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Despite a global focus on resource conservation, most hemodialysis (HD) services still wastefully or ignorantly discard reverse osmosis (R/O) "reject water" (RW) to the sewer. However, an R/O system is producing the highly purified water necessary for dialysis, it rejects any remaining dissolved salts from water already prefiltered through charcoal and sand filters in a high-volume effluent known as RW. Although the RW generated by most R/O systems lies well within globally accepted potable water criteria, it is legally "unacceptable" for drinking. Consequently, despite being extremely high-grade gray water, under current dialysis practices, it is thoughtlessly "lost-to-drain." Most current HD service designs neither specify nor routinely include RW-saving methodology, despite its simplicity and affordability. Since 2006, we have operated several locally designed, simple, cheap, and effective RW collection and distribution systems in our in-center, satellite, and home HD services. All our RW water is now recycled for gray-water use in our hospital, in the community, and at home, a practice that is widely appreciated by our local health service and our community and is an acknowledged lead example of scarce resource conservation. Reject water has sustained local sporting facilities and gardens previously threatened by indefinite closure under our regional endemic local drought conditions. As global water resources come under increasing pressure, we believe that a far more responsible attitude to RW recycling and conservation should be mandated for all new and existing HD services, regardless of country or region.  相似文献   

城市污水深度回用为火力发电厂锅炉补给水已成为世界各国解决缺水问题的主要方案之一,中水水质对深度回用工艺中反渗透膜的影响不容忽视.将电厂中水回用工程中污染的反渗透膜组件进行解剖分析,通过加压染料试验、表观观察、烧失量分析、SEM-EDX、GC-MS等方法对膜面污染物及其在膜面的分布特征进行研究.结果表明,膜面主要为有机污染,主要污染物为烃类、脂肪酸类物质;少量无机污染主要是SiO2;污染物总量沿从膜卷进口端到出口端的方向逐渐增多,无机污染的变化与之相同,而有机污染的变化与之相反.表明阻垢和杀菌预处理系统及维护管理工作完善.  相似文献   

Introduction: Microbiological culture of dialysis water and fluid is a routine safety measure. In the United States (U.S.), laboratories perform these cultures on trypticase soy agar at 35–37°C for 48 h (TSA‐48h), not on the tryptone glucose extract agar or Reasoner's 2A agar at 17–23°C for 7 days (TGEA‐7d and R2A‐7d, respectively) recommended by international standards. We compared culture methods to identify samples exceeding the accepted action level of 50 CFU/mL. Methods: Dialysis water and fluid samples collected from 41 U.S. dialysis programs between 2011 and 2014 were cultured at two U.S. laboratories. Each sample was cultured using (1) either TGEA‐7d or R2A‐7d and (2) TSA‐48h. We compared proportions exceeding the action level by different methods and test characteristics of TSA‐48h to those of TGEA‐7d and R2A‐7d. Findings: The proportion of water samples yielding colony counts ≥50 CFU/mL by TGEA‐7d was significantly different from the proportion by TSA‐48h (P = 0.001; difference in proportion 4.3% [95%CI 1.3–7.3%]). The proportions of dialysis fluid samples ≥50 CFU/mL by TGEA‐7d and TSA‐48h were not significantly different; there were no significant differences for comparisons of R2A‐7d to TSA‐48h. Discussion: In dialysis fluid, TSA‐48h was comparable to TGEA‐7d and R2A‐7d in identifying samples as having bacterial counts ≥50 CFU/mL. In dialysis water, TSA‐48h was comparable to R2A‐7d in identifying samples ≥50 CFU/mL, but TGEA‐7d did yield significantly more results above 50 CFU/mL. Nonetheless, the negative predictive value of a TSA‐48h result of <50 CFU/mL in dialysis water exceeded 95%.  相似文献   

1m3/h RO-EDI高纯水设备的研制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了工业规模的EDI膜堆和1m^3/h RO-EDI高纯水设备的研制情况,进行了设备的稳定性试验和EDI产水的水质分析,并与离子交换树脂进行了技术经济性能比较。  相似文献   

