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Data processing and identification of unknown compounds in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOFMS) analysis is a major challenge, particularly when large sample sets are analyzed. Herein, we present a method for efficient treatment of large data sets produced by GC×GC/TOFMS implemented as a freely available open source software package, Guineu. To handle large data sets and to efficiently utilize all the features available in the vendor software (baseline correction, mass spectral deconvolution, peak picking, integration, library search, and signal-to-noise filtering), data preprocessed by instrument software are used as a starting point for further processing. Our software affords alignment of the data, normalization, data filtering, and utilization of retention indexes in the verification of identification as well as a novel tool for automated group-type identification of the compounds. Herein, different features of the software are studied in detail and the performance of the system is verified by the analysis of a large set of standard samples as well as of a large set of authentic biological samples, including the control samples. The quantitative features of our GC×GC/TOFMS methodology are also studied to further demonstrate the method performance and the experimental results confirm the reliability of the developed procedure. The methodology has already been successfully used for the analysis of several thousand samples in the field of metabolomics.  相似文献   

The combination of a tandem column ensemble and an on-line microsorption trap is used for the analysis of organic compounds in human breath samples. The four-bed sorption trap uses a series of discreet sorption beds containing three grades of graphitized carbon and a carbon molecular sieve to quantitatively remove most organic compounds from 0.8-L breath samples. The trap is then heated to 300 degrees C in approximately 1.5 s and maintained at this temperature for 10 s. The resulting vapor plug width is in the range 0.7-1.3 s for the compounds found in the breath samples. The separation is performed with a 15-m-long, 0.25-mm-i.d. capillary using a 0.5-microm-thick film of nonpolar dimethyl polysiloxane coupled in series to a polar column, either trifluoropropylmethyl polysiloxane or poly(ethylene glycol). Both column combinations are successful in separating the early-eluting compounds acetone, isoprene, pentane, methyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol, which are all common in breath samples. The poly(ethylene glycol) combination gave better separation but showed relatively fast deterioration for repeated analysis of wet samples. Breath samples were obtained under different conditions (smoker, nonsmoker, gum chewer), and 25 compounds were identified in the various samples. Many additional peaks are observed but not identified. Analytical curves (log-log) of peak area versus sample volume for test compounds are linear in the range 80-800 cm3. Detection limits (3sigma) for several volatile compounds in 800-cm3 samples are in the 1-5 ppb range.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a major public health concern, because of their ubiquitous nature and the possible health effects associated with exposure to them. An analytical method has been developed that enabled the determination of parts per trillion levels of 32 VOCs in 10 mL of blood. Special efforts toward reducing blank levels and improving measurement sensitivity have resulted in an analytical method that shows excellent reproducibility and recovery even at these ultratrace levels. Results on normal human blood indicate that quantifiable levels of eleven VOCs can be found in virtually all whole blood samples. In a fraction of the samples, six other VOCs can also be determined at levels above detection limits. This method shows promise as a technique for estimating the normal baseline level of VOCs in human blood and may have future applications in cases of exposure.  相似文献   

This work presents the direct coupling of a custom-made smoking machine (SM) to fast gas chromatography combined with single-photon ionization mass spectrometry (GC × SPI-MS) utilizing a six-port, two-position valve for online puff-resolved comprehensive two-dimensional investigation of cigarette smoke. The innovative electron-beam pumped rare gas excimer light source (EBEL) filled with argon provided vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photons of 9.8 ± 0.4 eV (126 ± 9 nm) for SPI. Puff-by-puff quantification of 14 hazardous volatile organic smoke constituents from the 2R4F Kentucky research cigarette was enabled for two smoking regimes, i.e., ISO and Canadian Intense, after determination of photoionization cross sections. The investigated analytes comprised NO, acetaldehyde, butadiene, acrolein, propanal, acetone, isoprene, furan, crotonaldehyde, isobutanal, butanal, 2-butanone, benzene, and toluene. The determined amounts of these compounds in cigarette smoke agreed excellently with the literature values. Furthermore, the two well-known patterns of puff-by-puff behaviors for these different smoke constituents were obtained for both whole smoke and gas-phase measurements.  相似文献   

A proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometer based on time-of-flight mass spectrometry is described. This instrument couples a radioactive ion source and drift tube with a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Volatile organic compounds in the gas phase with concentrations at the parts per billion by volume level can be detected in a matter of seconds, and crucially, the multichannel data acquisition in TOF-MS means that this detection sensitivity is available in all mass channels simultaneously. The typical mass resolution (m/Deltam) is in excess of 1000. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated using urban air measurements and a linear response/calibration test.  相似文献   

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled with rapid chemometric analysis were used to identify chemical differences in metabolite extracts isolated from yeast cells either metabolizing glucose (repressed (R) cells) via fermentation or metabolizing ethanol by respiration (derepressed (DR) cells). Principal component analysis (PCA) followed by parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) in concert with the LECO ChromaTOF software located and identified the differences in composition between the two types of cell extracts and provided a reliable ratio of the metabolite concentrations. In this report, we demonstrate the analytical method developed to provide relatively rapid analysis of three selective mass channels (m/z 73, 205, 387), although in principle all collected mass channels could be analyzed. Twenty-six metabolites that differentiate repressed cells from derepressed cells were identified. The DR/R ratio of metabolite concentrations ranged from 0.02 for glucose to 67 for trehalose. The average biological variation of the sample extracts was 31%. This analysis demonstrates the utility and benefit of using PCA combined with PARAFAC and ChromaTOF software on extremely complex samples to derive useful information from complex three-dimensional chromatographic data objectively and relatively rapidly.  相似文献   

Lu X  Cai J  Kong H  Wu M  Hua R  Zhao M  Liu J  Xu G 《Analytical chemistry》2003,75(17):4441-4451
Cigarette smoke condensate is a complex chemical matrix, and analysis of its components is very difficult because of the limitation of the peak capacity and sensitivity of conventional chromatography and the extensive and laborious sample preparation that is frequently required. In this study, the acidic fraction of mainstream cigarette smoke condensate has been investigated by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC/TOFMS). Different column systems were tested and compared under proper GCxGC/TOFMS conditions. Auto data processing by TOFMS software combined with manual identification was used to assign the components. Over 1000 compounds, with S/N > or = 100, including 139 organic acids and over 150 phenols were tentatively identified by the developed method.  相似文献   

A capillary-dimension on-line sorption trap is used to preconcentrate organic vapors from large-volume air samples and inject the organic compounds into the separation column as a relatively narrow vapor plug. The multibed trap is made from a Co-Ni alloy for resistive heating during sample desorption and uses four different carbon-based adsorption materials that are graded from weakest to strongest in the direction of the sample gas flow during sample preconcentration. The flow direction then is reversed for sample injection. The multibed design and the flow direction reversal during thermal desorption prevents the higher-boiling-point compounds in the sample from reaching the strongest adsorbing material, from which they would be difficult to desorb as a sufficiently narrow vapor plug. A relatively high current pulse is used to rapidly achieve trap temperatures in the 200-400 degrees C temperature range, and a lower current is used to maintain the maximum temperature for several seconds in order to ensure injection of the entire trapped sample. A temperature of 350 degrees C is reached after degrees 1.5 s, and injection plug widths are typically in the range of 0.6-1.3 s. Plots of peak area versus sample collection time show excellent linearity and shot-to-shot relatively standard deviations of about +/- 5%. Performance data are presented for a mixture of 42 volatile compounds spanning a volatility range from n-C5 to n-C12. Data are presented for injection plug width and shape for both polar and nonpolar compounds. Decomposition of thermally labile compounds is observed for injection temperatures above 300 degrees C.  相似文献   

