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Research was conducted at two sites located in medium and low altitude zones in eastern Uganda. The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefit of Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) and inorganic N fertilizer in improving maize production in contrasting agro-ecological zones over two seasons. The medium altitude zone (Bulegeni) is a high-potential agricultural zone, with much more reliable rainfall and soils with high-productivity rating. The opposite is true for the low-altitude zone (Kibale). The soils were fertile for the site in the high-potential zone and poor in the low-potential zone. Over 22 weeks of fallow or relay with maize, Mucuna produced on average 8.2 t ha–1 dry matter, accumulating 170 kg N ha–1, with 57% of the N derived from the atmosphere in the low-potential zone, compared to 11.6 t ha–1 dry matter, 350 kg N ha–1, with 43% of the N derived from air, in the high-potential zone. Between 77 and 97% of the Mucuna-accumulated N was released over a period of 25 weeks, at a rate of 0.081 and 0.118 week–1 in the high- and low-potential zones, respectively. The N-balance study shows that 93% of the applied N was accounted for in the high-potential zone, compared to 61% in the low-potential zone, due to differences in soil texture, soil fertility and maize biomass production at the two sites. As much as 44–73% of the N remained in the soil in the high-potential zone, compared to 39–53% in the low-potential zone, which might benefit the subsequent crops. There was a significant increase in maize yield in response to the added N, both from urea or Mucuna. The average increment above the control (continuous maize) was 3.2 t ha–1 in the high-potential zone and 1.0 t ha–1 in the low-potential zone. The maize yield increase over two seasons added up to 3.1 t ha–1 with the application of inorganic fertilizers, and 1.9 t ha–1 with a preceding Mucuna–maize relay in the high-potential zone, compared to an average of, 1.7 t ha–1 with application of inorganic fertilizers and with Mucuna–maize relay in the low-potential zone. Application of P fertilizers with either N supply strategy significantly increased maize yield in the low-potential zone only, resulting in an additional 0.8 t ha–1 for the inorganic N fertilizers and 1.3 t ha–1 for a preceding Mucuna–maize relay. Apparently, P fertilizers are needed on poor soils. Clearly farmers stand to gain in terms of maize production from fertilizers as well as from the use of Mucuna, with more benefits from inorganic fertilizers in the high-potential zone.  相似文献   

Information on N removal by maize (Zea mays L.) grain production is not only required for proper soil N management, but also a prerequisite for environmental risk assessment. The objectives of this field study were to (i) assess the variations of maize grain N removal in relation to weather and agronomic practices, and (ii) determine if a common N removal factor can be used for environment risk assessment with the Ontario N index method. Maize grain samples from four field experiments including treatments of hybrids, rotation systems and fertilizer N levels under different environmental conditions were used to determine nitrogen removal factor (grain N in kg ha−1 divided by grain yield in Mg ha−1, i.e. kg N Mg−1). In general, grain N removal averaged 12.0 kg N Mg−1, which is substantially smaller than 16 kg Mg−1 used in the Ontario N Index model. However, large variations (7.1–16.7 kg N Mg−1) in the N removal factor existed among years, rotation systems, hybrids and level of fertilizer N application. Our data indicate that an index using a constant grain N removal factor may not be representative of different growing conditions, hybrids and fertilizer levels. Hence, care must be taken when using a constant grain N removal factor with the N index approach to assess N overloading for nutrient management legislation purposes.  相似文献   

Soil fertility replenishment is a critical factor that many farmers in the tropical American hillsides have to cope with to increase food crop production. The effect of three planted fallow systems (Calliandra houstoniana-CAL, Indigofera zollingeriana-IND, Tithonia diversifolia-TTH) and a crop rotation (maize/beans-ROT) on soil nitrogen mineralization, organic matter and phosphorus fractions was compared to the usual practice of allowing natural regeneration of native vegetation or natural fallow management (NAT). Studies were conducted on severely degraded Colombian volcanic-ash soils, 28 months after fallow establishment, at two on-farm experimental sites (BM1 and BM2) in the Cauca Department. Tithonia diversifolia had a significantly higher contribution to exchangeable Ca, K and Mg as well as B and Zn; the order of soil nutrient contribution was TTH > CAL > IND > NAT > ROT. On the other hand, lND had significantly higher soil NO3–N at both experimental farms as compared to all the other fallow system treatments. For the readily available P fraction, CAL and ROT had significantly higher H2O–Po and resin-Pi, respectively, in the 0–5 cm soil layer; whereas TTH showed significantly higher values for both H2O–Po and resin-Pi in the 5–10 cm soil layer. Significant effects were observed on the weights of the soil organic matter fractions which decreased in the order LL (Ludox light) > LM (Ludox intermediate) > LH (Ludox heavy). Indigofera zollingeriana showed greater C, N and P in the soil organic matter fractions than all the other fallow treatments, with NAT having the lowest values. It is concluded that planted fallows can restore soil fertility more rapidly than natural fallows.  相似文献   

