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BACKGROUND: A number of retail shops in Copenhagen sell fresh cassava roots. Cassava roots contain the toxic cyanogenic glucoside linamarin. A survey was made of the shop characteristics, origin of the roots, buyers, shop owner's knowledge of toxicity levels, and actual toxicity levels. RESULTS: Shops selling fresh cassava were shown mostly to be owned by persons originating in the Middle East or Afghanistan, buyers were found to predominantly be of African origin, and sellers' knowledge concerning the potential toxicity was found to be very restricted. Seventy‐six per cent of the roots purchased had a total cyanogenic potentials (CNp) above the 50 mg HCN equivalents kg?1 dry weight (d.w.) proposed as acceptable by an EU working group. Two of 25 roots purchased had CNp higher than 340 mg HCN eq. kg?1 d.w. CONCLUSION: The EU has previously made risk assessments concerning cassava and cyanogenic compounds. In the light of the conclusions drawn, the EU needs to make decisions about how to deal with the regulation and control of fresh cassava roots imported to the European food market. Also cassava root products and cassava leaves should be considered. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

We are surrounded by sensory food cues, such as odors, that may trigger (un)conscious decisions and even lead to (over)eating, it is therefore crucial to better understand the effect of food odors on behavioral responses. Food odor exposure has been shown to enhance appetite for food products with similar properties: sensory-specific appetite. This suggests that based on previous encounters with foods, we have learned to detect the nutritional content of foods, through our sense of smell. We investigated the influence of aware exposure of macronutrient-related odors on various measures of eating behavior, in a cross-over intervention study. Thirty two normal-weight healthy and unrestrained Dutch females took part in five test sessions. On each test session, they were exposed to one of five conditions (active smelling of clearly noticeable odors representing food high in carbohydrates, protein, and fat, low in calories, and a no-odor condition for 3-min) and assessed on specific appetite, food preferences and intake. Odor exposure increased congruent appetite after protein-related odor exposure. Similarly, protein-related odor exposure influenced the liking for protein foods and the preference ranking for savory products. However, food intake was not affected by smelling congruent food odors. Together this indicates that exposure to (aware) food odors may mostly influence appetite, but does not impact subsequent food intake. Moreover, appetite seems to be triggered by taste qualities rather than macronutrient information of the food, as signaled by olfactory cues. Future studies should investigate the role of awareness in more detail, to fully understand how odors might be used to steer people towards healthier food choices.  相似文献   

Distorted by the impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy, UK agriculture has declined from a position of relative strength when it entered the European Communities in 1973, to become an industry that will find it difficult to compete in international markets in an era of increasing free trade. Numerous opportunities arising from new types of science, engineering and technology will not be realised readily in an environment of declining political and public sympathy for matters agricultural, weakening of agricultural institutions, underinvestment in science, and economic underperformance which is now manifest by agriculture's contribution to the gross domestic product (0.4% after stripping out direct subsidies) being less than the retail paint trade but about the same level as the fresh sandwich trade. Biotechnology has yet to reach its zenith, as structural and functional genomics, bioinformatics, transgenesis, multi‐functional crops, regenics, phytoremediation, habitat reconstruction and ‘in‐flight’ therapy of crops become commonplace. Internationally, agriculture will have ready access to: (i) a vast range of cultivars and propagules of high‐health status and with desirable water and nutrient use capabilities; (ii) reliable automation; (iii) microsite engineering to safeguard soil structure so that different types of land can be used sustainably for specific purposes; (iv) management support and decision systems to aid in agronomic systems, eg to optimise water use, to retard oxidation of peat‐based soils, etc; (v) efficient transport and storage systems for the primary produce; (vi) dignified maintenance of livestock with rapid health correction systems; (vii) fresh water in designated areas; and (viii) accurate short‐ and medium‐term weather forecasts. There will be a phenomenal range of fresh and processed foodstuffs, available year‐round, with stated nutraceutical and pharmaceutical properties. In the post‐microwave, post‐flash‐baking era, convenience will reign supreme. Easily engineered fresh food products of uniform colour, shape, size, taste, aroma, chemical composition and texture will meet consumer demands and, as always, will be influenced by fashion and advertising. Certain current brands of foodstuffs will be eliminated on health grounds. E‐commerce, e‐agriculture, e‐universities, e‐research institutes, e‐scientific journals, e‐schools and even e‐scientific societies will be the norm. There will be a revolution in the acquisition, analysis, application and ownership of scholarship and intellectual property. The retailing and delivery industries will witness a shrinking in the central functions as automation takes over, and consequently the storage and processing industries will alter their relationships with agriculture and the customer. On current trends the UK will have but a minor role in international agricultural and food trade as a result of failing to generate and capture relevant intellectual property. There is a danger that UK‐owned agricultural and horticultural expertise will no longer be available as useful tools to assist politicians and the private sector in providing development aid to economically weak countries. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Reducing both hunger and high expenditure on food imports is a priority for most developing African countries. Countries that hitherto have relied heavily on food imports are seeking new approaches to increase the utilization of locally grown crops. This review uses the case of cassava to propose that scientific and technological innovations, supported by public investment and appropriate policies, offer opportunities for better utilizing locally grown crops, encouraging agro-industrial development, reducing import expenditure, and providing much-needed income (bread) to smallholders. This review highlights areas that require further research in order to achieve sustainable development in the processing of raw cassava root into cassava flour for bread production.  相似文献   

