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设计了塔式太阳能热发电用2520钢管式空气吸热器。依据材料属性对吸热器进行材料选型设计;依据材料许用应力设计研究计算管式吸热器壁厚;依据流体传热学研究设计空气吸热器的管径规格。结果表明,壁厚为2mm可满足设计需要;空气吸热器管径越细小,壁厚温度越低,换热能力越强;管径较理想设计尺寸为6~10mm。  相似文献   


一种新型腔式吸热器的设计与实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据碟式聚光镜聚光后的焦平面处辐射能能流分布图以及关键尺寸对各种热量损失的影响,设计出一种新型高效腔式吸热器,专门用于太阳能中高温热利用与热发电。利用数学模型模拟出吸热器的热效率,并运用实验手段加以论证。计算与实验结果表明,该吸热器热效率在内部壁面温度达到400℃,热效率能达到85%以上,且工作性能稳定,完全达到预期的设计要求。  相似文献   

塔式太阳能热发电吸热器技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中介绍了现有塔式太阳能热发电吸热器技术,针对不同吸热器结构和传热介质,结合国内外现有主要塔式太阳能热发电站,对吸热器性能进行比较研究。结果表明,外露管式吸热器结构简单、造价低,应用广泛;而熔盐作为传热和蓄热介质具有较好的性能,系统无压运行且能承受高热流密度,是将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

为减少塔式太阳能吸热器在高温下快速增加的辐射热损,基于聚光太阳辐射的空间分布不均匀特性,提出并优化一种在吸热器表面不同入射能流区域采用不同光谱选择性吸收涂层的多区域涂层设计方法,并与均一选择性吸收涂层和传统灰体涂层吸热器进行热损性能、全天适应性和全年性能的对比分析。结果表明:在中国帕里地区,吸热器进口温度为290 ℃、出口温度为800 ℃的条件下,多区域涂层对比传统灰体涂层和均一选择性吸收涂层吸热器在典型日12月21日中的辐射热损分别降低89.8%和75.7%,总热损分别降低63.9%和38.5%;全年光热转换效率可分别提升8.1%和2.4%。  相似文献   

介绍了一种应用于塔式太阳能热发电站的腔式高温空气吸热器,建立了吸热器内部空气流动及传热过程模拟数学模型,并通过数值方法,模拟了吸热器内部的空气流场和温度场。结果得知:空气进入吸热器后,沿内壁面轴向高速流动,随着深度的增加,速度越来越小,到达底部时速度最小;在压差的作用下,进入吸热器内部的空气会不断流向和冲刷针肋及壁面,而主流方向的流量不断减少;空气通过冲刷高温针肋及壁面不断吸收热量,温度不断升高;由于吸热器底部空气速度较小,对流换热系数较小和热流密度较大,因此该处温度较高,是整个吸热器的最脆弱部位;在高辐照强度情况下,虽然加大空气流量可降低吸热器壁面的温度,但由于其对流换热系数与空气流速不成正比例,壁面温度一般还会有所升高。  相似文献   

建立了球形、圆柱形、圆锥形和平顶圆锥形4种典型腔式吸热器与抛物面聚光器的三维模型,利用蒙特卡洛光线追踪法预测了4种典型腔式吸热器内部辐射能流的分布,其中球形吸热器内部的辐射能流分布均匀性最好,且辐射峰值最小,具有较好的光学性能。通过统计逸出腔口的反射光计算出这4种腔式吸热器的反射光损,其中球形吸热器的反射光损最小。在聚光器反射率为0.9,腔体内壁吸收率为0.9时,球形吸热器反射光损仅为0.66%,聚光器/球形吸热器的光学效率为88.9%。  相似文献   

该文研究设计制作了平顶锥形吸热器,安装在一部盘式聚光系统上,利用水作工质,进行了热性能实验研究.按照定流量、变流量及当地天气情况,测试了一段时间内吸热器进出口的温度变化,分析了吸热功率和热效率.实验显示,当太阳直射辐射的辐照度升高,不论是定流量还是变流量状态,吸热功率变化趋势相同(均增加);热效率变化趋势则不同,定流量状态下降低,变流量状态下升高.研究表明,利用盘式聚光系统通过吸热器对水进行加热,所涉及的太阳直射辐射辐照度和工质状态是影响盘式聚光系统吸热器的吸热功率和热效率的重要因素.以上研究,对太阳能中高温利用及实际研发一套盘式太阳能热发电系统有一定参考作用.  相似文献   

系统介绍了国际上对空间站太阳能热动力发电系统中吸热器的研究成果。详细地介绍了目前国际上研究设计的两种吸热器的结构、尺寸以及工作原理,对蓄热相变材料及其和吸热管材料间的腐蚀、相容性进行了讨论。分析了吸热器相变材料储罐壁面的热松脱问题及其对策。研究结果对促进我国空间站事业的发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

提出一种适用于抛物槽集热器的新型太阳能腔式吸热器,该装置具有较高的集热效率,同时连接安装和日常运行维护也相对便利.对其建立一套三维传热模型,并搭建采用新型腔式吸热器的抛物槽集热器实验系统,通过实验测试对比吸热器瞬时效率,验证模型的准确性.此外,定量分析不同环境参数与工作参数对新型腔式吸热器热性能的影响,结果表明:集热效...  相似文献   

