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将太阳能地板采暖与常规散热器采暖进行了对比,根据太阳能集热器在低温工质时工作效率较高,以及地板采暖对水温要求较低的原理,设计出太阳能地板采暖系统,并叙述其工作原理和系统形式.建立2种不同采暖方式的物理模型和数学模型,对其房间温度场的分布进行模拟和比较,可知太阳能地板采暖系统具有舒适性高、室内温度稳定和节约能源等优势.  相似文献   

利用太阳能地板采暖减少建筑能耗   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
可再生能源的利用方兴未艾。本文论述了我国目前的建筑能耗状况,利用太阳能地板采暖的可行性,系统形式及对建筑节能的贡献。  相似文献   

在德国慕尼黑市附近的坎伯斯贝格,有一幢设计新颖的住宅,其外观漂亮,绿草如茵,玻璃在阳光下闪闪发亮,与传统的住宅相比,除了屋顶的结构有些独特之外,几乎没有什么大的差别。这幢住宅的主要特点是室内需要的所有能量(包括电能和热能等)全部来自太阳能,即使在寒风刺骨的冬天,在室内也会感到非常暖和、舒适。  相似文献   

一太阳能地板采暖的三种形式(1)太阳能地板采暖是利用太阳能获得热能,以低温热水输入敷设在室内地板下的热水盘管内,通过热水盘管和地板向上辐射热能,达到室内采暖的目的。  相似文献   

以太阳能板采暖系统为基础,对4种辅助热源采用综合能源价格法进行分析,得出天然气、电加热器、集中供暖和热泵机组4种辅助热源的综合能源价格现值分别为0.207元/MJ、0.19元/MJ、0.18元/MJ和0.192元/MJ,综合得到采用集中供热和热泵机组作为辅助热源符合能质匹配原则,且具有较好的经济性。此外,通过对常规散热器采暖与地板采暖的火用效率进行计算,得出地板采暖比常规散热器采暖方式节能约79%。  相似文献   

李力群 《节能》2012,31(11)
介绍太阳能热水系统结合低温热水地板采暖系统的工作原理,以上海地区为例,在高层住宅中应用壁挂式太阳能集热器,可以实现太阳能与建筑一体化。对该太阳能系统进行节能效益分析,结果表明,系统的动态回收期为3.98年。  相似文献   

地板采暖和风机采暖室内热环境的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对同一采暖房间分别进行地盘管和风机盘管两种采暖方式进行冬季采暖实验,对实验结果进行分析;并在相同的边界条件情况时用CFD软件对两种采暖方式下室内热环境进行模拟。分别通过实验结果和模拟结果来比较两种采暖方式的优劣,得出使用地盘管采暖更舒适的结论。  相似文献   

为了降低西北新农村建筑采暖的能耗,改善室内生活环境,通过试验研究了太阳能主动供暖和传统小型燃煤锅炉供暖的西北新农村建筑的室内热环境、空气质量和采暖能耗的差异。研究结果表明:在室外环境最低温度为-16.2℃条件下,太阳能主动供暖建筑室内平均温度和平均辐射温度分别高出对比建筑5.4℃和3.3℃;在天气晴朗情况下,当室外环境的平均温度高于4.2℃且室外环境的最低温度高于-1.6℃时,仅利用太阳能进行供暖即可满足西北新农村建筑的供暖需求;太阳能主动供暖建筑室内CO,NO2,SO2,CO2及可吸入颗粒物PM10的浓度分别是对比建筑的0.45倍、0.48倍、0.56倍、0.59倍和0.5倍;经过分析得到太阳能主动供暖时室内环境温度与散热片内热水温度以及室外环境温度的二元线性关系;太阳能主动供暖的节能率为86.6%。  相似文献   

任胜义 《江西能源》2011,(1):9-13,29
以农村住宅进行太阳能供暖模拟试验得出的结论为依据,提出农村太阳能供暖住宅的设计方案:①提高农村住宅的保温隔热性能.降低建筑能耗;②要创新太阳能供暖设备,提高供暖系统的热效率;③实施太阳能与建筑一体化,使住宅热负荷与太阳能集热器的有用热量相匹配,实现农村住宅的主房间室内温度常年保持在16℃~28℃之间波动,居住舒适.  相似文献   

董蓬  王伟奇  李智丽  王君君 《节能》2024,(1):113-115
太阳能替代化石能源供暖能够减少对传统能源的消耗,降低污染气体排放,具有研究和应用价值。从太阳能资源特点、传统供暖与太阳能集热室内供暖现状、太阳能集热室内供暖系统优势以及集热器特点等方面进行分析,并针对宜昌地区的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

