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Cysteine-scanning mutants, E32C to G62C, of the metal-tetracycline/H+ antiporter were constructed in order to precisely determine the membrane topology around putative transmembrane segment II. None of the mutants lost the ability to confer tetracycline resistance, indicating that the cysteine mutation in each mutant did not alter the protein conformation. [14C]N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM) binding to these cysteine mutants in isolated membranes was then investigated. The peptide chain of this region passes through the membrane at least once because residues 36 and 65 are exposed on the outside and inside surfaces of the membrane, respectively (Kimura, T., Ohnuma, M., Sawai, T., and Yamaguchi, A. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 580-585). However, there was no continuous segment in which all of the introduced cysteine residues showed almost no reactivity with [14C]NEM. The proportion of the unbound positions in the second half downstream from position 45 was 55% (10/18), which was clearly higher than that in the first half (21%; 3/14), suggesting that the second half is a transmembrane segment. Positions reactive to NEM appear periodically in the second half. They are located on one side of the helical wheel, suggesting that this side of the transmembrane helix faces a water-filled channel. The cysteine mutants as to the reactive positions in the second half were severely inactivated by NEM except for the P59C mutant, whereas the A40C mutant was the only one inactivated by NEM in the first half. These results suggest that the water-filled channel along this helical region may be a substrate translocation pathway.  相似文献   

A carboxyl group of Asp-285 is essential for tetracycline/H+ antiport mediated by the transposon Tn10-encoded metal-tetracycline/H+ antiporter (TetA) of Escherichia coli (Yamaguchi, A., Akasaka, T., Ono, N., Someya, Y., Nakatani, M., and Sawai, T. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 7490-7498). Spontaneous tetracycline resistance revertants were isolated from E. coli cells carrying the Asn-285 mutant tetA gene. All of the revertants were due to the second-site mutation at codon 220 of GCG (Ala) to GAG (Glu). The Km value of the tetracycline transport mediated by the revertant TetA protein was about 4-fold higher than that of the wild-type, indicating that the revertant is a low affinity mutant. A Glu-220 and Asn-285 double mutant constructed by site-directed mutagenesis showed the same properties as the revertants, confirming that the mutation of Ala-220 is solely responsible for the suppression. The Asp-220 mutation of the Asn-285 mutant resulted in a lower level of restoration of the tetracycline resistance and the transport activity than in the case of the Glu-220 mutation. A single mutation replacing Ala-220 with Glu or Asp caused about a 2-4-fold decrease in the tetracycline resistance, but no crucial change in the transport activity. It is not likely that Glu-220 is required for a charge-neutralizing salt bridge because an unpaired negative charge in a Glu-220 or Asp-220 single mutant did not cause a serious change in the activity. An alternative explanation is reasonable; Asp-285 directly contributes to the binding of a cationic substrate, metal-tetracycline chelation complex, or proton, and an acidic residue at position 220 can take over the role of Asp-285.  相似文献   

Seven arginine residues are conserved in all the tetracycline/H+ antiporters of Gram-negative bacteria. Four (Arg67, -70, -71, and -127) of them are located in the putative cytoplasmic loop regions and three (Arg31, -101, and -238) in the putative periplasmic loop regions [Eckert, B., and Beck, C. F. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 11663-11670]. These arginine residues were replaced by alanine, lysine, or cysteine one by one through site-directed mutagenesis. None of the mutants showed significant alteration of the protein expression level. The mutants resulting in the replacement of Arg31, Arg67, Arg71, and Arg238 with either Ala, Cys, or Lys retained tetracycline resistance levels comparable to that of the wild type. Among them, only the Arg238 --> Ala mutant showed very low transport activity in everted membrane vesicles, probably due to the instability of the mutant protein. The replacement of Arg70 and Arg127 with Ala or Cys resulted in a drastic decrease in the drug resistance and almost complete loss of the transport activity, while the Lys replacement mutants retained significant resistance and transport activity, indicating that the positively charged side chains at these positions conferred the transport function. On the other hand, neither the Ala, Cys, nor Lys replacement mutant of Arg101 exhibited any drug resistance or transport activity. As for the reactivity of the Cys replacement mutants, only two (Arg71 --> Cys and Arg101 --> Cys) were not reactive with NEM, the other five mutants being highly or moderately reactive. The reactivity of the cysteine-scanning mutants around Arg101 with NEM revealed that Arg101 is located in transmembrane helix IV. It is not likely that Arg101 confers the protein folding through a salt bridge with a transmembrane acidic residue because no double mutants involving Arg101 --> Ala and the replacement of one of three transmembrane acidic residues (Asp15, Asp84, and Asp285) showed the recovery of any tetracycline resistance or transport activity. The effect of tetracycline on the [14C]NEM binding to the combined mutants S65C/R101A and L97C/R101A suggests that Arg101 may cause a substrate-induced conformational change of the putative exit gate of TetA(B).  相似文献   

