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在协议测试过程中,对于测试数据的生成方法的考虑应从包的粒度细化到字段上.对协议的通用数据包进行了全面的分析,根据各个字段的功能及其取值之间的关系,对所有字段进行了固定字段、独立字段以及相关字段序列的划分,然后根据测试经验对独立字段和相关字段序列进行了优先级赋值,并根据优先级构建测试包,从而可以将具有重要测试目的的包尽早生成进行测试,并根据优先级标记指导测试结果判定.给出了测试包库的生成算法,并分析了该算法的有效性,然后以BGP4 的UPDATE包为例给出了生成的包,最后给出了结论. 相似文献
可重构网络测量系统中,工作流测量构件间迁移的过程是否与规约描述一致,是检验测量构件一致性测试的重要内容。建立了一种基于工作流的构件变迁模型MCTM(Measurement Component Transfer Model),详细阐述了MCTM模型的形式化定义,并基于MCTM模型给出了一种能自动生成遍历所有构件的测试用例生成算法CTBMCTM。实验结果表明,CTBMCTM算法可以准确定位存在问题的构件,与T&GS算法相比,该算法在生成较短测试序列的同时显著缩短了算法的运行时间。 相似文献
为有效解决C++接口测试问题,研究了自动化测试框架的原理和技术.基于关键字驱动方法,通过对目前C++接口测试工具使用复杂,测试脚本脆弱等特点的分析和研究,提出一个具有高易用性和灵活性的测试框架,通过解析由关键字定义的测试描述文件和多种格式的数据文件,自动生成可执行的C++测试代码.测试人员只需编写少量测试代码和数据,即可实现复杂的测试.在实际应用中减少了测试人员工作量,降低了测试成本,取得了很好的效果. 相似文献
ContextThe improvements promoted by Test-Driven Design (TDD) have not been confirmed by quantitative assessment studies. To a great extent, the problem lies in the lack of a rigorous definition for TDD. An emerging approach has been to measure the conformance of TDD practices with the support of automated systems that embed an operational definition, which represent the specific TDD process assumed and the validation tests used to determine its presence and quantity. The empirical construction of TDD understanding and consensus building requires the ability of comparing different definitions, evaluating them with regard to practitioners’ perception, and exploring code information for improvement of automatic assessment.ObjectiveThis paper describes Besouro, a framework targeted at the development of systems for automatic TDD behavior assessment. The main rationale of Besouro’s design is the ability to compare distinct operational definitions, evaluate them with regard to users’ perception, and explore code information for further analysis and conformance assessment improvement.MethodWe developed an architecture with clear separation of concerns, which enables to vary: (a) the atomic events and respective metrics to be collected from developing and testing environments; (b) the organization of atomic events in streams of actions or processes; and (c) the classification and assessment components for each set of operational definitions adopted. The architecture also includes a mechanism for on-line user assessment awareness and feedback, and integrates event-related information with the respective code in a code version system.ResultsWe illustrate the usefulness of Besouro’s features for understanding the actions and processes underlying TDD through a prototype developed to support an experiment based on user feedback. We show how it was possible to compare variations of a same operational definition by exploring users’ feedback, and use source code to improve the automatic classification of TDD practices.ConclusionUnderstanding the actions and processes underlying successful TDD application is key for leveraging TDD benefits. In the absence of a rigorous definition for TDD, the proposed approach aims at building consensus from experimentation and empirical validation. 相似文献
《Information and Software Technology》2013,55(6):1045-1062
ContextTesting from finite state machines has been investigated due to its well-founded and sound theory as well as its practical application. There has been a recurrent interest in developing methods capable of generating test suites that detect all faults in a given fault domain. However, the proposal of new methods motivates the comparison with traditional methods.ObjectiveWe compare the methods that generate complete test suites from finite states machines. The test suites produced by the W, HSI, H, SPY, and P methods are analyzed in different configurations.MethodComplete and partial machines were randomly generated varying numbers of states, inputs, outputs, and transitions. These different configurations were used to compare test suite characteristics (number of resets, test case length) and the test suite length (i.e., the sum of the length of its test cases). The fault detection ratio was evaluated using mutation testing to produce faulty implementations with an extra state.ResultsOn average, the recent methods (H, SPY, and P) produced longer test cases but smaller test suites than the traditional methods (W, HSI). The recent methods generated test suites of similar length, though P produced slightly smaller test suites. The SPY and P methods had the highest fault detection ratios and HSI had the lowest. For all methods, there was a positive correlation between the number of resets and the test suite length and between the test case length and the fault detection ratio.ConclusionThe recent methods rely on fewer and longer test cases to reduce the overall test suite length, while the traditional methods produce more and shorter test cases. Longer test cases are correlated to fault detection ratio which favored SPY, though all methods have a ratio of over 92%. 相似文献
本文从国标《信息技术会计核算软件数据接口》出发,分析了在测试财务软件中主要的测试两大部分:标准符合性测试和数据交换测试,并且讨论了这两大部分测试的需求和内容。同时,根据研究的结果,实现了面向会计核算软件数据接口自动化测试的工具,提高了测试效率和质量。 相似文献
OSPF协议测试中网络拓扑建模及其算法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
OSPF协议是一种广泛使用的内部网关路由协议,文中提出了一种用于OSPF协议测试的网络拓扑建模方法以及相关算法。首先从实际网络中抽取出其中的网络拓扑模型,并将OSPF网络定义为一个有向加权图。之后在这个抽象网络拓扑模型的基础上,提出了一种最短路径树生成算法,并利用该算法实现了路由信息和路由表的生成。文中的模型与算法很好地体现了OSPF协议分层的特点,是构造测试内容的一种有效方法。 相似文献
单元测试框架下的软件测试将产生大量的测试脚本, 在软件测试过程中如何有效利用现有的测试脚本, 实现软件测试脚本(代码)的重用成为业界关心的一个重要问题。业界最常见的复用需求是当开发项目更换新的测试框架时, 如何重用开发人员在原单元测试框架下积累的测试脚本。针对这一问题, 提出了基于测试脚本移植的重用方案。通过对单元测试脚本的分析和自动翻译方法, 将原测试脚本中包含的信息提取出来, 解析为基于XML的中间脚本, 然后再利用XSLT技术, 依据XML记录的信息, 自动生成目标框架的单元测试脚本, 从而解决单元测试脚本的重用问题。最后实验验证了方案的可行性。 相似文献
Kyoung Jun Reference to Lee Yong Sik Reference to Chang Jae Kyu Reference to Lee 《Decision Support Systems》2000,28(4):319
