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试验钢(/%:0.19C,0.17Si,0.44Mn,0.004S,0.007P,0.041Als),由60kg真空感应炉熔炼,锻成120mm×140mm坯,轧成80 mm×80mm坯,再轧成4 mm×100mm成品。试验了950℃、800℃终轧和轧后水冷、空冷对该钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,实验钢1000℃开轧,经二道次轧制,800℃终轧,以32.33~37.50℃/s的冷却速度水冷,工艺最佳,低碳钢珠光体为89%,铁素体晶粒尺寸38 nm达到了铆螺钢ML45级别。950℃终轧,水冷,力学性能达到了ML40级别。800℃终轧,空冷钢的力学性能也能达到ML30级别。  相似文献   

免热处理高强度低屈强比铆螺钢的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴迪  李壮  赵宪明 《钢铁》2006,41(1):62-65
铆螺钢经棒材轧机控轧控冷轧成棒材,获得具有铁素体、珠光体和粒状贝氏体的混合组织,冷镦成螺栓后进行产品检验.结果表明:控轧控冷后的棒材不经过退火直接冷镦成螺栓,冷镦性能非常好.螺栓不经过最终热处理,同样可获得很高的力学性能.力学性能的提高主要是由于螺栓在拉伸变形时残余奥氏体的应变诱导马氏体相变.  相似文献   

吴迪  李壮  吕伟 《钢铁》2012,47(8):36-38,40,42
通过实验室热轧机组的控轧控冷试验,研究了控轧控冷参数对超高强铁素体/贝氏体双相钢组织性能的影响。结果表明,采用不同温度终轧,轧后不同方式冷却,抗拉强度几乎都在1 000MPa以上,屈强比在0.54~0.62之间,伸长率在13%~17%之间。铁素体晶粒随终轧温度降低和冷却速度加快而细化;终冷温度降低,贝氏体量增多。经800℃终轧后层流冷却至560℃左右空冷,由于铁素体晶粒细化,组织中大量的粒状贝氏体、无碳化物贝氏体、少量的孪晶马氏体以及残余奥氏体的存在使抗拉强度达1 130MPa,伸长率达16%,强塑积达到18 080MPa.%的最高值。控轧控冷获得以铁素体/贝氏体双相组织为主并含有少量残余奥氏体+马氏体的复相组织,使试验钢具有了优异的力学性能。  相似文献   

试验分析了控轧控冷工艺参数对不同微合金体系的460 MPa级高强韧海工钢板组织性能的影响。试验结果表明:Nb、Ti微合金化的基础上加入适量的Ni元素能改善钢的强度和韧性,尤其是钢在低温下的冲击性能;采用大的压下量即第二阶段的轧制总压下率一般应略大于70%,有助于钢的晶粒细化,获得组织类型为多边形铁素体+准多边形铁素体+针状铁素体+粒状贝氏体和一些弥散的分布的珠光体和残余奥氏体,进而改善钢的最终性能。  相似文献   

本文就热变形工艺参数对DH36热轧船板用钢组织变化规律进行了模拟研究,总结了γ→a相变后铁素体晶粒大小随变形量、终轧温度、冷却速度的变化规律,并借此讨论了DH36钢控轧控冷工艺。  相似文献   

细晶粒钢是近二十年来钢铁材料基础研究和工业生产的重要前沿领域,本文以普碳钢Q235A为研究对象,通过热模拟实验和大生产试验,寻找合适的板坯加热温度和控轧控冷工艺。最终采取降低加热温度、合理控轧控冷,达到细化晶粒、提高产品性能的目的。  相似文献   

李文卿  王轶文 《钢铁》1992,27(4):46-50
对微合金化中碳钢进行了控制轧制和控制冷却的试验;测定了各项力学性能及先共析铁素体最f_α、铁素体平均截线长度d_α、铁素体平均自由程λ_α和珠光体平均片层间距S_(oj),采用数理统计的方法研究了控轧控冷微合金化中碳钢力学性能与组织参量间的关系,对力学性能非线性回归方程的幂指数做了优化,得到优化的定量关系式;探讨了控轧控冷中碳钢的强韧化机制。  相似文献   

Thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP) of low carbon cold heading steel in different austenite conditions were conducted by a laboratory hot rolling mill.Effect of various processing parameters on the mechanical properties of the steel was investigated.The results showed that the mechanical properties of the low carbon cold heading steel could be significantly improved by TMCP without heat treatment.The improvement of mechanical properties can be attributed mainly to the ferrite grain refinement due to low temperature rolling.In the experiments the better ultimate tensile strength and ductility are obtained by lowering finishing cooling temperature within the temperature range from 650 ℃ to 550 ℃ since the interlamellar space in pearlite colonies become smaller.Good mechanical properties can be obtained in a proper austenite condition and thermomechanical processing parameter.The ferrite morphology has a more pronounced effect on the mechanical behavior than refinement of the microstructure.It is possible to realize the replacement of medium-carbon by low-carbon for 490 Mpa grade cold heading steel with TMCP.  相似文献   

杨伟勇 《特殊钢》2020,41(6):55-59
在化学成分合理设计的基础上HRB400E钢(/%:0.21~0.25C,0.40~0.65Si,1.40~1.55Mn,≤0.040P,≤0.040S,0.015~0.025Nb,0.005~0.008N),研究了不同加热温度及控轧控冷温度对力学性能、金相组织和钢筋表面时效锈蚀的影响。提出了最佳的轧制温度参数:加热温度为1140~1170℃、开轧温度为1 040~1 060℃,精轧温度为1000~1030℃,终轧后的冷床温度是870~890℃。结果表明,铌微合金化HRB400E钢屈服强度450-475MPa,其析出物主要为粒径大小为300~600nm的Nb(C,N),分布在网状碳化物上、网状碳化物边缘以及晶界附近的晶粒内部。  相似文献   

