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Spectral intensity,electron temperature and density of laser-induced plasma(LIP) are important parameters for affecting sensitivity of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS).Increasing target temperature is an easy and feasible method to improve the sensitivity.In this paper,a brass target in a temperature range from 25℃ to 200℃ was ablated to generate the LIP using femtosecond pulse.Time-resolved spectral emission of the femtosecond LIBS was measured under different target temperatures.The results showed that,compared with the experimental condition of 25℃,the spectral intensity of the femtosecond LIP was enhanced with more temperature target.In addition,the electron temperature and density were calculated by Boltzmann equation and Stark broadening,indicating that the changes in the electron temperature and density of femtosecond LIP with the increase of the target temperature were different from each other.By increasing the target temperature,the electron temperature increased while the electron density decreased.Therefore,in femtosecond LIBS,a hightemperature and low-density plasma with high emission can be generated by increasing the target temperature.The increase in the target temperature can improve the resolution and sensitivity of femtosecond LIBS.  相似文献   

In double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(DP-LIBS), the collinear femtosecond double-pulse laser configuration is experimentally investigated with different initial sample temperatures using a Ti:sapphire laser. The glass sample is ablated to produce the plasma spectroscopy. During the experiment, the detected spectral lines include two Na(I) lines(589.0 nm and 589.6 nm) and one Ca(I) line at the wavelength of 585.7 nm. The emission lines are measured at room temperature(22 ℃) and three higher initial sample temperatures(T_s?=?100 ℃, 200 ℃, and 250 ℃). The inter-pulse delay time ranges from-250 ps to 250 ps.The inter-pulse delay time and the sample temperature strongly influence the spectral intensity,and the spectral intensity can be significantly enhanced by increasing the sample temperature and selecting the optimized inter-pulse time. For the same inter-pulse time of 0 ps(single-pulse LIBS), the enhancement ratio is approximately 2.5 at T_s?=?200 ℃ compared with that obtained at T_s?=?22 ℃. For the same inter-pulse time of 150 ps, the enhancement ratio can be up to 4 at T_s?=?200 ℃ compared with that obtained at T_s?=?22 ℃. The combined enhancement effects of the different initial sample temperatures and the double-pulse configuration in femtosecond LIBS are much stronger than that of the different initial sample temperatures or the double-pulse configuration only.  相似文献   

In this study, a femtosecond laser was focused to ablate brass target and generate plasma emission in air. The influence of lens to sample distance(LTSD) on spectral emission of brass plasma under linearly and circularly polarized pulses with different pulse energies was investigated. The results indicated that the position with the strongest spectral emission moved toward focusing lens with increasing the energy. At the same laser energy, the line emission under circularly polarized pulse was stronger compared with linearly polarized pulse for different LTSDs. Next, electron temperature and density of the plasma were obtained with Cu(Ⅰ) lines,indicating that the electron temperature and density under circularly polarized pulse were higher compared to that under linearly polarized pulse. Therefore, changing the laser polarization is a simple and effective way to improve the spectral emission intensity of femtosecond laserinduced plasma.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the emission spectra of plasmas produced from femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablations at different target temperatures in air. A brass was selected as ablated target of the experiment. The results indicated that spectral emission intensity and plasma temperature showed similar trend for femtosecond and nanosecond lasers, and the two parameters were improved by increasing the sample temperature in both cases. Moreover, the temperature of nanosecond laser-excited plasma was higher compared with that of femtosecond laser-excited plasma, and the increase of the plasma temperature in the case of nanosecond laser was more evident. In addition, there was a significant difference in electron density between femtosecond and nanosecond laser-induced plasmas. The electron density for femtosecond laser decreased with increasing the target temperature, while for nanosecond laser, the electron density was almost unchanged at different sample temperatures.  相似文献   

In this paper,we investigate the time-resolved spectroscopy of collinear femtosecond(fs)and nanosecond(ns)dual-pulse(DP)laser-induced plasmas.A copper target was used as an experimental sample,and the fs laser was considered as the time zero reference point.The inter-pulse delay between fs and ns laser beams was 3 μs.First,we compared the time-resolved peak intensities of Cu(Ⅰ)lines from Cu plasmas induced by fs+ns and ns+fs DP lasers with collinear configuration.The results showed that compared with the ns+fs DP,the fs+ns DP laser-induced Cu plasmas had stronger peak intensities and longer lifetimes.Second,we calculated time-resolved plasma temperatures using the Boltzmann plot with three spectral lines at Cu(Ⅰ)510.55,515.32 and 521.82 nm.In addition,time-resolved electron densities were calculated based on Stark broadening with Cu(Ⅰ)line at 521.82 nm.It was found that compared with ns+fs DP,the plasma temperatures and electron densities of the Cu plasmas induced by fs+ns DP laser were higher.Finally,we observed images of ablation craters under the two experimental conditions and found that the fs+ns DP laser-produced stronger ablation,which corresponded to stronger plasma emission.  相似文献   