For efficient and informative coordination of agents especially in electronic commerce environment, a time-bound agent negotiation framework is proposed utilizing a time-based commitment scheme. By attaching commitment duration to agent messages, the traditional contract net protocol is extended to a time-bound negotiation framework (TBNF). The proposed negotiation framework has a new message type which allows for parties to agree upon the extension of a commitment duration, and a novel commitment concept in the form of negative commitment. The semantics of the messages with the commitment duration are interpreted, and then the three typical negotiation protocols are formally defined and compared — nothing-guaranteed protocol, acceptance-guaranteed protocol, and finite-time guarantee protocol — which can be incorporated into TBNF. The TBNF should provide a background for efficient and effective electronic commerce negotiation while accommodating each agent's adaptive negotiation strategy. 相似文献
This paper describes a comparative study of three usability test approaches: concurrent think-aloud protocols, retrospective think-aloud protocols, and constructive interaction. These three methods were compared by means of an evaluation of an online library catalogue, which involved four points of comparison: number and type of usability problems detected; relevance of the problems detected; overall task performance; and participant experiences. The results of the study showed that there were only few significant differences between the usability test approaches, mainly with respect to manner of problem detecting, task performance and participant experience. For the most part, the usability methods proved very much comparable, revealing similar numbers and types of problems that were equally relevant. Taking some practical aspects into account, a case can be made for preferring the concurrent think-aloud protocols over the other two methods. 相似文献
蓝牙技术是近几年出现的一种短距离无线连接技术,其应用框架的实现将取代现有的有线电缆,实现各种数据设备间的数据传输。简要介绍了蓝牙技术以及它的核心协议和应用框架;阐述了蓝牙的一致性测试和互连测试,并给出了相应的测试结构。对现有的互连测试仪给出了改进方案以提高其自动性。 相似文献
《Journal of Computer and System Sciences》2016,82(5):712-738
Designing test cases is one of the most crucial activities in software testing process. Manual test case design might result in inadequate testing outputs due to lack of expertise and/or skill requirements. This article delivers automatic test data generation framework by effectively utilizing soft computing technique with Apache Hadoop MapReduce as the parallelization framework. We have evaluated and analyzed statistically our proposed framework using real world open source libraries. The experimental results conducted on Hadoop cluster with ten nodes are effective and our framework significantly outperforms other existing cloud-based testing models. 相似文献
We propose an automatic test derivation method for testing interoperability of communication protocols. It first derives a skeleton test suite for control part through a sort of reachability analysis. Next, it parameterizes each test case. Finally, it completes the test suite by actualizing test cases by assigning values to their parameters. By constructing test case space based on stable states and by basing test case actualization step on orthogonal arrays used in experimental design techniques, state space explosion is avoided. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness, out method is applied to the ATM/B-ISDN signaling protocol and TCP. The application results show that our method surpasses the conventional methods in terms of both test size and coverage. 相似文献
New software standards supporting integration of manufacturing and engineering systems are emerging at a rapid pace. Two groups, the Object Management Group (OMG) and the community producing the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP, formally known as ISO 10303), dominate in the production of standards for manufacturing and engineering industries. Their standards are based on common methods, which can be exploited in developing tests for systems supporting the standards. This paper describes the methods employed and a system that builds on those methods to support the automatic and rapid development of conformance tests for the emerging standards. 相似文献
Mercedes G. Merayo Manuel Núez Ismael Rodríguez 《Software Testing, Verification and Reliability》2012,22(8):583-608
This paper introduces a formal framework to specify and test systems presenting both soft and hard deadlines. While hard deadlines must always be met on time, soft deadlines can be sometimes met in a different time, usually greater, from the specified one. It is this characteristic (to formally definetextitsometimes) that produces several reasonable alternatives to define appropriate implementation relations, that is, relations to decide whether an implementation is correct with respect to a specification. In addition to introducing these relations, the paper also presents a formal testing framework to test implementations and provides an algorithm to derive sound and complete test suites with respect to the implementation relations previously defined. That is, an implementation conforms to a specification if and only if the implementation successfully passes all the tests belonging to the suite derived from the specification. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we describe a quality-directed perspective on the lifecycle process of designing and assembling communications systems and services. We claim this perspective addresses some of the industrial concerns of quality and productivity for the protocol engineering process, while allowing for some of the best formal techniques known for protocol synthesis, verification, conformance testing and performance assessment. We hope that this perspective will assist in the development of a generic conceptual framework which enables the evolution, integration and practical application of protocol engineering models, methods, languages and tools. 相似文献