Application of hedgerow prunings to the soil in alley cropping ispracticed to sustain crop yield but information is lacking on effects ofhedgerow management on soil C and N dynamics under continuous cropping.Cumulative effects of 3.5 years of leucaena [Leucaenaleucocephala (Lam.) De Wit] hedgerow management on soil organic CandN and potential C and N mineralization were determined in an alley croppingexperiment in Haiti. Treatments were combinations of pruning uses and pruningregimes in a 3 × 3 factorial with a no-tree control (rock walls) in arandomized complete block design with 3 replicates. A hedgerow + fertilizertreatment in an adjacent trial was included for comparison. Soil samplescollected at 0–5, 5–10 and 10–20 cm depths weresealed in mason jars and incubated at 25 °C for 30 days.Organic C and N and inorganic N were measured before the incubation. InorganicNand respired CO2-C were measured after the incubation. After 3.5years, surface soil samples with prunings applied as mulch or incorporated atplanting had, respectively, 20 and 16% higher organic C, 34 and 18% higherorganic N concentrations, higher potential C and N mineralization and higherrelative N mineralization than with prunings removed. Soil C and N dynamicsweresimilar between pruning application methods. The two-cut regime with a longerregrowth period after cutting (0–40 DAP) had highest organic C in the0–20 cm soil layer whereas two-cut with a shorter regrowthperiod (0–30 DAP) had highest C turnover. Within soil layers, pruningapplication had higher organic C and N and potential C and N mineralizationthanthe no-tree control and alley plots with prunings removed in the 0–5cm layer whereas the latter treatments had similar C and Ndynamicsat all depths. Addition of N-P-K fertilizer in presence of fresh prunings didnot increase soil organic C and N but enhanced N dynamics in the surface soil.  相似文献   

Precise estimation of soil nitrogen (N) supply to corn (Zea mays L.) through N mineralization plays a key role in implementing N best management practices for economic consideration and environmental sustainability. To quantify soil N availability to corn during growing seasons, a series of in situ incubation experiments using the method of polyvinyl chloride tube attached with resin bag at the bottom were conducted on two typical agricultural soils in a cool and humid region of eastern Canada. Soil filled tubes were retrieved at 10-d intervals within 2 months after planting, and at 3- to 4-week intervals thereafter until corn harvest. Ammonium and nitrate in the soil and resin part of the incubation tubes were analyzed. In general, there was minimal NH4+-N with ranges from 1.5 to 7.3 kg N ha−1, which was declined in the first 30 d and fluctuated thereafter. Nitrate, the main form of mineral N, ranged from 20 to 157 kg N ha−1. In the first 20–50 d, main portion of the NO3-N was in the soil and thereafter in the resin, reflecting the movement of NO3 in the soil, which was affected by rainfall events and amount. Total mineralized N was affected by soil total N and weather conditions: There was more total mineralized N in the soil with higher total N, and rainy weather stimulated N mineralization. The relationship between the accumulated mineral N and accumulated growing degree-days (GDD) fitted well into first order kinetic models. The accumulated mineralized soil N during corn growing season ranged from 96 to 120 kg N ha−1, which accounted for 2–3% of soil total N. Corn plants took up 110–137 kg N ha−1. While the mineralized N and crop uptake were in the same magnitude, a quantitative relationship between them could not be established in this study.  相似文献   

