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This article deals with the oxidation effect of ozone on the increasing fraction of biodegradable organic matter with the “ozotest” method, a laboratory technique which simulates the effect of ozonation and allows a complete oxidation assessment. Ozone treatment was performed on river water samples and sand filter effluent samples. Ozone consumption, reduction of UV absorbance and BDOC formation were monitored with applied ozone doses from 0 to 10 mg/L and with contact times from 0 to 60 min. The BDOC formation was optimum at an applied ozone dose of 0.25-0.5 mg O3 per mg DOC (contact time = 5 min) corresponding to apparition of traces of residual ozone and maximum UV reduction. Maximum ozone consumption, UV reduction and BDOC formation occurred simultaneously during the first two minutes of treatment. Concerning BDOC formation, applied ozone dose showed a greater effectiveness than contact time. For the same quantity of consumed ozone, a short contact time associated with a high ozone dose was preferable to a long contact time and a low ozone dose.  相似文献   

Applied ozone dosages of 20, 25, and 30 mg/L to lake water utilized by the city of Shreveport, LA produced no significant reductions in trihalomethane formation potentials (THMFP). However, the addition of 20 mg/L of hydrogen peroxide and/or 0.67 W/L of UV radiation (254 nm) in combination with ozone produced decreases in THMFP of over 60% in 60 minutes. Smaller THMFP decreases were seen with shorter contact times. The use of H2O2 and/or UV in combination with O3 increased the percentage of applied ozone consumed by the lake water (i.e., enhanced the ozone mass transfer) five times over simple ozonation.  相似文献   

Addition of hydrogen peroxide to water during ozonation increases the rate of oxidation of organic compounds and ozone transfer. Coupling ozone with hydrogen peroxide can increase the efficiency of a drinking water treatment line, for example in removing THM precursors. To optimize this oxidation process, the quantity of hydrogen peroxide added and the point of injection must be carefully selected.  相似文献   

CATAZONE is a new process of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation in which water is ozonated in the presence of a solid catalyst composed of titanium dioxide. The efficiency of this O3/TiO2 system has been compared to the two well-known oxidant systems: ozone alone and ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide.

This comparison was undertaken on three models of natural organic compounds : an aquatic fulvic acid, a protein and a disaccharide. The first results showed the following order of relative efficiency: O3/TiO2 > O3/H2O2 > O3 as far as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal was concerned.  相似文献   

The impacts of ozone dose in the formation of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) were studied at the North Bay Regional Water Treatment Plant (NBR). Increasing the ozone to total organic carbon ratio to 0.45 (mg/mg) resulted in the formation of BDOC. Sedimentation and filtration/adsorption were effective in removing BDOC to non-measurable levels prior to the water entering the distribution system. Data from an on-going distribution system monitoring program indicate no discernible adverse impacts on microbiological parameters from using ozone during water treatment. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) levels were similar before and after the use of ozone. Maintaining chlorine residual levels above 0.3 mg/L appears to be important for controlling HPC levels.  相似文献   

The efficiency of ozone, and ozone in combination with hydrogen peroxide, for the degradation of five herbicides: Atrazine, Benazolin, Bentazone, Imazapyr and Triclopyr, under controlled laboratory conditions was investigated. Experiments were conducted at pH 7.5 in a bubble contactor column with a raw lowland surface water spiked with initial active ingredient concentrations of 2 μg/L. Mean consumed ozone doses were approximately 1, 2 and 3 mg O3/L. Hydrogen peroxide was added simultaneously to the application of ozone in a series of six mass ratios, between 0.0 and 1.0, with each of the consumed ozone doses. The results demonstrated a greater but varying removal of all herbicides achieved with increasing consumed ozone and applied hydrogen peroxide doses.  相似文献   

Pilot scale experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of ozonation, ozone/hydrogen peroxide treatment and nanofiltration to reduce levels of organic matter, mutagenicity, total adsorbable halogens, color and turbidity from purified and bank-filtered surface water rich with humic material.

Ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide decreased the amount of organic material from drinking water by about 20 percent measured as TOC and CODMn. Color and turbidity level reductions were 49 and 11 percent, respectively. Ozonation reduced the AOX concentrations formed during postchlorination from 150 μgL?1 to 75 μgL?1. The addition of hydrogen peroxide further improved the removal to 37 and 26 μgL?1 depending on the ratio of H2O2/O3. The mutagenicity reduction followed the same pattern: without ozonation the chlorination-derived mutagenicity was 1,450 net revertant L?1 after the ozonation 700 and after the H2O2/O3 treatment from <100 to 400 net revertant L?1 depending on the H2O2/O3 ratio. Nanofiltration appeared to be the most effective way to remove organic material. The removal of TOC was 68%, CODM 72%, color 90%, turbidity 68%, AOX 88%, and mutagenicity 85%.  相似文献   