The influence of the target temperature on the molecular emission of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was investigated experimentally.An Al target was ablated to produce laser-induced plasma.The Al target was uniformly heated to a maximum of 250 ℃.The measured molecular emission was AlO (△υ =0) from the femtosecond LIBS of the Al target.The measurements indicated that the molecular emission of AIO increased as the temperature of the A1 target increased.In addition,a two-temperature model was used to simulate the evolution of the electron and lattice temperature of the Al target with different initial temperatures.The simulated results showed that the electron and lattice temperatures of Al irradiated by the femtosecond laser increased as the initial temperature of the A1 target increased;also,the simulated ablated depth increased.Therefore,an increase in the initial A1 target temperature resulted in an enhancement in the spectral signal of AlO from the femtosecond LIBS of Al,which was directly related to the increase in the size of the ablated crater.The study suggested that increasing the temperature of the target improves the intensity of molecular emission in femtosecond LIBS.  相似文献   

The influence of the target temperature on the molecular emission of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) was investigated experimentally. An Al target was ablated to produce laser-induced plasma. The Al target was uniformly heated to a maximum of 250℃. The measured molecular emission was AlO(△ν=0) from the femtosecond LIBS of the Al target.The measurements indicated that the molecular emission of AlO increased as the temperature of the Al target increased. In addition, a two-temperature model was used to simulate the evolution of the electron and lattice temperature of the Al target with different initial temperatures. The simulated results showed that the electron and lattice temperatures of Al irradiated by the femtosecond laser increased as the initial temperature of the Al target increased; also, the simulated ablated depth increased. Therefore, an increase in the initial Al target temperature resulted in an enhancement in the spectral signal of AlO from the femtosecond LIBS of Al,which was directly related to the increase in the size of the ablated crater. The study suggested that increasing the temperature of the target improves the intensity of molecular emission in femtosecond LIBS.  相似文献   

A diode-pumped solid-state laser(DPSSL) with a high energetic stability and long service life is applied to ablate the steel samples instead of traditional Nd:YAG laser pumped by a xenon lamp,and several factors, such as laser pulse energy, repetition rate and argon flow rate, that influence laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) analytical performance are investigated in detail.Under the optimal experiment conditions, the relative standard deviations for C, Si, Mn, Ni, Cr and Cu are 3.3%–8.9%, 0.9%–2.8%, 1.2%–4.1%, 1.7%–3.0%, 1.1%–3.4% and 2.5%–8.5%,respectively, with the corresponding relative errors of 1.1%–7.9%, 1.0%–6.3%, 0.4%–3.9%,1.5%–6.3%, 1.2%–4.0% and 1.2%–6.4%. Compared with the results of the traditional spark discharge optical emission spectrometry technique, the analytical performance of LIBS is just a little inferior due to the less stable laser-induced plasma and smaller amount of ablated sample by the laser. However, the precision, detection limits and accuracy of LIBS obtained in our present work were sufficient to meet the requirements for process analysis. These technical performances of higher stability of output energy and longer service life for DPSSL, in comparison to the Q-switch laser pumped by xeon lamp, qualify it well for the real time online analysis for different industrial applications.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) combined with K-means algorithm was employed to automatically differentiate industrial polymers under atmospheric conditions.The unsupervised learning algorithm K-means were utilized for the clustering of LIBS dataset measured from twenty kinds of industrial polymers.To prevent the interference from metallic elements,three atomic emission lines(C I 247.86 nm,H I 656.3 nm,and O I 777.3 nm) and one molecular line C–N(0,0) 388.3 nm were used.The cluster analysis results were obtained through an iterative process.The Davies–Bouldin index was employed to determine the initial number of clusters.The average relative standard deviation values of characteristic spectral lines were used as the iterative criterion.With the proposed approach,the classification accuracy for twenty kinds of industrial polymers achieved 99.6%.The results demonstrated that this approach has great potential for industrial polymers recycling by LIBS.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has attracted extensive attention as a new technique for in-situ marine application. In this work, the influence of deep-sea high pressure environment on LIBS signals was investigated by using a compact LIBS-sea system developed by Ocean University of China for the in-situ chemical analysis of seawater. The results from the field measurements show that the liquid pressure has a significant effect on the LIBS signals. Higher peak intensity and larger line broadening were obtained as the pressure increases. By comparing the variations of the temperature and salinity with the LIBS signals, a weak correlation between them can be observed. Under high pressure conditions, the optimal laser energy was higher than that in air environment. When the laser energy exceeded 17 mJ, the effect of laser energy on the signal intensity weakened. The signal intensity decreases gradually at larger delays. The obtained results verified the feasibility of the LIBS technique for the deep-sea in-situ detection, and we hope this technology can contribute to surveying more deep-sea environments such as the hydrothermal vent regions.  相似文献   

