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Gregg Colburn 《Housing Studies》2019,34(9):1465-1484

Since being created in the 1970s, housing vouchers have become the primary mode of federal housing support for low-income households in the US. The voucher programme was designed to provide recipients with the mobility needed to secure higher quality housing in neighbourhoods of their choice. Decades of analysis suggest that the programme has failed to produce the favourable outcomes envisioned by policymakers. To add to our understanding of the outcomes of this important federal programme, this paper seeks to underscore the importance of context-dependent policy analysis. In particular, this study analyses the impact of housing market conditions on the outcomes achieved by voucher recipients. Using neighbourhood and housing outcome data from the American Housing Survey, and median rent and rental market vacancy data, this paper demonstrates the important role that market conditions play in programme outcomes. The results from this study suggest that voucher recipients are successful at improving housing unit quality outcomes regardless of market conditions, but the ability to move to a better neighbourhood is a function of vacancy rates.  相似文献   

This paper extends both the literature on rental housing in Ghana and the global literature on the critique of public choice analyses in terms of focus, methods and positioning. It argues that, contrary to the assumption that all housing policy changes are driven by internal national processes, in the case of Ghana at least, neither tenants (through their use of their greater numbers) nor landlords (through the use of their stronger financial and hence political power) exclusively influence housing policy. Both parties have some power, but landlords use theirs to change rents arbitrarily and decide whom to invite or keep as tenants, whilst tenants seek to use their power by lodging complaints with the state, albeit to little effect as the power of landlords is overwhelming. There is a strong basis to call into question the public choice argument that it is fair for landlords to extract windfall rent from tenants since their efforts or talents do not increase rent.  相似文献   

Since 1980, the focus of American housing policy has shifted away from project-based to tenant-based subsidies, i.e. the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP). Yet many HCVP recipients have remained in high-poverty and high-minority areas of central cities. To improve the effectiveness of HCVP in expanding residential choices, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is encouraging local public housing authorities to utilize a variety of techniques to provide more opportunity for voucher recipients to move to low poverty areas including meetings with current or prospective owners, owners’ newsletters, owner fairs, program videos and direct contact with owners. Although there has been a considerable body of research on voucher recipients in the Gautreaux and Moving to Opportunity programs, two special housing voucher programs, there has been little research on the effectiveness of landlord outreach efforts as part of the regular HCVP. We therefore conducted a case study of landlord outreach efforts currently being implemented by the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority. We combined observation of landlord outreach events with semi-structured interviews to determine reasons why landlords do or do not participate, landlords’ perceptions on the extent to which HCVP addresses their concerns, what they take away from these events, and how outreach efforts might be improved. This case study indicates that there is considerable room for improvement in landlord outreach efforts by the housing authority. The policy implications for HUD as well as public housing authorities across the United States are discussed.  相似文献   


This article reviews the literature on changing housing aspirations and expectations in contemporary housing systems. It argues that there is a conceptual and definitional gap in relation to the term ‘housing aspirations’, as distinct from expectations, preferences, choices and needs. The article sets out working definitions of these terms, before discussing the evidence on changing housing (and related) systems. Emerging research has begun to consider whether trends such as declining homeownership, affordability concerns and precarious labour systems across a range of countries are fundamentally changing individuals’ aspirations for the forms of housing they aim to access at different stages of their lives. Whilst much of the research into housing aspirations has been considered in terms of tenure, and homeownership in particular, this article suggests that research needs to move beyond tenure and choice frameworks, to consider the range of dimensions that shape aspirations, from the political economy and the State to socialization and individuals’ dispositions for housing.  相似文献   

Since 2000 growing numbers of British social landlords have emulated their Dutch counterparts by introducing a ‘quasi-market’ approach to letting vacant properties. Known in Britain as choice-based lettings (CBL), the new approach aspires to treat people seeking social housing as consumers and to encourage consumerist behaviour. This is consistent with a wider drive for UK welfare state reforms emphasizing ‘customer choice’. As in other policy areas (e.g., education and health) the widening of service-user choice in this area has given rise to concerns that a more market-like system could be to the detriment of already disadvantaged groups. In the CBL case, particular concerns have been expressed about the possible consequences for formerly homeless households. It has also been suggested that, in shifting responsibility for decisions on matching properties and people from landlords to house-seekers themselves, CBL might exacerbate ethnic segregation. Drawing on a government-commissioned study focusing on early CBL schemes in England and Scotland, this paper examines these hypotheses in the light of empirical evidence. The analysis finds no indication that formerly homeless households tend to be disadvantaged under CBL in terms of area popularity or property quality. And, in general, the system appears to produce a more spatially dispersed—rather than a more concentrated—pattern of lettings to ethnic minority households.
David WatkinsEmail:

