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1. Safer-sex education is crucial for controlling the spread of HIV and this education is within the realm of nursing practice. 2. Safer-sex education for persons with mental illness must include repetitive, interactive education capitalizing on verbal, visual, written, tactile, and motor skill teaching methods to compensate for learning disabilities that have been identified in this population. 3. In this study, individual rather than a group teaching approach to the sensitive subject of safer-sex provided the most learning. The study subjects did not exhibit overt sexual behavior, increased sexual acting out, regression, or overstimulation when safer-sex education was presented.  相似文献   

In order to determine key competences required of occupational medicine specialists, common throughout Europe, a questionnaire has been developed and distributed among several European countries. The questionnaire contained 115 subjects related to 8 fields of activities carried out by occupational medicine physicians (occupational hazards to health, assessment of disability and fitness for work, communications, research methods, management, environmental medicine, occupational health law and ethics, and health promotion). In each of these fields, competences were classified into three following categories: knowledge, experience and skills. Respondents were asked to allocate a score from 0 to 5 for each subject, where 0 = not necessary; 1 = of minimum importance, and 5 = most important or essential. In Poland the questionnaire was distributed among two groups of specialists: group I--experienced specialists in occupational medicine (leading representatives of occupational health care management), and group II--relatively younger and less experienced occupational medicine physicians, participating in the specialist training, organised by The Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine. A comprehensive analysis of the completed questionnaires was carried out in two dimensions: substantive (the importance of individual competences as perceived by Polish specialists in occupational medicine), and comparative (evaluation and interpretation of similarities and differences between two groups of respondents). A hierarchy of requirements, occupational medicine training in Poland is to satisfy, was reconstructed with two sets of competences, one recognised by respondents as needless and the other recognised as useful with different grades of importance. Some characteristic differences in opinions between two groups studies were highlighted.  相似文献   

Reviews the 6 principles of Public Law 94-142 (the Education for All Handicapped Children Act)—including nondiscriminatory evaluation, the least restrictive environment, and individualized education—and discusses ways psychologists may be able to further the achievement of its effectiveness. Mental retardation psychologists provide an array of services, including prevention, consultation, training, education, supervision, administration, research, and consultation on individualized educational plans. Other potential areas for intervention include development of psychometric measures, social ecological assessment, and vocational education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Target genes implicated in cellular transformation and tumor progression have been divided into two categories: proto-oncogenes which, when activated, become dominant events characterized by the gain of function, and tumor suppressor genes which become recessive events characterized by the loss of function. Alterations in proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes seem equally prevalent among human cancers. Multiple mutations appear to be required to conform the malignant phenotype. Proto-oncogenes are activated mainly by point mutations; however, amplification and translocation events are also common. Tumor suppressor genes are inactivated by an allelic loss followed by a point mutation of the remaining allele. The prototype suppressor genes are the retinoblastoma (RB) gene and the TP53 (also known as p53) genes. Recent studies have shown that inactivation of TP53 and RB occur in bladder tumors that have a more aggressive clinical outcome and poor prognosis. We will review the molecular abnormalities associated with both oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in bladder tumors, and also discuss the potential clinical use of their detection. The implementation of objective predictive assays to identify these alterations in clinical material will enhance our ability to assess tumor biological activities and to design effective treatment regimes.  相似文献   

Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia (BPNH) is a recently recognized malformation of neuronal migration, and perhaps proliferation, in which nodular masses of gray matter line the walls of the lateral ventricles. Most affected individuals have epilepsy and normal intelligence with no other congenital anomalies. A striking skew of the sex ratio has been observed because 31 of 38 probands have been female, and one gene associated with BPNH was recently mapped to chromosome Xq28. We report three unrelated boys with a new multiple congenital anomaly-mental retardation syndrome that consists of BPNH, cerebellar hypoplasia, severe mental retardation, epilepsy, and syndactyly. Variable abnormalities included focal or regional cortical dysplasia, cataracts, and hypospadius. We hypothesize that this syndrome involves the same Xq28 locus as isolated BPNH, and we review the expanding number of syndromes associated with BPNH.  相似文献   

