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王建 《互联网天地》2011,(10):55-55
为了能够获得更全面且有效的信息,用户常常需要在多个搜索引擎网站分别进行搜索。Boounce是—个能够为用户提供在多个搜索引擎网站间实现自由跳转解决方案的互联网工具。  相似文献   

Airbnb被时代周刊称为"住房中的eBay",创立于2008年8月的Airbnb是一家旅行房屋租赁网站,其用户可以通过PC或者手机联网发布或搜索度假房屋的租赁信息,并且通过相应的支付工具实现在线预订。在旅行过程中直接入住。一般Airbnb提供日租或者一周之内的短租服务,不过当前Airbnb也推出了一个月及以上的  相似文献   

目前通行于房地产信息网站行业中的端口收费,是滋生虚假房源的温床.房地产信息网站只有改变现有收费方式和运营方式,对房源信息进行严格审查,才能在房地产网络营销市场上拥有更长久生命力.同时,基于房地产信息网站的垂直搜索网站也会越来越多,价值也会越来越大.  相似文献   

背景介绍 安家网 (www.anjia.com)由安家信息技术 (上海 )有限公司开设,自 2000年 4月 8日正式开通以来,目前已成为上海乃至全国最有影响的房地产专业网站之一。 安家网针对目前和未来中国市场潜能最大的消费——置业和安家,提供了涵盖房屋买卖、房屋租赁、房屋装修、家庭理财等领域的信息及服务。网站已经累积网罗了上海几乎全部的房源、楼盘的一手资料讯息,拥有全上海较全面的房源信息数据库。 安家网拥有强有力的领导核心,现有员工 50余人,其中硕士、博士以上学位占 25%。 大 事 记 网上合租服务受欢迎 安家网在 2000年 7月推…  相似文献   

互联网的匿名性保护了用户的信息和网络使用安全。然而我们也常常能在各种媒体里面了解到发生在互联网上的侵犯隐私的恶性事件。当前对用户的隐私威胁最大的不是用于跟踪用户的Cooke、间谍软件和用户浏览行为分析网站。而是我们日常使用的搜索引擎。大部分搜索引擎在用户使用其服务时。都会记录用户的IP地址、搜索的关键词、从搜索结果中跳转到哪个网站等信息,通过数据挖掘等技术。  相似文献   

网络协同交互电子商务信息平台解决方案以协同交互技术为建设基础,将用户与各级网络平台.互联网与手机GSM/CDMA网络连接并实现跨网络的电子商务应用,基于本系统用户可以通过手机短信在互联网上建立个人网站并对网站信息进行编辑.该技术将互联网网络终端由PC扩展到了手机上,具有广泛的行业应用前号。  相似文献   

随着网络的发展,越来越多的租客更加趋向于从各种租房网站上获取房源信息,而越来越多的房东也开始在租房网站上发布自己的房源信息以方便地招揽更多的租客。然而,现有的手机租房软件仅仅只能满足房东和房客在线上相互交流自己的信息,而对于关键的租房合同部分,仍旧采取传统的线下方式。本文基于JAVA语言开发了电子合同,并成功移植到Android平台上,从创建合同、编辑合同、签订合同、撤回合同、下载合同到删除合同可以全部在手机平台上完成,为互联网租房市场带来了方便,具有一定的意义和价值。  相似文献   

现在移动互联网已经普及到人们的生活之中,互联网作为信息的载体,随着现在信息量的增加,用户想要搜索到有用的信息变得更加困难,在这种情况之下,学习资源爬虫是解决这类问题的关键,爬虫系统的关键是对于互联网的资源进行划分,从概念、类型、形态等方面,然后设计爬虫系统的一些解析与下载功能,根据所处的环境实现搜索结果的准确性.并且结合浏览器的功能,解决网站的数据丢失问题,进行完整且高效的内容下载,优化整个学习资源的下载准确性,从而获取更有价值的学习资源  相似文献   

网站黄页系统是一个自动生成网站黄页目录并以此为基础为用户提供一系列服务的系统。它通过快速收集网络上的教育资源,并自动化地对其进行高质量的分类和信息抽取,形成教育网站黄页,为用户提供浏览、检索等服务。未经过二次开发的黄页系统检索的准确性普遍较低,不适合校园网络的使用.针对普通搜索引擎的固有缺陷,提出了一种应用于新闻检索的搜索引擎,该引擎是利用开源的网络爬虫工具将互联网信息抓取到本地,并利用Lucene开放的API,对特定的信息进行索引和搜索。  相似文献   

随着计算机科学的不断发展和网络的迅速普及,Internet的应用已经涉及到人们生活的方方面面。本文按照房地产中介的具体需求,基于Internet信息服务平台,使用数据库技术,设计并实现互联网上的房地产中介,包括房源发布、房源搜索、会员注册、网上留言、家居欣赏、后台管理等功能模块。通过互联网实现客户与中介公司或相关单位的网上交流及业务的完成。  相似文献   

随着Internet的迅速发展,传统的搜索引擎在覆盖度、查询精度、可扩展性和用户多样化需求等方面存在许多不足。本文详细介绍了多搜索引擎技术,以及在该技术基础上实现的多搜索引擎系统。多搜索引擎系统通过集成目前流行的多个搜索网站,提供更强大的搜索功能,帮助用户更快速更有效地获得所需信息。  相似文献   