This work describes an approach to differential metabolomics that involves stable isotope labeling for relative quantification as part of sample analysis by two-dimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCxGC/MS). The polar metabolome in control and experimental samples was extracted and differentially derivatized using isotopically light and heavy (D6) forms of the silylation reagent N-methyl-N-tert-butyldimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA). MTBSTFA derivatives are of much greater hydrolytic stability than the more common trimethylsilyl derivatives, thus diminishing the possibility of isotopomer scrambling during GC analysis. Subsequent to derivatization with MTBSTFA, differentially labeled samples were mixed and analyzed by GCxGC/MS. Metabolites were identified, and the isotope ratio of isotopomers was quantified. The method was tested using three classes of metabolites; amino acids, fatty acids, and organic acids. The relative concentration of isotopically labeled metabolites was determined by isotope ratio analysis. The accuracy and precision, respectively, in quantification of standard mixtures was 9.5 and 4.77% for the 16 amino acids, 9.7 and 2.83% for the mixture of 19 fatty acids, and 14 and 4.53% for the 20 organic acids. Suitability of the method for the examination of complex samples was demonstrated in analyses of the spiked blood serum samples. This differential isotope coding method proved to be an effective means to compare the concentration of metabolites between two samples simultaneously.  相似文献   

Currently, proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) allows for quantitative determination of volatile organic compounds in real time at concentrations in the low ppt range, but cannot differentiate isomers or isobaric molecules, using the conventional quadrupole mass filter. Here we pursue the application of linear quadrupole ion trap (LIT) mass spectrometry in combination with proton-transfer reaction chemical ionization to provide the advantages of specificity from MS/MS. A commercial PTR-MS platform composed of a quadrupole mass filter with the addition of end cap electrodes enabled the mass filter to operate as a linear ion trap. The rf drive electronics were adapted to enable the application of dipolar excitation to opposing rods, for collision-induced dissociation (CID) of trapped ions. This adaptation enabled ion isolation, ion activation, and mass analysis. The utility of the PTR-LIT was demonstrated by distinguishing between the isomeric isoprene oxidation pair, methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR). The CID voltage was adjusted to maximize the m/ z 41 to 43 fragment ratio of MACR while still maintaining adequate sensitivity. Linear calibration curves for MVK and MACR fragments at m/ z 41 and 43 were obtained with limits of detection of approximately 100 ppt, which should enable ambient measurements. Finally, the PTR-LIT method was compared to an established GC/MS method by quantifying MVK and MACR production during a smog chamber isoprene-NO x irradiation experiment.  相似文献   

Organic compounds containing a variety of functional groups have been analyzed using aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Both positive and negative laser desorption/ionization mass spectra have been acquired for compounds of relevance to ambient air particulate matter, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic analogues, aromatic oxygenated compounds such as phenols and acids, aliphatic dicarboxylic acids, and reduced nitrogen species such as amines. In many cases, positive ion mass spectra are similar to those found in libraries for 70-eV electron impact mass spectrometry. However, formation of even-electron molecular ions due to adduct formation also plays a major role in ion formation. Negative ion mass spectra suggest that organic compounds largely disintegrate into carbon cluster fragments (C(n)- and C(n)H-). However, information about the heteroatoms present in organic molecules, especially nitrogen and oxygen, is carried dominantly by negative ion spectra, emphasizing the importance of simultaneous analysis of positive and negative ions in atmospheric samples.  相似文献   