Two field experiments, in which differing amounts and types of plant residues were incorporated into a red earth soil, were conducted at Katherine, N.T., Australia. The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of the residues on uptake of soil and fertilizer N by a subsequent sorghum crop, on the accumulation and leaching of nitrate, and on losses of N.Stubble of grain sorghum applied at an exceptionally high rate (~ 18 000 kg ha–1) reduced uptake of N by sorghum by 13% and depressed the accumulation of nitrate under a crop and particularly under a fallow.Loss of fertilizer N, movement of nitrate down the profile, and uptake by the crop was studied in another experiment after application of N as15NH4 15NO3 to field microplots. By four weeks after fertilizer application 14% had been lost from the soil-plant system and by crop maturity 36 per cent had been lost. The pattern of15N distribution in the profile suggested that losses below 150 cm had occurred during crop growth. The recovery of15N by the crop alone ranged from 16 to 32 per cent. There was an apparent loss of N from the crop between anthesis and maturity. Residue levels common to sorghum crops in the region (~ 2000 kg ha–1) did not significantly affect uptake by a subsequent sorghum crop, N losses, or distribution of nitrate in the profile.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage (RT) agriculture is an effective measure to reduce soil loss from soils susceptible to erosion in the short-term and is claimed to increase the soil organic carbon (SOC) stock. The change in distribution and total SOC stock in the 0–60 cm layer, the stratification of microbial biomass carbon (MB-C) content in the 0–40 cm layer and the carbon (C) mineralization in the upper 0–5 cm layer in silt loam soils in Western Europe with different periods of RT agriculture were evaluated. Ten fields at seven locations, representing the important RT types and maintained for a different number of years, and eight fields under conventional tillage (CT) agriculture with similar soil type and crop rotation were selected. RT agriculture resulted in a higher stratification of SOC in the soil profile than CT agriculture. However, the total SOC stock in the 0–60 cm layer was not changed, even after 20 of years RT agriculture. The MB-C was significantly higher in the 0–10 cm layer under RT agriculture, even after only 5 years, compared to CT agriculture. The higher SOC and MB-C content in the upper 0–5 cm layer of RT fields resulted in a higher C mineralization rate in undisturbed soil in the laboratory. Simulating ploughing by disturbing the soil resulted in inconsistent changes (both lower and higher) of C mineralization rates. A crop rotation with root crops, with heavy soil disturbance every 2 or 3 years at harvest, possibly limited the anticipated positive effect of RT agriculture in our research.  相似文献   

Maintenance of soil organic carbon (SOC) is important for the long-term productivity of agroecosystems. An investigation was conducted to study the effects of long-term application of inorganic fertilizers and farmyard manure (FYM) on soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrient content, water-stable aggregate distribution, and aggregate-associated carbon in a field experiment started in 1982 in an arid region of northwest China. Application of inorganic fertilizer alone (N, NP, or NPK treatments) did not increase SOC concentrations compared with no application of fertilizers (CK) and SOC concentration was significantly reduced, by 18% on average, compared with the initial value at the beginning of the experiment. Application of imbalanced inorganic fertilizer (N and NP), especially, resulted in a significant decrease in available phosphorus and potassium nutrients at a depth of 20 cm. This indicates that long-term application of inorganic fertilizers were inadequate to maintain levels of SOC and nutrients under conventional management with no aboveground crop residues returning to the soil. Long-term application of FYM alone or combined with inorganic fertilizers (M (FYM), MN, MNPK, or MNPK treatments), however, improved SOC and total nitrogen concentrations from initial values of 12.1 and 0.76 g kg−1, respectively, to 15.46 and 1.28 g kg−1, on average, and also enhanced available nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations by 47, 50, and 68%, respectively, during the 23-year period. Treatment with FYM resulted in a 0.48 mm greater average mean weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates and a higher percentage of macro-aggregates (>2 mm) and small macro-aggregates (2–0.25 mm) than treatment without FYM. The MWD increased with increasing SOC concentration (R 2=0.75). The SOC concentration was highest in small macro-aggregates, intermediate in macro-aggregates, and lowest in micro-aggregates (0.25–0.05 mm). Approximately 54–60% of total SOC was stored in micro-aggregates (0.25–0.05 mm) and sand+silt fractions (<0.05 mm) after treatment without FYM but 57–64% of total SOC was stored in macro-aggregates (>0.25 mm) after treatment with FYM. MNPK treatment had the greatest effect on improving the levels of SOC and NPK nutrients and in enhancing the formation and stability of macro-aggregates.  相似文献   