Aqueous ruthenium was detected in real-time under ambient conditions using microwave-assisted laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (MW-LIBS). A 10 mJ laser energy and 750 W microwave power were directed at an open liquid jet sample of ruthenium. It was observed that, for liquid flow, the coupling efficiency between the microwave and the laser-induced plasma was limited to 43%. The improvement in the ruthenium's signal-to-noise ratio with MW-LIBS, with respect to LIBS, was 76-fold. Based on MW-LIBS, the limit of detection for aqueous ruthenium was determined to be 957 ± 84 ppb.  相似文献   

Spatial confinement can significantly enhance the spectral intensity of laser-induced plasma in air.It is attributed to the compression of plasma plume by the reflected shockwave.In addition,optical emission spectroscopy of laser-induced plasma can also be affected by the distance between lens and sample surface.In order to obtain the optimized spectral intensity,the distance must be considered.In this work,spatially confined laser-induced silicon plasma by using a Nd:YAG nanosecond laser at different distances between lens and sample surface was investigated.The laser energies were 12 mJ,16 mJ,20 mJ,and 24 mJ.All experiments were carried out in an atmospheric environment.The results indicated that the intensity of Si (I) 390.55 nm line firstly rose and then dropped with the increase of lens-to-sample distance.Moreover,the spectral peak intensity with spatial confinement was higher than that without spatial confinement.The enhancement ratio was approximately 2 when laser energy was 24 mJ.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy-assisted glow discharge (LIBS-GD) for analysis of elements in liquid was proposed, and it was applied to detect heavy metals in highly sensitive mixed solutions of Cu and Cr. During the experiments of GD and LIBS-GD, the experimental parameters have been optimized and the optimal voltage is 450 V, laser energy is 60 mJ, and the delay time is 4000 ns. Furthermore, the calibration curves of Cu and Cr under GD and LIBS-GD experiments have been established, and the limits of detection (LODs) of Cu and Cr were obtained with the method of GD and LIBS-GD, respectively. The LOD of Cu decreased from 3.37 (GD) to 0.16 mg l−1 (LIBS-GD), and Cr decreased from 3.15 to 0.34 mg l−1. The results prove that the capability of elemental detection under LIBS-GD has improved compared with the GD method. Therefore, LIBS-GD is expected to be developed into a highly sensitive method for sewage detection.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy has become a general-purpose technique, and internal standard calibration is a common method for quantitative analysis. Calibration models should be reconstructed for different systems and application environments. This study presents an efficient procedure in the construction and selection of calibration models for LIBS analysis. The procedure concludes data preprocess, calibration model construction, and concentration calculation. These steps can be programmed without manual intervention. Results of the quantitative analysis of Ni-based alloys using the proposed procedure are presented in this study.Ten elements are calibrated, and most have an average relative standard error of less than 10%.The proposed procedure is an effective process for constructing and selecting calibration models.  相似文献   

The use of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) for the analysis of heavy metals in water samples is investigated. Some factors such as splashing, surface ripples, extinction of emitted intensity, and a shorter plasma lifetime will influence the results if the water sample is directly measured. In order to avoid these disadvantages and the ‘coffee-ring effect', hydrophilic graphite flakes with annular grooves were used for the first time to enrich and concentrate heavy metals in water samples before being analyzed by LIBS. The proposed method and procedure have been evaluated to concentrate and analyze cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead,and zinc in a water sample. The correlation coefficients were all above 0.99. The detection limits of 0.029, 0.087, 0.012, 0.083, 0.125, and 0.049 mgl~(-1) for Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn,respectively, were obtained in samples prepared in a laboratory. With this structure, the heavy metals homogeneously distribute in the annular groove and the relative standard deviations are all below 6%. This method is very convenient and suitable for online in situ analysis of heavy metals.  相似文献   