Retrograde differentiation (or dedifferentiation) has recently been proposed as a pathogenetic mechanism involved also in various renal diseases. Here we studied whether evidence of these mechanisms can be found in the kidneys of patients with congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish type (CNF). These patients show isolated massive proteinuria but no primary symptoms from any other organ systems. For the analysis we used antibody markers of early (fibronectin, stem cell factor, Wilms' tumor gene product, cytokeratin) and later (laminin, midgestation and kidney, heparin binding growth-associated molecule) stages of nephron differentiation as well as for apoptosis (acridine orange staining), rescue from apoptosis (anti-Bcl-2 antibodies) and cell proliferation (antibodies to proliferating cell nuclear antigen). In the peritubular spaces atypically organized areas were found which appeared positive with markers of low stages of differentiation, but neither abnormal cell proliferation nor activation of the apoptotic pathway could be detected. As morphologic signs of abnormal tissue organization, we found clusters of tightly compacted and large glomeruli corresponding to the size of two to three normal glomeruli. However, all individual glomerular cell compartments (mesangial, endothelial, visceral epithelial cells) appeared balanced in relative cell numbers. Together these results may indicate abnormal early mesenchymoepithelial tissue interaction leading to excessive and poorly organized formation of glomeruli. This could be causally related also to the serious functional immaturity of CNF kidneys presented as isolated proteinuria.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of occult myocardial abscess due to group B Streptococcus that arose several weeks following streptococcal pneumonia. Hemopericardium was the initial presentation. Visualization of the abscess cavity was not possible with transthoracic echocardiography. A definitive diagnosis was made by left ventricular imaging during coronary arteriography. Rupture of the left ventricular free wall occurred during induction of anesthesia for operative exploration and debridement. Patch repair of the left ventricle was ultimately unsuccessful. Post-mortem examination revealed staphylococcal endocarditis of the mitral valve, valve ring abscess and multiple abscess cavities of the left ventricular free wall. A review of the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of myocardial abscess is also presented.  相似文献   

Application of protoplast transformation and single- and double-crossover mutagenesis protocols to alkaliphilic Bacillus firmus OF4811M (an auxotrophic strain of B. firmus OF4) facilitated the extension of the sequence of the previously cloned nhaC gene, which encodes an Na+/H+ antiporter, and the surrounding region. The nhaC gene is part of a likely 2-gene operon encompassing nhaC and a small gene that was designated nhaS; the operon is preceded by novel direct repeats. The predicted alkaliphile NhaC, based on the extended sequence analysis, would be a membrane protein with 462 amino acid residues and 12 transmembrane segments that is highly homologous to the deduced products of homologous genes of unknown function from Bacillus subtilis and Haemophilus influenzae. The full-length version of nhaC complemented the Na+-sensitive phenotype of an antiporter-deficient mutant strain of Escherichia coli but not the alkali-sensitive growth phenotypes of Na+/H+-deficient mutants of either alkaliphilic B. firmus OF4811M or B. subtilis. Indeed, NhaC has no required role in alkaliphily, inasmuch as the nhaC deletion strain of B. firmus OF4811M, N13, grew well at pH 10.5 at Na+ concentrations equal to or greater than 10 mM. Even at lower Na+ concentrations, N13 exhibited only a modest growth defect at pH 10.5. This was accompanied by a reduced capacity to acidify the cytoplasm relative to the medium compared to the wild-type strain or to N13 complemented by cloned nhaC. The most notable deficiency observed in N13 was its poor growth at pH 7.5 and Na+ concentrations up to 25 mM. During growth at pH 7.5, NhaC is apparently a major component of the relatively high affinity Na+/H+ antiport activity available to extrude the Na+ and to confer some initial protection in the face of a sudden upshift in external pH, i.e., before full induction of additional antiporters. Consistent with the inference that NhaC is a relatively high affinity, electrogenic Na+/H+ antiporter, N13 exhibited a defect in diffusion potential-energized efflux of 22Na+ from right-side-out membrane vesicles from cells that were preloaded with 2 mM Na+ and energized at pH 7.5. When the experiment was conducted with vesicles loaded with 25 mM Na+, comparable efflux was observed in preparations from all the strains.  相似文献   

