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Measuring information technology payoff continues to be a challenge for organizations. Considering the impact of complementary investments on IT payoff has been proposed by recent studies. This paper examines the impact of one type of complementary investment on IT payoff: organizational change management initiatives to support IT implementation. The paper reports a case study of Cisco Systems' IT investment in an operating systems upgrade of over 34,000 computer systems in 117 countries. The findings of the exploratory case study indicate that planned communications and change management strategies developed by their Organizational Change Management group led to the smooth implementation of the upgrade process and contributed to the payoff from the IT investment, measured in terms of client satisfaction with the process and system and reduced cost and time to upgrade all systems. The findings were supported by pre- and post-implementation surveys of clients, analysis of the change management initiatives and their impact on the process, and comparison of actual and budgeted costs for the project.  相似文献   

A Multi-linked negotiation problem occurs when an agent needs to negotiate with multiple other agents about different subjects (tasks, conflicts, or resource requirements), and the negotiation over one subject has influence on negotiations over other subjects. The solution of the multi-linked negotiations problem will become increasingly important for the next generation of advanced multi-agent systems. However, most current negotiation research looks only at a single negotiation and thus does not present techniques to manage and reason about multi-linked negotiations. In this paper, we first present a technique based on the use of a partial-order schedule and a measure of the schedule, called flexibility, which enables an agent to reason explicitly about the interactions among multiple negotiations. Next, we introduce a formalized model of the multi-linked negotiation problem. Based on this model, a heuristic search algorithm is developed for finding a near-optimal ordering of negotiation issues and their parameters. Using this algorithm, an agent can evaluate and compare different negotiation approaches and choose the best one. We show how an agent uses this technology to effectively manage interacting negotiation issues. Experimental work is presented which shows the efficiency of this approach.  相似文献   

Cybernetics and Systems Analysis - The authors propose a method for solving the problem of approach of controlled objects in dynamic game problems with a terminal payoff function. The method is...  相似文献   

世界船东信息管理系统采用模块化程序设计方法,以软件工程的知识和数据库设计原理为指导,以功能强大的数据库前端开发软件Power Builder9.0为开发工具,以SQL Server2000为后台数据库,对系统进行了设计和实现。  相似文献   

Population learning in dynamic economies with endogenous network formation has been traditionally studied in basic settings where agents face quite simple and predictable strategic situations (e.g. coordination). In this paper, we start instead to explore economies where the payoff landscape is very complicated (rugged). We propose a model where the payoff to any agent changes in an unpredictable way as soon as any small variation in the strategy configuration within its network occurs. We study population learning where agents: (i) are allowed to periodically adjust both the strategy they play in the game and their interaction network; (ii) employ some simple criteria (e.g. statistics such as MIN, MAX, MEAN, etc.) to myopically form expectations about their payoff under alternative strategy and network configurations. Computer simulations show that: (i) allowing for endogenous networks implies higher average payoff as compared to static networks; (ii) populations learn by employing network updating as a “global learning” device, while strategy updating is used to perform “fine tuning”; (iii) the statistics employed to evaluate payoffs strongly affect the efficiency of the system, i.e. convergence to a unique (multiple) steady-state(s); (iv) for some class of statistics (e.g. MIN or MAX), the likelihood of efficient population learning strongly depends on whether agents are change-averse in discriminating between options associated to the same expected payoff.  相似文献   

彭明喜 《计算机工程》2004,30(Z1):602-604
在新经济时代,知识经济越来越被人们所推崇,同时知识管理也正成为一个热门话题,越来越多的企业正忙于建设企业级知识库, 推行企业缀的知识管理。该文就如何在软件企业中推行知识管理进行了探讨。  相似文献   

现阶段传统的管理模式还是一些中小型IT企业的主要管理方式。这种方式导致很多中小型IT企业发展的新旧项目成功率都很小。所以,在当前情况下,要大大加强项目管理的涉及度,使之进入中小IT企业。从而,提高中小企业的核心竞争力。那么什么IT企业,何为项目管理,项目管理在IT企业中的推广应用,以及二者之间的相互关系就是我们研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