Legume–maize rotation and maize nitrogen (N)-response trials were carried out simultaneously from 1998 to 2004 in two distinct agro-ecological environments of West Africa: the humid derived savannah (Ibadan) and the drier northern Guinea savannah (Zaria). In the N-response trial, maize was grown annually receiving urea N at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha−1. In Ibadan, maize production increased with N fertilization, but mean annual grain yield declined over the course of the trial. In Zaria, no response to N treatments was observed initially, and an increase in the phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) fertilizer application rate was required to increase yield across treatments and obtain a response to N applications, stressing the importance of non-N fertilizers in the savannah. In the rotation trial, a 2-year natural fallow–maize rotation was compared with maize rotated with different legume types: green manure, forage, dual-purpose, and grain legumes. The cultivation of some legume types resulted in a greater annual maize production relative to the fallow–maize combination and corresponding treatments in the N-response trial, while there was no gain in maize yield with other legume types. Large differences in the residual effects from legumes and fallow were also observed between sites, indicting a need for site-specific land management recommendations. In Ibadan, cultivation of maize after the forage legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) achieved the highest yield. The natural fallow–maize rotation had improved soil characteristics (Bray-I P, exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium) at the end of the trial relative to legume–maize rotations, and natural fallow resulted in higher maize yields than the green manure legume (Pueraria phaseoloides). In Zaria, maize following dual-purpose soybean achieved the highest mean yield. At both sites, variation in aboveground N and P dynamics of the legume and fallow vegetation could only partly explain the different residual effects on maize.  相似文献   

In a field experiment on deep, yellow, sandy soil near Badgingarra, Western Australia, the residual value of superphosphate applied one and two years previously was measured relative to freshly-applied superphosphate using yields of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius), barley and wheat. In addition, soil samples were collected for measurement of bicarbonate-extractable soil P. This was also used to estimate the residual value of the superphosphate.For lupins and wheat, and for bicarbonate-extractable soil P, the residual value decreased with increasing level of application. For barley grain, the residual value was not significantly affected by the level of application.The decrease in residual value of superphosphate with increasing level of application is attributed to increased leaching of applied phosphorus (P) down the profile of the sandy soils as the level of application increases. This may reduce subsequent plant yields due to the delay in seedling roots reaching the P in the soil during the crucial early stages of plant growth.For lupins, the relationship between yield and the level of superphosphate applied was markedly sigmoidal. The relationship for wheat and barley was exponential. Consequently, at suboptimal levels of P application, lupins required about two to three times more P than wheat or barley to produce the same yield. However, lupins required less P to achieve near-maximum yield.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is the most limiting plant nutrient in Vertisols in Kenya. Soil properties, climatic conditions and management factors as well as fertilizer characteristics can influence fertilizer nitrogen (N) use efficiency by crops. Vertisols, characterized by low-basic water infiltration rate, are prone to waterlogging under sub-humid and humid conditions. We determined effects of drainage, N source and time of application on yields, nutrient uptake and utilization efficiencies by maize grown on Vertisols in sub-humid environments. Treatments comprised two furrows (40 cm and 60 cm deep) and a check (i.e., no furrow), calcium nitrate to furnish NO3-N, ammonium sulphate to supply NH4-N at 100 kg N ha−1, a control (i.e., no fertilizer N), and fertilizer N application at sowing, 40 days after sowing, and split (i.e., half the rate at sowing and half 40 days after sowing). A split-plot design was used in which drainage formed the main plots and N source × time of N application formed the sub-plots. Higher grain and total dry matter yields, harvest index, leaf N content, uptake of N, P and K, as well as N agronomic (NAE) and recovery (NRE) efficiencies were obtained from drained compared to undrained plots. The increase ingrain yields as a result of drainage varied from 31 to 45% for control, 35 to 43% for NO3-N, and 16 to 21% for NH4-N treatments. Drainage resulted in total N uptake increases from 50 to 80 kg N ha−1 in control plots, 80 to 130 kg N ha−1 in NO3-N treated plots, and 90 to 130kg N ha−1 in NH4-N treated plots. Ammonium-N source was superior to NO3-N source in terms of higher yields, NAE, and NRE in undrained plots, but the two N sources behaved similarly in drained plots. Delayed or split NO3-N application gave higher yields, NAE and NRE than when all N was applied at sowing in undrained plots. There was no difference between 40 cm and 60 cm deep furrows in terms of crop yields and nutrient use efficiencies. Thus, draining excess water with furrows at least 40 cm deep is essential for successful crop production in these Vertisols under sub-humid conditions. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Yield responses of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv JD1187)to variable rates and combinations of fertilizer nitrogen (N) and phosphorus(P), to available soil N and P, and to cation exchange capacity (CEC) wereexamined in 41 field trials. The trial sites were located in the rice-growingregion of Hebei Province, Northern China, covering a diversity of soilfertilitylevels. Relationships between crop yields, fertilizer rates and soil nutrientsupply were established using an orthogonal polynomial model. The optimumeconomic fertilizer rates at different levels of soil N and P supply wereestimated by using fertilizer-yield response functions and soil properties foraparticular site. A difference in trend coefficients, reflecting yield responseto fertilizer, was observed, which was mainly dependent on variance of soilfertility across 41 experimental sites under the relatively consistent climateand farming practice. The results of correlation analysis showed that there wasa positive correlation between trend coefficient T0 and yieldwithoutfertilizer (Y0) (r = 0.80**). Trend coefficientT1, the major effect of N fertilizer on yield, showed negativerelationships with the quadratic transformation of alkali-hydrolysable N(Ns) and CEC (r = –0.60**). Trend coefficientT2, the major effect of P fertilizer on yield, had negativerelationships with the logarithmically transformed data of soilNaHCO3-extractable P (Ps) (r = –0.57**).Trend coefficients T3, T4 and T5, representinglinear interaction of N and P, and quadratic trend of N and P, respectively,showed no significant correlation with soil fertility variables. Yieldresponsesto N and P fertilizers, optimum economic fertilizer rates and gross profit fromfertilization decreased with increase in available soil N and P, and CEC. Themodel was validated in 19 field trials. The results suggest that the modeldeveloped in this study can reasonably predict optimum economic fertilizerratesthrough routine soil tests in the rice production region. The model can also beextrapolated to other regions and include other variable factors, provided thatnew relationships between yield response to fertilizer and site variables areestablished and incorporated into the model.  相似文献   

