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采用水热蒸发法制备了KCl∶Ce3+荧光粉。测量并分析了材料在室温下的真空紫外激发光谱及相应的发射光谱。结果表明激发谱显示6个峰,峰位分别为149、194、206、219、233和251nm。其中149nm的激发峰是基质吸收引起的;194、206、219、233和251nm是Ce3+离子的4f→5d跃迁引起的。发射峰显示双峰结构,峰位分别是311和326nm。此峰对应于Ce3+离子的5d→4f(2F5/2,2F7/2)跃迁。  相似文献   

新型金属间化合物基层状复合材料Ti/Al3Ti具有高强度、高模量、高刚度、低密度以及高的断裂韧性等优异性能,在航空航天、武器装备及地面军用车辆的装甲防护系统等方面有着广阔的应用前景.迄今为止,针对金属间化合物基层状复合材料Ti/Al3Ti的制备,人们发展了冷轧、热轧、脉冲电流热压、真空烧结、无真空烧结和爆炸焊接等制备技术.概述了国内外对新型轻质高性能金属间化合物基层状复合材料Ti/Al3Ti的研究现状,着重阐述了金属间化合物基层状复合材料Ti/Al3Ti制备技术的工艺原理及其特点,为Ti/Al3Ti的发展和应用提供基础.最后从不同研究方向展望了金属间化合物基层状复合材料Ti/Al3Ti未来的主要研究趋势.  相似文献   

The research was performed to determine the influence of microstructural evolution at interfaces on the subsequent uniaxial tensile properties of Ti/Ni multi-layered composites. The microstructure and chemical composition of the interfaces were examined. The fracture feature of the tensile samples was studied. At longer annealing time, the diffusion regions between Ti and Ni elements from a single side changed to two sides and became thicker. The tensile strength of the annealed composites decreased initially, and then was slightly increased after 60?h. The elongation increased significantly relative to the original rolled samples. Fractography revealed brittle fracture areas produced in the Ti/Ni interfaces. The failure mode in the annealed Ti/Ni composites was a typical ductile mixed brittle fracture.  相似文献   

Al/Cu键合界面金属间化合物的形成是导致微电子器件失效的重要因素之一,总结了微电子器件生产和使用过程中Al/Cu键合界面金属间化合物的生长规律,分析了Al/Cu键合系统的失效机制。热超声键合过程中,Al焊盘上氧化铝层的破裂使金属间化合物的形成成为可能,键合及器件使用过程中,金属间化合物和柯肯德尔空洞的形成和长大最终导致键合失效。采用在Al焊盘上镀覆Ti过渡层的方法,可有效降低键合系统中Cu原子的扩散速度,抑制金属间化合物的生长,从而提高电子元器件的可靠性。  相似文献   

使用大尺寸球形Ti60钛合金粉与细小TiB2粉,通过低能球磨与反应热压烧结,成功制备了增强相呈网状分布的TiB晶须增强Ti60合金基(TiB_W/Ti60)复合材料。对TiB_W/Ti60复合材料进行热处理,以改善其组织结构与力学性能。结果表明:随着固溶温度的升高,TiB_W/Ti60复合材料基体中初生α相(密排六方相)含量减少,相应地转变β组织(α′(马氏体)+残留β相(体心立方相))含量增加,TiB_W/Ti60复合材料的抗拉强度升高,塑性降低;经过1 100℃/1h固溶处理之后,TiB_W/Ti60复合材料的室温抗拉强度为1 470 MPa,延伸率为1.9%。经过时效处理后,转变β组织中的α′相分解成细小α+β相。经过1 100℃/1h固溶+600℃/8h时效处理后TiB_W/Ti60复合材料的硬度达到HV538,抗拉强度达到1 552 MPa,延伸率为1.5%,经过1 000℃/1h固溶+600℃/8h时效处理,其抗拉强度达到1 460 MPa,延伸率为2.2%。  相似文献   