结垢是反渗透和循环水系统中常见的问题之一.根据反渗透膜表面和凝汽器管内垢成分的比较,从反渗透浓水和循环水的pH、游离CO2、碳酸根的变化、碳酸类化合物的平衡等因素对两个系统结碳酸盐垢的过程进行对比研究,并针对反渗透系统结垢特点对其阻垢剂的选择提出建议.  相似文献   

针对钢铁企业污水处理站出水回用时存在含盐量高的问题,采用超滤-反渗透双膜法对出水进行深度处理.试验考察了武钢污水处理站出水水质对超滤膜通量、跨膜压差和膜面流速的影响,确定了超滤反洗周期,分析了超滤膜的污染情况,经双膜法深度处理后的产水电导率保持在20μS/cm以下,平均除盐率为96.9%.  相似文献   

河水反渗透技术制备造纸厂工艺用水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广东某造纸厂以当地河水为源水,用反渗透技术进行深度处理,为企业节水做出了重要的贡献.本文简述了Vontron抗污染系列反渗透膜在河水中的应用,以及和国外某品牌的抗污染膜元件所进行的对比研究.  相似文献   

反渗透、纳滤膜及其在水处理中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张烽  徐平 《膜科学与技术》2003,23(4):241-245,254
对反渗透和纳滤膜元件在国内外的发展过程,应用领域和应用现状进行了综述,认为反渗透和纳滤膜应用在全国乃至全世界均处于高速成长期,具有广泛的应用前景.但同时指出应及时总结目前的应用情况,开发潜在的应用领域,加强技术的国产化,确保该技术的良性高速发展.  相似文献   

膜分离技术在电镀镍漂洗水回收中的应用   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
经过一系列的实验 ,证明了采用膜分离技术浓缩电镀镍漂洗水和回收利用漂洗水中的镍和水资源的可行性 .实验结果表明 ,NF技术对镍离子的截留率大于 97% ,RO技术对镍离子的截留率大于 99% .对于镍离子浓度为 14 5mg/L的进水 ,膜分离技术可浓缩电镀镍漂洗水 10 0倍以上 ,经一级NF ,两级RO(BWRO、SWRO)浓缩 ,浓缩液镍离子浓度可达到 5 0 g/L ,透过液经处理后回用  相似文献   

反渗透净水机作为一种有优质净水效果产品,在快速被市场接受的同时,高耗水的特点也日益引起社会的关注.本文重点介绍了反渗透净水机水效标准的制定方法和标准主要内容,该标准作为国家强制性标准,将对规范净水行业和社会节水具有重要意义.  相似文献   

膜法医药用水生产技术的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
回顾了膜法医药用水生产技术的国外进展,在分析了膜分离技术的优势,医药用水水质要求和存在的问题,以及膜与膜过程的最新发展的基础上,讨论了该技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

以水体中经常暴露的5种微量药物污染物:酰胺咪嗪(CBZ)、酮洛芬(KEP)、萘普生(NAP)、双氯芬酸(DCF)和扑热息痛(ACE)为研究对象,考察了反渗透(RO)、纳滤(NF)、膜蒸馏(MD)3种膜分离技术对5种目标药物的去除效果.试验结果表明:RO与MD两种膜分离技术对5种目标药物均能高效地去除,其中MD工艺出水中5种目标药物均未检出;RO工艺出水中,CBZ、KEP、NAP和DCF 4种药物也未检出,基本实现了完全去除,ACE的去除率略低,但也达到了96.5%;相对而言,NF工艺对5种目标药物的去除效果稍差,其对CBZ、KEP、NAP、DCF和ACE的去除率分别为60.5%±0.5%、82.3%±0.7%、84.2%±0.4%、83.5%±1%、41.1%±0.2%.  相似文献   

反渗透膜对市政污水的深度处理回用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大连某热电厂以城市生活污水厂二级出水为原水,经过反渗透深度处理后,出水满足热电厂循环冷却水需求.反渗透系统处理效果明显,对电导率、氨氮和总氮的去除率分别为97.5%,95.7%,94.4%,并几乎将TOC全部去除.系统已运行20个月,稳定可靠,一直为电厂提供循环冷却水,显示出该工艺在实际应用中的可行性,具有推广价值.  相似文献   