In the global market, consumers are exposed to multiple brand names in unfamiliar languages. Even meaningless words can trigger certain semantic associations. This phenomenon is known as sound symbolism, i.e., the direct link between a sound and a meaning. Sound symbolism helps consumers to form product expectations based on unfamiliar brand names. Product expectations can be also formed based on various elements of packaging design, including colours, shapes and materials. This study investigated the effects of unfamiliar brand names (“Asahi” vs. “Ramune”), package shapes (round vs. angular) and product types (muesli cookie vs. butter cookie) varied in perceived healthiness (low vs. high) on perceived product healthfulness, product evaluation, taste expectations and purchase intention. General health interest (GHI) was used as the moderating variable. The results showed that package shape and product type significantly influenced the perceived product healthfulness of the two experimental products. Brand name alone did not affect consumer responses. However, the congruent combination of product shape and brand name (round “Ramune” cookie) was preferred to incongruent combinations. Furthermore, the congruent combinations (“Ramune” butter cookie and “Asahi” muesli cookie) were expected to taste better and were more likely to be purchased compared to incongruent combinations. These results suggest that congruency between the type of product, brand name, and package design is important for creating a successful brand strategy. The study also showed that the effects of sound symbolism and congruency on perceived product healthfulness are more pronounced for consumers with low interest in healthy eating. However, further research is needed to generalise our results to other product groups.  相似文献   

The present study compared the texture and functional properties of mozzarella cheese made with milk containing different of genetic polymorphisms κ-casein (AA, AB, AE or BE). The genotype of κ-casein in the milk from individual Holstein cow was determined by pyrosequencing method. Full-fat Mozzarella cheese was made from pooled milk from 3 cows with the same κ-casein genotype and analysed 7 d after manufacture. The cheese made from type AB contained the highest level of fat and Ca/protein, and the lowest moisture content. The cheese made from type AB milk was harder and chewier than cheese made from type AE and BE milk. The cheese made from type AB and AA milk had higher stretchability but lower meltability and flowability than type AE and BE. In summary, the cheese made from type AB milk had different texture and functionality quality than that made from type AE or BE.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of food brand logo orientation on consumers’ perceptions and attitudes regarding food products through four studies. Study 1 examines the effects of food brand logo orientation (diagonal vs. vertical) on consumer perceptions of food tastiness and risk. The findings suggest that diagonal (vs. vertical) food brand logos result in higher (lower) taste and risk perception in branded food. Study 2 reveals the underlying mechanisms of this effect by introducing perceived movement as a mediator between logo orientation and food perception. The results support the inference that movement is an underlying mechanism for the effect. Study 3 examines the effects of brand logo orientation and regulatory focus on consumer attitudes regarding branded food. The results suggest that for consumers with a promotion focus, a diagonal (vs. vertical) oriented logo leads to a more favorable attitude toward the food. For consumers with a prevention focus, a diagonal (vs. vertical) oriented logo leads to a less favorable attitude toward the food. Study 4 establishes validity of the above findings regarding native English speakers.  相似文献   

The use of ultrasounds has recently gained significant interest in the food industry mainly due to the new trends of consumers toward functional foods. Offering several advantages, this form of energy can be applied for the improvement of qualitative characteristics of high-quality foods as well as for assuring safety of a vast variety of foodstuffs, and at the same time minimizing any negative effects of the sensory characteristics of foods. Furthermore, the non-destructive nature of this technology offers several opportunities for the compositional analysis of foods. However, further research is required for the improvement of related techniques and the reduction of application costs in order to render this technology efficient for industrial use. This review paper covers the main applications of ultrasounds as well as several advantages of the use of the technology in combination with conventional techniques. The effects of ultrasounds on the characteristics, microbial safety, and quality of several foods are also detailed  相似文献   