In recent years, a laser-induced breakdown spectrometer (LIBS) combined with machine learning has been widely developed for steel classification. However, the much redundant information of LIBS spectra increases the computation complexity for classification. In this work, restricted Boltzmann machines (RBM) and principal component analysis (PCA) were used for dimension reduction of datasets, respectively. Then, a support vector machine (SVM) was adopted to process feature information. Two models (RBM-SVM and PCA-SVM) are compared in terms of performance. After optimization, the accuracy of the RBM-SVM model can achieve 100%, and the maximum dimension reduction time is 33.18 s, which is nearly half of that of the PCA model (53.19 s). These results preliminarily indicate that LIBS combined with RBM-SVM has great potential in the real-time classification of steel.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) has been proven to be an attractive technique for in situ oceanic applications.However,when applying LIBS into deep-sea,the pressure effect caused by different ocean depths is inescapable and could have great influence on the LIBS signals.In this work,spectral characteristics of underwater LIBS were investigated as a function of pressure in the range of 0.1-45 MPa.A high-pressure chamber built in the laboratory was used to simulate the high-pressure deep-sea environment.Optimal laser energy and detection delay were first determined under different pressure conditions and were shown to be independent of the external pressure.The increase in pressure has a significant impact both on the peak intensity and line broadening of the observed spectra.The peak intensity of Na,Li and K lines increases with the increasing pressure until a maximum intensity is reached at 12.5 MPa.Above this value,the peak intensity decreases gradually up to 45 MPa.For Ca line,the maximum intensity was observed at 30 MPa.The line broadening keeps constant at low pressures from 0.1-10 MPa,while it increases linearly at higher pressures,indicating a higher electron density caused by the compression effect of the high external pressure.We also compared the spectral data obtained from the high-pressure chamber and from the field sea trials,and the good consistency between the laboratory data and sea-trial data suggested the key role of pressure effect on underwater LIBS signals for practical deep-sea applications.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pressure low-temperature plasma is a promising tool in biomedicine applications including blood coagulation, bacterial inactivation, sterilization, and cancer treatment, due to its high chemical activity and limited thermal damage. It is of great importance to develop portable plasma sources that are safe to human touch and suitable for outdoor and household operation. In this work, a portable and rechargeable low-temperature plasma spark discharge device (130 mm × 80 mm × 35 mm, 300 g) was designed. The discharge frequency and plume length were optimized by the selection of resistance, capacitance, electrode gap, and ground electrode aperture. Results show that the spark plasma plume is generated with a length of 12 mm and a frequency of 10 Hz at a capacitance of 0.33 μF, resistance of 1 MΩ, electrode gap of 2 mm, and ground electrode aperture of 1.5 mm. Biological tests indicate that the plasma produced by this device contains abundant reactive species, which can be applied in plasma biomedicine, including daily sterilization and wound healing.  相似文献   

As traditional Chinese medicines, Fritillaria from different origins are very similar and it is difficult to distinguish them. In this study, the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with learning vector quantization(LIBS-LVQ) was proposed to distinguish the powdered samples of Fritillaria cirrhosa and non-Fritillaria cirrhosa. We also studied the performance of linear discriminant analysis, and support vector machine on the same data set. Among these three classifiers, LVQ had the highest correct classification rate of 99.17%. The experimental results demonstrated that the LIBS-LVQ model could be used to differentiate the powdered samples of Fritillaria cirrhosa and non-Fritillaria cirrhosa.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) is a new technology suitable for classification of various materials. This paper proposes a hybrid classification scheme for coal, municipal sludge and biomass by using LIBS combined with K-means and support vector machine(SVM)algorithm. In the study, 10 samples were classified in 3 groups without supervision by K-means clustering, then a further supervised classification of 6 kinds of biomass samples by SVM was carried out. The results show that the comprehensive accuracy of the hybrid classification model is over 98%. In comparison with the single SVM classification model, the hybrid classification model can save 58.92% of operation time while guaranteeing the accuracy. The results demonstrate that the hybrid classification model is able to make an efficient, fast and accurate classification of coal, municipal sludge and biomass, furthermore, it is precise for the detection of various kinds of biomass fuel.  相似文献   

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