Biodegradable organic matter formed during the ozonation of natural waters was fractionated into rapidly and slowly degradable components based on measurements of biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC). The rapidly degradable fraction (BDOCrapid) was defined using the specific BDOC reactor incubation time that resulted in biodegradation similar to that in a pilot scale biofilter. Ozone dose was found to increase the formation of BDOCrapid up to a transferred dose of 1.0 to 1.5 mg O3/mg DOC. This fraction was insensitive to DOC quantity or character. The formation of BDOCslow was not sensitive to ozone dose but was sensitive to DOC quantity.  相似文献   

A new radical reaction model for the ozone-hydrogen peroxide treatment, which was much simpler than current models such as SBH and TFG, has been developed by computer simulation in order to investigate a new reactor for this treatment process. It was revealed that the simulation results by using this new developed model were in good agreement with the experimental results in terms of the variation in the concentration of ozone in both gas and liquid phase, hydrogen peroxide and TOC, indicating the appropriateness of this new model. Thus, it was considered that this new model was very convenient for analysis of radical reactions because of its simplicity.  相似文献   

It was verified that the ozone-hydrogen peroxide treatment (O3/H2O2) was very effective for decomposing trichloroethylene (TCE) in groundwater. The reaction efficiency of O3/H2O2 was 40% better than that of ozone treatment by using a diffuser type reactor and the optimum operating conditions were also revealed by laboratory-scale experiments and computer simulations. Taking these results into consideration, the 2-port ozone injection method using an ejector-type reactor was investigated to decompose TCE more rapidly and efficiently, and it was revealed that the ozone dose necessary for satisfying the Japanese water quality standard for drinking water (0.03mg/L) by the 2-port ozone injection method was 13% less than that by the conventional 1-port ozone injection method under the condition of the same amount of ozone injected. Also, the effectiveness of the 2-port injection method was proved by a sequential plant-scale experiment for about 40 days.  相似文献   

Batch type ozone experiments conducted on aquatic humic substances solutions spiked with bromide ion were developed to evaluate the importance of various parameters that may affect the formation of bromate ion during ozonation. The nature of the NOM, the alkalinity, the bromide ion content and the presence of ammonia were found to significantly affect the bromate ion production. Temperature and pH can be considered as minor factors. The ozonation of a clarified surface water using a continuous flow ozone contactor have shown that the addition of a low quantity of ammonia (0.05 to 0.1 mg/L NNH4 +) appeared to be an interesting option for controlling the bromate formation. On the contrary, the addition of hydrogen peroxide may enhance or reduce the bromate ion production, depending on the applied hydrogen peroxide/ozone ratio.  相似文献   

The applicability of a sequential process of ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide process for the removal of soluble organic compounds from a pre-coagulated municipal sewage was examined. 6–25% of initial T-CODCr was removed at the early stage of ozonation before the ratio of consumed ozone to removed T-CODCr dramatically increased. Until dissolved ozone was detected, 0.3 mgO3/mgTOC0 (Initial TOC) of ozone was consumed. When an ozone/hydrogen peroxide process was applied, additional CODCr was removed. And we elucidated that two following findings are important for the better performance of ozone/hydrogen peroxide process; those are to remove readily reactive organic compounds with ozone before the application of ozone/hydrogen peroxide process and to avoid the excess addition of hydrogen peroxide. Based on these two findings, we proposed a sequential process of ozonation and multi-stage ozone/hydrogen peroxide process and the appropriate addition of hydrogen peroxide. T-CODCr, TOC and ATU-BOD5 were reduced to less than 7 mg/L, 6 mgC/L and 5 mg/L, respectively after total treatment time of 79 min. Furthermore, we discussed the transformation of organic compounds and the removal of organic compounds. The removal amount of CODCr and UV254 had good linear relationship until the removal amounts of CODCr and UV254 were 30 mg/L and 0.11 cm?1, respectively. Therefore UV254 would be useful for an indicator for CODCr removal at the beginning of the treatment. The accumulation of carboxylic acids (formic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid) was observed. The ratio of carbon concentration of carboxylic acids to TOC remaining was getting higher and reached around 0.5 finally. Removal of TOC was observed with the accumulation of carboxylic acids. When unknown organic compounds (organic compounds except for carboxylic acids) were oxidized, 70% was apparently removed as carbon dioxide and 30% was accumulated as carboxylic acids. A portion of biodegradable organic compounds to whole organic compounds was enhanced as shown by the increase ratio of BOD/CODCr.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to test the effectiveness of ozone as a treatment to remove organic matter of the boiler feed water of a power plant. In the experiments carried out in the power plant Endesa in As Pontes (Spain), chlorine was substituted for ozone in the pre‐treatment stage. The use of ozone reduced the organic content of the boiler feed water by an average 20% compared with chlorination and by 50% when ozone was combined with hydrogen peroxide. The latter treatment achieved an organic content in the boiler feed water of less than 40 μg C/L. The ozone treatment also reduced the content of trihalomethanes in the drinking water, produced by the same plant, to values in the range of 10 μg/L and even to undetectable values when ozone was combined with hydrogen peroxide, in spite of the postchlorination applied to this stream to ensure a disinfectant capacity though the distribution system.  相似文献   

