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周承冕  岳家璇  肖科  丁亮  柴舜连 《电波科学学报》2023,34(3):393-399, 406
为解决在VHF和UHF频段内的紧耦合偶极子阵列(tightly coupled dipole array, TCDA)天线馈电网络设计困难、不利于工程化的问题,提出一款采用新型宽带同轴馈电的具有低剖面、双极化特点的TCDA天线设计方案. 该天线采用双偶极子单元结构,由二阶Wilkinson功分器和新型宽带同轴巴伦共同组成馈电网络,接地短路枝节抑制E面共模谐振,频率选择表面(frequency selective surface, FSS)层抑制H面扫描失配. 通过ADS-HFSS联合进行高效的电磁仿真,结果表明,该TCDA在110~500 MHz内电压驻波比(voltage standing wave ratio, VSWR)典型值<2,±45°扫描角度VSWR典型值<2.5,剖面高度小于0.1\t\t\t\t\t$ {\\lambda }_{\\mathrm{l}\\mathrm{o}\\mathrm{w}} $. 该天线具有剖面低、易于全金属化的特点,为超短波频段TCDA的工程实际化提供了一种可靠的方法.  相似文献   

为了满足超宽带系统对天线的需求,本文设计并制造了覆盖6~18GHz频带的超宽带Vival-di阵列天线,并采用微带渐变线功分器网络达到超宽带馈电与低损耗传输的目的。通过组阵与添加寄生单元进一步降低天线驻波,提高了阵列性能。仿真计算与实测结果表明该阵列天线在超宽频带内驻波小于2.1,并且具有优良的辐射特性。  相似文献   

张亮  徐振海  吴迪军  王雪松 《电波科学学报》2012,(4):685-690,845,846
在考虑极化影响的情况下,建立了相位干涉仪导引头跟踪相干两点源的数学模型,分析了雷达信号、诱饵信号及导引头接收天线的极化方式对被动雷达导引头测角性能的影响,推导了导引头跟踪辐射源时极化应满足的条件,并采用庞加莱(Poincare)极化球描述了极化与导引头指向角度的关系。指出利用极化信息可以改善导引头对雷达和相干源诱饵的分辨,为极化信息在被动导引头中的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

提高相位干涉仪测向精度与改善测角范围的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简单介绍单基线相位干涉仪测向的基本原理,针对其测向范围与测向精度的矛盾,利用多基线相位干涉仪即可解决这一矛盾,既能增大测向范围,又可以达到高的测向精度,关键在于如何解相位模糊问题,文章给出一种解模糊的方法。  相似文献   

分析了干涉仪的天线阵元极化差异导致测角误差的原理,指出该项误差是干涉仪在工程应用中最大的误差来源,提出使用基于数字处理的合成阵元代替常规阵元消除该误差的方法。合成阵元的权值表用离线方式生成,干涉仪工作时以测得的信号频率为依据在权值表中查找对应的权值实时进行阵元合成,消除阵元间的极化差异和测角误差。  相似文献   

本文详细地介绍了机载干涉仪测向系统使用的平面螺旋天线在2-8GHz频段人的相位特性的研究结果,还重点介绍了影响天线相位特性的关键部件-平衡器的相位特性和一组天线之间的相对相位差。  相似文献   

设计并加工测试了一款双面Vivaldi天线.通过结构优化, 提高了馈电效率和阻抗带宽, 并在组阵后显著降低了阵元间的互耦.实测结果表明该天线可以实现在2~8 GHz的频带内回波损耗(Return Loss, RL)小于-10 dB, 平均增益大于5 dBi.并采用“交错排列”的思路, 将所设计的双面Vivaldi天线组成超宽带阵列.此种方式可以有效解决天线尺寸和最佳阵列间距之间的矛盾, 进而抑制栅瓣, 增大波束扫描角范围.仿真分析表明, 在4~6 GHz时, E面交错阵列比普通一维阵列的扫描角范围提高20°左右.  相似文献   

相位干涉仪中均匀阵列测向精度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李旭  田华 《通信对抗》2005,(1):39-41
对相位干涉仪体制中所使用的两种均匀阵列进行了研究,对阵列的测向算法进行了改进,并用matlab软件进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明在同等条件下,虽然平面阵的算法较复杂,但是测量误差更小,测向精度更高,具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

文章对微带线馈电结构的Vivaldi超宽带天线进行了设计,并对设计的Vivaldi天线进行了计算辅助优化设计,同时制作了试验样机。仿真测试结果表明,该天线在规定的3.1GHz~10.6GHz频段内可以得到良好的传输性能和辐射性能,与理论设计吻合,达到宽频带特性的设计要求,为Vivaldi超宽带天线的设计提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2008,44(21):1231-1233
A compact ultra-wideband printed planar antenna with tri-band notched characteristic is presented. Two different types of slots are used to obtain tri-band notched characteristic. By using a U-slot defected ground structure, a notched band, 5?6 GHz for WLAN, is achieved. An H-shaped slot is etched on the radiating patch to obtain another two notched bands at 3.3?3.7 GHz for WiMAX and 7.2 GHz for some C-band satellite communication systems. The proposed antenna yields an impedance bandwidth of 3.1?10.6 GHz with VSWR , 2, except the notched bands. The antenna is successfully simulated and measured, showing tri-band notched characteristic can be obtained by using two different slots.  相似文献   