采用镶嵌式扩散偶,在不同退火处理条件下,对Ti/Cu扩散溶解层进行了研究.利用扫描电子显微镜和电子探针显微分析仪观察和分析了扩散溶解层的组织结构和形成规律.结果表明,随着加热温度的升高和保温时间的延长,在Ti/Cu界面处会形成相界面依附于扩散偶组元Cu丝、形态各不相同、层数以及总层与单层厚度逐渐增加的"环状"扩散溶解层;当进行700℃、100小时真空退火热处理时,扩散溶解层厚度为93μm;其中一层呈"锯齿状"朝向Cu,分别有两层处于同一个层区域内,并以"竹笋状"方式互相交错重叠;结构为Cu/Cu4Ti/Cu2Ti/Cu3Ti2/Cu4Ti3/CuTi/CuTi2/Ti,而且其结构与Cu-Ti相图上各个相的左右排列顺序一致.不同的扩散温度和时间,Ti/Cu相界面处将几乎同时结晶出不同层数、厚度和结构的扩散溶解层.  相似文献   

对机械合金化(MA)法制备的TiC/Ti复合涂层进行电子束重熔处理,分析了经过不同电子束扫描速度的重熔工艺后TiC/Ti复合涂层组织和耐磨性能的变化规律。结果表明,当扫描速度为5~15 mm/s时,重熔处理消除了MA法制备的TiC/Ti复合涂层中的孔隙和裂纹,使其硬度与耐磨性能显著提高;但扫描速度过快(20 mm/s)时,TiC/Ti复合涂层内部出现重熔导致的孔洞缺陷。随着扫描速度由5 mm/s增加至15 mm/s,重熔后TiC/Ti复合涂层中的TiC相由粗大树枝状晶体逐渐转变为弥散分布的短棒和颗粒状晶体,弥散强化作用和固溶强化作用逐渐增强,TiC/Ti复合涂层的硬度由重熔前HV 554逐渐提高至HV 783,磨损速率由5.93×10-4 mm3(N·m)-1逐渐下降至1.75×10-4 mm3(N·m)-1,扫描速度为15 mm/s重熔后TiC/Ti复合涂层的性能最佳。   相似文献   

The adhesion strength of Ti/Ni/Ag multi-layers on AlN substrates before and after thermal cycling treatment was studied. The Ti/Ni/Ag layers with thicknesses of 0.6, 1.0, and 0.2 μm, respectively, were deposited sequentially on bulk AlN substrates using direct current (DC) sputtering. Thermal cycling test (TCT) was conducted for 0, 15, 100, and 300 cycles to measure the adhesion strength of Ti/Ni/Ag on AlN. The adhesion strength of the deposited specimen increased slightly over 15 thermal cycles and increased abruptly after 100 thermal cycles. After 100 thermal cycles, Ti reacted with AlN substrate to form TiN and TiO. The formation of TiN and TiO at the Ti/AlN interface may be responsible for the increase of the adhesion strength after a large number of thermal cycles.  相似文献   

机械球磨对Ti/Al混合粉末组织和热稳定性影响的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了探索一种制备高综合性能TiAl基金属间化合物的新方法,研究了机械球磨对Ti、Al粉末微观组织及其热稳定性的影响,结果表明,在机械球磨的作用下Al粉末晶粒以高于Ti的速率细化,最终形成局部含少量Ti 纳米晶的非晶,但在整个过程中未发现Ti、Al元素相互扩散形成Ti-Al金属间化合物中间相;不同球磨时间作用下的Ti/Al粉末中贮有不同的能量,且随时间的延长而增加,以非晶化粉末最为显著,内能的增加是由于机械合金化过程引入了大量的微观缺陷所致,对不同球磨时间的粉末进行热处理显示,球磨时间的增加可大幅度降低形成Ti-Al金属间化合物的温度,球磨75h的复合粉末甚至在350℃,保温1h即可转变成金属间化合物。  相似文献   

A novel Ti cored wire containing TiB2,Al60V40 and Ti6Al4V mixed powders was developed for wire-feed arc deposition of TiB/Ti composite coating,to enhance the hardness and wear resistance of Ti alloy.Results showed that after experiencing several chemical reactions,the wire was melted in the arc zone and turned into nonuniform droplets composed of Ti-Al-V-B melt and undecomposed TiB2 particles.With the increase of welding current,the detachment time of droplet shortened while the transfer frequency accelerated,accompanied by the improvement in coating surface quality.The spatial distribution of TiB whiskers in coating was governed by welding current.A uniform distribution could be achieved as welding current was sufficient at the expense of elevated dilution ratio,while increasing wire feeding speed could compensate the dilution loss of TiB whisker to some extent.The decomposition process of TiB2 particles and the microstructure evolution mechanism of coating was discussed in detail.The optimum coating possessed uniform microstructure,relatively low dilution ratio,and high hardness(639.1 HV0.5)as compared with Ti6Al4V substrate(326 HV0.5).Indentation morphology analysis verified the excellent performance was ascribed to the load-sharing strengthening of TiB whiskers.This study provides a high-efficiency fabrication method for the ever-developing titanium matrix composites(TMCs)coating.  相似文献   