A new transparent microscale circulation-type high pressure equilibrium cell with on-line sampling was devised. With this apparatus, experimental solubility of molecularly complex species such as steroids (cholesterol, stigmasterol and ergosterol) and fatty acids (palmitic acid and stearic acid) in supercritical carbon dioxide(sc-C02) were measured. Also, to find an appropriate substance for enhancing both the polarity and the solubility power of the SC-CO2 solvent, we arbitrarily selected three polar substances such as acetone, methanol and water and the effect of these cosolvents on the solubility of solutes in SC-CO2 are examined. The supercritical phase equilibrium data of solute-cosolvent-sc-CO2 systems were quantitatively correlated using a new equation of state based on the lattice fluid theory incorporated with the concept of multibody interaction. We found that the addition of tracer amount of acetone or methanol to SC-CO2 enhances the solubility of all solutes about thirty to sixty times when compared with the case of pure sc-CO2 However, for the case of cosolvent water, no further enhancement of the solubility of solutes was realized. Also, the versatile fittability of the equation of state proposed in this work was demonstrated with the newly measured ternary supercritical equilibrium data.  相似文献   

It has been shown that with careful grazing management and addition of Pand K, but not N, fertilisers Brachiaria pastures are ableto maintain sustainable live weight gains over many years. However, standardon-farm practice, which generally involves high stocking rates, leads after afew years to pasture decline due mainly to N deficiency for grass regrowth. Togenerate an understanding of the mechanism of pasture decline and possiblemanagement options to mitigate this process, a study was performed in theAtlantic forest region of the south of Bahia state to study the N dynamics inpastures of Brachiaria humidicola subject to threedifferent stocking rates of beef cattle, with and without the presence of theforage legume Desmodium ovalifolium. Despite the fact thatthe C:N ratio of the deposited litter was high (60 to 70) the rate ofdecomposition was very rapid (k –0.07 gg–1 day–1) and annual rates of Nturnover through the litter pathway were between 105 and 170 kg Nha–1 year–1. In the grass-onlypasturesas stocking rate increased from 2 to 3 head ha–1, N recycledinthe litter decreased by 11%, but a further increase to 4 headha–1 decreased N recycling by 30% suggesting thatbeyonda certain critical level higher grazing stocking rates would lead to pasturedecline if there was no N addition. High stocking rates decreased theproportionof the legume in the sward, but at all rates the concentration of N in both thegreen and dead grass in the forage on offer and in the litter was higher in themixed sward. The presence of the legume caused a decrease in the C:N ratio ofthe microbial biomass while both soil N mineralisation and nitrificationincreased. This increased rate of turnover of the microbial biomass and thecontribution of N2 fixation to the legume resulted in largeincreasesin the N recycled via litter deposition ranging from 42 to 155 kg Nha–1 year–1.  相似文献   