Humid air turbine (HAT) cycle is an advanced power generation system, and its efficiency and output power are improved by humidifying the compressed air. This humidification process is completed in the saturator. Therefore, the humidifying performance of saturator has great influence on the performance of HAT cycle. In this work, a new type packing saturator was designed and a series of experiments were carried out to study its humidifying performance. In order to improve the uniformity of the saturator inlet, a twin-tangential annular flow gas distributor was designed. Then it was authorized by China invention patents (ZL201010200778.9). Now, the mal-distribution factor of inlet air is mainly between 0.15 and 0.35 in all experimental conditions. Some key parameters of air and water at the inlet and outlet of saturator were measured at different experimental conditions. These results show the outlet humid air temperature is an important parameter for determining the humidifying amount of the saturator. The humidifying performance of the saturator is mainly affected by the inlet water temperature and the liquid/gas (L/G) ratio. At the same operating pressure, the humidity ratio of outlet humid air increases with inlet water temperature and L/G ratio. At higher inlet water temperature, the L/G ratio has a greater effect on the humidity ratio of outlet humid air. The outlet water temperature is mainly affected by the inlet gas temperature. With the increasing of inlet air temperature, the outlet water temperature increases, and it is close to the wet-bulb temperature of inlet air.  相似文献   

本文分析了由卡门涡流效应引起管式空气预热器振动的机理,从设计角度论述了预防振动的方法,提出了消除已发生振动的措施.  相似文献   

The main objective of this research is to find the optimal design point of the proposed solar receiver concept to heat up compressed air. Within a tubular receiver made of stainless steel, a porous medium is filled to enhance the heat transfer via the large contact area and thereby to increase the system efficiency. Due to the low melting point associated with the selected material, a numerical simulation is conducted to pre-evaluate the effects of various controlling parameters on the maximum temperature and pressure loss of the system. The design factors expected to influence the system performance were the length, porosity, and thermal conductivity of the porous medium as well as the number of inlet pipes. The effect of each variable on the maximum temperature and pressure drop of the system is numerically investigated and the optimal design point is selected. The results of this study offer a valuable design guideline for future manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an experimental study of the influence of operating pressure, in the range 150-1100 kPa, on wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficient in a bubbling fluidized bed. Both Geldart Group A and B solids were studied and the fluidizing gases were air and superheated steam. Fluidizing velocities were in the range 1-33 Umf and wall temperatures in the range 125-275°C. Wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients were found to increase steadily with increasing fluidizing gas velocity and not to pass through a maximum. Increase in operating pressure was found generally to result in an increase in wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficient, although the effect is probably non-linear. In the bubbling regime, the wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficient was found to change with vertical position in the bed. Wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients decreased when the bed entered the slugging regime.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations have been carried out for spontaneous ignition in the sudden release of pressurized hydrogen into air. A mixture-averaged multi-component approach was used for accurate calculation of molecular transport. Spontaneous ignition and combustion chemistry were accounted for using a 21-step kinetic scheme. To reduce false numerical diffusion, extremely fine meshes were used along with the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method in which convective terms are solved separately from the other terms.  相似文献   

提出一种太阳能吸附式空气取水管,介绍取水装置的结构和工作原理并对其吸附和脱附过程进行理论分析。通过实验得到取水管吸附床的吸附量在所给温湿度下随时间变化的曲线,并通过使吸附床循环吸附和脱附,得到了取水管的最佳吸附时间和脱附时间以及单只取水管在一次循环中的平均取水量。  相似文献   

为了研究日光温室用槽式太阳能空气集热器的热性能,基于TracePro光学模拟软件设计了一种槽式太阳能空气集热器,对其进行试验研究,分析了不同因素对集热性能的影响规律。实验结果表明,管中空气流速的变化对集热器集热效率和集热量的影响规律是相同的,在不同的流速下,存在最佳空气流速约为4.4 m/s,使得集热器的集热量和集热效率最大,集热量达到373.2 W,集热效率约为25%,此时集热性能最好。对于不同太阳辐照度,正午时刻之前,太阳辐照度越大,集热器的集热效率越大,正午时刻之后,集热器的集热效率基本保持不变,15:40之后集热器集热效率逐渐减小。当太阳辐照度和管中流速相同时,室外温度越高,集热器集热效率越大,集热性能越好。集热管中空气温度沿着集热管出口方向不断增大,太阳辐照度越大,集热管相同位置空气温度越高。该研究结果可为此种槽式太阳能空气集热器在日光温室的应用中提供参考。  相似文献   

Pressure hydrogen reduction (Pre-H2) is an important technology in hydrometallurgy, which is widely applied in the production of metal powders, coated composite powders, and metal oxides. In the 5G era, Pre-H2 is concerned in the electronic material manufacturing because of its clean, efficient, stable, and other characteristics. In this paper, the thermodynamic and kinetic principles of Pre-H2 in a liquid-phase environment are described, and the process methods, powder conditions, process parameters, and related applications of various products are summarized. In addition, this paper investigates the effect of liquid additives on powder morphology, reaction rate, quality of the process, and provides feasibility guidance for improving the process technology.  相似文献   

Artificial roughness has been found to enhance the heat transfer from the collector plate to the air in a solar air heater. However, it would result in increase in frictional losses and hence, power required by fan or blower. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of thermohydraulic performance of roughened solar air heaters with metal rib grits. The range of variation of system and operating parameters is investigated within the limits of, e/Dh: 0.035-0.044, p/e: 15-17.5 and l/s as 1.72, against variation of Reynolds number, Re: 3600-17000. The study shows substantial enhancement in thermal efficiency (10-35%), over solar air heater with smooth collector plate. The thermal efficiency enhancement is also accompanied by a considerable increase in the pumping power requirement due to the increase in the friction factor (80-250%). The optimum design and operating conditions have been determined on the basis of thermohydraulic considerations. It has been found that, the systems operating in a specified range of Reynolds number show better thermohydraulic performance depending upon the insolation. A relationship between the system and operating parameters that combine to yield optimum performance has been developed.  相似文献   

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