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Dietary exposure estimates of 30 elements from the UK Total Diet Study   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dietary exposures of consumers to 30 elements (aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, boron, cadmium, calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, germanium, gold, iridium, iron, lead, lithium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, selenium, strontium, thallium, tin and zinc) estimated from the UK 1994 Total Diet Study are reported, and compared with those from previous UK Total Diet Studies and those from other countries. Dietary exposure estimates were generally low and, where comparisons are possible, similar to those from other countries and below the relevant Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes and Provisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intakes. For most of those elements included in previous UK Total Diet Studies, dietary exposures have declined.  相似文献   

Dietary exposures to nitrate have been estimated for two different groups of UK consumers. The daily dietary exposure of the general population was estimated from the UK 1997 Total Diet study to be 52mg/ day. Vegetables contributed approximately 70% to this total dietary exposure. Dietary exposure estimates for adult consumers of vegetables commonly eaten in the UK were 93mg/day and 140mg/day for mean and 97.5th percentile consumers, respectively. Dietary exposures to nitrate of UK consumers are similar to those in other European countries and are less than the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for nitrate set by the European Commission's Scientific Committee for Food.  相似文献   

Estimation of the dietary exposure of French consumers to 10 pesticides (omethoate, oxydemeton, phosalon, phosphamidon, triazophos, dicofol (op'+pp'), parathion ethyl, dichlorvos, procymidon and vinchlozolin), three heavy metals (lead, cadmium and arsenic) and three radionuclides (134caesium, 137caesium and 131iodine) from collected duplicate portion in mass catering establishments in 1998/1999 are reported, and compared with those from previous French studies as well as those from other countries. Dietary exposure estimates appear to be reassuring, in that Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) estimates are generally low, representing at maximum only 4% of the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for pesticide residues and 28% of the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) for heavy metals. Moreover, none of the three radionuclides has been found in duplicate meals. When comparisons are possible, estimated dietary exposures for heavy metals are lower than those from previous French studies and similar or above those from other countries.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted the Total Diet Study (TDS) annually since 1961. The TDS is designed to monitor the US food supply for levels of toxic chemical contaminants (pesticide residues, industrial chemicals and toxic elements) and nutritional elements. Foods are generally collected four times a year, once from each of four regions of the country. The foods are prepared table-ready before being analysed. From the results of the TDS, dietary intakes of these analytes are estimated for selected age- sex groups in the US population. This paper reports on the dietary intake of 10 nutritional and four toxic elements based on measurements made in foods collected in the TDS between 1991 and late 1996. Average daily intakes were estimated for 14 age-sex groups in the US population, as well as the contribution of specific food groups to total intakes. For most nutritional elements, teenage boys and adult males had the highest daily intakes. Intakes by infants were below the intake references for seven of 10 nutritional elements, and young girls and women had inadequate intakes of at least half the nutritional elements. Intakes by children between 2 and 10 years of age, teenage boys, and adult males met or exceeded the reference intakes for the majority of nutritional elements. Intakes by all population groups were well below the reference intakes for all toxic elements.  相似文献   

The FDA has conducted the Total Dietary Study (TDS), a yearly market basket programme, since 1961. It is designed to monitor the levels of toxic chemical contaminants (pesticide residues, industrial and elemental contaminants) and essential nutrients in the US food supply. It also provides information on trends in dietary concentrations and exposures for the general population. Foods are collected from retail stores once a year from each of four geographic areas of the US and are analysed either after preparation/cooking or as ready-to-eat. The latest TDS (1991-1997) data show that arsenic (inorganic and organic, ≥ 0.03ppm) was found in 63 (24%) of the 261-264 foods/mixed dishes analysed. The highest concentration was found in seafood, followed by rice/rice cereal, mushrooms, and poultry. Based on the United States Department of Agriculture's 1987-1988 Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, the estimated daily total arsenic average intakes, in mu g/day, are: 2 for infants, 23 for toddlers, 20 for 6-year-old children, 13 for 10-yearold children, 15 for 14-16-year-old boys, 21 for 14-16-year-old girls, 57 for 25-30-year-old men, 28 for 25-30-year-old women, 47 for 40-45-year-old men, 37 for 40-45-year-old women, 92 for 60-65-year-old men, 72 for 60-65-year-old women, 69 for 70-year-old men, and 42 for 70-year-old women. Of the estimated total arsenic intakes for infants, 42% arise from seafood and 31% from rice/rice cereals. Of the estimated total arsenic intakes, seafood contributes 76-90% for children (2-10-year olds), 79-85% for 14-16-year olds, and 89-96% for adults (≥ 25-30-year olds); rice/rice cereals contributes 4-8% for children, 8% for 14-16-year olds, and 1-4% for adults (≥ 25-30-year olds).  相似文献   