The combined effect of reduced nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application on the production of grass-only and grass/clover swards was studied in a five-year cutting experiment on a marine clay soil, established on newly sown swards. Furthermore, changes in soil N, P and carbon (C) were measured. Treatments included four P (0, 35, 70 and 105 kg P ha–1 year–1) and three N levels (0, 190 and 380 N kg ha–1 year–1) and two sward types (grass-only and grass/clover). Nitrogen was the main factor determining the yield and quality of the harvested herbage. On the grass-only swards, N application increased the DM yield with 28 or 22 kg DM kg N–1, at 190 or 380 kg N ha–1 year–1, respectively. The average apparent N recovery was 0.78 kg kg–1. On the grass/clover swards, N application of 190 ha–1 year–1 increased grass production at the cost of white clover, which decreased from 41 to 16%. Phosphorus application increased grass yields, but did not increase clover yields. A positive interaction between N and P applications was observed. However, the consequences of this interaction for the optimal N application were only minor, and of little practical relevance. Both the P-AL-value and total soil P showed a positive response to P application and a negative response to N application. Furthermore, the positive effect of P application decreased with increasing N application. The annual changes in P-AL-value and total soil P were closely related to the soil surface surplus, which in turn was determined by the level of N and P application and their interaction. The accumulation of soil N was similar on both sward types, but within the grass-only swards soil N was positively affected by N application. The accumulation of organic C was unaffected by N or P application, but was lower under grass/clover than under grass-only.  相似文献   

Ryegrass was grown in pots containing metal-enriched soil which was adjusted to different pH levels with acid or lime, and supplied with either ammonium sulphate or calcium nitrate as the N fertilizer.Concentrations of heavy metals in the grass tops increased with decreasing soil pH to an extent diminishing in the order: Mn, Ni, Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr.Nitrate application was the more appropriate treatment for the production of lower concentrations of heavy metals in the grass because its use by the grass increased the pH of the soil, whereas added ammonium sulphate released acid to the soil during nitrification and plant uptake of ammonium. After three successive cuttings and repeated dressings, soil pH (H2O) was 3 units higher with nitrate than with ammonium, resulting in a marked reduction in the uptake of the more pH-sensitive metals in soils where nitrate was applied  相似文献   

Field trials were carried out to study the fate of15N-labelled urea applied to summer maize and winter wheat in loess soils in Shaanxi Province, north-west China. In the maize experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0 or 210 kg N ha–1, either as a surface application, mixed uniformly with the top 0.15 m of soil, or placed in holes 0.1 m deep adjacent to each plant and then covered with soil. In the wheat experiment, nitrogen was applied at rates of 0, 75 or 150 kg N ha–1, either to the surface, or incorporated by mixing with the top 0.15 m, or placed in a band at 0.15 m depth. Measurements were made of crop N uptake, residual fertilizer N and soil mineral N. The total above-ground dry matter yield of maize varied between 7.6 and 11.9 t ha–1. The crop recovery of fertilizer N following point placement was 25% of that applied, which was higher than that from the surface application (18%) or incorporation by mixing (18%). The total grain yield of wheat varied between 4.3 and 4.7 t ha–1. In the surface applications, the recovery of fertilizer-derived nitrogen (25%) was considerably lower than that from the mixing treatments and banded placements (33 and 36%). The fertilizer N application rate had a significant effect on grain and total dry matter yield, as well as on total N uptake and grain N contents. The main mechanism for loss of N appeared to be by ammonia volatilization, rather than leaching. High mineral N concentrations remained in the soil at harvest, following both crops, demonstrating a potential for significant reductions in N application rates without associated loss in yield.  相似文献   

