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Retail stores contain a wide range of products that can emit a variety of indoor pollutants. Among these chemicals, phthalate esters and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are two important categories of semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). Filters in heating, ventilation, and air‐conditioning (HVAC) system collect particles from large volumes of air and thus potentially provide spatially and temporally integrated SVOC concentrations. This study measured six phthalate and 14 PBDE compounds in HVAC filter dust in 14 retail stores in Texas and Pennsylvania, United States. Phthalates and PBDEs were widely found in the HVAC filter dust in retail environment, indicating that they are ubiquitous indoor pollutants. The potential co‐occurrence of phthalates and PBDEs was not strong, suggesting that their indoor sources are diverse. The levels of phthalates and PBDEs measured in HVAC filter dust are comparable to concentrations found in previous investigations of settled dust in residential buildings. Significant correlations between indoor air and filter dust concentrations were found for diethyl phthalate, di‐n‐butyl phthalate, and benzyl butyl phthalate. Reasonable agreement between measurements and an equilibrium model to describe SVOC partitioning between dust and gas‐phase is achieved.  相似文献   

Airborne dust samples from damp (n = 9) and control (n = 9) residences were analyzed for microorganisms (molds and bacteria), bacterial markers (3-hydroxy fatty acids and muramic acid), and adsorbed volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The number of mold species was greater in the damp residences than in the controls (23 vs.18) and nine mold species were found only in damp residences. The levels of 3-hydroxy fatty acids and muramic acid correlated better in damp residences than in controls, indicating that damp conditions affect the bacterial flora of airborne dust. Identifications made by culture and microscopy of the major molds found, i.e. Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillum, coincided with the identification of VOCs known to be produced by these species. A number of additional VOCs irritating to the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract were also found. The results from this pilot study illustrate the diversity of microorganisms and VOCs present in the indoor environment and suggest that analysis of airborne dust may help to assess human exposure to microorganisms and chemical compounds.  相似文献   

Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are classified as known or possible carcinogens, irritants, and toxicants, and VOC exposure has been associated with the onset and exacerbation of asthma. This study characterizes VOC levels in 126 homes of children with asthma in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The total target VOC concentration ranged from 14 to 2274 μg/m3 (mean = 150 μg/m3; median = 91 μg/m3); 56 VOCs were quantified; and d‐limonene, toluene, p, m‐xylene, and ethyl acetate had the highest concentrations. Based on the potential for adverse health effects, priority VOCs included naphthalene, benzene, 1,4‐dichlorobenzene, isopropylbenzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, chloroform, 1,2‐dichloroethane, tetrachloroethene, and trichloroethylene. Concentrations varied mostly due to between‐residence and seasonal variation. Identified emission sources included cigarette smoking, solvent‐related emissions, renovations, household products, and pesticides. The effect of nearby traffic on indoor VOC levels was not distinguished. While concentrations in the Detroit homes were lower than levels found in other North American studies, many homes had elevated VOC levels, including compounds that are known health hazards. Thus, the identification and control of VOC sources are important and prudent, especially for vulnerable individuals. Actions and policies to reduce VOC exposures, for example, sales restrictions, improved product labeling, and consumer education, are recommended.  相似文献   

Vehicular traffic in urban areas may adversely affect urban water quality through the build-up of traffic generated semi and non volatile organic compounds (SVOCs and NVOCs) on road surfaces. The characterisation of the build-up processes is the key to developing mitigation measures for the removal of such pollutants from urban stormwater. An in-depth analysis of the build-up of SVOCs and NVOCs was undertaken in the Gold Coast region in Australia. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multicriteria Decision tools such as PROMETHEE and GAIA were employed to understand the SVOC and NVOC build-up under combined traffic scenarios of low, moderate, and high traffic in different land uses. It was found that congestion in the commercial areas and use of lubricants and motor oils in the industrial areas were the main sources of SVOCs and NVOCs on urban roads, respectively. The contribution from residential areas to the build-up of such pollutants was hardly noticeable. It was also revealed through this investigation that the target SVOCs and NVOCs were mainly attached to particulate fractions of 75-300 μm whilst the redistribution of coarse fractions due to vehicle activity mainly occurred in the >300 μm size range. Lastly, under combined traffic scenario, moderate traffic with average daily traffic ranging from 2300 to 5900 and average congestion of 0.47 were found to dominate SVOC and NVOC build-up on roads.  相似文献   