目的研究福建省市售茶叶中金属元素含量情况,通过分析茶叶中重金属含量情况,评估其对人体的健康风险情况。方法在福建省市场随机抽取不同品种茶叶98份,用微波消解法处理茶叶,电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)检测茶叶中铝、铅、砷、汞、铬、镉的含量。结果98批市售茶叶中的铅、砷、汞、铬、镉5种重金属元素含量都在国家标准范围之内,目前暂无茶叶中铝含量相关限量标准,但其危害作用有限。98份市售茶叶中铅、砷、铬、铝检出率均为100%,铬、汞的检出率分别为95.9%、37.8%。各元素靶标危害系数(target hazard quotient,THQ)排名依次为铝>铬>砷>铅>镉>汞,危害指数(hazard Index,HI)为0.2589,铝对危害指数的贡献率为45.2%。按照不同茶叶种类进行分类,其危害指数排名依次为黑茶>乌龙茶>绿茶>红茶。按照茶叶产地进行分类,其危害指数排名依次为云南>福建>浙江。结论福建省市售茶叶中这6种金属元素存在一定程度的污染,但危害指数为0.2589,小于1,对人们的健康风险较低,但仍应持续监测茶叶中金属元素的含量情况。  相似文献   

目的 建立快速消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)测定水产配合饲料中的铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、砷(As)、镉(Cd)、汞(Hg)和铅(Pb)的检测方法.方法 用硝酸将样品在聚丙烯快速消解管中消解,通过优化碰撞池...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of cadmium, mercury, iron, copper, manganese and zinc in lamb liver and kidney from six areas in Iceland and to compare the results against aerial deposition data for the same elements obtained using moss as an indicator organism. The total number of samples was 96 for each organ. Cadmium was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry, mercury by coldvapour atomic absorption, and iron, copper, manganese and zinc by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry. Analysis of variance determined significance differences among means for areas, and Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated to study correlation among trace elements in liver and kidney. The mean fresh weight concentrations in lamb liver and kidney respectively were 0.045 and 0.058mg kg -1 for cadmium, 0.009 and 0.012mgkg -1 for mercury, 141 and 52.7mgkg -1 for iron, 28.1 and 2.89mgkg -1 for copper, 4.01 and 1.13mgkg -1 for manganese and 48.7 and 25.2mgkg -1 for zinc. Concentrations of cadmium, mercury and copper in the liver and kidney of the Icelandic lamb were low compared with data from other countries. Iron concentrations in the organs, however, were high. No sample exceeded 46% of the proposed maximum level for cadmium in organs for human consumption in the EC. Cadmium, mercury, iron and copper in the liver and kidney differed significantly between areas. Deposition of cadmium and copper in moss was not a useful indicator in the evaluation of the susceptibility of the Icelandic lamb to accumulation of cadmium and cop per. However, iron levels in Icelandic lamb liver showed the same pattern as results for iron from the moss study. The cadmium and mercury levels of organs from lambs grazing in the vicinity of Mount Hekla a few months after its eruption did not indicate a significant contamination from volcanic activity.  相似文献   

建立了电感耦合等离子体质潜法测定烟用接装纸中砷、铅、镉、铬、镍、汞含量的方法,并采用该方法测定了25个接装纸样品中的砷、铅、镉、铬、镍、汞含量.结果表明:①砷、铅、镉、铬、镍、汞的平均回收率在97.9%~101.6%之间;日内重复性变异系数<2%,日间重复性变异系数<5%;检出限分别为0.001 mg/kg,0.002 mg/kg,0.008 mg/kg,0.004 mg/kg,0.007 mg/kg,0.016 mg/kg.②所测25个接装纸样品中,7个样品超过砷的限量标准1 mg/kg,2个样品超过铅的限量标准5 mg/kg,镉、铬、镍、汞的含量全部低于其限量标准.  相似文献   