Improving the lives of households in informal settlements is a major development challenge. Though ownership is the predominant housing tenure arrangement pursued in national and international housing policies, there is a growing consensus that forms of tenure beyond homeownership may provide greater benefits to some households. In Kolkata, informal settlements (bastis) are the primary source of affordable housing for the urban poor. Relying on detailed household survey data, we investigate the utility gained from the diversity of housing tenure arrangements in bastis and the factors that increase the length of time a household lives in a settlement, using multinomial logit and ordinary least squares regression specifications. Our analyses show that in comparison to ownership, leasing or renting benefits large households and new migrants. Our findings suggest that policies targeted at households who rent and lease, along with improving housing and supporting infrastructure, can be effective mechanisms for improving household well-being.  相似文献   

This study examines the factors of residential location choice by considering the characteristics of the Korean housing market. From various factors of the residential location choice of a household, this study focuses on the effect of opportunities to engage in other activities, represented by accessibility, and the variety of housing tenure types—i.e., owner-occupied, Chonsei, and monthly rent—and the change of each type’s share of the market. The results of this empirical study indicate that households will most often choose to live in districts with more accessibility (a representative variable of demand-driven market), more permitted housing floor space (that of supply-driven one), higher rents, and lower housing prices in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). That is to say, the rapidly changing Korean housing market indicates a transition phase from a supply-driven to a demand-driven one. The significance of the variables and their effects were different for each housing tenure type. This means that the tenure type choice of a household is influenced by the level of income and assets. The results of this study are significant in understanding the characteristics of residential location choices of Korea and the countries in the transition as well.  相似文献   

袁荣 《山西建筑》2010,36(17):132-133
针对新开河工程地处市区,工期要求短,环保要求高,不影响周边建筑物的安全及最大限度减少对居民生活的影响,选择适合本场地地质特点的边坡支护方案进行了比选,以期尽可能降低工程造价,确保工程进度。  相似文献   

The US housing crisis affected millions of people nationwide. One recent study found a connection between foreclosure and suicide, and prior research showed an association between macro-level economic hardship and suicide rates. Using data from 142 US metropolitan statistical areas and a measure of housing stress that accounts for limitations of prior measures, we tested the association between the housing crisis and overall and sex- and race-specific suicide rates. Weighted least squares regression results indicated that housing-mortgage stress had no effect on suicide rates in our sample. We discuss the theoretical and social implications of these findings and areas for future research.  相似文献   

Urban fringe area is the most important space for city development. It includes several complicated elements, such as population, space, and management organization. On the basis of local population attributes in the city fringe area combined with people’s movement characteristics in time and space, this article reclassifies basic public service facilities and discusses the relationship between facility layout and housing, employment, and commuter transportation. Through a questionnaire survey in Qiaobei District of the urban fringe area in Nanjing and on the basis of comparative analysis, we discuss the impact factor on the choice of housing, urban services, and the tolerance of commuting time. Our findings indicate mutual promoting and restricting connections among living, employment, and services. Workers’ living situation determines their daily behavior, such as dining, shopping, and entertainment. Furthermore, different income levels have a great influence on residents’ choices with regard to places to live and develop their careers  相似文献   


Immigrants’ neighbourhood choices are key to understanding today’s dominant socio-territorial dynamics, especially in urban areas. We analysed the factors involved in the housing search at the early stages of the economic migrant influx in Seville, Spain (Andalusia region, Europe’s southern border) and their impact on the development of residential segregation in this city. Using a qualitative methodology approach based on focus groups, unstructured interviews and discourse analysis, the implicit and explicit social determinants that influence economic migrants’ residential behaviours were examined. In line with previous studies, the results highlight the importance of socio-economic determinants and a trend towards self-segregation. Social discourse analysis reveals how the host society’s ethnoracial preferences and prejudices – from the outset of the economic migrant influx – translate into barriers to accessing the housing market, which plays a crucial role in understanding economic migrant residential mobility and its impact on and consequences for the residential segregation process.  相似文献   


After short overview of the official policies as well as grassroots efforts around housing in twentieth century Budapest, this article introduces the struggles of a growing housing movement that originated in the work of the grassroots housing advocacy group, The City is for All and then led to the birth of further grassroots organizations focused on the right to the city.  相似文献   