 Effects of rolling and cooling conditions on microstructure and mechanical properties of low carbon cold heading steel were investigated on a laboratory hot rolling mill. The results have shown that the mechanical properties of low carbon steels exceed the standard requirements of ML30, ML35, ML40, and ML45 steel, respectively due to thermomechanical controlled processing (TMCP). This is attributed to a significant amount of pearlite and the ferrite-grain refinement. Under the condition of relatively low temperature rolling, the mechanical properties exceed standard requirements of ML45 and ML30 steel after water cooling and air cooling, respectively. Fast cooling which leads to more pearlite and finer ferrite grains is more critical than finish rolling temperatures for low carbon cold heading steel. The specimen at high finish rolling temperature exhibits very good mechanical properties due to fast cooling. This result has great significance not only for energy saving and emission reduction, but also for low-carbon economy, because the goals of the replacement of medium-carbon by low-carbon are achieved with TMCP.  相似文献   

In the present paper,controlled rolling and cooling processing was conducted by using a laboratory hot rolling mill.The influence of different processing parameters on the mechanical properties of low carbon cold forging steel was investigated.The results show that the faster cooling after the deformation (especially in low temperature rolling conditions) leads to the refinement of the ferrite grain.The specimen exhibits very good mechanical properties owing to the finer ferrite grains.The pearlite morphologies can also affect the mechanical properties of low carbon cold forging steel.The mechanical properties increase with decreasing final cooling temperature within the range from 650℃ to 570 ℃ due to the finer interlamellar spacing of pearlite colony.The mechanical properties of the specimens with fast cooling after the conventional rolling are not only better than those of the specimens with slow cooling after low temperature rolling,but also almost similar to those of the specimens with fast cooling after low temperature rolling.It is suggested that fast cooling after high temperature rolling (the conventional rolling) process would be of important industrial value.  相似文献   

段贵生 《特殊钢》2008,29(1):45-47
对150 mm×150 mm连铸坯轧制Φ12 mm SCM435合金冷镦钢(%:0.35C、0.98Cr、0.16Mo)盘条的工艺试验表明:采用1020℃加热,900℃轧制,吐丝温度控制在780~800℃,相变前冷却速度控制在1℃/s左右,该钢可以获得均匀的铁素体+珠光体组织和良好的冷镦性能。  相似文献   

通过动态CCT曲线测试和实验室控轧控冷试验,分析了900 MPa级热轧带钢连续冷却过程中的相变过程以及不同卷取温度下显微组织、析出相和力学性能的关系。试验结果表明:随着冷却速度提高,显微组织中多边形铁素体比例下降,贝氏体组织比例升高,冷速大于15℃/s时,显微组织全部为贝氏体;随着卷取温度升高,显微组织中针状铁素体比例下降,多边形铁素体比例升高;当卷取温度为600℃时,组织为铁素体+少量珠光体,此时析出相细小弥散,可获得抗拉强度达到1 000 MPa,延伸率17%的热轧产品。  相似文献   

With Gleeble-1500 system, the influences of rolling temperature, finishing tempera ture and cooling rate on the mechanical properties of two ultra-high strength steels were analyzed. The microstructure of the hot rolled specimens was observed by optical microscope, TEM and SEM. The TRIP of HSLA steels was studied. The results show that the yield stress of 700 MPa can be reached for two steels. The controlled rolling and controlled cooling technology has different effects on two sleds, but it is rational to adopt finishing temperature 800℃ for both of them. The microstructure of the steels is mainly bainite, and the influence factors ofmechanical properties are the size of bainite, and the size, distribution, composition and morphology of secondary phases. The deformation of high molybdenum steels at a high temperature with a high cooling rate would promote TRIP.  相似文献   

利用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机对700 MPa级低碳贝氏体钢进行了终冷温度、冷却速度和终轧温度等三要素的多水平正交试验,研究了不同冷却工艺对M/A岛的影响.结果表明,随着终冷温度的升高,700 MPa级低碳贝氏体钢中转变形成的M/A岛逐渐从点状变为球粒状,再到不规则形状的多面体,且M/A岛颗粒也逐渐变大,在650℃时还有明显粗化现象.随着冷却速度的升高,M/A岛的方向性逐渐明晰,呈弥散分布,且颗粒逐渐变细小,数量增多.终轧温度对低碳贝氏体钢M/A岛的影响小于终冷温度和冷却速度的影响.  相似文献   

控轧控冷工艺对低碳铌微合金钢组织和性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用Gleeble-1500热模拟实验机测定了低碳铌微合金钢变形后的连续冷却转变曲线(CCT曲线),并在实验室对该实验钢采用不同的工艺进行了控制轧制和控制冷却的实验.研究了工艺参数对实验钢力学性能和微观组织的影响,分析了低碳铌微合金钢的强韧化机制.热模拟实验结果表明,实验钢在较宽的冷却速度范围(0.5~30 ℃/s)内可以获得贝氏体组织.控轧控冷的实验结果表明,实验钢的组织主要为铁素体和贝氏体.随着终轧温度的降低,组织得到细化,强度提高,但屈强比也随之增加;降低卷取温度使组织中的贝氏体含量略有增加,强度有所提高.初步探讨了贝氏体对实验钢性能的影响,为制定合适的生产工艺制度提供了依据.  相似文献   

韦明  张志军 《宽厚板》2012,18(5):1-4
主要对屈服强度690MPa级高强度钢板的工艺进行了试验研究,结果表明,舞钢设计的低碳贝氏体型高强度钢板,采用合适的控轧控冷+回火工艺,其性能完全满足Q690E钢板的技术要求,具有良好的力学.和焊接性能。  相似文献   

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