Total mercury was measured in 259 total diet food composites from two Canadian cities. Levels were generally low, with 46% of the composites having concentrations below the limit of detection, which ranged from 0.026 to 0.506 ng g-1. The fish category contained the highest mercury concentrations, which averaged 67 ng g-1 and ranged from 24 to 148 ng g-1. All composites were below the Canadian guideline for total mercury in fish of 0.5 ppm. Dietary intakes of mercury averaged 0.022 μg kg-1 body weight/day (μg kg-1 day-1), and ranged from 0.012 μg kg-1 day-1 for females over 65 years old to 0.062 μg kg-1 day-1 for 0-1-month-old infants. For fish consumers, fish contributed to more than half of the ingested mercury. All intakes were well below Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes, expressed on a daily basis, of 0.71 μg kg-1 day-1 total mercury and 0.47 μg kg-1 day-1 methyl mercury, and also below a recent Health Canada recommended maximum methyl mercury intake of 0.2 μg kg-1 day-1 for children and women of child-bearing age.  相似文献   

目的采用中国总膳食研究方法,运用广东省重金属污染监测工作所采集的各类居民日常食品中的铅、镉、砷、汞检测数据,评估广东省居民膳食中铅、镉、砷、汞的人群健康暴露情况。方法测定广东22市各类食品中的铅、镉、砷、汞含量,计算居民铅的暴露边界比,镉的每月摄入量,砷、汞的每周摄入量并以此作为评价标准。结果各类食品中铅、镉、砷、汞的总体均值分别为0.140、0.118、0.320、0.018 mg/kg,18岁以下未成年人群,铅的暴露边界比(MOE)值为0.35~13.76;18岁以上成年人群,铅的MOE值为1.83~89.57,镉的每月摄入量为0.02~20.28μg/kg.bw,占镉暂定每月可耐受摄人量的0.08%~81.1%。各人群大米中镉的EMI值为11.47~20.28μg/kg·bw,占镉暂定每月可耐受摄入量的45.9%~81.1%;砷的EWI值为0.2~10.4μg/kg·bw,占PTWI的1.3%~69%;汞的EWI值为0.01~1.29μg/kg·bw,占PTWI的0.25%~32.2%。结论广东省居民膳食中铅、镉、砷、汞污染的暴露情况对于各年龄段人群来说总体处于安全水平,但其中大米的镉、蔬菜中的铅暴露却存在一定的风险。  相似文献   

目的 建立电感耦合等离子体质谱法同时测定莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞含量的分析方法。方法样品经微波消解后,以209铋、115铟、72锗内标溶液消除非质谱干扰,以氦气为碰撞反应气消除质谱干扰。采用基准物质大米粉GBW(E)100348、菠菜GBW10015和加标回收率验证方法的准确度。对方法的线性范围、检出限、精密度和回收率等进行了考察。结果 铅、镉、铬、砷和汞5种元素的线性范围分别为0~50、0~50、0~50、0~50和0~2μg/L;相兲系数r分别为0.9996、0.9996、0.9991、0.9997和0.9990;平均加标回收率分别为97.3%、97.5%、95.7%、96.0%和97.4%;相对标准偏差分别为0.37%、0.89%、1.04%、1.03%、1.58%;检出限分别为0.001、0.002、0.002、0.001和0.0003mg/kg。结论 该方法操作简便,干扰较小,灵敏度高,同时检出限低、精密度高、准确度好,适用于同时检测莲藕中的铅、镉、铬、砷和汞。  相似文献   

