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Quench propagation is analysed for two different conductor types, foreseen for a Tokamak and a Stellarator type fusion machine, respectively. For the analysis the code system MAGS is used. In the paper MAGS is presented briefly. The analysis considers quench in a small layer wound coil with separate coolant flow in the two layers modelled. Quench is initiated in the first layer and propagates in this coolant channel as well as to the second coolant channel, via heat conduction. Due to the different design, very different front velocities and peak pressures were determined.Presented at the Workshop on Computation of Thermo-Hydraulic Transients in Superconductors, Lausanne, June 6–8, 1995.  相似文献   

The superconducting outsert of the 40 T hybrid-magnet in High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HMFL) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) requires a highly stabilized power supply. In this paper, two kinds of power supply design are briefly presented and both advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. In order to overcome the drawbacks of switching power supply, a series regulated active filter is adopted and a new design is proposed which ensures cooperative relationship between the feedback control loops of the switching converter and the series regulated active filter. Besides, unlike the traditional switching power supply, which can generate positive voltage only, this new design can also generate negative voltage which is needed in the quench protection for the superconducting magnet. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology, a low-power prototype has been accomplished. The simulation and experiment results show that the power supply achieves high precision under the combined action of two feedback control loops. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the output ripple voltage of the prototype is 0.063%, while the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output ripple current is 120 ppm.  相似文献   

Nuclear analysis was carried out for the heliotron-H fusion power reactor employing anl=2 helical heliotron field. The neutronics aspects examined were (a) tritium breeding capability, (b) shielding effectiveness for the superconducting magnet (SCM), and (c) induced activity after shutdown. In this reactor design of the heliotron-H, the space available for the blanket and shield is limited due to the reactor geometry. Thus, some parametric survey calculations were performed to satisfy the design requirements. The nucleonic design features of the heliotron-H are as follows. An adequate tritium breeding ratio of 1.17 is obtained when a 10-cm thick Pb neutron multiplier and a 40-cm thick Li2O breeding blanket are used. In this case, the total nuclear energy deposition is 16.10 MeV per 14.06 MeV incident neutron. The performance of the SCM is assured during 2 yr of continuous operation using a 20-cm thick tungsten shield. Biological dose rate behind the SCM at 1 day after shutdown is too high for hands-on maintenance.  相似文献   

Radioactivation of five types of candidate steel alloys for the structural materials of superconducting toroidal field coils (TFC) of a D-T fusion reactor has been comparatively studied. As a result, the use of a high Mn steel in place of 316 SS is shown to reduce the dose rate at the He vessel of the TFC to ~ 1/3 the value with 316 SS at 1 day after shutdown, and to ~ 1/1000 at 10 years after shutdown. These reductions are mostly caused by the 0.28 wt% Co assumed to be included in 316 SS but none in the high Mn steel. Newly defined dose rate sensitivities of constituent elements are shown to be useful in identifying the cause of dose rate change brought on by the steel composition change. They can also be utilized in estimating the dose rate change brought on by the replacement of 316 SS with any new steel alloy with similar composition.  相似文献   

金正方  张海燕  董晓莉  赵涛  蔡平 《核技术》1999,22(12):740-744
叙述了我国第一台6T超导Wiggler磁铁电源系统的组成、失超保护电路、控制系统的组成及实际操作。  相似文献   

Beam transport system in ShenGuangIII (SGIII) facility target area brings 48 laser beams from main laser output to final optics assemblies (FOAs). This paper will present a summary of structural design of SGIII target area beam transport system, which include 276 transport mirrors and nearly 3000 m beam enclosures. The key performance of the beam transport system structural design includes stability, accuracy and cleanliness. To ensure the vibrational stability requirement, the beam transport system is located on stable platforms comprised of switchyard steel space frame and experimental area steel reinforced concrete building. The high fundamental frequency of the transport mirror system and vibrational isolation from thin tubes are designed to decrease the vibration response of the mirrors. An analytical method is proposed to evaluate the structural design on the drifting error of each laser beam obtained by accounting the dynamic responses of each optical elements of laser beam. The adjusting and fast replacement online requirements are satisfied by the structural design of line replaceable units (LRUs), the adjustable kinematic mounts, and the low-stress clamping of mirror mounts. The cleanliness is established in the process of designing, fabrication, and operation simultaneously. Testing results of the beam transport system that has been installed indicate that the structural design satisfies the performance requirements of the facility.  相似文献   