Renal function recovery (RFR), defined as the discontinuation of dialysis after 3 months of replacement therapy, is reported in about 1% of chronic dialysis patients. The role of personalized, intensive dialysis schedules and of resuming low‐protein diets has not been studied to date. This report describes three patients with RFR who were recently treated at a new dialysis unit set up to offer intensive hemodialysis. All three patients were females, aged 73, 75, and 78 years. Kidney disease included vascular‐cholesterol emboli, diabetic nephropathy and vascular and dysmetabolic disease. At time of RFR, the patients had been dialysis‐dependent from 3 months to 1 year. Dialysis was started with different schedules and was progressively discontinued with a “decremental” policy, progressively decreasing number and duration of the sessions. A moderately restricted low‐protein diet (proteins 0.6 g/kg/day) was started immediately after dialysis discontinuation. The most recent update showed that two patients are well off dialysis for 5 and 6 months; the diabetic patient died (sudden death) 3 months after dialysis discontinuation. Within the limits of small numbers, our case series may suggest a role for personalized dialysis treatments and for including low‐protein diets in the therapy, in enhancing long‐term RFR in elderly dialysis patients.  相似文献   

提出了塑料包装生命周期绿色化的技术内涵,探讨了全套方案实现塑料包装生命周期绿色化的发展理念,论述了了我国实现塑料包装生命周期绿色化存在的问题和创新创造的发展方向,研究了食品、饮料、医疗医药等塑料包装领域内制品、原料、加工设备、成型工艺、产品检测、回收再生利用等各个环节绿色化的新技术,指出塑料包装生命周期绿色化是实现我国塑料包装绿色化"中国创造"的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

膜分离已经成为解决当前水资源等问题的主要技术手段.标准化是促进分离膜产业健康发展的保障.通过检索统计,总结了分离膜领域相关国家政策和现行标准情况,包括国际标准、国外先进标准、国家标准和行业标准;讨论了目前分离膜领域在标准制订方面存在的问题,认为目前分离膜标准体系不完善,体现在标准种类不够齐全、标准覆盖领域有待扩展、能效与水效标准缺乏、标准制定/修订机制有待健全等几个方面,并且在第三方检测、技术交流和标准化意识等方面仍有待加强.结合我国分离膜工业实际情况,针对分离膜产业的发展需求提出了标准制订的建议.  相似文献   

利用电渗析技术脱除头孢氨苄酶法母液废水中的盐分,研究了操作电压、浓缩室与淡化室流速比、温度等因素对电渗析脱盐过程的影响,并研究了反渗透膜法处理脱盐母液废水的膜通量变化趋势。实验结果表明,当淡化室、浓缩室流量均为500 L/h(流速比1∶1),操作电压为25 V,温度30℃时,电渗析在高效脱盐的同时具有理想的有机物截留率达99.50%以上,能耗3.65 kW.h/kg;反渗透膜法在处理脱盐母液废水时,膜通量衰减较慢,水回收率达到75.67%。实验结果表明,利用电渗析、反渗透组合工艺处理头孢氨苄酶法母液废水具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

反渗透复合膜技术进展和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍反渗透复合膜的发展现状和趋势.自1978年全芳香族聚酰胺复合膜的成功及其产业化,大大地促进了膜科技和海水淡化的发展,膜的品种不断增多,膜的性能不断提高,低压、超低压、极低压、高脱盐率、高通量、耐污染和抗氧化等一系列的各种复合膜相继进入市场.文章简述了膜材料的选择、传递机理(如:溶解扩散模型、优先吸附-毛细孔流动模型、氢键传递和水与离子通道等)、新的功能单体合成、支撑膜的改进、界面聚合的参数调控和后处理、有机-纳米无机粒子杂化、水通道和离子通道的建立和仿生等的研究进展和发展趋势.  相似文献   

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