Initial and residual effects of nitrogen (N) fertilizers on grain yield of a maize/bean intercrop grown on a deep, well-drained Humic Nitosol (66% clay, 3% organic carbon) were evaluated. Enriched (15N) N fertilizer was used to study the fate of applied N in two seasons: using urea (banded) at 50 kg N ha–1 in one season, and15N-enriched urea (banded), calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN, banded), and urea supergranules (USG, point placement) were applied in the other season (different field) at 100 kg N ha–1. Nitrogen fertilizer significantly (P = 0.05) increased equivalent maize grain yield in each season of application with no significant differences between N sources, i.e., urea, CAN, and USG. Profitmaximizing rates ranged from 75 to 97 kg N ha–1 and value: cost ratios ranged from 3.0 to 4.8. Urea gave the highest value: cost ratio in each season. Most (lowest measurement 81%) of the applied N was accounted for by analyzing the soil (to 150 cm depth) and plant material. Measurements for urea, CAN, and USG were not significantly different. The high N measurements suggest low losses of applied N fertilizer under the conditions of the study. Maize plant recovery ranged from 35 to 55%; most of this N (51–65%) was in the grain. Bean plant recovery ranged from 8 to 20%. About 34–43% of the applied N fertilizer remained in the soil, and most of it (about 70%) was within the top soil layer (0–30 cm). However, there were no significant equivalent maize grain increases in seasons following N application indicating no beneficial residual effect of the applied fertilizers.  相似文献   

The decomposition of oilseed rape residues of different quality and its effects on the mineral N dynamics of the soil in the period between crops were studied in situ. The residues studied were obtained by growing an oilseed rape crop at two levels of N fertilisation, 0 and 270 kg N ha-1. The study was carried out using two types of experiment: field plots and cylinders filled with disturbed soil and inserted into the soil. The decomposition of the residues was followed using an approach involving the dynamics of both carbon and nitrogen, the parameters measured being the CO2 emitted from the soil, the soil mineral N content, the C present in soluble form or in the form of microbial biomass, and the C and N present in the form of plant residues.The two residues studied, of similar biochemical composition, and differing only in their N content, were rapidly mineralised: approximately 50% of the carbon in the residues was decomposed during the first two months following incorporation into the soil. The carbon mineralised in the form of CO2 was largely related to the C present in the residues, no relationship having been found with the C present in soluble form or in the form of microbial biomass.Calculation of net N mineralisation from the residues using a model of mineralisation and leaching has provided evidence of an immobilisation phase for soil mineral N, during the first steps of residues decomposition. Labelling the high-N residues with 15N has moreover enabled us to demonstrate the low availability of the organic N from this residue, 20.8% of the organic N being mineralised in the course of 18 months of experimentation. Eventually, only the highest-N content residue resulted in a mineral N surplus in the soil, equivalent to 9 kg N ha-1, by comparison with the control soil. Finally, this study has provided good evidence of the complementarity between the two experimental methods. The cylinders of disturbed soil gave a precise measurement of the decomposition of the residues, especially by means of monitoring soil respiration. The field plots were used to monitor the dynamics of soil mineral N which were calculated with the aid of a mathematical model of mineralisation and leaching of nitrogen in the presence and absence of residues.  相似文献   

The decline of cooking banana production in parts of East Africa hasbeen associated with a loss of soil fertility and increased pest pressure.Previous work indicated that the use of mineral fertilizers at recommendedratesis not financially viable on plantations where pest pressure is high. Theobjectives of this study were to determine the effects of half the recommendedrates of mineral fertilizers and organic mulch on banana yield, soil and foliarnutrient status, soil water and pest damage in the central region of Uganda.Thestudy was conducted in a four-year old banana plantation infested with weevils.Treatments consisted of mineral fertilizer alone, mulch alone, a combination ofmulch with fertilizer, and a control (no mulch from outside the plot, ormineralfertilizer applied). Fruit yield was generally low (mean of 7.4 Mgha–1 yr–1) and increases above thecontrol ranged from 1.1 to 2.0 Mg ha–1 yr–1. Banana yield was significantly higher in the solemulch treatment than in the control. However, there were no significantdifferences in yield among the treatments that received external inputs. Thus,there was no demonstrable yield advantage of combining mineral fertilizer withmulch. At the end of the trial, soil K concentrations in the two treatmentsthatwere mulched, were almost twice those of the control, but this difference wasnotstatistically significant. Concentrations of Ca and Mg did not differ withtreatment. Soil available P significantly increased when mineral fertilizer andorganic mulch were combined. Treatments that received organic mulch were lowerin foliar concentrations of N and Mg, and higher in K. Soil water content wasgreater in the surface soil layer in the treatments that received mulch,presumably due to less surface run-off and evaporation, since there was nochangein surface soil porosity. The effect of organic and inorganic amendments had noimpact on weevil damage, which remained above 5% at the end of the trial. Weconclude that where weevil damage is over 5% of the cross section near thecollar, banana production may not be economically increased through use ofeither mineral fertilizer and/or organic mulch.  相似文献   

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