The superconducting magnet of Central Solenoid(CS) model coil of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor(CFETR) is made of Nb_3Sn/Nb Ti cable-in-conduit conductor(CICC),and operated by forced-flow cooling with a large amount of supercritical helium.The cryogenic circulation pump is analyzed and considered to be effective in achieving the supercritical helium(SHe) circulation for the forced-flow cooled(FFC) CICC magnet.A distributed system will be constructed for cooling the CFETR CS model coil.This paper presents the design of FFC process for the CFETR CS model coil.The equipment configuration,quench protection in the magnet and the process control are presented.  相似文献   

本文扼要介绍了酒类专用辐照站的设计原则、物理方案、工艺流程、建筑结构及其安全特性。该辐照站现装钴源0.925×10~(15)Bq,辐照酒量每天10t。它结构简单,操作方便,安全可靠,射线利用率高,很适于在地方小企业推广应用。  相似文献   

添加剂对高温硫化硅橡胶耐辐射性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了五种不同的芳香族添加剂(联苯、萘、菲、二苯甲酮、二苯乙炔)对高温硫化硅橡胶的耐辐射性能的影响。分析了在真空下经受400kGy和600kGy的γ射线辐照下,两交联点间有效链平均分子量Mc和力学性能的变化。讨论了芳香族添加剂的辐射保护机理。结果表明芳香族添加剂,尤其是二苯乙炔,能提高硅橡胶的耐辐射性能。  相似文献   

CFETR which stands for “China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor” is a new tokamak device. Its magnet system includes the Toroidal Field (TF) winding, Center solenoid winding (CS) and Poloidal Field (PF) winding. The main goal of the project is to build a fusion engineering Tokamak reactor with its fusion power is 50–200 MW and should be self-sufficiency by blanket.In order to ensure the maintenance ports design and maintenance method, this article discussed the concept design of the magnet system based on different maintenance port cases. The paper detailed studied the magnet system of CFETR including the electromagnetic analysis and parameters for TF (CS)PF. Besides, the volt-seconds of ohmic field are presented as detailed as possible in this paper. In addition, the calculations and optimizations of equilibrium field which should guarantee the plasma discharge of single null shape is carried out. The design work reported here illustrates that the present maintenance ports will not have a great impact on the design of the magnet system. The concept design of the magnet system can meet the requirement of the physical target.  相似文献   

Fusion is the energy production technology, which could potentially solve problems with growing energy demand of population in the future. Starting 2007, Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI) is a member of European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) organization. LEI is cooperating with Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP, Germany) in the frames of EFDA project by performing safety analysis of fusion device W7-X. Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) is an experimental stellarator facility currently being built in Greifswald, Germany, which shall demonstrate that in the future energy could be produced in such type of fusion reactors. In this paper the safety analysis of 40 mm inner diameter coolant pipe rupture in cooling circuit and discharge of steam–water mixture through the leak into plasma vessel during the W7-X no-plasma “baking” operation mode is presented. For the analysis the model of W7-X cooling system (pumps, valves, pipes, hydro-accumulators, and heat exchangers) and plasma vessel was developed by employing system thermal-hydraulic state-of-the-art RELAP5 Mod3.3 code. This paper demonstrated that the developed RELAP5 model enables to analyze the processes in divertor cooling system and plasma vessel. The results of analysis demonstrated that the proposed burst disc, connecting the plasma vessel with venting system, opens and pressure inside plasma vessel does not exceed the limiting 1.1 × 105 Pa absolute pressure. Thus, the plasma vessel remains intact after loss-of-coolant accident during no-plasma operation of Wendelstein 7-X experimental nuclear fusion facility.  相似文献   

卿青  马宙  李平 《辐射防护》2017,37(4):293-297
阐述了某铀浓缩设施四期工程的辐射防护分区、密封屏障设计、气流方向组织以及相应的管理措施。对试运行期间的监测数据进行了分析评价,结果显示:四期工程各项辐射监测指标,包括厂房空气和气载流出物、工作场所表面污染和γ辐射剂量率、工作人员剂量、工作人员尿铀和尿氟水平等远低于国家标准或控制限值要求,防护措施是有效的。  相似文献   