A new method using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and isotope dilution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-IDTOFMS) for the simultaneous measurement of selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), and brominated flame retardants is presented. In contrast to the reference methods based on classical GC/MS, a single injection of the extract containing all compounds of interest results in accurate identification and quantification. Using GCxGC ensures the chromatographic separation of most compounds, and TOFMS allows mass spectral deconvolution of coeluting compounds as well as the use of (13)C-labeled internal standards for quantification. Isotope ratio measurements of the most intense ions for both native and labels ensure the required specificity. The use of this new method with an automated sample preparation procedure developed at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the analysis of human serum and milk compared favorably to conventional isotope-dilution one-dimensional gas chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (GC-IDHRMS) for the different human serum and milk pools tested. The instrumental detection limits ranged between 0.5 pg/microL and 10 pg/microL and the method detection limits ranged between 1 and 15 pg/microL (N = 59 analytes). The reproducibility of the method was almost as good as with GC-IDHRMS, the relative standard deviations ranging between 1 and 11% for OCPs measured in human serum. OCP, PBDE, and PCB levels measured using the two methods were highly correlated, and the deviations between the two methods were below 20% for most analytes with concentrations above 1 ng/g milk lipids.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds released from the biosphere are known to have a large impact on atmospheric chemistry. Field instruments for the detection of these trace gases are often limited by the lack of instrument portability and the inability to distinguish compounds of interest from background or other interfering compounds. We have developed an automated sampling and preconcentration system, coupled to a lightweight, low-power cylindrical ion trap mass spectrometer. The instrument was evaluated by measuring isoprene concentrations during a field campaign at the University of Michigan Biological Station PROPHET lab. Isoprene was preconcentrated by sampling directly into a short capillary column precooled without the aid of cryogens. The capillary column was then rapidly heated by moving the column to a preheated region to obtain fast separation of isoprene from other components, followed by detection with a cylindrical ion trap. This combination yielded a detection limit of approximately 80 ppt (parts per trillion) for isoprene with a measurement frequency of one sample every 11 min. The data obtained by the automated sampling and preconcentration system during the PROPHET 2005 campaign were compared to those of other field instruments measuring isoprene at this site in an intercomparison exercise. The intercomparisons suggest the new inlet system, when coupled with this ion trap detector, provides a viable field instrument for the fast, precise, and quantitative determination of isoprene and other trace gases over a variety of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Lee CY  Shiea J 《Analytical chemistry》1998,70(13):2757-2761
This work successfully connected gas chromatography (GC) to seven-channel electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry to separate and detect a mixture of volatile organic compounds. Gaseous analyte was eluted separately from a GC column and directed into the central channel of the ESI source. The analyte was protonated by ion-molecule reactions between the analyte and the ions which were generated by electrospraying the acidic solution through the outside six channels surrounding the central channel. Real-time analysis of the organic reaction involving volatile and thermally unstable compounds (dimethylhydrazine ? azomethane + H(2)) was also achieved by continuously purging the air in the reaction vessel to the seven-channel ESI source.  相似文献   

Analysis of several volatile organic compounds in air has been demonstrated with a micro ion trap mass analyzer equipped with a semipermeable membrane sampling inlet. MS/MS of selected compounds was also shown to be feasible with the miniature ion trap and could be used to improve sensitivity by reducing background noise.  相似文献   

In this work, a sensitive and robust vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) single-photon ionization (SPI) ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer (VUV-SPI-IT-TOFMS) for on-line, realtime monitoring of chlorinated organic compounds in waste incineration flue gas has been newly developed. The fragment-free SPI technique with 121.6-nm VUV lamp irradiated by a microwave generator and the quadrupole ion trap to accumulate and select analyte ions were combined with a reflectron time-of-flight mass spectrometer to detect chlorinated organic compounds at trace level. This measuring system was tuned up to detect dioxins precursors with the aim at an application to monitoring trace level toxic substances in flue gases from incinerator furnaces. As a result, this technology has made it possible to analyze trichlorobenzene (T3CB), a dioxin precursor, in 18 s with a sensitivity of 80 ng/m3-N (10 pptv) using the selective accumulation of analyte substances and separation of interfering substances in the ion trap. Moreover, the first field test of the continuous monitoring T3CB in an actual waste incineration flue gas had been done for 7 months. The results show that this system has an exceeding robust performance and is able to maintain the high sensitivity in analyzing T3CB for long months of operation.  相似文献   

We report the first demonstration of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC×GCC-IRMS) for the analysis of urinary steroids to detect illicit synthetic testosterone use, of interest in sport doping. GC coupled to IRMS (GCC-IRMS) is currently used to measure the carbon isotope ratios (CIRs, δ(13)C) of urinary steroids in antidoping efforts; however, extensive cleanup of urine extracts is required prior to analysis to enable baseline separation of target steroids. With its greater separation capabilities, GC×GC has the potential to reduce sample preparation requirements and enable CIR analysis of minimally processed urine extracts. Challenges addressed include online reactors with minimized dimensions to retain narrow peak shapes, baseline separation of peaks in some cases, and reconstruction of isotopic information from sliced steroid chromatographic peaks. Difficulties remaining include long-term robustness of online reactors and urine matrix effects that preclude baseline separation and isotopic analysis of low-concentration and trace components. In this work, steroids were extracted, acetylated, and analyzed using a refined, home-built GC×GCC-IRMS system. 11-Hydroxyandrosterone and 11-ketoetiocolanolone were chosen as endogenous reference compounds because of their satisfactory signal intensity, and their CIR was compared to target compounds androsterone and etiocholanolone. Separately, a GC×GC-quadrupole MS system was used to measure testosterone (T)/epitestosterone (EpiT) concentration ratios. Urinary extracts of urine pooled from professional athletes and urine from one individual that received testosterone gel (T-gel) and one individual that received testosterone injections (T-shots) were analyzed. The average precisions of δ(13)C and Δδ(13)C measurements were SD(δ(13)C) approximately ±1‰ (n = 11). The T-shot sample resulted in a positive for T use with a T/EpiT ratio of >9 and CIR measurements of Δδ(13)C > 5‰, both fulfilling World Anti-Doping Agency criteria. These data show for the first time that synthetic steroid use is detectable by GC×GCC-IRMS without the need for extensive urine cleanup.  相似文献   

A comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) system (for convenience defined as "split flow" GC x GC), which may be operated at improved gas linear velocities in both dimensions, has been developed. The setup is formed of an apolar 30 m x 0.25 mm i.d. column connected, by means of a Y press fit, to a detector-linked 1 m x 0.1 mm i.d. polar analytical column, which passes through the (cryogenic) modulator, and to a 0.3 m x 0.1 mm i.d. retention gap, which is connected to a manually operated split valve. The latter enables the regulation of gas flows through the second analytical column [e.g., 60:40 (FID) ratio, 50:50 ratio, 40:60 (FID) ratio, etc.], in order to generate the most appropriate gas linear velocity, which is related to each specific analysis. In the pre-sent investigation, two sets of traditional and split flow GC x GC analyses were carried out on a cod liver oil fatty acid methyl ester sample by using the same temperature programs [180-250 degrees C at (a) 3 degrees C/min and at (b) 1.3 degrees C/min] and at an average first-dimension linear velocity of approximately 35.0 cm/s; thus, primary column retention times (and therefore elution temperatures) were essentially maintained. The second-dimension linear velocity was calculated to be approximately 333 cm/s in the traditional applications, while it was split valve-regulated until the most appropriate values [(a) approximately 213 cm/s; (b) approximately 264 cm/s] were attained in the alternative applications. Substantial improvements were observed and measured in the chromatography along the y-axis, while the contour plot chemical class structure was maintained.  相似文献   

A gas chromatograph has been coupled to a direct-current gas sampling glow discharge (GSGD) ionization source for the mass spectrometric analysis of halogenated hydrocarbons. The continuous discharge is contained within the first vacuum stage of the differentially pumped spectrometer interface. The discharge can be operated statically or rapidly switched between atomic and molecular ionization modes; both atomic and molecular spectra could be generated in the helium-supported plasma. In the switched configuration, the duty cycle is 50% for each mode. The ionization mode is selected by application of either a positive (molecular) or negative (atomic) potential to the sample introduction electrode, and the two kinds of spectra can be sequentially collected by changing the voltage and current between two preset values. Similar ion-optical voltage settings could be employed for both modes of operation, with the exception of the steering-plate potential, which had to be modulated between two different values (at the plasma switching frequency) to obtain the greatest atomic and molecular signal levels. The source is capable of generating mass spectra resembling those from an electron-impact source while operated in the molecular ionization mode (both static and dynamic). The best atomic detection limits (1-25 fg of analyte/ second) were obtained when the plasma was operated in the static mode with single-channel gated ion counting. Atomic detection limits obtained with boxcar averager data collection were comparable for static and switched operation of the source (1-30 pg/s). Likewise, the molecular detection limits were similar for the static and switched modes and span the range of 7-140 pg/s (boxcar averagers). Precision was better than 7% RSD under all conditions. The atomic and molecular chromatographic peak heights were nearly unchanged over a range of modulation rates from 5 to 100 Hz. The elemental ratio (35Cl+/12C+) for chloroform was also measured over a range of plasma modulation rates (5-90 Hz) and found to be randomly distributed about the sample mean. Several chlorinated hydrocarbons were introduced into the discharge and could be successfully differentiated (or speciated) on the basis of their 35Cl+/12C+ ratios.  相似文献   

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