PSC 833, a nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporin, is a potent inhibitor of the efflux of antitumor drugs mediated by P-glycoprotein and thus has been introduced in clinical trials as an agent to overcome multidrug resistance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose-dependent pharmacokinetics of PSC 833 and its effects on the biliary excretion of endogenous substrates in rats. The major elimination route for PSC 833 is metabolism, followed by excretion into bile. The biliary clearance of PSC 833 was reduced in a dose-dependent manner, whereas no urinary excretion of PSC 833 was detectable. The tissue/blood concentration ratios for PSC 833 in the liver, kidney, intestine, and spleen were reduced in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the presence of a saturable uptake process and/or saturable binding in these tissues. The dose-dependent increase in the tissue/blood concentration ratio in the brain suggests the presence of efflux transporters on the blood-brain barrier. PSC 833 reduced the bile flow rate by decreasing the biliary excretion of bile acids and reduced and oxidized glutathione, in a dose-dependent manner. The mechanism for the dose-dependent disposition of PSC 833 and its effects on the biliary excretion of endogenous substrates could be related to interactions with transporters.  相似文献   

The activity of the NhaA Na+/H+ antiporter of Vibrio parahaemolyticus is inhibited by amiloride. We found an amino acid sequence in the NhaA that was identical to a putative amiloride binding domain of the Na+/H+ exchanger in mammalian cells. We constructed mutant NhaAs that had amino acid substitutions in the putative amiloride binding domain by site-directed mutagenesis. These include V62L (Val62 replaced by Leu), F63Y, F64Y, and L65F. Most mutant NhaAs showed decreased sensitivity for amiloride. Among these, the F64Y mutant NhaA showed the least amiloride sensitivity, with a Ki value 7 to 10 times greater than that in the wild type. Thus, the sequence between residues V62 and L65 in NhaA, especially F64, is very important for the inhibitory effect of amiloride on the antiporter.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ exchanger is a ubiquitous plasma membrane protein that is responsible for pH regulation and is activated by growth factors. We examined the role of the Na+/H+ exchanger in cell growth and differentiation. Treatment of P19 cells with the Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor Hoe 694 eliminated retinoic acid-induced differentiation in this cell line. We developed a P19 embryonal carcinoma cell line that was deficient in the Na+/H+ antiporter. Na+/H+ exchanger-deficient cells were reduced in the rate of cell growth and this effect was enhanced by the removal of added HCO3- and by reducing extracellular pH. The antiporter-deficient cells were also markedly deficient in their ability to differentiate to neuronal-like cells and recovered this ability when the Na+/H+ antiporter was reintroduced. The results show that the absence of Na+/H+ antiport as a pH regulatory mechanism can result in deficiencies in both cell growth and differentiation in embryonal carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of substrate recognition in membrane transport is not well understood. Two amino acid residues, Tyr446 and Trp455 in transmembrane segment 10 (TM10), have been shown to be important for galactose recognition by the yeast Gal2 transporter; Tyr446 was found to be essential in that its replacement by any of the other 19 amino acids abolished transport activity (Kasahara, M., Shimoda, E., and Maeda, M. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 16721-16724). The Glut1 glucose transporter of animal cells belongs to the same Glut transporter family as does Gal2 and thus might be expected to show a similar mechanism of substrate recognition. The role of the two amino acids, Phe379 and Trp388, in rat Glut1 corresponding to Tyr446 and Trp455 of Gal2 was therefore studied. Phe379 and Trp388 were individually replaced with each of the other 19 amino acids, and the mutant Glut1 transporters were expressed in yeast. The expression level of most mutants was similar to that of the wild-type Glut1, as revealed by immunoblot analysis. Glucose transport activity was assessed by reconstituting a crude membrane fraction of the yeast cells in liposomes. No significant glucose transport activity was observed with any of Trp388 mutants, whereas the Phe379 mutants showed reduced or no activity. These results indicate that the two aromatic amino acids in TM10 of Glut1 are important for glucose transport. However, unlike Gal2, the residue at the cytoplasmic end of TM10 (Trp388, corresponding to Trp455 of Gal2), rather than that in the middle of TM10 (Phe379, corresponding to Tyr446 of Gal2), is essential for transport activity.  相似文献   