A single-blinded study was performed to analyze whether indoor environments with and without mold infestation differ significantly in microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) concentrations. Air sampling for MVOC was performed in 40 dwellings with evident mold damage and in 44 dwellings, where mold damage was excluded after a thorough investigation. The characteristics of the dwellings, climatic parameters, airborne particles and air exchange rates (AER) were recorded. The parameters mold status, characteristics of the interiors and measured climatic parameters were included in the multiple regression model. The results show no significant association between most of the analyzed MVOC and the mold status. Only the compounds 2-methyl-1-butanol and 1-octen-3-ol indicated a statistically significant, but weak association with the mold status. However, the concentrations of the so-called MVOC were mainly influenced by other indoor factors. 2-Methylfuran and 3-methylfuran, often used as main indicators for mold damage, had a highly significant correlation with the smoking status. These compounds were also significantly correlated with the humidity and the AER. The compounds 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-hexanone, 3-heptanone and dimethyl disulfide were weakly correlated with the recorded parameters, the humidity being the strongest influencing factor. Only 2-methyl-1-butanol and 1-octen-3-ol showed a statistically significant association with the mold status; however, only a small portion (10% in this case) of the total variability could be explained by the predictor mold status; they do not qualify as indicator compounds, because such minor correlations lead to a too excessive part of incorrect classifications, meaning that the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of these compounds are too low. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The assumption that mold infestations might be detected by microbial VOC emissions must be considered with great reservation. The major part of the total variability of the measured MVOC concentrations originates from not known influencing factors and/or from factors not directly associated with the mold status of the dwellings (confounders). More specific and sensitive markers for the assessment of the mold status should be found, if the screening for mold infestations should be performed by volatile organic compounds.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes and compares emissions during heating of different dust samples relevant to the indoor environment. Characterization includes emission of volatile organic compounds when dust samples were heated to 150 and 250 degrees C (gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer), weight loss during heating to 450 degrees C (thermogravimetric analysis), and the number of particles emitted during heating towards 200 degrees C (condensation nucleus counting). Element analyses were performed for non-heated dust (inductively coupled plasma discharge instrument). Emissions of volatile organic compounds from heated dust from different sources were surprisingly similar. However, the temperature at which the emission of volatiles started varied with the dust source. For most of the samples studied, the emissions were considerable already at 150 degrees C, and increased in number of peaks and peak area at 250 degrees C. Particle emissions started around 70 degrees C regardless of the dust source. Particle emissions seemed to be affected by the content of organic material.  相似文献   

本文采用热解析一气:阳色谱质谱联用法对石膏板中的挥发性有机化合物进行测定。本方法以质谱定性,外标法定量,最低检出限为0.001mg/kg,相对标准偏差小于5%。该方法本底低,操作简单,快捷,灵敏度高。  相似文献   

Phthalates are semivolatile organic compounds with a ubiquitous environmental distribution. Their presence in indoor environments is linked to their use in a variety of consumer products such as children's toys, cosmetics, food packaging, flexible PVC flooring among others. The goal of this study was to investigate the occurrence and concentration of phthalates in dust from homes in Kuwait and to assess non‐dietary human exposure to these phthalates. Dust samples were randomly collected from 21 homes and analyzed for eight phthalates. The concentrations of total phthalates were log normally distributed and ranged from 470 to 7800 μg/g. Five phthalates [Di(2‐ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Di‐n‐octyl phthalate (DnOP), Di‐n‐butyl phthalate (DBP), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BzBP), and Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DcHP)] were routinely detected. The major phthalate compound was DEHP at a geometric mean concentration of 1704 μg/g (median, 2256 μg/g) accounting for 92% of the total phthalates measured. Using the measured concentrations and estimates of dust ingestion rates for children and adults, estimated human non‐dietary exposure based on median phthalate concentrations ranged from 938 ng/kg‐bd/day for adults to 13362 ng/kg‐bd/day for toddlers. The difference in exposure estimates between children and adults in this study supports previous reports that children are at greater risk from pollutants that accumulate indoors.  相似文献   

调研了建筑类涂料产品挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的国家、行业及地方标准,对比研究了VOC限量值、测试方法及注意事项等方面的异同,对系统了解我国建筑类涂料VOC测定方法具有指导意义。  相似文献   

陈国电 《砖瓦》2021,(2):38-39
塑胶跑道是一种比较常见的运动场地层面,它又被称为全天候运动跑道.塑胶跑道有着诸多的优点,比如平整度好、抗压强度高、有着适宜的弹性,在我国各级学校以及运动场地都有所铺设.但是,塑胶跑道的组成物质有着一定的挥发性,近年来一些塑胶跑道的材料不过关,导致其挥发性有机化合物对人们的健康造成了较大的威胁.通过大量的检测数据,了解福...  相似文献   