单脉冲定向技术是目前最准确的电子定向技术之一, 被广泛应用于微波毫米波跟踪、监视、通信、测量、天文观测等系统.为了保护雷达天线免受环境的影响, 许多单脉冲天线都采用天线罩, 这会对单脉冲天线方向图的极化结构产生影响, 另外, 有意的电子欺骗干扰如交叉极化干扰会对定向性能产生较大影响.文章以雷达导引头普遍采用的X波段抛物反射面幅度比较单脉冲天线为对象, 分析了抛物面结构、初级馈源特性、天线罩引起交叉极化分量的机理, 建立了典型物理参数下的计算模型, 在Ludwig第三定义下对加入天线罩前后单脉冲天线交叉极化特性进行仿真, 综合考虑了天线几何形状、偏置结构、天线扫描等因素对极化特性的影响.结果表明:多种因素会引起单脉冲天线显著的去极化效应, 复杂的方向图极化结构使得单脉冲雷达导引头的定向精度敏感于电波极化方式, 这为进一步开展交叉极化对抗单脉冲跟踪技术研究提供了重要理论基础.  相似文献   

Yin  K. Xu  J.P. 《Electronics letters》2008,44(7):453-454
A simple and compact ultra-wideband microstrip-fed planar antenna with dual bandstop characteristic is presented. By using a U-slot defected ground structure (DGS) in the feedline, a stopband of 600 MHz (from 5.45 to 6.05 GHz) for band rejection of WLAN is achieved. To obtain another stopband, an arched slot is etched on the radiating patch. Experimental results show that the designed antenna, with a compact size of 30 times 24.5 mm, has an impedance bandwidth of 2.8-11 GHz for voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) less than 2, except two frequency stop-bands of 3.5-4.25 GHz and 5.45- 6.05 GHz. Moreover, the antenna has good omnidirectional radiation patterns in the H-plane.  相似文献   

The characteristic polarization states and the equi-power curves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characteristic polarization state theory is restudied for the symmetric coherent Sinclair scattering matrix case. First, the geometric relations of the characteristic polarization states on the Poincare sphere are derived. Based on these relations, simple formulas are given for all of the characteristic polarization states of this Sinclair matrix in Stokes vector form. From the formulation, it is clear that the CO-POL Nulls are fundamental characteristic polarization states for the symmetric coherent Sinclair scattering matrix case, in that the others can straightforwardly be obtained from the Stokes vectors of the CO-POL Nulls. For further study of the characteristic polarization state and the distribution of the received powers on the Poincare sphere, the authors introduce the concept of the equi-power curve. It is defined as the curve on the Poincare sphere on which the received powers in some defined channel have the same value. They deal with the characteristics of the equi-power curves for various special cases. In addition, they show how the characteristic polarization states are generated by the equi-power curves. It is demonstrated that the characteristic polarization states can usually be regarded as the points of contact of the Poincare sphere and a conicoid representing a power-related quadratic form. This leads to a new method to introduce the characteristic polarization states  相似文献   

Choi  W. Chung  K. Jung  J. Choi  J. 《Electronics letters》2005,41(18):990-991
A novel and compact ultra-wideband printed antenna with band-rejection characteristic is proposed. By cutting an L-shaped notch on the radiating patch, the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna can be enhanced. In addition, a C-shaped slot is introduced to obtain the band-rejection operation of the antenna. The antenna, with compact size of 15.5/spl times/21 mm including the ground plane, operates over 3.08-10.97 GHz and has the rejected band from 5.03 to 5.91 GHz.  相似文献   

The results of investigation of a 4 × 4 ultra-wideband dual polarization receiving antenna array designed for investiagtion of the polarization structure of nanosecond and subnanosecond electromagnetic pulses are presented. The elements of this antenna array are the crossed dipoles whose arms are loaded with single-stage FET amplifiers. The results of measurements of the patterns, the effective length, and the wave-forms of the recorded pulses are presented for different values of the array interelement spacing and the directions of arrival of radiation.  相似文献   

研究了两种阵列信号测向算法的性能:空间谱估计测向算法和干涉仪测向算法。基于均匀圆阵的硬件平台,两种算法均可实现测向功能,为针对不同的实现需要,着重介绍了因测向机理的不同在多种性能方面呈现出的差异。以五元圆阵为例,分别实现干涉仪和空间谱估计测向的仿真实验。仿真结果表明空间谱估计算法在低信噪比情况下测向精度优于干涉仪测向,而后者在测向耗时方面要远优于前者。  相似文献   

为了解决直接频率合成方法频带拓展困难和锁相频率合成方法相位噪声附加恶化严重的问题,设计了一种联合直接模拟频率合成和锁相频率合成的混频锁相频率综合器.该频率综合器采用梳谱发生器激励超低相位噪声的偏移信号后,再将该信号插入锁相环进行环内混频,降低鉴相器的倍频次数进而优化输出信号的相位噪声,同时解决了超宽带混频锁相环的错锁问...  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2008,44(19):1106-1107
A compact ultra-wideband microstrip-fed planar antenna with dual band-notch characteristic is presented. Two notched frequency bands are achieved by embedding an E-slot in the radiation patch and a U-slot defected ground structure in the feeding line. Moreover, the two notched bands can be controlled by adjusting the length of the corresponding slot. Experimental results show that the proposed antenna, with compact size of 35 x 14 mm, has an impedance bandwidth of 2.87-10.91 GHz for a voltage standing-wave ratio less than 2, except two frequency notched bands of 3.49-4.12 and 5.66-6.43 GHz.  相似文献   

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