Membrane segment 5 (M5) is thought to play a direct role in cation transport by the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and the Na+, K+-ATPase of animal cells. In this study, we have examined M5 of the yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase by alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Mutant enzymes were expressed behind an inducible heat-shock promoter in yeast secretory vesicles as described previously (Nakamoto, R. K., Rao, R., and Slayman, C. W. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7940-7949). Three substitutions (R695A, H701A, and L706A) led to misfolding of the H+-ATPase as evidenced by extreme sensitivity to trypsin; the altered proteins were arrested in biogenesis, and the mutations behaved genetically as dominant lethals. The remaining mutants reached the secretory vesicles in sufficient amounts to be characterized in detail. One of them (Y691A) had no detectable ATPase activity and appeared, based on trypsinolysis in the presence and absence of ligands, to be blocked in the E1-to-E2 step of the reaction cycle. Alanine substitution at an adjacent position (V692A) had substantial ATPase activity (54%), but was likewise affected in the E1-to-E2 step, as evidenced by shifts in its apparent affinity for ATP, H+, and orthovanadate. Among the mutants that were sufficiently active to be assayed for ATP-dependent H+ transport by acridine orange fluorescence quenching, none showed an appreciable defect in the coupling of transport to ATP hydrolysis. The only residue for which the data pointed to a possible role in cation liganding was Ser-699, where removal of the hydroxyl group (S699A and S699C) led to a modest acid shift in the pH dependence of the ATPase. This change was substantially smaller than the 13-30-fold decrease in K+ affinity seen in corresponding mutants of the Na+, K+-ATPase (Arguello, J. M., and Lingrel, J. B (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 22764-22771). Taken together, the results do not give firm evidence for a transport site in M5 of the yeast H+-ATPase, but indicate a critical role for this membrane segment in protein folding and in the conformational changes that accompany the reaction cycle. It is therefore worth noting that the mutationally sensitive residues lie along one face of a putative alpha-helix.  相似文献   

Charged or polarized amino acid residues near or within the second transmembrane (M2) segment of neuronal ATP receptor/channels (P2X2 receptors) were neutralized by site-directed mutagenesis, and the properties of the mutants were electrophysiologically characterized using Xenopus oocytes. When Asp315 was substituted with Val (D315V), the sensitivity to ATP was reduced by about 60-fold. The sensitivity to ATP was not affected by the neutralization of Lys324, which is involved in a Walker type A ATP-binding sequence, Lys366, Tyr330, or Asn333. With D315V channels, the sensitivities to other agonists (ADP, ATP gamma S, and 2-methylthio ATP) were also reduced. The sensitivities to antagonists (suramin and Cibacron Blue F3GA) were, however, not affected by this neutralization. The results suggest that Asp315, which is assumed to be present in the extracellular region near the M2 segment of P2X2 receptor/channels, serves to maintain agonist sensitivity.  相似文献   

