessors. As these systems become more “intelligent” and complex, the possibility for failure either at the hardware or software level increases. Technology from the large scale mainframe computers to small embedded processors that control the timing of a microwave oven or the deployment of automobile airbags affect us directly and indirectly. The testing, verification and validation of these new technologies has become an important issue. This is essential when a software or hardware related failure could result in injury or even death. What is a safety critical system? This is any system that either directly or indirectly ensures the safety of the individuals entrusted to its use or operation; or, a system that, when a failure of the system occurs, could result in personal injury or loss of life. The systems need not be complex or microprocessor controlled. The brakes in an automobile are certainly safety critical, since their failure can result in lives lost. However, we focus on microprocessor controlled systems of medium to high complexity  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to illustrate the benefits of an autonomous fire-fighting robot design competition as an effective tool for undergraduate education. It presents experiences at the United States Air Force Academy, USAF Academy, CO; Pennsylvania State University-Abington; and Trinity College, Hartford, CT, together with the results of the contest surveys conducted in collaboration with The Technion*Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. The primary goal of the design project is to create an autonomous mobile robot that navigates through a maze searching for a fire (simulated by a burning candle), detects the candle's flame, extinguishes the flame, and returns to a designated starting location in the maze. The fire-fighting design contest promotes interdisciplinary design and teamwork. To accomplish the stated goal, students must integrate knowledge gained from such classes as engineering design, circuits, controls, signals and systems, computer programming, mathematics, and engineering mechanics. Within the three institutions, the contest has been successfully utilized as a foundation for a wide range of educational goals. These activities include freshman design, robotics courses, K-12 outreach, senior design projects, and undergraduate research.  相似文献   

戴秀玲  陈玉松  邓继东 《蓄电池》2013,50(3):131-132,139
由于蓄电池在涂板过程中产生大量的余膏,为提高蓄电池生产材料的利用率,保证成品电池的质量,在正常铅膏中需找出合适的添加余膏比例。本文通过对负极铅膏添加不同比例的余膏进行试验,得出在和制负极铅膏时添加质量分数占5%的沉淀池铅膏较为合适,以此膏制备的极板组装成成品电池,电池的容量、起动性能、寿命均可达到国家标准。  相似文献   

统计了煤场排水的水量,分析了煤场排水的pH、化学耗氧量(COD cr)、悬浮物(SS)以及矿物油等水质指标,同时对排放水进行了凝聚试验。调研了适合煤场排水循环利用的工艺以及这些工艺的应用实例,并对工艺特点进行了分析比较,对可行性较好的工艺进行了初步工艺设计。  相似文献   

刘润来  李永生 《中国电力》2007,40(10):17-19
采用直接空冷和中水回用技术建设节水型火电厂是我国富煤缺水的北方发展电力工业的必然选择和发展趋势。大同发电公司2×600MW直接空冷火电工程是在消化吸收国外相关技术的基础上,组织各参建单位联合攻关建成的我国首台采用直接空冷和中水回用技术600MW级大型火电工程。根据工程建设和运行实践,总结了直接空冷技术应用特点和中水利用技术、系统运行情况等,该工程对我国建设节水型火电厂具有重要示范作用。  相似文献   

This paper is based on the material presented at the IEEE 1994 Winter Power Meeting Panel on Transmission Access issues, sponsored by IEEE task force on transmission access. The paper contains short notes by four panelists on transmission access: (1) institutional issues; (2) planning and operation issues; (3) analytical issues; and (4) economic issues  相似文献   

中国的电价问题   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
电价水平稳定,电价改革的变化主要体现在结构调整上,其基本特征是:  相似文献   

Regulatory and other public policy issues in the future of biomedical engineering, as they relate to the development and use of medical devices, are discussed. At the federal level, agencies that directly influence the application of medical technology include the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with its clinical trials and premarket and regulatory authority, and the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), with its reimbursement policy. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Commerce can have a considerable impact on corporate profitability, which is a driving force for most new technology and new product introductions. Another area of public policy that has been cited as significantly influencing health care and medical device development, namely, civil litigation, is also considered. To illustrate the issues, the impact of the regulatory environment on the application of computer software to a wide variety of medical products is examined. The humanistic and ethical problems brought about by technological advances are discussed. Ten key technologies that are likely to have the greatest importance in the next few years and ten external influences on the future of the medical device technology industry that have been identified by the Health Industry Manufacturers Association are described.  相似文献   

给出了一种基于DCS组态软件开发模式的智能前端的设计和实现方法.智能前端的设计主要包含了功能模块的输入输出结构体和算法函数库的建立,组态软件调度运行的设计以及与上位机通信的部分设计.以Composer组态软件为例,智能前端实现了上位机的通信,得到组态控制系统中的下装数据,经过数据分析,实现了组态控制系统的功能,并能够通...  相似文献   

GetRight—实现断点续传吴雅娟北京成人电子信息大学(100031)我们在网上下载软件的时候,经常会遇到这样的情况:花费很长时间下载的软件,很快就要传完了,可就在这时,下载过程突然中断,一切都要从头开始。这使我们浪费了许多的在线时间,增加了不少网...  相似文献   

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