现有的搜索引擎排序算法大多根据网页之间的链接关系进行排序,没有考虑原创和转载文章之间的优先次序。该文提出一种适用于专业搜索引擎的新型排序算法,在排序时优先考虑原创文章,使原创文章的搜索排名得以提高,有助于新兴原创技术网站的发展,提高网络竞争的公平性。  相似文献   

The Internet has become a significant transaction platform for the real estate industry. However, use of the Internet does not benefit homebuyers in terms of search time, flexibility, and intuitive results. While it does encourage buyers to search more intensively, and discover and visit more properties, it also wastes more time and energy. To improve the efficiency of real estate searches, we developed an online homebuyer’s search program, based on an investigation of search behaviors, and implement a user-oriented recommendation system for real estate websites via a combination of case-based reasoning and an ontological structure. An ontological structure is employed to improve information management efficiency while case-based reasoning improves recommendation accuracy. A user test demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed system and validates the findings of this study. The limitations of the current study are also discussed for future research and applications.  相似文献   

基于相关企业自主报送的数据和第三方专业机构的数据,科学选取指标体系和评价方法,对国内主流视频网站、软件应用商店、电子商务网站和搜索引擎服务的发展情况进行综合评价。以帮助公众了解互联网应用发展情况,鼓励和推动互联网创新,进一步刺激互联网信息消费需求,促进互联网行业和互联网信息消费健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

Web2.0是当前互联网新的发展形态。由网民提供内容为主,更加注重人际互动和社交化的网站被称为web2.0网站。Web2.0网站在视觉设计上有很多显著的设计创新,体现在版式、导航、配色、字体、图形等方面,这些设计新形式综合发展出一种新的更为简洁的、视觉上更具易读性的网站视觉风格。这是网络互动技术达到新的里程碑的产物,也是互联网模式和理念变化的结果。  相似文献   

Over the past few years, more and more Internet visitors are reaching websites through search engines rather than through direct links from another web page. Search engines have come to occupy a prominent position in the online world and are being used to find all kinds of information including things, events, people, and places. The search engine is also coming to play a greater role as a critical link between firms that use the Internet to build their image and find their target customers. How to achieve a high ranking in such search results given certain search words or phrases has become an issue of much interest in Internet marketing. The purpose of the current study is to develop a search engine optimization (SEO) mechanism that can be used by an enterprise to improve the ranking of its website in the search engine results. Social networking sites are included in our exploration of Internet marketing strategy. The proposed mechanism is then applied in the operations of an online ebook store. The website rankings obtained from two well‐known online search engines (Google and Yahoo) are evaluated in efforts to explore a better strategy to ensure higher rankings. The results reveal that a well‐designed SEO strategy, with the incorporation of social networking, can effectively enhance the website's visibility and exposure. Such a strategy will eventually contribute to overall site traffic and improve interaction with customers. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A naturalistic online information search exposes individuals to multiple sites and conflicting perspectives. In this study, we evaluated how the holistic stance of a web search toward a product influences purchasing decisions. We recruited 109 participants who completed an initial product choice task regarding bottled water, a brief Internet search, and then a second post-search product choice task. Internet searches were analyzed to identify query terms, site visits, and stance. Results show that query terms influenced the types of sites obtained in a search, which in turn shaped the overall search stance. Participants were more likely to buy bottled water when they visited websites that emphasized environmental, economic, or health benefits for bottled water (i.e., positive stance). Participants who were asked to focus on environmental issues were less likely to buy bottled water unless packaged in recycled plastic.  相似文献   

Since its beginning in 1969, the Internet has grown rapidly, especially over the past few years. Companies and organizations store more and more information about themselves on the Internet. Sometimes, that information is not well organized. Other times, the huge volume of available data makes useful information difficult to be found. The result is that users have to waste their time looking for what they want to know using the traditional menu-driven navigation and keyword search that websites provide. This is a critical issue because it decreases users interest about companies. In order to avoid this problem, in this paper we propose a framework for designing virtual assistants, which are, considering first results, an ideal alternative to help users find, not only the information that they are looking for, but also some related information which could be of the highest interest.  相似文献   

The Internet has become an extremely popular source of entertainment and information. But, despite its growing popularity, most websites today are accessed by keyword search via web browsers, making it difficult for home consumers to locate Internet content of interest on their TVs or other devices that lack keyboards. In this paper, we present assistive technologies, enabling users to easily locate Internet content related to the TV program they are watching. Access is enabled via an intuitive user interface on the TV screen or by using a secondary personal device, and thus avoiding disrupting the viewing experience of the other TV users.  相似文献   

Ever since the dramatic boom of the Internet, web search engines have appealed to both researchers’ and developers’ attention to a noticeable pitch. In order to enhance the website efficiency, a number of companies rent the company-wide local search engines from the search engine providers. Since web service renting serves as a promising alternative of web service purchase within the web industrial framework, how to effectively price such kind of search engines becomes an important as well as impending issue, with which practitioners and researchers confront. In this paper, we present a pricing model, which is based on the discrete-time independent incremental process, for the local search engines of the company website. The stopping time is defined in this work and the expected revenue for the web-search-engine providers over the rental horizon is also derived. Due to the considerable complexity and difficulty to obtaining an analytical solution for estimation of the expected revenue, the optimal monthly rental is discussed and exemplified through empirical experiments. By maximizing the revenue, two different strategies are investigated by allowing different initial lock-in periods and offering a coupon for waiving certain amount of fee for initial use. The experiments illustrate the best rental and sale price scenarios.  相似文献   

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