The expression and localization of P- and E-selectins in rat brain (n=126) were examined using immunohistochemical techniques at various time points after induction of middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion in the suture, thrombotic and embolic models of stroke. Expression of P- or E-selectin was not observed in brain tissue of sham operated control rats (n=9). P-selectin immunoreactivity was detected as early as 15 min and decreased to control level at 1 h after the onset of the MCA occlusion in all three models. P-selectin then slightly increased at 2 h and peaked at 6 h after MCA occlusion. E-selectin immunoreactivity was first observed at 2 h and peaked at 6 h and 12 h of after MCA occlusion in all three models. P- and E-selectin immunoreactivity was colocalized with von Willebrand factor immunoreactive microvessels. 90.4+/-2.0% of all vessels expressing P-selectin immunoreactivity were 7.5 to 30.0 micron in diameter; 3.6+/-1.4% were contained in vessels smaller than 7.5 micron, and 6.0+/-1.8% were localized in vessels greater than 30.0 micron in diameter. The percent distribution of E-selectin immunoreactive vessels were 75.9+/-2.1% in vessels 7.5 to 30.0 micron in diameter; 23.6+/-2.2% were in vessels smaller than 7.5 micron, and 0.6+/-0.4% were localized in vessels greater than 30.0 micron in diameter. These findings indicate that the temporal profiles of P- and E-selectin expression are independent of these models of MCA occlusion and are consistent with the time course of selectin mediated leukocyte infiltration after focal cerebral ischemia in the rat.  相似文献   

A fibroblast mutant cell line devoid of Na+/H+ exchange was used to stably express cDNAs encoding the NHE1, NHE2, and NHE3 Na+/H+ antiporters. Pharmacological studies using amiloride and two of its 5-N-substituted derivatives, 5-N-dimethyl amiloride and 5-N-(methyl-propyl)amiloride (MPA), demonstrate that the NHE1 isoform is the ubiquitously expressed amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ antiporter (Ki of 0.08 microM for MPA), whereas the NHE2 and NHE3 isoforms exhibit a lower affinity for these inhibitors (Ki of 0.5 microM and 10 microM, respectively, for MPA) and are therefore likely to be members of the epithelial Na+/H+ exchanger's family. In addition, we have used this system to test a new Na+/H+ exchanger inhibitor possessing anti-ischemic properties on myocardial cells [(3-methylsulphonyl-4-piperidinobenzoyl) guanidine methanesulphonate]. This compound inhibits competitively NHE1 (Ki of 0.16 microM) with a much greater affinity than NHE2 and NHE3 (Ki of 5 microM and 650 microM, respectively) and therefore appears to be much more discriminative between these two classes of antiporter isoforms than the amiloride-related molecules. These results suggest an explanation for the observed difference of physiological effects between amiloride and HOE694, and identify this new inhibitor as a useful tool for studies of Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

The plasma-membrane H+-ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which belongs to the P2 subgroup of cation-transporting ATPases, is encoded by the PMA1 gene and functions physiologically to pump protons out of the cell. This study has focused on hydrophobic transmembrane segments M5 and M6 of the H+-ATPase. In particular, a conserved aspartate residue near the middle of M6 has been found to play a critical role in the structure and biogenesis of the ATPase. Site-directed mutants in which Asp-730 was replaced by an uncharged residue (Asn or Val) were abnormally sensitive to trypsin, consistent with the idea that the proteins were poorly folded, and immunofluorescence confocal microscopy showed them to be arrested in the endoplasmic reticulum. Similar defects are known to occur when either Arg-695 or His-701 in M5 is replaced by a neutral residue (Dutra, M. B., Ambesi, A., and Slayman, C. W. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 17411-17417). To search for possible charge-charge interactions between Asp-730 and Arg-695 or His-701, double mutants were constructed in which positively and negatively charged residues were swapped or eliminated. Strikingly, two of the double mutants (R695D/D730R and R695A/D730A) regained the capacity for normal biogenesis and displayed near-normal rates of ATP hydrolysis and ATP-dependent H+ pumping. These results demonstrate that neither Arg-695 nor Asp-730 is required for enzymatic activity or proton transport, but suggest that there is a salt bridge between the two residues, linking M5 and M6 of the 100-kDa polypeptide.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification of specific cysteine amino acid side chains by methanethiosulfonate (MTS) derivatives were combined to elucidate structure/function relationships of the cloned rabbit Na+/glucose cotransporter, SGLT1. Each amino acid in the region (residues 162-173) between putative transmembrane helices IV and V of SGLT1 was replaced individually with Cys. Mutant proteins were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and studied using the two-electrode voltage clamp method. At certain key positions, Cys substitution resulted in 1) a change in the apparent affinity for sugar, 2) an alteration in the voltage dependence of the transient currents, and 3) a sensitivity to inhibition by either the ethylamine (MTSEA) or the ethylsulfonate MTS derivatives. For the three Cys mutants inhibited by MTSEA (F163C, A166C, and L173C), inhibition of steady state transport is related to changes in membrane potential-dependent transitions within the Na+/glucose transport cycle. MTSEA shifted the transient currents of these Cys mutants toward more negative membrane potentials (DeltaV0. 5 = -18 mV for F163C and A166C, -12 mV for L173C). When the mutations were combined to produce double and triple Cys mutants, the degree to which the transient currents were shifted along the membrane potential axis by MTSEA correlated with the number of cysteines. In this way it was possible to manipulate the voltage dependence of the transient currents over a range spanning 91 mV. Examination of the Na+ dependence of the transient currents indicates that a 91-mV shift is equivalent to that caused by a 10-fold reduction in the external Na+ concentration. We conclude that this region has a role in determining the Na+ binding- and voltage-sensing properties of SGLT1 and that it forms an alpha-helix with one surface possibly lining a Na+ pore within SGLT1.  相似文献   