The focus of this work was to determine the effect of ozone on the removal of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from a secondary effluent and its relation with the permeated flux behavior in an ultrafiltration membrane. To assess the ozone action, the DOM of the secondary effluent was fractionated into its hydrophobic, transphilic and hydrophilic fractions, using XAD-8 and XAD-4 resins. Ozone increased the hydrophilic fraction from 32% to 42%, and this percentage remained unchanged after ultrafiltration of the secondary effluent. Permeate flux dropped to 52% in the first hour of membrane operation, but when ozone was applied as a pretreatment, it could be maintained at 84% within the first hour.  相似文献   

Kinetics of competition between the ozone direct reaction with compounds in water, ozone-hydroperoxide ion reaction leading to free radicals in the O3/H2O2 process, and the photolysis of ozone in the O3/UV process are discussed in terms of diffusion and reaction times to establish conditions for these reactions to be competitive. Film theory and chemical kinetic concepts then are applied to estimate initial rates of ozone absorption and consumption, removal rates of compounds present in water, and the importance of the radical oxidation path versus direct ozone and/or photolysis reactions.  相似文献   

Nitro and chlorobenzene compounds, which are widely used in dye industries, have been associated recently with groundwater contamination. Because of their potential toxicity and for taste and odor considerations, three main actions were undertaken to solve the problem. First, to follow the advance of pollution toward the wells, samples were collected automatically and analyzed using GC-MS. Results indicate that o-chloronitrobenzene was the main pollutant in concentrations ranging from 10 to 2000μg/L. Second, to monitor the drinking water quality, an on-line spectrophotometer was used to measure the optical density at 254 nm at the inlet and outlet of the plant. Third, the feasibility of using the O3/H2O9 combination was determined at a 450 L/h pilot plant. Reduction of concentrations of chloronitrobenzenes from 1900 μ/L to less than 20 μg/L could be reached by the application of 8 mg O3/L and 3 mg H2O9/L with a 20-minute contact time. To avoid an eventual bacterial egrowfn in the network due to biodegradability of the oxidation by-products, sand and GAC filtration were tested after oxidation. An evaluation of the costs of these different treatments is also presented.  相似文献   

Ozone/hydrogen peroxide batch treatment was utilized to study the degradation of the steroidal hormone estrone (E1). The competition kinetics method was used to determine the rate constants of reaction for direct ozone and E1, and for hydroxyl radicals and E1 at three pH levels (4, 7, and 8.5), three different molar O3/H2O2 ratios (1:2, 2:1, and 4:1) and a temperature about 20°C. The average second-order rate constants for direct ozone-E1 reaction were determined as 6.2?×?103?±?3.2?×?103 M?1s?1, 9.4?×?105?±?2.7?×?105 M?1s?1, and 2.1?×?107?±?3.1?×?106 M?1s?1 at pH 4, 7, and 8.5, respectively. It was found that pH had the greatest influence on the reaction rate, whereas O3/H2O2 ratio was found to be slightly statistically significant. For the hydroxyl radical-E1 reaction, apparent rate constants ranged from 1.1?×?1010 M?1s?1 to 7.0?×?1010 M?1s?1 with an average value of 2.6?×?1010 M?1s?1. Overall, O3/H2O2 is shown to be an effective treatment for E1.  相似文献   

Both the direct ozone reaction and the indirect hydroxyl radical reaction are important in ozonation of drinking water. This article investigates the effectiveness of ozone versus the advanced oxidation process of ozone coupled with hydrogen peroxide in the formation of bromate. The investigation was conducted on a pilot scale at various H2O2:O3 dose ratios of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.35 at different times of the year. The results of this study show a reduction in bromate with the addition of hydrogen peroxide to an ozone system versus ozone alone. It was also observed that bromate increased with increased H2O2:O3 ratios; however, concentrations were still lower than those in the ozone only system.  相似文献   

The oxidation of iron and manganese by ozone was studied in the laboratory. Model waters both with and without organic matter were used. Results showed iron to be very rapidly oxidized to an insoluble form in the absence of organic matter. However, in the presence of organic matter the iron was protected from oxidation by ozone and precipitation. The degree to which this occurred depended on the nature of the organic matter and the chemical environment at the time of mixing the iron stock and the dissolved organic matter.

Experiments with manganese allowed the determination of second order rate constants for the reaction of ozone with manganese at various pH values. The oxidation of manganese in the presence of organic matter occurred in competition with oxidation of the organic matter. As a result, high ozone doses were required to achieve the same degree of removal of manganese. An increase in bicarbonate alkalinity from 50 mg/L to 200 mg/L did not result in an acceleration of the manganese oxidation in the absence of organic matter. However, in the presence of organic matter, higher levels of bicarbonate created conditions that resulted in more complete oxidation of the manganese following total consumption of the dosed ozone.  相似文献   

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