分析了目前供电企业营销管理中存在的问题,并探讨了新时期供电企业营销管理审计方案的改革措施,以促进供电企业的不断发展。  相似文献   

本文结合作者多年的研究实践,对CAD系统功能设计理论和方法进行研究,并在此基础上提出和建立CAD系统功能设计的数学模型,其中包括:(1)介绍需求分析的形式化描述和表示方法,建立需求空间结构;(2)提出复合功能、设计逻辑、功能与参数依赖及交互效率等新概念,并分别建构复合功能的构造和效率命题;(3)阐述这些理论和方法在自行开发的专业化系统中的应用。  相似文献   

互动游戏的实时与动态交互性要求游戏能够快速调用存储介质中的图像、语音、动作等多媒体数据,作为游戏角色参与游戏。针对该特性,设计适合于互动游戏的专用数据库管理软件,构建能够存储和管理多媒体数据的基于关系的数据库模型,从物理存储和逻辑语义2个方面探讨基于Hash的多媒体数据的存储与管理方法。  相似文献   

冯坚  杨路明 《微机发展》2007,17(7):127-130
状态无关的主动队列管理算法处理分组时不区分分组所在的流的信息,因此在Internet中,它易于设计和部署。文中通过数学分析和仿真方法研究AQM博弈和Nash均衡存在性。假设业务流是Poisson分布的且用户可自由修改发送速率,因而有结论:Drop Tail、RED不能获得Nash均衡,CHOKe可以获得近似Nash均衡。依据判定条件,推导出一种与状态无关且具有效率的Nash均衡AQM算法。  相似文献   

状态无关的主动队列管理算法处理分组时不区分分组所在的流的信息,因此在Internet中,它易于设计和部署。文中通过数学分析和仿真方法研究AQM博弈和Nash均衡存在性。假设业务流是Poisson分布的且用户可自由修改发送速率,因而有结论:Drop Tail、RED不能获得Nash均衡,CHOKe可以获得近似Nash均衡。依据判定条件,推导出一种与状态无关且具有效率的Nash均衡AQM算法。  相似文献   

在分析当前游戏开发中的资源管理方式的基础上,提出了一种可制定的动态泛型资源管理模型,该模型可以动态地加载各种资源,资源类型可以自由制定并注册加载,资源分配的内存大小可动态调整,外部接口调用简单统一。此模型可广泛应用于游戏开发中,为其提供安全高效的资源管理解决方案。  相似文献   

Riccati代数方程中矩阵P与R,Q关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王庆林 《自动化学报》1996,22(1):111-114
本文对Riccati代数方程中矩阵P与R,Q的关系进行了研究.给出了矩阵R、Q变化时方程解P的变化范围.这对最优控制、鲁棒控制、容错控制及H∞控制等有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

针对数据库管理系统DBMS中的自主访问控制模型存在的安全缺陷,提出了一种形式化的强制存取控制模型,该模型对元组级安全标记、标签安全进行了探讨;把安全级分为分层密级和非分层范围组成的二元组与安全标签,达到元组级标签安全.鉴于强制存取控制模型在高安全数据库系统中的重要作用,在自行开发的具有自主版权的数据库管理系统LogicSQL上实现了该模型,使其至少达到B1级别安全.  相似文献   

现代企业对资金流的控制十分严格,但是绝大部分企业的费用审批还停滞在手动填单、逐级递交、逐级审批的现状,既没有效率也不利于与国际接轨。文中采用基于.NET平台技术和SQL Server2000数据库开发了一个改变原始审批流程操作的自动审批流程系统,缩短了审批时间,提高了企业的工作效率,真正实现了无纸办公,为电子商务时代企业的发展提供了崭新的模式。  相似文献   

现代企业对资金流的控制十分严格,但是绝大部分企业的费用审批还停滞在手动填单、逐级递交、逐级审批的现状,既没有效率也不利于与国际接轨。文中采用基于.NET平台技术和SQL Server2000数据库开发了一个改变原始审批流程操作的自动审批流程系统,缩短了审批时间,提高了企业的工作效率,真正实现了无纸办公,为电子商务时代企业的发展提供了崭新的模式。  相似文献   

本系统分为系统用户管理、客户信息管理、商品信息管理、营销信息管理和帮助五大模块,其中客户信息管理包括供应商信息管理和顾客信息管理,营销信息管理包括进货信息管理和销售信息管理。此外,本系统还实现了用户的分权限管理,并可根据不同权限用户需求进行公司信息的添加、修改、删除、查询等操作。  相似文献   

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