Park JS  Ikeda K 《Indoor air》2004,14(6):413-420
The aim of the study reported herein was to characterize occupants' simultaneous exposure to mixtures of organic compounds in homes. Statistical distributions for concentrations of 28 organic compounds (17 VOCs and 11 aldehydes) measured in 1417 homes were generated to analyze concentration distributions. Three candidate distributions were identified for fitting the measured data: log-normal, exponential and gamma distributions. It appears from the results of fitting tests that gamma distributions are capable of representing 28 compound concentrations. Probability distributions show that formaldehyde and acetaldehyde ranged from 25 to 220 microg/m3 at 90% probabilities and most VOCs ranged from 3 to 80 microg/m3 at 90% probabilities. In order to characterize the occupant's exposure to the mixtures, the joint probability distributions of organic compounds were generated from the best-fitted distributions of individual compounds under the assumption that concentrations of organic compounds are mutually independent in homes. These joint distributions provided the statistical data for characterizing the occupant's exposure to the mixtures of organic compounds in homes. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Occupants often encounter not just one compound in indoor environments, but many compounds due to their concurrent emissions from several sources. This paper describes characteristics of statistical distributions for concentrations of 17 VOCs and 11 aldehydes in homes in Japan. After applying a probability model to the occupants' simultaneous exposure to mixtures of organic compounds, the authors interpret the current state of the occupant's exposure to the mixtures within homes using joint probability distributions of 28 organic compounds.  相似文献   

Partitioning to surfaces is an important sink for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) indoors, but the mechanisms are not well understood or quantified. Here, a mass spectrometer was coupled to a portable surface reactor and a flow tube to measure partitioning of VOCs into paint films coated onto glass or wallboard, and their subsequent diffusion. A model was developed to extract values of the effective absorbing organic mass concentration of the film, Cw, which is a measure of absorption capacity, and VOC diffusion coefficients, Df, from VOC time profiles measured during film passivation and depassivation. Values of Cw agreed well with the value estimated from the paint film mass and flow tube air volume, and Df values (also measured using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) correlated well with VOC vapor saturation concentrations, C*, estimated using a group contribution method. The value of these relationships for estimating key parameters that control VOC partitioning into paint and the fate of VOCs indoors was demonstrated using a house model, which indicated that >50% of VOCs with C* ≤108 μg/m3 (C* of octane, hexanone, and propanol) that contacted a paint film of typical thickness fully permeated the film regardless of emission duration.  相似文献   

Although significant progress has been made in understanding the sources and chemistry of indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the past decades, much is unknown about the role of humans in indoor air chemistry. In the spring of 2014, we conducted continuous measurements of VOCs using a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (PTR‐MS) in a university classroom. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) of the measured VOCs revealed a ‘human influence’ component, which likely represented VOCs produced from human breath and ozonolysis of human skin lipids. The concentration of the human influence component increased with the number of occupants and decreased with ventilation rate in a similar way to CO2, with an average contribution of 40% to the measured daytime VOC concentration. In addition, the human skin lipid ozonolysis products were observed to correlate with CO2 and anticorrelate with O3, suggesting that reactions on human surfaces may be important sources of indoor VOCs and sinks for indoor O3. Our study suggests that humans can substantially affect VOC composition and oxidative capacity in indoor environments.  相似文献   

The contamination of indoor environments with chemical compounds released by materials and furniture, such as semi‐volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), is less documented in schools than in dwellings—yet children spend 16% of their time in schools, where they can also be exposed. This study is one of the first to describe the contamination of the air and dust of 90 classrooms from 30 nursery and primary schools by 55 SVOCs, including pesticides, phosphoric esters, musks, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs), phthalates, and polybromodiphenylethers (PBDEs). Air samples were collected using an active sampling method, and dust samples were collected via two sampling methods (wiping and vacuum cleaning). In air, the highest concentrations (median >100 ng/m3) were measured for diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), bis(2‐ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), and galaxolide. In dust, the highest concentrations (median >30 μg/g) were found for DEHP, diisononyl phthalate (DiNP), DiBP, and DBP. An attempt to compare two floor dust sampling methods using a single unit (ng/m²) was carried out. SVOC concentrations were higher in wiped dust, but frequencies of quantification were greater in vacuumed dust.  相似文献   

Indoor Air Quality monitoring in cultural institutions is of particular concern to protect these places and the cultural heritage content. An indoor monitoring campaign was performed in three museums in Florence (Italy) to determine the occurrence and levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs of interest included BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), terpenes, aldehydes, organic acids, and cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS). The most abundant VOCs in all samples analyzed were BTEX, which were strictly related to the traffic source, followed by siloxanes and terpenes. Among BTEX, toluene was always the most abundant followed by xylenes, ethylbenzene, and benzene. cVMS in exhibition rooms with the presence of visitors showed higher values compared to samples collected when the museums were closed. Terpenes showed not only the influence of vegetation-biogenic sources surrounding a museum but could also be related to the wood used for the construction of showcases and furniture and the use of cleaning products. Data obtained also showed the presence of organic acids and aldehydes whose source can be traced back to exhibits themselves and wood-based furniture. Assessing the levels of organic acids in museums is important because, over time, it can cause deterioration of the artifacts.  相似文献   

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