Our perception of food is affected by the sensory properties of the food itself, together with our expectations about the food and other contextual factors. The latter are especially relevant in the restaurant setting, where appearance factors, such as the presentation of the food on the plates can dramatically affect food liking and consumption. However, to date, not much emphasis has been placed on the effect of the appearance of the accessories on our perception of food.The aims of the present study were therefore to test the extent to which the appearance properties of the plate influence the taste/flavor experiences of the food served on it. Specifically, we investigated the influence of the color (black or white) and shape of the plate on the perception of flavor intensity, sweetness, quality, and liking for identical strawberry mousse desserts.The results demonstrated that while the color of the plate exerted a significant influence on people’s perception of the food, the shape of the plate did not. In particular, when the mousse was served from a white plate, it was perceived as significantly more intense and sweeter, and was also liked more.These results therefore demonstrate the importance of the color (if not the shape) of the plate on people’s perception of food.  相似文献   

With the developing world increasingly exposed to severe shocks and stresses, a growing number of international development agencies have now adopted resilience building as a critical long-term objective for their programmes. This paper explores the potential for this concept in the context of food security and nutrition but the reflection extends to development interventions more generally. Resilience is a rich concept, and has at its core the notion of complex dynamic processes that aptly describes the nature and dynamics of vulnerability and changes as they affect the developing world. The paper argues that the main value of resilience lies in its integrative nature, which facilitates greater collaboration between traditionally disparate groups and communities of practices. The paper also stresses some of the key conceptual and practical challenges that we face when trying to operationalise and measure resilience.  相似文献   

Food security, defined as the capacity to acquire preferred food at all times, can manifest in many dimensions. Following a mixed methods approach used in India and Burkina Faso, we developed a 58-item experience-based measure in the Peruvian Amazon, based on investigator observations, relevant literature, and pre-testing with community field workers. The tool encompasses seven dimensions of food security and included measures of (1) food purchases, frequency of purchase, and location of acquisition, (2) food expenses, (3) coping mechanisms, (4) preparation of leftover food, (5) food safety (refrigerator access), (6) fishing intensity and (7) selling food. The survey was piloted among 35 randomly selected families from the Malnutrition Enteric Disease (MAL-ED) birth cohort in Santa Clara, Peru and the surrounding communities. Subsequently, based on a focus group discussion, a pile-sorting exercise, and pilot results, we reduced the survey to 36 items to be collected monthly among 203 MAL-ED households from November 2013 to January 2015. Validity and reliability were then assessed using principal component analysis and exploratory factor analysis, revealing four groups of purchase and coping strategy behaviors: (1) Sweets and sugary items, (2) Less preferred, (3) More preferred, and (4) Minimum meal. Internal consistency of the final 22-item scale had an acceptable cutoff of Cronbach’s α of 0.73. Criterion and construct validity of the factor groups revealed there were: (1) food purchase patterns that were distinctive to quality and quantity aspects of the Household Food Insecurity Access scale, (2) unique correlations of child’s intake of fats, animal source protein, fiber and other micronutrients, (3) household purchase patterns from the “more preferred” group (fish, red meat) associated with child’s weight-for-age. Food purchase and frequency, and context-specific behaviors at the household level can be used as surrogates for dietary intake patterns and nutritional status among children. Food purchase and frequency measurement is a quick, objective, non-intrusive survey method that could be used as an indicator for acute changes in household food security status with appropriate pilot testing and validation.  相似文献   

Plant-based diets are associated with numerous health benefits, but there has been limited work that focuses on diverse populations. The purpose of this study was to determine if encouraging a sample of African American adults, located in the Southern United States, to dine out at local vegan soul food restaurants helped to decrease perceived barriers and increase perceived benefits and dietary acceptability of a plant-based diet more so than being asked to prepare all meals at home. Thirty African American participants (mean age = 42.8 ± 12.2 years and mean BMI = 36.9 ± 9.0 kg/m2) were asked to adhere to a vegan diet for 3 weeks and were randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: (1) a Standard group that was asked to prepare all meals at home, or (2) a Restaurant group that was asked to eat out a few times a week at local vegan soul food restaurants in addition to preparing meals at home. The results indicated that in just 3 weeks there were significant reductions in several perceived barriers and increases in some perceived benefits and aspects of dietary acceptability in both groups. Additionally, weight loss within each group was significant (Standard group: −1.6 [−4.4 to −0.9] kg, P < 0.001; Restaurant group: −1.9 [−3.1 to −0.1] kg, P < 0.01), but there were no significant between-group differences (P = 0.72). Future work should continue to focus on providing culturally-relevant vegan restaurant options, identify easy ways to shop for and prepare plant-based diets during an intervention, and examine potential health benefits that may result from eating more plant-based foods.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling technology offers an efficient and powerful tool for simulating the heating/cooling processes in the food industry. The use of numerical methods such as finite difference, finite element and finite volume analysis to describe the heating/cooling processes in the food industry has produced a large number of models. However, the accuracy of numerical models can further be improved by more information about the surface heat and mass transfer coefficients, food properties, volume change during processes and sensitivity analysis for justifying the acceptability of assumptions in modelling. More research should also be stressed on incorporation of numerical heat and mass transfer models with other models for directly evaluating the safety and quality of a food product during heating/cooling processes. It is expected that more research will be carried out on the heat and mass transfer through porous foods, microwave heating and turbulence flow in heating/cooling processes.  相似文献   