In the present paper a low cost solar active water heating system is proposed to increase the average night temperature and avoid freezing problems inside greenhouses. The system collects the excess of energy in the greenhouse during the day, and returns it at night. The most important part of the system is a plastic bag made of two thin polyethylene films vertically hung inside the greenhouse, that works as a solar collector during the day and as a heat exchanger at night.The films are soldered in such a way that the water introduced at the top of the bag falls by gravity following a zig-zag path. The warm water is stored in a pond directly built in the ground and waterproofed with a polyethylene film.The system has been designed taking into account the meteorological conditions in Salta where 12 freezing days are expected each year with minimum temperatures down to −8°C.A prototype was built in a 600 m2 greenhouse covered with a single polyethylene film. It was located in the Province of Salta, Argentina, with a 24.5° South latitude and an altitude of 1200 m. Tests were performed for three years beginning at the 1992 winter, and a satisfactory thermal and operational behavior was obtained. With outside temperatures down to −6°C at the end of the night, the system was able to keep a temperature of 2°C inside the greenhouse.  相似文献   

太阳能低温地板辐射采暖系统在我国南方应用的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据模拟出的南方4个城市典型单栋别墅的热负荷,设计了适合各城市的太阳能低温地板辐射采暖系统。文章分析了各系统的节能减排效果,并与两种传统的南方采暖方式进行了经济性分析对比。研究表明,虽然太阳能采暖系统的经济性较差,但其节能减排效果明显。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical study of an integrated radiant floor heating–direct gain passive solar system. Thermal mass is utilized both for storage of auxiliary heating energy and direct solar gains incident on the floor. An explicit finite difference model is developed to accurately model nonlinear effects and auxiliary heating control. The numerical simulation model is employed to study the performance of a passive solar outdoor test-room with different amounts of thermal mass under various control strategies with constant and sinusoidal room thermostat setpoints. A satisfactory thermal mass is determined based on energy savings, reduction of room temperature swings, and prevention of floor surface overheating. Control of auxiliary heating based on a room effective (operative) temperature is shown to result in improved thermal comfort and higher utilization of passive solar gains as compared to room air temperature control.  相似文献   

Combined solar heating is an emerging technology that offers the potential for realising more efficient use of solar thermal energy in order to cover space heating and domestic hot-water loads. This paper is focused on small-scale applications of single-family residential dwellings in Greece. A system-level model was developed and validated. The model was exercised to evaluate strategies for optimal design and operation of solar combisystems (SCSs), using a range of performance criteria as objective functions for optimisation. The effect of SCS design and operating variables on steady-state system performance has been investigated. System design and operation optimisation has been performed through the integration and synthesis of system-level modelling with system optimal design, optimisation, and annual simulation studies to provide a comprehensive assessment.  相似文献   

The first integrated system providing heating and cooling to a building by use of solar energy has been designed and installed in a residential-type building at Colorado State University. Solar heated liquid supplies heat to air circulating in the building and to a lithium bromide absorption air conditioner. Service hot water is also provided. Approximately two-thirds of the heating and cooling loads are expected to be met by solar energy, the balance by natural gas. The paper contains details of design and principles of operation. A breakdown of actual costs of the equipment and its installation is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of modeling, simulation and analysis of a solar pond floor heating system. The developed computer simulation has been used to study the potential of using such a system under climatic conditions in Jordan. It was found that the solar pond heating system could meet most of the winter season in Jordan with Solar fraction in the range 80–100% for at least 2 months of the season. It must be emphasized that the feasibility of such a system is its utilization in district heating and not for individual households due to the limiting economical factors of high capital cost of the solar pond for small domestic applications.  相似文献   

This research target was to improve the thermal efficiency of a solar water heating system (SWHS) coupled with a built-in solar water pump. The designed system consists of 1.58-m2 flat plate solar collectors, an overhead tank placed at the top level, the larger water storage tank without a heat exchanger at the lower level, and a one-way valve for water circulation control. The discharge heads of 1 and 2 m were tested. The pump could operate at the collector temperature of about 70–90 °C and vapor gage pressure of 10–18 kPa. It was found that water circulation within the SWHS ranged between 15 and 65 l/d depending upon solar intensity and discharge head. Moreover, the max water temperature in the storage tank is around 59 °C. The max daily pump efficiency is about 0.0017%. The SWHS could have max daily thermal efficiency of about 21%. It is concluded that the thermal efficiency was successfully improved, except for the pump one. The new SWHS with 1 m discharge head or lower is suitable for residential use. It adds less weight to a building roof and saves electrical energy for a circulation pump. It has lower cost compared to a domestic SWHS.  相似文献   

住宅太阳能热水系统评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡桂秋  孙淑娟 《节能》2010,29(2):64-66
介绍太阳能热水系统的评价指标。结合实例,对承德某太阳能热水系统的节能费用、投资回收期、环保效益进行计算,并与常规热水系统进行了比较。  相似文献   

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