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建筑声学技术近年来逐渐被建筑和室内设计师所重视.建筑声学可细分为吸声、隔声、消声、减振四个分支.根据工程设计施工中不同的需求采用不同的技术手段去进行实施,可有效消除建筑装饰中存在的声缺陷,避免因为声环境不合格带来的工程改造. 建筑和室内设计师致力于提升设计品质,如何增加设计体验,营造健康的建筑装饰工程是每个设计师的终极...  相似文献   

结合绵阳京东方综合配套区活动中心室内体育馆墙、顶施工实际,对室内体育场馆装饰的建筑声学处理方法进行了介绍。通过设计安装新式吸声墙体以及空间吸声体吊顶,从声波传播途径上采取有效的控制措施,从而降低场馆内的混响时间,提高馆内语音的清晰度。  相似文献   

叶敏智  狄永明  张峰  燕翔  王旭光 《建筑》2022,(22):74-76
清华大学建筑学院建筑声学实验室与浙江温岭市方山-长屿硐天旅游开发服务中心联合进行了浙江温岭长屿硐天岩洞音乐厅的建筑声学研究。现场实测发现,该空间音质的最重要指标—混响时间,与世界多座知名音乐厅相符合,类比解释了其优良音乐听感的原因。进一步分析研究发现,其空间容积、侧壁反声角度、顶部露天洞口、岩石材料吸声特性等多种天然因素,巧合地达到了高标准音乐厅所需的声学要求,从而造就了该音乐厅混响丰满、听感细腻的良好音质效果。  相似文献   

武汉体育馆是武汉首座综合性体育馆,改造后承办了第6届全国城市运动会部分赛事.本文主要介绍该馆的建筑声学设计包括体育馆建筑声学设计特点、混响时间控制、音质缺陷的控制和声学测量等内容.  相似文献   

邵文  张三明 《华中建筑》2011,29(6):63-65
该文以浙江大学一个体育馆的建筑声学设计为例,探讨多功能体育馆的声学设计目标以及如何通过吸声材料的用法和构造控制中小型体育馆的混响时间,抑制噪声。具体措施包括空间吸声体的布置方法、声学性能测试与对比;墙面吸声的重点提示以及如何抑制噪声;最后运用电脑软件模拟此设计在会议与比赛两个不同声场环境中的具体效果。从而总结出中小型多功能体育馆吸声结构设计的原则,达成理想的声学环境。  相似文献   

郑晨 《福建建材》2005,(4):20-22
以“福州一中新校区图书科技楼工程”为实例,简述了PVC塑胶地面在本工程的中高档建筑装饰中的应用。  相似文献   

饶永 《华中建筑》2010,28(1):26-28
该文根据体育馆建筑声学设计标准,考虑体育馆在比赛淡季兼作音乐会、大型集会的使用场所等多功能要求,适当地选择混响时间和确定频率特性,通过分析诸如体育馆的容积、体型等影响室内声环境的因素,同时对几个声学设计方案进行了经济比较,从工程应用角度探讨和思考体育馆的建筑声学设计,以期获得良好的声学环境。  相似文献   

建筑声学材料与构造广泛应用于演艺建筑厅堂的音质设计中,是控制厅堂混响时间,使厅堂获得良好听音效果的重要因素之一。建筑声学材料与结构除了具有声学性能外,还具有不同的质地、外观与装饰效果。充分利用建筑声学材料与结构所提供的技术可能性,对演艺建筑厅堂做出处理,并探求其有意味的关学表现,正是本所要探讨的。  相似文献   

木质穿孔吸音装饰板是根据声学原理精致加工而成,既有木质本身的装潢效果,又有良好的吸音性能,与其它的吸声产品相比有其独到之处,是当今国内外首选使用的装饰材料.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍吸声的含义,木质穿孔吸声板的吸声特性及影响因素及木质穿孔吸声板的安装方法。概述在当代的各个影院、会场、剧院、舞台等装饰建筑实例中,吸声材料的应用对场所的音响效果起着至关重要的作用。各场所对于改善音质降低噪音,控制混响时间,消除音质缺陷,都围绕着吸声材料的使用。在日新月异的现代城市生活中,人们对影剧院,对舞台、会场的品质要求越来越高,不仅要求吸声材料具有可靠的吸声性,还要兼顾装修的整体效果,防火安全性能,绿色环保无污染的多重性能。本文将浅谈吸声的相关概念、现代木质装饰吸声板的效果及使用方法。  相似文献   

为了比较声波透射法检羽十基桩混凝土质量中声学参数对缺陷严重程度的反应敏感程度,制作了21根试验模型桩。经过对试验结果比较分析,表明波阻抗率对缺陷反应敏感,并能区别不同严重程度,对探测缺陷及合理的判定基桩质量较为有利。  相似文献   

铸钢件铸造表面粗糙,导致声耦合不良,造成散乱反射,形成干扰杂波,使超声波探伤变得困难,本文探讨用工件底波法调整探伤灵敏度,比较在不同加工面测得的回波声压(实测耦合补偿值),在实际检测工件时进行耦合补偿,便利在现场探伤条件下,针对工件厚度及表面状况的变化作出及时的修整,保证探伤结果的准确、可靠。  相似文献   