This paper draws attention to the public policy opportunities created by the spatial characteristics of urban historic districts. Using the Kentucky cities of Louisville and Covington as case studies, the research uses geographic information systems (GIS) to demonstrate that Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) units developed in historic districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places are closer to libraries, transit stops, parks, and schools than are LIHTC units developed in ‘non-historic’ areas of these cities. The findings are particularly relevant for policy-makers adopting a neighborhood-oriented approach to improving the quality of affordable housing, and for those seeking strategies for bringing new life to declining urban areas.  相似文献   


Although relatively understudied, the role of affordable and acceptable housing in the accelerating global competition for talent is of utmost importance, especially if highly skilled migrants are to be absorbed into the permanent labour force. This paper concerns the housing of skilled Indian migrants in the Helsinki metropolitan area in Finland, and contributes to the literature on international migration and the housing of ethnic minorities. It presents a case study on how to analyse migrants’ housing pathways, examining the meaning of housing in the transnational lives of this relatively affluent migrant group. The results show that homeownership is a not a simple indicator of commitment to the host society, and that those responsible for national housing policy need to ensure the supply, quality and reasonable price of accommodation in order to fulfil the housing needs of skilled migrants.  相似文献   

A national random telephone survey was undertaken to determine the prevalence of reported mold in New Zealand houses and the risk factors for it. A total of 613 households provided responses. Mold in one or more rooms was reported by 35.1% of respondents in the sample. House design and construction factors that were independently associated with reported mold in the multivariate analysis included: poorer house condition, older house age (>22 years), relative lack of sun exposure, and having no insulation (e.g. for poorer house condition: odds ratio=1.97, 95% CI=1.25, 3.11). Univariate analyses also showed increased risk associated with high locality rainfall, and living in the most northern part of the country. The number of residents was significantly associated with reported mold in the multivariate analysis as were various behaviors in the univariate analysis (i.e. frequency of baths, showering and clothes washing). The high prevalence of unflued gas heating (32.9%) found in this sample is of potential concern given the potential respiratory hazards. Although this survey has a number of limitations, it does suggest that there are a number of potentially modifiable risk factors for mold that could be reduced by a range of policy responses. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: While further research is desirable, the available evidence associated with the health and other adverse impacts of both mold and dampness would favor additional policy responses by government. These could include changes to regulations around housing design including house position, access to sunlight, and level of insulation. The extension of low interest loans for insulation or subsidized installation can help to increase its level of use. Restrictions on the sales of unflued gas heaters could also be considered. A mass media campaign could also be used to inform the population of the readily modifiable risk factors for mold growth and dampness.  相似文献   

以医学界转化医学为切入点进行研究,旨在明确转化医学所需的研究性医疗建筑的功能要求,探索相关空间设计特征,并以美国佛罗里达医院新陈代谢类疾病转化医学中心案例为载体进行分析和提炼,进而提出针对关键问题的设计策略,以期对我国转化医学中心设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

美国自大萧条之后以及法国在二战之后,分别发展了补贴性的出租房居住区,然而在这之后,出租房的开发急剧变化,更多地依靠私有部门可以采用的措施。本文通过案例对比,说明如下道理在特定的环境下,解决住房问题的有效方法应基于对该问题的正确诊断,并且考虑该国的国情及其局部地区的特征。对于从中央到地方各级政府,这是创造高效、可持续以及可负担住房财政机制的最佳途径。本文将讨论美国与法国解决住房问题的不同方法。对美国案例的探讨,我们关注两个计划:运用税法作为激励措施的低收入住房返税计划,以及容许公共住房机构将资金流证券化,以此更新住房的投资基金融资计划。在同一时期,法国在私人出租房产业内实行税收补贴,除此之外,这种补贴还在公共住房领域内推行。重税措施抑制了私人投资之后,慷慨的税收激励措施使资金重返祖房市场。这些计划对于中等收入的住户而言,大多数是不可负担的。于是,这导致了最近几年内公共住宅小区的建遣需要更多来自政府的承诺。  相似文献   

Current housing finance systems are mostly a poor reflection of the government's policy priorities. This paper explains how the current Dutch housing finance system works, and analyses its weaknesses against the backdrop of a well-functioning housing market and national policy goals. It specifically looks at recent proposals and some building blocks for future housing finance reform in the Netherlands. The paper ends with conclusions on the potential relevance of the analysis for other European countries.  相似文献   

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