The trial was carried out to investigate the effects of adding to the diet of rabbits vitamin E (40; 300; 500 ppm) and C (0; 500 ppm), on vitamin E deposition in the muscles and organs, on the oxidative stability of muscular lipids, and on various meat quality characteristics. The α-tocopherol content in muscles and organs was roughly doubled by feeding the highest levels of vitamin E; it was also increased by giving 500 ppm of vitamin C, but only in those muscles of rabbits receiving 40 ppm of vitamin E. The α-tocopherol content in tissues was negatively correlated with TBARS values of the longissimus dorsi (LD) at days 6 and 8 post mortem (p.m.). Five hundred parts per million (ppm) of vitamin C increased lipid stability of the LD at both 6 and 8 days p.m., though its effect was significant only with 40 ppm of vitamin E. Moreover, 500 ppm of vitamin C resulted in the lowest L(*) and highest pH values at all p.m. times, when the dietary vitamin E was equal to 40 ppm, and in the highest L(*) and lowest pH values when the vitamin E was equal to 300 ppm. Conversely, weight losses of the LD were the lowest, at days 6 and 8 p.m., in the group fed the highest levels of both vitamins.  相似文献   

Barley is cultivated both in highly productive agricultural systems and also in marginal and subsistence environments. Its distribution is worldwide and is of considerable economic importance for animal feed and alcohol production. The overall importance of barley as a human food is minor but there is much potential for new uses exploiting the health benefits of whole grain and beta-glucans. The barley supply chains are complex and show added value at many stages. Germplasm resources for barley are considerable, with much potential for exploitation of its biodiversity available through the use of recently developed genomic and breeding tools. Consequently, substantial gains in crucial sustainability characteristics should be achievable in the future, together with increased understanding of the physiological basis of many agronomic traits, particularly water and nutrient use efficiency. Barley’s ability to adapt to multiple biotic and abiotic stresses will be crucial to its future exploitation and increased emphasis on these traits in elite germplasm is needed to equip the crop for environmental change. Similarly, resource use efficiency should become a higher priority to ensure the crop’s sustainability in the long-term. Clearly barley is a resilient crop with much potential which can be realised in the future.  相似文献   

Three extreme weather scenarios are examined for agriculture in China in this study. One scenario assumes a year when every province has precipitation corresponding to the lowest level experienced in the province over the last three decades. Another scenario assumes the highest experienced precipitation for every province is happening; and the last one assumes that the most harmful level of precipitation on crops occurs for every province – whether too little or too much. We studied the role of autonomous adaptation by farmers and through markets as embodied in a computable general equilibrium model. The results show that observed extreme impacts of precipitation on crop harvests are not serious for China at national level. The maize harvest is the most negatively affected with a reduction of 4 % without adaptation and less than 1 % reduction with adaptation. However, the impacts within a province may be serious and even become worse with adaptation. Good harvests might not make farmers better off due to lower crop prices even though consumers benefit. Sensitivity analysis shows that the ability to adapt assumed in the analysis may not be present in the short term.  相似文献   

Casaday JE 《Textile rental》1991,75(3):52, 54
There's no question that medical waste pushes the nation's panic button. It took only two summers (1987 and 1988) of needles and syringes washing ashore to generate a groundswell of public anxiety that caused Congress to pass the Medical Waste Tracking Act of 1988. The act was the federal government's first attempt at cradle to grave waste management through a two-year pilot program involving four states and Puerto Rico. Now that the act and the pilot program have expired, Congress must evaluate their impact and decide whether to pursue a national medical waste policy. Such a policy likely would address the work practices of occupational groups, such as laundry workers, who frequently have contact with medical waste.  相似文献   

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