To identify the binding domain of a new Ca2+ antagonist semotiadil on L-type Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle, photolabeling was carried out by using an azidophenyl derivative of [3H]semotiadil. Photoincorporation was observed in several polypeptides of membrane triad preparations; the only specific photoincorporation was in the alpha1 subunit of the Ca2+ channel. After solubilization and purification, the photolabeled alpha1 subunit was subjected to proteolytic and CNBr cleavage followed by antibody mapping. Specific labeling was associated solely with the region of transmembrane segment S6 in repeat IV. Quantitative immunoprecipitation was found in the tryptic and the Lys-C/Glu-C fragments of 6.6 and 6.1 kDa, respectively. Further CNBr cleavage of the Lys-C digests produced two smaller fragments of 3.4 and 1.8 kDa that were included in the tryptic and Lys-C/Glu-C fragments. The smallest labeled fragments were: Tyr1350-Met1366 and Leu1367-Met1381 containing IVS6, a possible pore-forming region. The data suggest that semotiadil binds to a region that is overlapped with but not identical to those for phenylalkylamines, dihydropyridines and benzothiazepines. The present study also provides evidence that region IV represents an important component of a binding pocket for Ca2+ antagonists.  相似文献   

Phagocytic cells can kill microorganisms by synthesizing superoxide. Activation of the NADPH oxidase that generates superoxide is accompanied by a large intracellular burst of metabolic acid production. Despite the excess acid generation, cytosolic pH (pHi) remains near neutrality due to the concomitant stimulation of several homeostatic H+ extrusion mechanisms including a recently described H(+)-conductive pathway. Activation of the conductance by phorbol esters is defective in neutrophils of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) patients lacking the transmembrane cytochrome b subunits of the NADPH oxidase. This finding suggests that the oxidase itself undertakes H+ translocation or that, alternatively, assembly of the oxidase is required to activate a separate H+ conducting entity. To distinguish between these possibilities, the presence of the conductive pathway was assessed in unstimulated normal and CGD cells by manipulating pHi and the transmembrane potential. Using fluorimetric determinations of pHi, a conductive, Zn(2+)-sensitive alkalinization was observed in neutrophils from both normal and cytochrome b-deficient CGD donors. The electrophysiological properties of the conductance were defined in purified blood monocytes using the whole cell configuration of the patch clamp. Depolarizing pulses induced slowly activating outward currents in cells from both normal and cytochrome b-deficient individuals. The elicited currents were potentiated by cytosolic acidification and did not inactivate within the times tested. As in control leukocytes, the reversal potential of tail currents in the CGD cells closely approximated the H+ equilibrium potential and was unaffected by substitution of the major ionic components of the external bathing medium. At all voltages tested, the magnitude of the evoked currents was comparable in normal and CGD cells. The results indicate that, like macrophages and granulocytes, human monocytes display a voltage-gated highly H(+)-selective conductance. More importantly, our findings imply that the conductive pathway is present in cells devoid of cytochrome b. Therefore, the defective activation of the conductive pathway by protein kinase C agonists in CGD cells is not due to the physical absence of the transporter. Instead we propose that the oxidase functions in a regulatory capacity, facilitating the opening of a distinct H+ conductance during cellular stimulation.  相似文献   

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