目的建立快速测定霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞的分析方法。方法通过微波消解进行样品前处理,用电感耦合等离子质谱法同时测定霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞。优化了仪器条件,进行了检出限、精密度和准确性等方法学研究。结果经过与《化妆品卫生规范》指定方法的比对验证,相关系数均0.999,检出限在0.03μg/kg~0.12μg/kg之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)在3.5%~8.1%,回收率在96%~116%。结论用不同基质的有证标准物质进行验证,测定值均在标准值范围内,该方法适用于霜状化妆品中铅、镉、铬、砷和汞的快速测定,能够满足《化妆品卫生规范》要求。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the applicability of ICP-MS techniques for determination of metals in brown rice and fish. Cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, selenium, manganese, copper and zinc were determined by this method. An open digestion with nitric acid (Method A) and a rapid open digestion with nitric acid and hydrochloric acid (Method B) were used to solubilize analytes in samples, and these procedures were followed by ICP-MS analysis. Recovery of certified elements from standard reference materials by Method A and Method B ranged from 92 to 110% except for mercury (70 to 100%). Analytical results of brown rice and fish samples obtained by this ICP-MS agreed with those obtained by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The results of this study demonstrate that quadrupole ICP-MS provides precise and accurate measurements of the elements tested in brown rice and fish samples.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and aluminium were determined in samples of meat, liver and kidney from pigs and cattle from Swedish slaughterhouses. The results have been compared with those reported from other investigations carried out in recent years. For zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, the mean levels found in the different tissues were very similar to those reported in previous studies. The mean levels of chromium and nickel were found to be in the range <0.010–0.015 mg/kg, regardless of the type of tissue. Cobalt levels ranged from 0.001 to 0.043 mg/kg, the highest levels being in the liver samples. The mean levels of aluminium were between 0.024 and 0.068 mg/kg. Tissues from cattle contained approximately twice as much aluminium as tissues from pigs. Analytical quality assurance was carried out by analysing standard reference materials. A great effort was made to minimize and check contamination. This may partly explain the fact that the levels of chromium, nickel, and aluminium found in the present study are among the lowest reported.
Gehalt an Zink, Kupfer, Mangan, Selen, Chrom, Nickel, Kobalt und Aluminium in Fleisch, Leber und Nieren von schwedischen Schweinen und Rindvieh
Zusammenfassung Es wurde der Gehalt an Zink, Kupfer, Mangan, Selen, Chrom, Nickel, Kobalt und Aluminium in Fleisch, Leber und Nieren vom Schwein und Rind aus schwedischen Schlachthäusern bestimmt. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit denen anderer Untersuchungen verglichen. Die Durchschnittswerte für Zink, Kupfer, Mangan und Selen in verschiedenen Geweben waren ungefähr die gleichen wie in früheren Untersuchungen; die für Chrom und Nickel lagen alle im Intervall <0,010 bis zu 0,015 mg/kg, unabhängig von der Art der Gewebe, und die für Kobalt zwischen 0,001 und 0,043 mg/kg, mit den höchsten Werten in der Leber. Für Aluminium ergaben sich Durchschnittswerte zwischen 0,024 und 0,068 mg/kg, wobei die Gewebe vom Rind ungefahr doppelt so viel Aluminium enthalten wie die Gewebe vom Schwein. Die analytische Qualitätskontrolle wurde mit Referenzmaterial durchgeführt. Viel Arbeit wurde zur Minimierung und Kontrolle der Kontamination aufgewendet. Das kann zu einem Teil erklären, daß die Werte von Chrom, Nickel und Aluminium unserer Untersuchung zu den niedrigsten bisher veröffentlichten Werten gehören.

The levels of zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and aluminium were determined in samples of meat, liver and kidney from pigs and cattle from Swedish slaughterhouses. The results have been compared with those reported from other investigations carried out in recent years. For zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, the mean levels found in the different tissues were very similar to those reported in previous studies. The mean levels of chromium and nickel were found to be in the range less than 0.010-0.015 mg/kg, regardless of the type of tissue. Cobalt levels ranged from 0.001 to 0.043 mg/kg, the highest levels being in the liver samples. The mean levels of aluminium were between 0.024 and 0.068 mg/kg. Tissues from cattle contained approximately twice as much aluminium as tissues from pigs. Analytical quality assurance was carried out by analysing standard reference materials. A great effort was made to minimize and check contamination. This may partly explain the fact that the levels of chromium, nickel, and aluminium found in the present study are among the lowest reported.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 24 elements including metals in the 2006 UK Total Diet Study (TDS) were measured and dietary exposures estimated. Composite samples for the 20 TDS food groups (bread, fish, fruit, etc.) were collected from 24 UK towns and analysed for their levels of aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, copper, germanium, indium, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, platinum, rhodium, ruthenium, selenium, strontium, thallium, tin, and zinc. Concentrations of each of the elements in the food groups were lower than or similar to those reported in the previous TDS survey, conducted in 2000, with the exception of aluminium, barium, and manganese. Dietary exposures to the 24 elements were estimated for UK consumers and compared with previous estimates made over the last 30 years in order to examine any trends in exposure to these elements in the typical UK diet. Population exposures to the elements have generally declined over time, and exposures to most of these elements remain at low levels. The independent UK Government scientific Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) commented on the estimated dietary exposures, taking into account their previous evaluations (in 2003 and 2008), and identified no major concerns for the health of consumers, but did advise that there was a need for more information on aluminium and barium, and also commented that dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic and to lead should continue to be reduced.  相似文献   

36 samples representative of the 1981 Italian durum wheat crop were separated by an industrial Italian milling process and the products obtained analyzed by AAS for their Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn content. The results obtained were: Pb ranging from 0.04 to 0.80 ppm, Cd from 0.02 to 1.39 ppm, Cr from 0.05 to 1.60 ppm, Cu from 1.8 to 39.7 ppm and Zn from 8.8 to 117.6 ppm. Although Cr content was relatively homogeneous, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn distribution in the various mill products proved to be rather inhomogeneous. Maximum contamination for Pb, Cd and Cr, was appreciably lower than in previous studies.  相似文献   

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