Our experience with 10 patients who suffered midshaft fractures of the femur and injuries to their ipsilateral hips has resulted in a treatment protocol that we believe can avoid unnecessary complications. The surgical protocol is a three-stage procedure based on (1) intramedullary nailing of the femur with interlocking for preserving the anatomic length and rotation of the femur; (2) treatment of the hip joint injury by means of open reduction and internal fixation of the acetabular fracture and/or reduction and fixation of the fractured femoral neck; and (3) repair of the extensor mechanism. Eight patients received this treatment and had fast recoveries. Union of the femoral fracture and full range of motion of the knee joint were observed within 3 months. In contrast, two patients who had received different surgical treatment had incomplete functional recoveries. This study offers a treatment protocol for ipsilateral disruption of the extensor mechanism, hip joint injury, and midshaft fracture of the femur in the multiply injured patient that can achieve full recovery with no complications. This relatively rare combination of injuries is definitely worthy of special attention.  相似文献   

Reviews challenges associated with behavioral training approaches for individuals with mental retardation and mental illness in the community. Family and non-family facilitated training are considered. Professional practice issues are reviewed, and justification for multifactor behavioral assessment is offered. Future research directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We investigated developmental changes in head movement during stepping in place by nonhandicapped children and clarified the relationship between chronological or mental age and head movement of persons with mental retardation. 39 nonhandicapped children aged 3 to 6 years, 13 adults aged 19 to 22 years, and 10 persons with mental retardation (range of chronological age: 17 to 22 years, range of mental age: 3 to 8 years) participated. The total extent of head movement in the frontal plane during ordinary stepping in place for 20.48 sec. was measured to assess the magnitude of head movement. Changes in the magnitude of head movement of children are noticeable across ages, and the magnitude clearly was smaller at the age of 6 years. For subjects with mental retardation, no relationship has been found between chronological age and the magnitude of head movement but rather between mental age and the magnitude of head movement.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological properties of spiking neurons receiving complex stimuli perturbed by noise are investigated. A semi-analytical estimate of firing probabilities and subthreshold behavior of the stochastic system can be made in terms of the solution of a purely deterministic system. The method comes from an approximation for the distribution function and moments of the underlying non linear multidimensional diffusion process. This so called moment method works for general conductance-based systems and an application is presented for the Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal model. Statistical properties obtained from the moment method are compared with direct numerical integration of the stochastic system. The firing probability due to external noise is derived as a closed formula. Results are given for different forms of the deterministic component of the stimulus. A generalization to neural networks of conductance-based systems with internal currents perturbed by noise can be obtained using the same approach. In the case of fully connected networks, a mean field population equation is derived which may be compared to Kuramoto's master equation for weakly coupled neural oscillators.  相似文献   

In response to discussion by S. Reiss et al (see record 1982-30849-001) about sources of information on the prevalence of emotional problems among retarded people, the present author describes a study of 27,385 Ss with developmental disabilities that looks at dual diagnoses (psychiatric impairment and developmental disability) in relation to age, intellectual level, and residential setting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

2 health problems of critical size and tragic impact are mental illness and mental retardation. "There are now about 800,000 such patients in this Nation's institutions—600,000 for mental illness and over 200,000 for mental retardation." A 3-fold attack is proposed: (a) Ascertain causes and eradicate them. (b) Strengthen underlying resources of knowledge and of skilled manpower. (c) Strengthen and improve facilities serving the mentally ill and mentally retarded. A national program for mental health is proposed which emphasizes comprehensive community mental health centers, improved care in state mental institutions, and expansion of research activities and increase in professional manpower. A national program to combat mental retardation emphasizing prevention, community services, and research is also proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Selection of an orbital imaging technique requires a thorough understanding of pertinent anatomy applied to relevant clinical history and detailed ophthalmic examination. The clinical finding should direct the clinician to the imaging study that provides maximum information and narrows diagnostic considerations for the individual patient. Clinical examples are provided to illustrate the rationale in ordering magnetic resonance images, computed tomography, ocular ultrasound, and color Doppler arteriography of orbital processes.  相似文献   