Ti/Nb/Cu作缓冲层的TiC金属陶瓷/304不锈钢扩散连接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李佳  盛光敏 《材料工程》2014,(12):60-65
采用Ti/Nb/Cu复合中间层在连接温度为925℃、保温时间20min、焊接压力8MPa的条件下对TiC金属陶瓷和304不锈钢进行真空扩散连接。通过光学金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱(EDS)及X射线衍射(XRD)分析观察接头微观组织、断口形貌、反应界面元素分布、断面的物相组成。结果表明:在TiC金属陶瓷和304不锈钢之间形成一个明显的转变过渡区,界面反应产物主要为[Ti,Nb]固溶体+Ti+NbTi4,Nb和剩余Cu+[Cu,Fe]固溶体+Cr。接头抗剪强度达到84.6MPa,断裂发生在TiC和Ti之间的位于TiC上的扩散反应层上。Nb对接头残余应力的改善起到关键作用,界面强度高于因残余应力作用而弱化了的陶瓷基体强度。  相似文献   

热处理对Ti35Nb3.7Zr1.3Mo合金的组织与性能影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据钛合金相关设计理论设计了低弹性模量、中高强度、良好塑性的新型生物医用近β型Ti35Nb3.7Zr1.3Mo合金,研究了固溶温度和时效温度对合金组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:随着固溶温度的升高,α相逐渐溶解,合金的强度和弹性模量尚未发生明显变化。在低温时效时析出脆性ω相;随着时效温度升高,逐渐析出α相,且α相逐渐粗化;合金的强度与弹性模量先升高,达到峰值后下降;延伸率先降低后升高。合金经750℃固溶和450℃时效后综合力学性能优良,可以满足生物植入材料力学性能的要求。  相似文献   


The present paper reports the influence of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) on microstructure and properties of electron beam welded dissimilar joint. Ti2AlNb and TC11 alloys were used to fabricate the joints. Three PWHTs were applied to the welded joints. The structures were analysed using optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy techniques. The results show that weld metal of the fusion zone is mainly composed of α2 and β phases. As the energy input increases under different PWHTs, the decomposition degree of metastable phases (α′/β) rises, but the tensile strength and impact toughness of the joint reduce. Under each condition, the tensile strength of the joint is higher than that of the TC11 base metal.  相似文献   

为克服传统免疫隔离膜吸水膨胀、机械强度差等缺点,以钛酸丁脂为原料,采用溶胶一凝胶法以多孔钛金属为基体,制备出TiO2/多孔Ti复合膜.为避免金属基体与膜材料由于热膨胀系数的不同而引起膜的破裂,采用填堵的方法成膜.通过复合膜的渗透分离实验研究其免疫隔离效果.实验结果显示,所制得的二氧化钛/多孔钛复合膜经过3次以上涂膜能有效地阻隔免疫球蛋白及免疫细胞,但小分子物质(如葡萄糖)能自由通过该膜,故该复合膜可以作为免疫隔离膜使用,并且具有良好的免疫隔离效果.  相似文献   

TiN/Ti多层膜韧性对摩擦学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察了TiN/Ti多层膜韧性对其摩擦学性能的影响.采用磁过滤阴极弧沉积的方法制备了具有不同Ti子层厚度的TiN/Ti多层膜.用透射电镜对其层状结构及子层厚度进行了观察和分析,分别用Rockwell硬度计和UMT摩擦磨损试验机,进行了压痕测试和摩擦磨损实验.结果表明,TiN/Ti多层膜中Ti子层的加人显著提高了多层膜的韧性,相对TiN单层薄膜,当载荷较大时,多层膜的耐磨性有明显的改善.结合实验结果,讨论了TiN/Ti多层膜韧性对其耐磨性的影响.  相似文献   


The effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and bond strength at the interface of explosively welded titanium/304L stainless steel clad have been investigated. The microstructure of the clad interface were examined using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. At 700°C, the formation of intermetallic phases σ and Fe2Ti besides β-Ti were confirmed, while in samples, heat treated at 800°C and 900°C, other intermetallic phases such as λ and FeTi, NiTi, NiTi2 phases were detected in addition to σ and Fe2Ti phases. The shear test results show that the shear strengths of heat treated samples are overall significantly lower than that of stress relieved samples. This could be due to the formation of brittle intermetallic phases at the interface. Despite of formation of the intermetallic phase at 700°C, the shear strength of the sample is still more than the minimum standard amount of 137·9 MPa. It is also observed that the higher the heat treatment temperature, the lower the interface shear strength, which can be explained by the fact that the volume fraction of intermetallics increases with increasing temperature. The shear strength values of heat treated samples are lower than those of diffusion bonded clads. This could be attributed to the fact that the total widths of intermetallic layers achieved in heat treated samples are larger than those of for diffusion bonded ones.  相似文献   

基于实际生产线,研究添加DT4或SL3夹层材料对TA2/Q235B复合板组织及性能的影响。通过金相显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱电子衍射(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)和力学试验等对钛/钢复合板进行分析。研究发现,添加DT4夹层的复合板界面较为干净,TiC较为均匀,界面化合物等相对较少,剪切强度达到187.4 MPa;添加SL3夹层的复合板界面夹杂物较多,界面存在TiFe、TiNi等金属间化合物,剪切强度仅为148.6 MPa。两种夹层的复合板剪切断裂位置均发生在钛侧,断口处均发现脆性断裂特征。研究表明,加入DT4夹层复合板的剪切强度更高,有利于工业化生产。  相似文献   

等离子喷涂HA/Ti复合涂层研究 I.结构、组成和力学性能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用等离子喷涂方法,在Ti-6Al-4V基体上成功地制备了HA/Ti复合涂层,并对复合涂层的微观结构,相组成和力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,HA和Ti两相均匀地分布于复合涂层中。HA/Ti复合涂层的结合强度明显高于纯HA涂层,这主要是由于HA/Ti的复合和了涂层与基体之间的热膨胀系数失配,HA/Ti复合涂层在模拟体液中浸泡一段时间后,结合强度没有明显降低,HA/Ti复合涂层的断裂韧性和硬度均高于H  相似文献   

目的 研究在不同温度条件下Cu(商业纯铜)/Al(AA1060)/Cu复合板材累积叠轧过程中界面金属间化合物层对材料性能的强化规律.方法 在不同温度条件下(350~500℃)累积叠轧制备Cu/Al/Cu层状复合板材,深入分析其界面金属间化合物层形状、元素分布及其对力学性能的影响规律.结果 金属化合物层的厚度随着轧制温度的升高逐渐增加,且随着轧制温度的不同,形貌呈现很大的差异.当轧制温度为350℃和400℃时,金属间化合物相对平整.轧制温度升高到450℃时,金属间化合物层呈现锯齿形,使该工艺条件下加工的材料同时具有较好的强度(273 MPa)和塑性(4.06%).结论 制备Cu/Al/Cu层状复合材料过程中,通过优化轧制温度这一重要轧制参数,能实现强度和塑性的综合提高.  相似文献   

In this study, the interface microstructure evolutions of the explosively welded cp-Titanium/AISI 304 stainless steel composites due to heat treatment are presented. The composites were subjected to heat treatment process at temperature ranges of 650–950 °C in argon atmosphere for 1 h. The investigations were carried out by using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results reveal the presence of reaction layers in the diffusion zone. The compositions of the reaction products were determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). Furthermore, the composition–penetration plots for Ti, Fe, Cr and Ni across the interface were obtained from EDS microanalysis. Concentration of discontinuities in the profiles indicating the formation of intermetallics in the diffusion zone that were also detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) method, on the Ti-side of fractured surfaces. The results show that post-heating of the composite layers in these temperatures causes to form different intermetallic phases at the joint interface. Moreover, post-heating increases the width of interfacial layers of the composite.  相似文献   

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