Environment Canada's National Water Research Institute (NWRI) conducts research on freshwater contaminated sediments, much of which is focused on designated areas of concern in the Great Lakes and their connecting channels. This paper reviews new acoustic and video equipment and procedures developed to map the geometry and stability of the sediments, and describes their applications. A RoxAnn acoustic seabed-classification system is used for mapping bottom-sediment types and locating the deposits of fine-grained sediments with which contaminants are associated. The system uses the acoustic properties of sediments to distinguish textural types ranging from mud to boulders, and displays the data as they are collected. The sediment thickness is measured with a weighted video-acoustic tripod which is lowered into the sediments to refusal, and which recorded penetration with a video camera or an echosounder transducer. The stability of the contaminated sediments was monitored with a bottom-mounted, high-precision echo sounder-digitizer, which logs changes in the position of the sediment-water interface produced by erosion or deposition. The same procedure can be used in capping or dredging projects to track bottom changes as they occur, or they can be measured by pre- and post-project mapping of bathymetry and morphology with sweep-sonar or side-scan sonar equipment. The new equipment and procedures have been successfully applied to a number of areas of concern in the Great Lakes basin. They provide a faster and more detailed characterization of sediment properties and geometry than was previously available, and have been particularly effective in optimizing sampling surveys and monitoring remediation projects.  相似文献   

本文对泵站声源、振源其产生原理进行了分析,从源头阐述了噪声的产生、传播过程,介绍了多种降噪措施,进行了多个工程的实际应用,取得了可观的经济和较好的社会效益。  相似文献   

中国古代很早就对声景观有了较为客观的认知与体验,亦常常利用地方上的各种声音与景观相结合来创造声景观。与此同时,古人还巧妙利用“振动”“共振”“回声”等声学原理来营造声景观。本文通过对中国古代声景观的声学原理、音效提升及传播途径的研究,探索古人的声景观营造经验与设计方法,以期更好的保护古代的声景遗产,并为当代声景观的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高念华  方忆 《华中建筑》1996,14(4):85-91
该文就杭州仅存的两处明代民居--茅宅,陈宅的特征作了介绍。它们中的不少构件与结构较都较为相似,尤其表现在斗拱与柱础上,如一斗三升,鼓形石柱础,如一斗三升,鼓形石柱础,其用材与形制均反映出时代及地域的特征。  相似文献   

三峡工程永久船闸高边坡岩体变形声发射监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体声发射检测是当今国内外积极开发研究的岩体动态监测新技术之一,为了保证三峡船闸顺利建设,在建设过程中采用了声发射技术对船闸高边坡进行全天候在线监测。声发射作为动态监测技术在大型边坡岩体动态监测中具有明显优势。本文将小波变换和神经网络应用到声发射检测之中,能够准确地对岩体稳定性进行预测预报。现场监测表明,利用声发射技术对大型船闸高边坡岩体稳定性及其发展趋势和边坡支护效果,作出了符合实际的评价和有效的预测预报。  相似文献   

The entire acoustic barrier is similar to a tunnel for the elevated Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System. Current smoke ventilation designs for the elevated MRT system have no precedent standards to follow, and therefore are all designed based on experience. For the entire acoustic barrier design in the MRT system in Taiwan, this research used FDS to simulate fires under the compartments with different heat release rates and varying number of compartments in varying lengths of entire acoustic barriers. The effects of the smoke layers produced by the fires on the evacuation of the personnel were observed. This research used a 1000 m entire acoustic barrier without smoke vent for discussion, and it was discovered that evacuation proved to be ineffective when the heat release rates were 10, 20, 30 and 40 MW. However, under circumstances where openings of different sizes were used at the top of the barriers, or changes were made to the heat release rates, or alterations were made to the number of passengers and compartments, a formula was developed in which all passengers could be evacuated under these varying circumstances; and this formula can be used as reference during the designing of natural ventilation vents in acoustic barriers for elevated MRT systems.  相似文献   

Natural materials (e.g. rocks and soils) are porous media, whose microstructures present a wide diversity. They generally consist of a heterogeneous solid phase and a porous phase which may be fully or partially saturated with one or more fluids. The prediction of elastic and acoustic properties of porous materials is very important in many fields, such as physics of rocks, reservoir geophysics, civil engineering, construction field and study of the behavior of historical monuments. The aim of this work is to predict the elastic and acoustic behaviors of isotropic porous materials of a solid matrix containing dry, saturated and partially saturated spherical pores. For this, a homogenization technique based on the Mori–Tanaka model is presented to connect the elastic and acoustic properties to porosity and degree of water saturation. Non-destructive ultrasonic technique is used to determine the elastic properties from measurements of P-wave velocities. The results obtained show the influence of porosity and degree of water saturation on the effective properties. The various predictions of Mori–Tanaka model are then compared with experimental results for the elastic and acoustic properties of calcarenite.  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展和居民生活方式的改变,居住区环境的噪声污染日益严重,已成为影响人们身心健康和生活质量的严重环境问题。对居住区声环境质量的控制改善建立科学适用的评价方法是论文研究的重点。通过对哈尔滨闽江小区闽江广场的声环境调查,探讨了声环境与人的行为之间的关系,提出合理控制噪声,有效保留和创造自然声要素;以听觉兴趣为设计主体;采用动静分区,以满足不同的声心理尺度等住区广场设计建议。  相似文献   

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