Students with and without mental retardation from three age groups were compared on implicit and explicit memory tasks. Consistent with previous research on intelligence-related differences in controlled and automatic processes, students without mental retardation performed better than those with mental retardation on the explicit memory task, but there was no difference between groups on the implicit memory task. For both groups implicit and explicit memory increased from age 6 to 8 to age 10 to 12, but did not significantly increase to age 15 to 17. Because implicit memory appears to be a relative strength for students with mental retardation, we suggest further exploration into broader types of implicit processes that may be useful in training situations.  相似文献   

Adjustment and competence of siblings who had a brother or sister with mental retardation were compared to those of control siblings who had brothers or sisters with no disabilities. Results indicated no overall differences for internalizing disorders, externalizing disorders, or for self-esteem and competence based on group membership, gender, or gender match. However, boys with a brother or sister with mental retardation had difficulty in school functioning. In addition, a greater number of girls with brothers and sisters with mental retardation expressed their distress through internalization.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和进步,我国对矿产资源的需求在不断增多。许多矿产资源都是不可再生资源,有广泛的用途。一些矿产不仅可以作为燃烧原料使用,还能提取纤维制作布料。为了满足人们对矿产资源的需求,矿山开采行业在不断发展和进步。在矿山开采的过程中,采矿新技术提升了矿山开采的效率,对矿山开采行业的发展和进步有很大的推动作用。  相似文献   

Constitutional obesity and mental retardation cooccur in several multiple congenital anomaly syndromes, including Prader-Willi syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, Cohen syndrome, Albright hereditary osteodystrophy, and Borjeson-Forssman-Lehmann syndrome as well as some rarer disorders. Although hypothalamic-pituitary axis abnormalities are thought to be a possible causative mechanism in some of these disorders, current knowledge is insufficient to explain the pathophysiologic mechanism of obesity in most multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndromes. The chromosomal location of many of these syndromes is known, and studies are ongoing to identify the causative genes. Further delineation of the functions of the underlying genes will likely be instructive regarding mechanisms of appetite, satiety, and obesity in the general population. This review details current knowledge of the clinical and molecular genetic findings of multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndromes associated with intrinsic obesity in an effort to delineate causative mechanisms and genetic abnormalities contributing to obesity.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Current cranioplasty materials include autologous or homologous bone grafts, wire mesh and methyl methacrylate, either alone or in combination. However, each material has its own unique disadvantages. Although hydroxyapatite has been used extensively in other specialties as a bone substitute, the coralline form has rarely been used to repair cranial bone defects. Coralline hydroxyapatite, similar to that found in bone, provides a matrix on which living tissue can form and grow. Because it is an ideal bioimplant, a method of cranioplasty using coralline hydroxyapatite was employed. METHODS: The hydroxyapatite granules are mixed with Avitene and autologous blood to form a paste which can be contoured as needed. RESULTS: Over the past few years, we have used hydroxyapatite either alone or in combination with tantalum mesh in 19 pediatric patients for a variety of conditions. The cosmetic results were good to excellent. Furthermore, postoperative CT scans have documented bony substitution of the hydroxyapatite granules. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 43 months with a mean of 26 months. CONCLUSION: In neurosurgical procedures when a bone substitute is needed, hydroxyapatite is an effective alternative to other currently available materials.  相似文献   

Recent seroprevalence studies have shown alarming rates of HIV infection among severely mentally ill men and women in large urban areas, and HIV behavioral epidemiology research indicates that a substantial proportion of seriously mentally ill adults engage in activities that increase their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. In this paper, the research literature on HIV prevention interventions is reviewed including reports that have described HIV prevention programs, studies that have used uncontrolled pre- and postintervention methods to evaluate risk reduction interventions, and those that have used rigorous randomized designs and examined risk behavior change. Collectively, these studies show that intensive, small-group interventions that target a variety of risk-related dimensions-including knowledge, attitudes, and motivations, and behavioral and cognitive skills-can produce at least short-term reductions in high-risk sexual behavior among the severely mentally ill. A number of gaps in the research literature are identified including the need to: (a) better tailor interventions to risk situations encountered by the mentally ill; (b) develop gender-tailored interventions; (c) examine and implement HIV prevention programs so they help persons sustain behavior change; (d) explore one-on-one counseling and community-level intervention methods; and (e) develop risk reduction interventions for already-seropositive individuals. Implications for service provision are discussed.  相似文献   

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