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Results are presented from a project undertaken to develop a database for properties of organic compounds relevant for geochemistry and environmental chemistry. The database includes critically assessed standard thermodynamic properties in aqueous solution, properties of pure compounds at ambient conditions, and bibliographic references. All information stored in the databases is accessible through a web interface, which includes calculation modules for evaluating properties at elevated temperatures and pressures. The basic structure of the databases and the web interface design are described.  相似文献   

针对R404A的冷凝传热与压降关联式不少,但都是基于7 mm或者9.52 mm等大管径光管或者强化管,针对5 mm管径的关联式也都是适用于其它制冷剂,没有R404A小管径冷凝直接适用的关联式。本文通过实验测试与理论计算结合论证的办法,利用控制变量法、性质相似制冷剂优先法筛选出一批关联式,大量对比由关联式计算与由实验数据计算得出的传热系数与压降的偏差,研究关联式的适用性及可修正性。结果表明:Dobson and Chato冷凝换热关联式乘以修正系数2.13,能很好预测R404A在内螺纹管中的冷凝传热系数,与实验值正偏差为+15.51%,负偏差为﹣14.13%。黄翔超提出的摩擦压降关联式能很好预测R404A在小管径内螺纹管内冷凝的摩擦压降,与实验值的正偏差为+12.56%,负偏差为﹣13.58%,两者均可为换热器设计计算提供较准确的理论指导。  相似文献   

朱武  王先路 《真空》1989,(5):13-18
真空度是真空热处理过程中的重要技术参数之一,其变化情况直接关系到被处理工 件的质量。如何提高真空测量的精度、控制的可靠性以及真空系统工作过程的自动化程 度,是人们十分关心的问题。本文介绍一个使用数字技术与微型计算机技术的真空测量 与控制装置,它具有真空系统程序控制、多点真空度巡回测量、量程自动切换、充气过 程自动调节、现场数据打印记录、越限报警等功能.文中讨论了该装置的结构、工作原 理、性能及特点,给出了微机系统和充气调节器的电原理方块图、程序设计流程图。  相似文献   

The optimum mole ratio of lithium salts in the H2O + LiBr + LiNO3 + LiI + LiCl system was experimentally determined to be LiBr : LiNO3 : LiI : LiCl = 5 : 1 : 1 : 2. The solubilities were measured at temperatures from 252.02 to 336.75 K. Regression equations on the solubility data were obtained with a least-squares method. Average absolute deviations of the calculated values from the experimental data were 0.15% at temperatures <285.18 K and 0.05% at temperatures 285.18 K. The vapor pressures were measured at concentrations ranging from 50.0 to 70.0 mass% and at temperatures from 330.13 to 434.88 K. The experimental data were correlated with an Antoine-type equation, and the average absolute deviation of the calculated values from the experimental data was 2.25%. The heat capacities were measured at concentrations from 50.0 to 65.0 mass% and temperatures from 298.15 to 328.15 K. The average absolute deviation of the values calculated by the regression equation from the experimental data was 0.24%.  相似文献   

本文针对燃气轮机烟气余热设计了一种复合有机朗肯循环系统,对其进行了详细的热力学分析,以某燃驱压气站烟气条件(400℃,26 kg/s)为例,以系统净输出功为目标,利用Matlab和Refprop 9. 0选择了13种工质,并确定了系统最优工况。结果表明,甲苯、R141b、丙酮分别作为3个子系统的工质时,系统可实现最大净输出功为1 587 k W,热效率和火用效率分别可达20. 26%和42. 68%,比单级循环可实现的最大净输出功高23. 33%。对系统各部件进行火用损失分析,发现蒸发器火用损失最大,并提出了改进方案。  相似文献   

Conformal epoxy‐rich coatings are synthesized by plasma initiated chain‐growth polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate via a newly developed Plasma initiated chemical vapor deposition method at atmospheric pressure to provide a functional platform for the immobilization of enzymes degrading antibiotics (laccase and β‐lactamase). In addition to enhance the enzymes activity duration and intensity, surface immobilization is also leading to enzyme structure rigidification, allowing them to endure mechanical stresses generated by a laminar water flow of 30 km h−1, and this with no reduction of their enzymatic activity. Self‐defensive surface properties against microorganism's adhesion, preventing the enzyme alteration and improving the degradation performances, are obtained via surface saturation with Tween 20. The developed method is scaled up to high specific surface high‐density polyethy­lene biochips commonly used in water treatment, and shows self‐defensive abilities and particularly long lasting efficient degradation properties.  相似文献   

Molar heat capacities at constant volume (C v) of 1,1-difluoroethane (R152a) and 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (R143a) have been measured with an adiabatic calorimeter. Temperatures ranged from their triple points to 345 K, and pressures up to 35 MPa. Measurements were conducted on the liquid in equilibrium with its vapor and on compressed liquid samples. The samples were of high purity, verified by chemical analysis of each fluid. For the samples, calorimetric results were obtained for two-phase ((C v (2) ), saturated-liquid (C or C x ' ), and single-phase (C v) molar heat capacities. The C data were used to estimate vapor pressures for values less than 105 kPa by applying a thermodynamic relationship between the saturated liquid heat capacity and the temperature derivatives of the vapor pressure. The triple-point temperature and the enthalpy of fusion were also measured for each substance. The principal sources of uncertainty are the temperature rise measurement and the change-of-volume work adjustment. The expanded relative uncertainty (with a coverage factor k=2 and thus a two-standard deviation estimate) for C v is estimated to be 0.7%, for C v (2) it is 0.5%, and for C it is 0.7%.  相似文献   

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