《Fusion Engineering and Design》2014,89(9-10):2038-2042
Under the Spanish Breeding Blanket Technology Programme TECNO_FUS a conceptual design of a DCLL (Dual-Coolant Lithium–Lead) blanket-based reactor is being revised. The dually cooled breeding zone is composed of He/LiPb and SiC as material of the liquid metal flow channel inserts. Structural materials are ferritic-martensitic steel (Eurofer) for the blanket and austenitic steel (SS316LN) for the vacuum vessel (VV) and the cryostat.In this work, radioactive wastes are assessed in order to determine if they can be disposed as low and intermediate level radioactive waste (LILW) in the Spanish near surface disposal facility of El Cabril. Also, unconditional clearance and recycling waste management options are studied.The neutron transport calculations have been performed with MCNPX code, while the ACAB code is used for calculations of the inventory of activation products and for activation analysis, in terms of waste management ratings for the options considered.Results show that the total amount of the cryostat can be disposed in El Cabril joined to the outer layer of both VV and channel inserts, whereas only concrete-made biological shield can be managed through clearance and none of the steels can be recycled. Those results are compared with those corresponding to French regulation, showing similar conclusions.  相似文献   

The mechanical aspects of tandem mirror and tokamak concepts for the tritium production mission are compared and a proposed breeding blanket configuration for each type of reactor is presented in detail, along with a design outline of the complete fusion reactor system. In both cases, the reactor design is developed sufficiently to permit preliminary cost estimates of all components. A qualitative comparison is drawn between both concepts from the view of mechanical design and serviceability, and suggestions are made for technology proof tests on unique mechanical features. Detailed cost breakdowns indicate less than 10% difference in the overall costs of the two reactors.This paper represents Work carried out from 1980 to 1982 and was in draft form in 1982. It was received for publication with only minor editing of its 1982 version, explaining the fact that some of the material is dated.  相似文献   

This article presents the international fusion materials irradiation facility lithium target safety and thermal transient analysis, to evaluate the most important risk factors related to the system operation and to verify the fulfillment of the safety criteria. Main conclusions are that target safety is accomplished: hazards associated with lithium operation are confined within the IFMIF security boundaries and environmental impact is negligible, and the plant well answers to the simulated transients, being able to reach steady conditions in a condition of safety.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess the expected response of conventional and non-conventional quench detection sensors proposed for the ITER coils, and to be tested in the QUELL experiment in SULTAN. The assessment is based on simulation of thermohydraulic transients in the ITER coils for various operating conditions, and a tentative definition of the transfer functions of each sensor concept. It is shown that, for the investigated conditions, the co-wound voltage taps are more accurate than hydraulic systems and conventional voltage balance methods. The additional complication associated with the insertion of taps in the conductor is well offset by the low sensitivity to external disturbances.  相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗方法和MATLAB(Matrix Laboratory)程序对由576根钴源构成的辐照装置中剂量场均匀性进行优化设计.首先将程序计算结果与实验测量进行比较,接着对程序设置3200个计算点计算了辐照装置的剂量场分布;剂量场均匀性计算中,不断地改变钴源棒位置并不断计算空间平面剂量场.计算结果发现,程序计算值与实验测量值较为一致,经调整后装置的空间剂量均匀度显著提高,使得辐照装置的能量使用率大大提高.  相似文献   

In Pb–Bi-cooled direct contact boiling water small fast reactor (PBWFR), steam is generated by direct contact of feedwater with primary Pb–Bi coolant above the core, and Pb–Bi coolant is circulated by steam lift pump in chimneys. Safety design has been developed to show safety features of PBWFR. Negative void reactivity is inserted even if whole of the core and upper plenum are voided hypothetically by steam intrusion from above. The control rod ejection due to coolant pressure is prevented using in-vessel type control rod driving mechanism. At coolant leak from reactor vessel and feedwater pipes, Pb–Bi coolant level in the reactor vessel required for decay heat removal is kept using closed guard vessel. Dual pipes for feedwater are employed to avoid leak of water. Although there is no concern of loss of flow accident due to primary pump trip, feedwater pump trip initiates loss of coolant flow (LOF). Injection of high pressure water slows down the flow coast down of feedwater at the LOF event. The unprotected loss of flow and heat sink (ATWS) has been evaluated, which shows that the fuel temperatures are kept lower than the safety limits.  相似文献   

We present a LEU-ADS design based on an existing Argentine experimental facility, the RA-8 pool type zero power reactor. The versatility of this reactor allows measurement of different core configurations using different fuel enrichment, burnable poison rods, water perturbations, different control rods types in critical or subcritical configurations with an external source.To assess the feasibility of the LEU-ADS, multiplication factors, kinetic parameters, spectra, and time flux evolution were computed. Two external sources were considered: an isotopic source, and a D-D pulsed neutron source.Parameters for different core configurations were calculated, and the feasibility of using continuous and pulsed neutron sources was verified.  相似文献   

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